Hello!! In this page, you'll get to know all about my great friends--they're the ones who made me into who I am( Not literally) so I'm giving them some credit here. AND instead of making a normal boring friends page...I'm gonna try something different and wacky...you'll see.

Name : Helga ( BitterSweet Sunshine)
Age : 16
Related to me how : Lives in my neighborhood
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Venus
Occupation : Making people feel good about themselves
Why we're friends : WE're very alike, and different too
Notes :
*Has a really contagious personality
*Guards her cd's like they're worth one billion dollars
*has a licence( YEah, baby, yeah!!)

!!! WARNING !!! : Subject is known to be extremly lazy, and can be seen during most hours of the day in front of the TV. Tests show subject is extremly attractive and dangerous.

For more details :
e-mail : valenti1@prtc.net
ICQ # : ACCESS DENIED (Due to popular demand )

Name : Meli-mi («wðw» «{Þ@ƒ g®ƒ}»)
Age : 16
Related to me how : Helga's friend
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Uranus
Occupation : Complaing about how fat and ugly she is when she's really not
Why we're friends : She's really cool even though we have very different lives
Notes :
*Likes to party a lot
*Can be online for hours ( Like me)
*She's very crazy and funny

!!! WARNING !!! : Subject tends to complain about herself about two times a day. Subject's a party animal. Subject has been sighted in many malls and discos, approach with extreme caution, subject bites from time to time.

For more details :
e-mail : meli@caribe.net
ICQ # : 18011974
Homepage : Willow's Homepage

Name : Cristina (bLÜê |íGht§åBë® Gí®|)
Age : 16
Related to me how : Classmate
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Coruscant
Occupation : HANSON
Why we're friends : I can make her laugh; we're both kinda crazy and cool
Notes :
*Screams whenever sees or hears anything HANSON-related.
*Hates going to San Patricio ( the mall I go to most of the time)
*Has really weird music taste( like me!)

!!! WARNING !!! Her screams can be quite interrupting, disturbing and annoying. Subject loves to watch MTV and spends most of her time listening to music or watching TV. Can get mad at you if you insult HANSON.

For more details :
e-mail : hYpErHaNsOnFaN@gurlmail.com
ICQ # : 32959778
Homepages : Fairy Dust

Name : Adriana (Sailor Albertane)
Age : 16
Related to me how : Classmate
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Mercury
Occupation : HANSON
Why we're friends : We share certain ideas; we don't have any problems getting along
Notes :
*Screams whenever she sees or hears anything HANSON-related
*Has some weird gothic views, they're cool
*She's Cristina's best friend( didn't you figure?) and also dislikes San Patricio

!!! WARNING !!! Subject can be shy and weird, but is really cool once you get to know her. Subject is quiet but smart. CAn get really mad at you if you insult HANSON.

For more details :
e-mail : HITZ_candyrugrat@hotmail.com
ICQ # : 32940726
Homepage : Got HANSON? ( Yeah, it's the same site if you're wondering :))

Name : Dalia (frick-n-frack)
Age : 16
Related to me how : CLassmate
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Earth ( Sad, but true)
Occupation : BSB, annoy the hell out of me
Why we're friends : she's easy to annoy, of course she got the trick and now I'm the victim
Notes :
*BSB fan all the way
*Loves the X-files
*Has a cool personality, can get a long with people easily

!!! WARNING !!! Subject can be fun as well as extremly dangerous. Can babble about the BSB and the X-files for hours non-stop. Has some cool rings, especially one on her thumb that I like.

For more details :
e-mail : bsblovr4evr@hotmail.com
ICQ # : 29936877
Homepage : Millenium Boys

Name : Jose ( Soul 64)
Age : 16
Related to me how : Classmate
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Naboo
Occupation : Being after a girl, writting poems
Why we're friends : Cayse we've been since 5th grade
Notes :
*He's one of the four in our group( You know...who you spent most of your time which in school)
*Writes really cool poetry, long though.
*Falls deeply madly and desperately in love about every...six months

!!! WARNING !!! Subject is Star Wars freak, but doesn't talk about it unless you like it. He's the perverted one of the group, and the one who writes the most.

