I can only remember parts of it now. I remember walking towards the entrance way of the church. In my last year of high school, I was not over the nervous awkwardness of the teenage years. I remember greeting the welcome person at the door with an almost apologetic explanation that Troy and Martin had invited me.
It was Troy who played a
large part in the miraculous event of Martin becoming a Christian.
When Martin announced at maths class that he’d gone to a Christian camp
with his friend Troy and become a Christian, we were all shocked. Somehow
Martin and I discovered that we shared an interest in the supernatural,
although I dont think we discussed it in depth. It was perhaps because
this interest, that Martin made the initially strange-sounding decision,
to tell only me what led to his conversion. We waited until the rest of
the class had left the classroom at the end of the period for him to reveal
this mysterious secret.
It turned out that as part
of his conversion, he felt God performed an emotional experience in him.
I guess Martin felt awkward describing what happened to him in front of
others, but he seemed to feel that this proved God’s existence. All this sounded fascinating
to me and I didnt need much encouragement to come along to youth group
at the next available opportunity. Although I had been to classes on Christianity
in primary school, and I guess I believed in God, Martin seemed to be aware
of a whole new dimension to it.