St.Gregory the Great Catholic School
Eighth Grade
Class of 2000


It is hard to believe that we are already in the second semester of our school year. Just think, high school is only a few months away. Don't lighten up on your academics now because now is the time you are applying to high school programs. There is still time to make improvements in grades and study habits. Don't wait until the last quarter to think about ways to improve your skills.

Exciting things are coming up. The Math Fair, May Procession, and the Busch Gardens Physics Fair are all in our near future. Keep up the good attitudes and hard work and we will learn and enjoy our final semester together.

Click on the smiling faces for information. 

Calendar Study Skills Assignments Activities

Links to other 8th Grade pages.

Calendar of School Activities 

January, 2000
                            January 14.....................................................Grades close
                            January 17.....................................................Martin Luther King Holiday
                            January 18.....................................................Mathcounts
                            January 24....................................................March for Life
                            January 25....................................................8th grade report cards
                            January 30....................................................Catholic Schools Week

February, 2000
                            February 1.....................................................Mathcounts
                            February 4....................................................Mass, Noon Dismissal
                            February 8....................................................Mathcounts
                            February 12..................................................Mathcounts Competition
                            February 17..................................................Conferences 5-8
                            February 21 ...........................President's Day- No School

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Study Skills 

Did you know?

At least 40% of total learning time should be spent reviewing new information.

Here is a list of do's and don'ts when working with memory.

The Do's

  1. Do memory work over short periods of time.
  2. Break down the material into smaller chunks.
  3. Review the material. Quick and constant review is the remedy.
  4. Understand what you want to remember.
  5. Study in the same place and at the same time everyday.
  6. Pay attention when new material is presented.
  7. Highlight important material. Color enhances memory.
  8. Use as many of the five senses as possible when studying.
The Don'ts
  1. Don't have a negative attitude about studying.
  2. Don't study similar subjects one after the other.
  3. Don't create or allow distractions.
  4. Stay away from people and noise.
  5. Stay away from visual distractions.
  6. Stay away from the TV and radio.
  7. Have your phone calls held.
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The major assignment of the third quarter is the Twentieth Century project. The grades you receive on the many parts of this project will impact on almost every subject. At first, it may seem overwhelming but if you follow the guidelines and stay on schedule you will not be pulling an all-nighter the final evening. We, your teachers, have tried to organize for you the due dates in calendar form in your research portfolio. Use it! Click on The Twentieth Century: A Time to Remember to view the guidelines and essay criteria online.

Due Dates:
January 13                    Parent Signatures
February 7                   Note cards for Power point and essays
February 8-9                First draft writing in class
February 10-11              Peer-editing in class
February 15-16             Rough drafts due
February 24                 Oral presentation rough draft due (Mrs. Lamphere)
February 28                 Edited rough drafts returned to students
March 6                       Power point/oral presentations begin
March 7                       Final Essays due
March 10                     Art project due

Don't forget about practicing quizzes online. There are both math and science practice quizzes waiting for you at Remember your math and science teacher, me (Mrs. Woods), will look favorably on you if you practice often. Sometimes it is a hard decision for a teacher to make on a grade that could go one way or another. Effort goes into such decisions. I think practicing online often is a good effort.

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Activities - Here is a list of the Eighth Grade special events for the Class of 2000.  You can check  here for up-to-date information about each event as its time approaches.

March for Life                               January 24  sign up by Friday Jan. 14
Math Fair                                     April 5
CPF Day                                        May 4
May Procession                              May 9
Busch Gardens Physics Fair            May 19
Final Exams                                  May 30-June 2
Graduation                                    June 6

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Selected sites for St. Gregory's eighth graders! Parents' Page 

Created by Lynn Woods
Last update: January 16, 2000