Alexander Evteev

address 123423, Russia, Moscow, pr. Zhukova, 35-2-33

I am looking for C++ and Tcl/Tk programmer job where I can capitalize my technical skills and experience.

Over a 7 years of experience as a Developer in Programming for Unix, Windows and Dos. I have extensive experience in developing of user interfaces, data base applications and client server applications. Main languages are C++ and Tcl/Tk.
I worked as analyst, senior software programmer, software developer.

Working knowledge of Unix, hands-on experience in Unix shell scripts and unix commands, variety of Windows NT applications and shell commands, C, SQL, Tix, Oratcl. Development user interface and client-server applications with relation database as backend. I have an extensive experience in the development of management and presentation telecommunication systems. I took part in all phases of the systems development life cycle. I have good knowledge of methods of the automatic control systems development. Knowledge of various types of hardware, computer architecture, file systems and network protocols. Ability to work well in group and solo. Can work without tiredness as long as it is necessary and has great ability to learn.


You can verify this by going to Brainbench ID 78580.


Tcl/Tk + extensions (Oratcl, Tix, TclX, TkTable) 37
C 45
SQL 43
Pascal 28
C++ 13
Assembler 13
JavaScript 10

Developer Tools Month
Rational Rose 98 4
Oracle Forms 4.0 9
Microsoft Visual C++ Studio 6.0 7
Power Builder 25
Borland C++ 3.0 11
Borland Pascal 7.0 14

Databases Month
Oracle DMBS 45
Microsoft SQL Server 23


Operating systems
MS DOS, DR DOS, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, HP-UX 9, HP-UX 10, SunOS, IRIX 5.2

Pentium PCs, HP Vectra, HP servers, HP workstations, Sun Sparc, SGI O2

User Interfaces, Client-Server, DB applications, Telecommunication, Networking.

1989-1995. Moscow Aviation Institute. Department of Automatic Control Systems Master's Degree in Computer Science (diploma with distinction)

December 1999 - present, JSC Telesoft-Russia, Russia, Moscow
1. As a Senior Programmer, was involved in the development of Real-time Traffic monitoring and management system.
Main functions of the Traffic system are network routing configuration data management, network status and performance monitoring, traffic controls management and monitoring. Development of Dispatcher and Monitor process using Rational Rose model as a basis. My responsibilities is programming of Dispatcher and Monitor process which maintains list of available switching exchanges and sends incoming requests to a process that represents requested switch. C++ was a main language and C was using for develompent of telnet part of dispatcher.
Environment: C++, C, Microsoft Visual C++ Studio 6.0, Tcl, Tk, Oratcl, HTML, Javascript, Rational Rose 98, Oracle DBMS, ksh, PSC 3.1.1 platform, HP-UX 10.20, Windows NT

December 1997 - November 1999, JSC Telesoft-Russia, Russia, Moscow
2. As a Senior Programmer, was involved in the development of an SG SDH system, which has been designed specifically to support Telecommunications Operator activities, providing: Fault monitoring, Equipment configuration; Path Provisioning; Quality Measurements, Operator access configuration and control.
My responsibilities were coding, testing and reverse engineering. This application is based on client-server architecture.
Client part is the graphical user interface written on Tcl/Tk/Tix/Oratcl. Its code is portable both Unix and Windows. Server part is application consisted of a few processes written on C and Tcl/Oratcl. It works on Unix machine. Server communicate and manage with SDH equipment, Oracle and the clients.
As the basis we used Italian version of product. User interface consisted of about 500 tcl-files (about 150 windows and dialogues). All files were studied and all messages were translated from Italian to Russian a few times after each new Italian release. Logic and algorithm were studied during reverse engineering stage and some of them changed to satisfy our conditions.
During testing and developing stage I closed 258 anomalies in Tcl code and found 54. 6 anomalies were closed in C code and PL/SQL Oracle procedures.
Also I coded a lot of features including: creating history for the window’s status bar, improving printing block, sorting, filtering for table data representation and so on.
A number of code improvements were made: creating of procedures to send, receive and manage PDL/SQL messages, creating and improving tcl-procedures for working with windows, creating and improving procedures for working with table data representation.
Code of a lot of tcl-files were improved, and as a result the size of code was dramatically decreased. Communication part which used http protocol provided by tcl http package was improved to reduce time of data loading from server which was a bottle neck and to transfer some Russian symbols.
Work with Oracle included writing and testing SQL procedures and functions, triggers and views. The powerful Tcl tool to manage Oracle data and objects was created for fast hands-on data managing.
For compilation and adaptation to our tasks it was needed to change and compile code of Tcl/Tk/Tix/Oratcl interpreters and our own PDL/CCP extension. For this gcc, cc and gmake were used.
CCP extension is used to allow Tcl-interpreters to communicate with ccp-platform which is used by server for data exchanging between server processes and SDH equipment.
Printing block was improved for printing Russian letters using TclVSrpt utility to print in PostScript embedding Russian fonts into the document.
During the project I took a course in SDH network and TMN.
Environment: Tcl, Tk, Tix, Oratcl, C, ksh, Oracle DBMS, PSC 3.1.1 platform, HP-UX 10, Windows NT 4.0, Pentium PC.

