

Spain is located in western Europe. Below is this country's flag and when you click on the flag, you will hear 'Royal March,' its national anthem.


Throughout history Spain has had many successes. To learn more about Spain's history we have choosen a few websites to go to or you can look for more information by searching through Spain Data, a website with links about the culture and history of Spain.


Spanish History Sites

History of Spain- This webisite starts off by explaining a little bit about Christopher Columbus's journey and then further goes into detail about the rest of Spain's history including a battle with the Turks.
  • Kings of Spain -This webiste tells you about the many kings of Spain incuding Charles II, Philip V, and Ferdinand VI.
  • The Spanish Revolution & Civil War- This websote explains the Spanish Revolution and Civil War of 1936-1939 in detail.


    To learn more about Spain we've included some maps and information about it's geography. Some of the maps can tell you more about the area when you click on it or you can view the map in a different language. To get to them just click on the small map of Spain or, you can find some pictures of Spain by clicking on either on the pictures next to the map.

    Plaza Mayor de Salsmanca

    If you need any more information on Spain you can easily find it at All About Spain, WWW Spain, Nuria's Page About Spain, or Compton's Encyclopedia Online, websites with links of Spanish information.



    This site was created by Lea, Cristina, y Sebatian. Please e-mail us with your comments. ¡Gracias!