The latest:  research, news, events--
The latest: research, news, events--

Mother of Civil Rights
in California

MEP Productions/DKC
c/o 477 Arlington St,
San Francisco, CA 94131
Fax. 415-337-8532/ Email? click here

Business Description:
Hello! We're dedicated to accurate presentation of the life of Mary Ellen Pleasant, called the Mother of Civil Rights in California and to presenting her life and times accurately. We also support the work of scholar/performer Susheel Bibbs, who (after uncovering lost letters, interviews, and memoirs related to Pleasant) has re-researched Pleasant's life and presented it accurately for the first time! This page links you to relevant information on Pleasant, the book about her (HERITAGE OF POWER), which also explains Pleasant's indigenous religion -- Vodou (Voodoo), and presentations that are being given on Pleasant nationwide. You may stop and click here, if you are looking for the MAIN "PLEASANT PAGE" that details the story of her life with photos:

  • THE MAIN PAGE --The saga of Pleasant's life --
  • the award-winning illustrated-saga page
  • You may click here, if you are looking for Susheel Bibbs' Online Resume. There's also a picture and brief bio below. SUSHEEL BIBBS' ONLINE RESUME
  • And there's more --

  • If you are looking for News and Events: Susheel Bibbs' booksignings or chautauquas (live enactments) on Pleasant and special news,"> PLEASANT NEWS ONLINE
  • Said Susheel Bibbs, recently to our newsletter, PLEASANT NEWS,

    Pleasant was a Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and Malcom X all rolled into one. Her accomplishments and courage can inspire us all!

    We hope you will receive that inspiration from the timeline or illustrated saga that accompanies this page (links below). We think that the true story is more fascinating than the myths and distortions of her life in the 1890's press and in the books of the 1930's-50's. Pleasant was, for example, never a "Madam," (as you might read), and she detested the demeaning nickname Mammy Pleasant, which was popularized by her enemies and the social histories and dramatic bios of this century. Here you'll find only information on a woman who earned the title,

    Mother of Civil Rights in California.

    So, please don't forget --

    DON'T call her Mammy

    Do read on for Links, email, and more!


  • If you want the latest "Pleasant" News or
  • A schedule of Bibbs' Presentations on M.E. Pleasant, click here
  • If you want to Email us at mepleasant@aol.comclick here
  • ********************************************************

    Susheel's new book is now available in stores, and you can order online at The book is called --

    Heritage of Power

    $24.95 (inc. tax/handling)
    ISBN 1-8951603-9
    Library of Congress CC no. 98-96443

    o Content Description
    A biography on Pleasant that explains how and why she became Mother of Civil Rights in California, as well as a primer on Vodou (Voodoo), this work offers the result of nine years of research on Pleasant's life, on the life of her mysterious mentor, Marie Laveau, and on their much-misunderstood, indigenous faith, Vodou. It also explains how Vodou and the New Orleans group called the Free People of Color (colored Creoles) formed part of Pleasant's Heritage of Power. HERITAGE is, at once, a biography of Pleasant and a landmark work of revisionist history!! So, you must read it if abolition, vodou, LaVeau, California history, diaspora studies, or Pleasant's life are of interest to you.

    You don't want to miss it!!

    The book also contains a magnificent praise poem on Marie LaVeau called Congo Square by renowned women's-spirituality author Luisah Teish! A link to recent reviews and some format details follow:
    o Recent Reviews

    A ninety-two page, beautifully illustrated soft-cover, perfect bound, coffee-table-style book, Heritage is fully referenced for use in college courses.

    How to Order

  • Bookstores: 1) Send a purchase order to 415-337-8532; 2) through Barnes and Noble's or Borders' extended title bases

  • Others: Order online or by mail $24.95 plus $3.85 for postage and handling.
  • Online? Go to checks payable to DKC, 477 Arlington St.,
    San Francisco, CA 94131

    o You can also purchase Heritage of Power through --
    Marcus Bookstores (San Francisco/Oakland), Borders Books and Music (special orders), The Haggin Museum Store, Stockton, CA; through Voodoo Authentica online; via Barnes and Noble (Extended Title Base), The African-American Museum at Oakland, and Ancient Ways, Oakland,CA ; Midwest Library Service, St. Louis, MO; The Mark Twain Bookstore, Virginia City, NV; "13" in Santa Cruz, CA.; Carol's Books, Sacramento; "13" (on Cedar St.) in Santa Cruz, The Sonoma County Museum Store in Santa Rosa, and at the New Orleans Voodoo Museum and Voodoo Spiritual Temple Bookstores in New Orleans. Ask a store in your area to carry it.

    o Now, please click on links below for the Pleasant saga and more --
    This link will --
    1) News about Susheel's MEP enactments and exhibit
    2) Allow you to download the story of Pleasant's life --the award-winning illustrated-saga page -- Pleasant's life in illustrated-narrative form, or
    3) Allow you to download an outline of Pleasant's life
    4) Allow you to connect to related sites that we recommend


    write us c/o Daya Kay Communications (DKC), MEP Division, 477 Arlington St.
    San Francisco, CA 94131

    24-hr. FAX: 415-337-8532

    (checks payable toDKC

    Write questions or comments to us at or address them to Susheel Bibbs, and
    we will see that you get a prompt reply --


    Thanks for coming!!!

    Don't forget, you can email us click here

    Susheel Bibbs
    Susheel Bibbs