For more details :
e-mail : soul_lxiv@hotmail.com
ICQ # : 39536312

Name : Louis (SHeart)
Age : 16
Related to me how : Classmate
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Mars
Occupation : Being depressed
Why we're friends : Cause we've been since 7th grade or so
Notes :
*He's another one of the four in our group
*Writes deep poetry, hard to understand
*Can be really mature when he wants to

!!! WARNING !!! Subject tends to be depressed a lot and can be stubborn and frustrating. He knows me the most out of the four in the group, and I think that's why we argue the most. He has a very cool personality and can easily click with people

For more details :
e-mail : SHeart88@hotmail.com
ICQ # : 26136347

Name : Carlos ( foxxhound)
Age : 15
Related to me how : Classmate
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Tatooine
Occupation : Having fun
Why we're friends : Cause we've been since the 5th grade
Notes :
*The last one of the four in our group ( I'm one in case you're counting the ones I've mentioned = Þ)
*Is really funny, but can be very stubborn when it comes to studying
*Loves money, Spider Man, Austin Powers, and himself

!!! WARNING !!! Subjet can be extremly fun to hang out with and addictive. Thinks that when he grows up will go into a lab and be stung by a mutated spider and turn into spider man. Has a fun personality

For more details :
e-mail : foxxhound99@hotmail.com
ICQ # : 32608035

Name : Sarra
Age : 17
Related to me how : Helga's friend on Presidential Classroom
Location : Washington D.C.
Planet of Origin : Jupiter
Occupation : Making me feel special ;)
Why we're friends : Because we get along so well
Notes :
*Is really honest and always speaks her mind
*She's a loving person and is loveable
*Has a great personality, easy to get along with

!!! WARNING !!! Subject can be very friendly and you can become addictive to her quickly. Subject can hurt you sometimes, but not on purpose, just because she's being truly honest. Subject is a great person.

For more details :
e-mail : sarratalib@hotmail.com

Name : Sarah
Age : 17
Related to me how : Sarra's best friend
Location : Washington D.C.
Planet of Origin : Hashimune ( ask her)
Occupation : Chatting with me about everything
Why we're friends : We get along great
Notes :
*She has a very good personality, once you get to know her well
*Listen to all sorts of crazy music
*Is addictive to the computer(like me!)

!!! WARNING !!! Subject can be very wacky and uncontrolabe :). She will talk about anything, no matter the subject and she can be very funny, when you least expect it, she says something funny.

For more details :

AIM : Karamoosha

Name : Francisco ( ¶ßðßÅFëTt2000)
Age : 16
Related to me how : Helga's friend
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Mandaloria ( ask him)
Occupation : Xtreme sports
Why we're friends : Cause we get along..I guess
Notes :
*Star Wars Maniac
*Has a cool personality
*Likes wrestling

!!! WARNING !!! Subject has a cool personality and can adapt easily to your personality, making him easy to get a long with. Loves Star Wars but doesn't talk about it if you don't want to. He can be stubborn about stuff.

For more details :
e-mail : bobafettsw@hotmail.com
Homepage : Agressive Superstars

Name : Jennifer--I mean Jessica! («ºUnHaPpYLiLFrEaKº»)
Age : 12 (lol! :p)
Related to me how : Adriana's younger sis
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : The Moon (I know that's not a planet...but oh well...)
Occupation : To fight for love and justice and to have a blast?
Why we're friends : BEcause WE'RE cOOl, OK!?
Notes :
*HANSON-obssessed(like her sis)
*Obssessed w/ anything cute
*Obssessed w/ every hot guy she likes (That's a lot of obssession, huh?)

!!! WARNING !!! Subject has very 'hardcore' music taste ( For those of you who need to expand your voc., hardcore= KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, Rammstein( or whatever), etc. She is in LOVE w/ HANSON. She loves pokemon, Sailor Moon, and I dunno...other cute stuff ;) She's very cool to hang out with.

For more details :
e-mail : taysdietcoke@hotmail.com
ICQ # : 32961859
Homepage : Wicked Lil' Me

Name : Maria del Mar (~*Sai£øR JuPîTêR*~)
Age : 12 (lol!)
Related to me how : Jessica's best friend..I think
Location : Puerto Rico
Planet of Origin : Pluto
Occupation : To fight for love and justice and to have a blast??
Why we're friends : Because we get along
Notes :
*She hates BSB
*Has a cool personality

!!! WARNING !!! Subject is kinda crazy and fun to hang around with. She likes Sailor Moon. She is in love with 'NSYNC. She likes KoRn and Limp Bizkit and cute guys( She told me this)and she LOVES pokemon and she thinks Ash is cute( <---Child molestant! *lol* J/k)

For more details :
e-mail :
ICQ # : 39008396

Well, that's it, it took me a while to copy so you better have enjoyed it.


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