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Well, hello, in case you didn't know, Cartman is my idol, look at him, he's cute, yet he's the most stupid son of a *$%j# you'll ever see, that's why I like him. He's the funniest character on Southpark, along with Stan, Kyle and Kenny. Without him, Southpark wouldn't be so funny. And of course, we all know and love all his I'm-not-fat comebacks...

"I'm not fat, I'm big boned!"

"I'm not fat, I just haven't grown into my body yet!"

"I'm not fat, I'm festivly plump!"

"I'm not fat, I'm getting in shape!"

Hehe. Well, anyway, I tried to find some good pics of cartman, but all I really found were these little pictures everywhere. Oh well, I have some episodes recorded, if you want more of Cartman, just watch Southpark! Plus there are tons of sites out there about him and Southpark.

I have some sound files, but only a few cause I don't have much space on my site and wavs take up space...

Cartman sings about his best friends...

Cartman asks his mom about his dad.

Cartman talks about the movie "Grease".

Cartman's so pissed off...

Ok, now that's it...

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