
Hello and welcome to the new home of Voice of The Goddess! I have set this up so that people who are newer to the craft, and those just interested in paganism in general, can learn a little more about it. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, or suggestions you may have. But please, and I do stress this, not e-mail me asking for spells, as I will ignore any e-mails of that nature, and add you to my "block list". Please Sign my guestbook too! I like know what types of people are visiting! :)


At this time, I am no longer updating this site on a regular basis. I do hold a busy life so it is not always easy for me to tend to this site. Please be patient. But, if you have any questions, do NOT hesitate to contact me via e-mail, I will try to help the best I can. :)

Table of Contents

What is a Pagan?
This section describes what a pagan is and does. Complete with FAQ!

Craft Basics
This section covers most of the basics you need to know starting out!

Magickal Tools
This section covers a few of the tools needed in your magick.

The 8 Sabbats of the year.
This section covers the sabbats, and when/what they are.

Just a few spells to give you an idea. I will add more later!

Some links to some sites I recommend.

Contact me at:

Please Sign/View My Guestbook!

Click here to sign/view my guestbook!

Check out The Witches Voice. Lots of information! Probably the single most informative site for pagans on the web!

The Witches Voice

Pagan Graphics by Laren

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