

Scottish Links has been down for nearly a year now. It used to be on AOL, but I had to switch it to Geocities. I hope to continue working on it now that I have it up an running again. --Paul G (June 2000).

NOTICE: This web site is no longer maintained, sorry. I will still add links if people send them to me, but no other updates will be done. --Paul G (January 2004).

I have gathered some links to web pages about Scotland. If you have any, please send your links to me at Lucky4g923@AOL.com. I will be glad to add any links to my pages that are appropriate. If you want to see the sites that people have added themselves, click here. You can also click on the flags at the top of the page to get a brief description of their history. Please sign my guest book at the bottom of my page, and feel free to add a link to my page on your own. Thank you!

Please don't forget to visit my other three sites, Scottish Links - Your Links, Scottish Links - Edinburgh and Scottish Links - Bagpipes.


First, I would like to ask you to visit the Shasta Celtic Society. This is a local organization. There are many things to see, read and learn on this page.

If you are interested in education in Scotland, you might try one of the many Universities and colleges. The University of Edinburgh is one of these universities, and a very nice one. Some other Universities are: Glasgow Caledonian University, The University of Glasgow, University of Aberdeen, University of St Andrews, UNIVERSITY of STRATHCLYDE in Glasgow and Heriot-Watt University. Here is some colleges: Fife College. I have a few more sites for specialized schools and colleges: Bell College Of Technology, Edinburgh College of Art, SCRE (Scottish Council for Research in Education), SCET (Scottish Council for Educational Technology, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh and the last one, Fŕilte gu SMO, which is a page about the Gaelic language.
I have some sites for you if you want to do research on Scotland AS WELL. Educational Research in Scotland is one of them. If your looking for information on Scottish history, you might try: Skye's Scottish History, Scottish History from Scotweb, Scotland: Notable Dates in History, Lonely Planet - Destination Scotland or Scotland: Gateway to Scotland(I highly recomend these last two sites).

If you're looking for information on a specific city, or region in Scotland, I have a few sites to help you with that too. First I say that if you do not find what you need from these, you might want to try the University sites I listed above, sometimes they will give information about their city. Regionlink Scotland North East is a site about the region of Scotland in the North East. Stirling is a historical city positioned in the heart of Scotland. Also the site of the battle of Stirling Bridge on September 11, 1297. St. Andrews is a medieval town, a very good sight seeing and vacation spot. I have a few sights on Scotland's capital city, Edinburgh. EdWeb, The Edinburgh Tattoo 1998, and Edinburgh are these sites. I think the last one is very good, it is the city's official web page. I have a site about Edinburgh as well, called Scottish Links-Edinburgh. The Highland Connection and The Highland Trail are about the Highland region of Scotland.

For those of you who want to travel in Scotland, I have a few sites to help you too! West Highland Explorer - Tourist Information is a good site. Caledonian MacBrayne - CalMac , a very good site for traveling in the west of Scotland also. Linnet Scottish Tourist Guide, UK Travel Guide and Scotland: Tourist Information are also very helpful sites. The Allendale House is a very nice hotel if you are traveling. Castle Leisure Group is a good site if you are looking for activities in Scotland. While your there, you might want to visit one, or all of The National museums of Scotland.

Now if you're looking for entertainment in Scotland, you have came to the right place. Border Television and Tron Theatre are both very good pages. The later is a listing of not one but many theatres in Scotland and what's playing! I also have a couple web magizines. www.freescotland.com and Highlander Web Magazine are these. Daily Record and Sunday Mail Online is an online newspaper.

Now, for the section you have all been waiting for, sports! We'll start out with Harmeny Athletic Club. Some more sport sites are Junior Mountaineering Club of Scotland, Scotland: Sports and Interests and of course, the offspring of Scotland, golf: Carnegie Club at Skibo Castle. This is a private golf club.

Great Highland BagpipesGreat Highland Bagpipes Looking for bagpipes? Well here they are! If your looking for Bagpipe music,Bagpipe Midi would be a great site for you. To hear a sample tune from the page Bagpipe Midi, click here: Scotland the Bravesound. Also, please visit my own bagpipe site, Scottish Links - Bagpipes. The Shasta Celtic Society also has a page for the Jefferson Bagpipe Band.

If you want to know about your Scottish background, of if you just want to know if you have one or not, you should visit Scottish Genealogy. Clan Drummond Society of North America is a newsletter site for the Clan Drummond, or anyone interested in Scottish history.

If you have not found what what you are looking for here, you might try some other link pages I have found. The US-SCOTland Links PageŠ is a very good page. Scottish Links (not this page)


Here are sites that I have not yet organized, feel free to browse through them:

On-Line Scotland - Scottish Business Exchange
Bank Of Scotland - Index Page
Royal Bank of Scotland
Scotland Central YMCA
Nessie on the Net in Scotland!
Scottish Media Group Official Web-site
Scotweb++ Home Page
Welcome to TweedNet
About Scotland
The Tartan Pages: Scotlands Internet.


You may download these images to use as links to my page (only) on your own page if you like. Thank you. Scottish Links

Any comments or ideas for my web page are welcome, just send E-Mail to the link below. Thank you. And please sign my guest book.

Email me at Lucky4g923@aol.com

I would like to thank Martin Scott of Scotland for helping me find sites to add.

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