SPM Examination - 1998

 Brief summary for the SPM examination - 1998


Percentage of Passes

BM  Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language) 88.2%
BI  Bahasa Inggeris (English Language) 67.6%
MM  Matematik (Mathematics) 55.4%
SJ  Sejarah (History) 51.1%
PI  Pendidikan Islam (Islamic Studies) 79.3%
PM  Pendidikan Moral (Moral Education) 62.7%
SN  Sains (Science) 80.8%
KM  Kesusasteraan Melayu (Malay Literature) 18.2%
TI  Tasawwur Islam  75.4%
GG  Geografi (Geography) 22.2%
PS  Pendidikan Seni (Arts) 91.9%
PD  Perdagangan (Commerce) 48.4%
EA  Ekonomi Asas (Basic Economics) 63.6%
AK  Prinsip Akaun (Principal of Account) 36.8%
MT  Matematik Tambahan (Additional Mathematics) 76.8%
FZ  Fizik (Physics) 83.6%
KI  Kimia (Chemistry) 83.6%
BG  Biologi (Biology) 87.5%

Overall Percentage of Passes: 55.8%

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