Informed Consent Form

I have read the letter of invitation to participate and understand the objectives and methods outlined in the proposed research on parent perception of a magnet middle school program. I agree to participate under the study’s terms of reference and I am satisfied with the confidentiality safeguards and protections of individual privacy. I also understand that the only identified risk of participation is potential feelings of stress related to my perceptions of the magnet middle school program.

I understand that I will complete a survey and may be interviewed (approximately one hour in length) by the researcher and that all data collected by means of tape recorded interview(s) and transcriptions of the taped interview(s) are intended to be used strictly for analytical, research and educational purposes. I give my permission for release of these data in the public domain, within the confidentiality guidelines outlined, including use of these data in written reports, graduate teaching and educational conference contexts. I realize that my name will not appear in these reports.

I grant permission to David Allen, the researcher, to conduct the survey and interview(s) and complete the analysis and reportage on the data in association with their course work in the doctoral program in the College of Education at Southwest Texas State University. I understand that the interviews will be approximately one hour in length.

I understand that I am free to withdraw from the project at any time without penalty, if so desired.

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about how you were treated during the research session, please contact the SWT Institutional Review Board, Becky Northcut at 512-245-2314.

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