"My worship is of a very strange kind.
In this Ganga water is not required.
No special utensils are necessary.
Even flowers are redundant.
In this puja all gods have disappeared.
And emptiness has emerged with euphoria."
Lahiri Mahasaya


Patanjali tells us that union with the Self is achieved through the restraint of the modifications of the mind. [Yoga chitta vritti nirodah, Samadhi Pada 1, Sutra 2]. When this has been achieved, the yogi knows himself as he is in reality. Until now, the inner man has identified himself with his instruments of perception, the body, the five senses, and the mind with all of its constant modifications. He fails to grasp the truth that he is not the body or the mind. He is not aware that he is an immortal ensouling entity that uses the body and the mind as an instrument of perception and experience.

Kriya yoga is a process that enables one to achieve union with the Self.

Definition of Kriya Yoga. Tapah-swadhyaya-isvarapranidhanani kriya yoga. (Sadhana Pada 2, Sutra 1, Patanjali).

The yoga of action (kriya), leading to union with the soul is fiery aspiration demonstrated by consistent kriya practice with detachment from expectations (tapahs), study of the inner-self (swadhyaya), and devotion to Ishvara (Isvarapranidhani). Ishavara is the primordial teacher, Gurudeva. For the Yogi, he is Shiva. His closest representative within us is the Soul. Om is its mantra and it appears in the world as shakti (energy) in the form of light and sound.

A Kriya Yogi is established in natural state and is thus released from the strangle hold of the unceasing thoughts of the mind.

Kriya Yoga : Kriya means action and Yoga means integration.

Kriya removes the obstacles to union and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms
fundamentally the gross ego-center of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness
which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by
piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. It is a unique combination of
Hatha-Raja-Laya Yoga. Kriya Yoga encourages seekers to investigate if experiencer and the experienced can become one unitary movement without any dichotomy.

Information on Kriya Yoga

Important On-Line Books and Articles on Kriya Yoga

The Aryya Mission Institution
The Arrya Mission which was originally started in 1886 by Yogacharya Shri Panchanan Bhattacharya to publish the teachings of Yogiraj Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri has been reactivated to translate these teachings in Hindi and English.  At present, the Kriya followers of his lineage are maintaining this institution and performing the original Kriya (as given by Yogiraj Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri ).

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