I apologize for the pop-ups on these webpages.
I ask for your patience as you browse the pages - if |
When I started looking online for recipes to serve at different holiday occasions, I discovered that there are few available resources on the web for the culinary pagan, and those that do exist tend to duplicate each other. I won't spend much time telling you about the holidays themselves - there are plenty of websites that cover that for you already. Take a look at Stardancer's Wheel of the Year site to get you started. By necessity, the terms used on these pages will be generalizations.
Granted, the days listed below are primarily Wiccan in nature. I'm more than willing to list other days of religious observance - I just need an approximate date or range of dates, a name or terms for the observance, and a brief description of what it entails. So in other words, if you're a pagan (or even if you're not) and you celebrate or know of a holiday I haven't listed below - there are many flavors of pagan, afterall - please make sure to email me to tell me about the holiday, the kinds of foods you use to celebrate it with, and how those foods are related specifically to the holiday. Include recipes... I collect 'em all! :)
I'll try to cover all the different recipes I've found online and give credit where credit's due when I can. (Please forgive me if you find so many that are unattributed; I've been collecting these for quite some time and didn't keep very good track of where they came from. If you recognize the origins of any, let me know!) I'll be adding some of my own, as well.
And now, on with the show!
Eostara, Spring Equinox (March 20-23)
Litha, Summer Solstice (June 20-23)
Mabon, Fall Equinox (Sept 20-23)
Samhain, All Hallows Eve (Oct 31)
Yule, Winter Solstice (Dec 20-23)
Imbolc, Brigid's Day, Candlemas (Feb 2)
Special catagory recipes:
Viking Food - for our
Asatru friends!
Some links you might enjoy!