Temples of the British Isles

The Preston Temple

The London Temple

Welcome to the British Temples website.
This is not an official site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(the Mormons),
nor endorsed by the Church, but aims to uphold those values
and teachings symbolised by the temples.
For information about the Church,visit

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The London Temple

London Temple Schedule 2008
Current session times, opening hours
and accommodation information at
the Church's official temples website

"The London Temple:
A Cherished Dream Come True"

A Millennial Star article from the time of the London Temple Dedication

"A Temple for Great Britain"
Another article from the Millennial Star, September 1958

"The Making of a Temple"
An article by the architect of the London Temple, Edward O. Anderson

London Temple Dedication Programme
From 7 September 1958

London Temple Dedication Sessions
7-9 September 1958

Dedicatory Prayer of the London Temple

London Temple Rededicatory Prayer, 1992

The Preston Temple

Preston Temple Schedule 2008
Session times, opening hours and
accommodation contact numbers at LDS.org

2006 - New Temple President & Matron
Church News biography of President & Sister Jones

Multitudes throng Preston Temple
Article from the Church News on the Preston Open House

Hearts 'brim full of gratitude'
A Church News report on the Preston Temple Dedication

Dedicatory Prayer of the Preston Temple

Temple is 'great symbol'
of our message to the world'

Church News interview with
former Preston Temple President Ian Swanney

President David and Sister Mary Porch
Biography of the former president and matron

Facts about the Preston Temple

Temple Worship

"A Temple-Motivated People"
by President Howard W. Hunter,
from February 1995's Ensign

"The Things of Eternity - Stand We in Jeopardy?"
by President Spencer W. Kimball,
from January 1977's Ensign

"The Significance of Temple Building"
by President Joseph Fielding Smith,
from September 1958's Millennial Star

"The Purpose of Temples"
by President David O. McKay

Some thoughts on temples
and temple work

Perspectives on the temple
by church leaders and scholars

Temple and other LDS Links

The House of the Lord
The Church's official web pages
about temples, including forthcoming open houses, dedications
and announcements of new temples.

Ryan Passey's excellent website
of temples throughout the world

The Church's family history
research resources online

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