Yes, I'm love....with a furry little mouse poké's pikachu!! I thinks he's really cute, plus I like the game pokémon because of him! I'm going to try and put the pokédex info of the pokémon I have as soon as I can. So far I have like 12-something pokemon, I don't even remember now! Ash is the owner of pikachu, he's the boy on the pictures, and there's one really cute pic of pikachu with togepi, he's the number 154 pokémon or something. Well, enough about pokémon, I have been to many sites of pokémon to collect these pictures of pikachu, here they are for you to enjoy.

And....introduncing my very own invented pokémon, it's called Lil'chu and it's a baby version of pikachu, isn't it cute???

Yes, I'm afraid that's it!! :( I know, I just can't get enough of this little mouse, and he's not even real! *lol* Geesh. Oh well...let's go back to my main page...NO WAIT!! I almost forgot! I have a some pikachu sound files!!

"Pika, Pi..Pikachu!!"


Pikachu shocking someone (Ouch! That has gotta hurt!)

This is a baby pikachu...

Pikachu's confused!


Pikachu laughing *funny*

(Special thanks to WytWolf for the last two sound files! :))

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