April 1997 - December 1997 Telesoft Spa, Italy, Rome
3. As a Programmer, worked on user interface of GIT - Systems for Integrated Telecommunication Network Surveillance. GIT is the system developed for the supervision the transmission networks containing digital and analogue elements, e.g. Digital Cross connect systems, digital transmission systems and analogue carrier systems. Work consisted of intensive developing of user interfaces. 32 windows were coded for synchronous and asynchronous managing of equipment alarms. It was porting of old user interface written with eiffel to tcl. My task was to create identical windows with the same functionality using Tcl, Tk, tkTable and tclX. Each windows supplied services for working with table of data. These services included standard table facilities such as sorting, filtering and so on and dozen specific functions as alarm acquaintance. Full systems development life cycle from architecture design to testing completed windows was performed. Object oriented approach was choose and embedded into tcl code to speed up development and reduce code size. The team included 2 programmers and one analyst.
Environment: Tcl, Tk, TclX, TkTable, Oratcl, ksh, Oracle 7.3, IRIX 5.2, HP-UX 10, SGI O2

February 1997 - April 1997 Telesoft Spa, Italy, Rome
4. As a Programmer, was involved in development of user interface of Italian SG SDH system.
During this work Tcl/Tk was studied.
Environment: Tcl/Tk/Tix/Oratcl, Oracle 7.3, IRIX 5.2, HP-UX 10, HP 9000.

August 1996 - February 1997. JSC Telesoft-Russia, Russia, Moscow
5.As a Programmer, worked on different projects and studied at the courses.
Attended next courses: Unix, Shell, C language, portable C, C in Unix, interprocess communication, relational database, Oracle, SQL, Pl/SQL, Oracle Forms 4.0, Pro*C, SDL, software development cycle, Performance evaluation, Telecommunication review
Environment: SQL, Pl/SQL, Oracle Forms 4.0

October 1995 - August 1996, JSC City, Russia, Moscow
6. As a software Developer/Analyst, worked on DOCUMENT system .
This system manages with different types of documents of building company. The systems consisted of a few clients and Microsoft SQL Server as a backend. The clients were implemented on Power Builder technology. Complete lifecycle of works was performed.
Environment: Power Builder 5.0, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, Pentium PC, Windows 95, Windows NT Server 3.5.

September 1993 - October 1995, Medintek Ltd., Russia, Moscow
7. As a Programmer, worked on DACTYLOSCOPY system.
This system were developing for searching finger prints and worked on DOS machine. We used own database and own c-written graphical library. Almost all functionalities were written on C and Assembler to speed up performance. A various programs and subprograms were coded on Pascal, C and Assembler. My main response was: development on Pascal graphical tool for managing pictures which glued a variety of picture processing procedures written on Assembler, development on Assembler procedures for sorting data and comparing pictures and so on. During this work I had extensive experience with C, C++, Assembler, Pascal.
Environment: C, C++, Pascal, Assembler, MS-DOS, DR-DOS, 386/486 Intel PC, Borland C++, Borland Pascal


English good
Italian basic
Russian native

Tcl/Tk, Unix, Shell, C language, portable C, C in Unix, interprocess communication, Relational database, Oracle, SQL, Pl/SQL, Oracle Forms 4.0, Pro*C, SDL, Software development cycle, Performance evaluation, Telecommunication review, SDH network.

Born August 28, 1972 in Perm, Russia.
Male, married, valid international driving license,
Russian citizen, work permit (H1 visa) is required.

Russian version