Welcome to my little haven here on the web! I'm not going to bore you with a random bio about myself.  If you have any comments, questions, or just want to send a kind hello, please feel free to email me.  Okay, so now that we've met, why not get to the good stuff!

Below are
more links than you can imagine to sites on the web that rock my world, or ones that I just generally dig.

It has now been over four years since I first created my little page on the web, and well, I guess it's about time to start updating things.  New sites, broken links, etc.  If you see anything that you think could find a happy home here, let me know and I'll add it.  Take it easy all...
The pages below are full of links to anything you could care about.  Just click on the page you want to check out and be on your way. Have a righteous time exploring!

Open Your Mind These are pages that have to do with opening up to the world around you, loving one another, and loving yourself. Topics include Health, Homosexuality, Gender and Race Issues, and Feminism.

Groovy Gifs
These are links to sites that are based on images.  I only listed the ones I thought were groovy, so hopefully you won't come across any that suck.

Cosmic Light
This is a page broken into a bunch of different pages that have to do with spirituality and religion.

Don't give up the fight!
These are links to sites that have something to do with lending a kind hand, using your voice, or dreaming your dreams.

Get on the Bus
This is my page deadicated to the Grateful Dead.  I have some sounds (wav files), some images (gif, jpg, and icons), and a page of righteous links.  Enjoy your trip...

The Written Word
These are links to sites that have to do with many aspects of literature.

Random goodness These are just some sites I dig that don't really need their own pag