A truly nice person is never selectively nice. 1995 Life's tragedies are not dead ends but mere hurdles on the path to success. 1996 The world is full of pain; let me not add to it. 1996 Home: Home is where your heart is. 1998 When you get lost you go places you would not have otherwise. 1998 ou make your choices and your choices make you. 1998 If your home is wherever you are, you are never lost. Aug 8th, 2000 Sex is definitely wrong when babies are born and not wanted. 2000 There are smaller fish who are bigger than me. January 14th, 2001 about 3pm Make mistakes while you still have the chance to make more. March 2003 The heart obeys no logic. March 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reality is not a slave to your belief. 1998 School: School is an institution where you pay to get worked. 1999 Memorization encourages cheating and discourages thinking. 06 January 2006 Memorization is the binding force/relationship between dimwitted professors and their dimwitted students. 06 January 2006 Thinkers tend to be nonconformists and nonconformists tend to be thinkers. 1999 Wisdom comes from realizing that what we think we know is not all certain. 5 AM(EST) Mar 14, 2000 Wisdom is the flexibility in use of vast amounts of varied and even opposing knowledge. 5:39 AM(EST) Mar 14, 2000 Freedom of speech matters only when there is freedom of thought. June 2000 Being principled is good but being rigid is bad. Being disciplined is good but being rigid is bad. Aug 3rd, 2000 There are some who speak well and some who speak truth and rarely are they the same person. March 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police: Power-crazy Organization of Lawless International Criminals and Eccentrics. 1993 Capitalism: Survival of the fittest in the concrete jungle. 1995 Competition is the father of progress. 1995 Communism and Socialism: The concept of an ideal family projected unto a whole society is socialism ... projected unto the whole humanity is communism. 1997 Army: Authorized (by a govt.) Rapists, Murderers and Yahoos that this world can do without! 1999 A terrorist is one who uses violence or threat of violence against civilians for own advantage where as a revolutionary fights to change the society and eradicate its oppressors for the masses. A revolutionary may or may not use violence or its threat against the oppressors but never against civilians. 1999 Political Borders: Defunct and meaningless scribbling on maps, often enforced by barbed wires, drawn by power-hungry squabbling politicians,which simply divide, separate and isolate us! Nov 3rd, 1999 Nationalism: Overt racism. Nov 3rd, 1999 Patriotism: Covert racism. Nov 3rd, 1999 I dream of a world without borders. 1997 Many politicians and religious leaders are championing the abolition of the death penalty movements. Are they trying to abolish the death penalty because they have some secrets, if exposed might earn them the death penalty? 10th July, 2000 When lies repeated over and over again become accepted as truth and is repeated unanimously by all, some might consider speaking the truth to be foolish, crazy and even dangerous, but I consider it my duty. July 13th, 2000 Shake it until you break it! 11:00 AM, August 27th, 2000 Democracy is the illusion of popular participance in the running of a state. 11:04 PM (EST), Sep 13th, 2000 Sharing rather than hoarding characterizes socialism and distinguishes it from feudalism and capitalism. February 12th, 2001
Reformism and social welfare is merely treating the symptoms of the ills of society, only revolution is the cure. Sometime in March 2001 Lords of Law o Lords of Law Come down from your throne and bow! Full of shame, pray to your new God The same people that you trod! September 6th 11:43 am Killing people by car bombs, hijacked planes crashed into buildings and killing by nuclear weapons and fighter jets are all the same -- terrorism! 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Religion: An earlier form of politics. 1993 Sin: Any action that harms oneself or others. 1995 Heaven and hell is not what I crave; I wish to remain with those I love. 1996 Natural laws are the only "God's Laws", all others are man-made in God's name. 1996 God's school has no uniform. 1997 God: The imaginary friend that adults need and can have. 1997 Religion: Religion is a three fold operation. The first is the surface that is projected to potential converts. The surface shows love, selflessness and openness. It deals with the loftier ideals of mankind including spirituality. This is bait for potential converts. Then the second level is the regimentation process. People are kept occupied by the rituals and their minds with mortal fear. They are mobilized in a selected path with the threat of hell or other punishment and bribed with the carrot of heaven or other reward. People's minds are controlled and ultimately society is controlled and then exploited. The worst aspect of this level is that the people do not realize that they are regimented and their thoughts controlled. AND finally there is the real core of religion ... that is the group of religious leaders who use the religious dogma to their own benefit. They exploit society and retard the progress of humanity but nevertheless are venerated by the unsuspecting regimented masses. Feb 2, 2000 Religion: Unthinking, obsessive and ostentatious practice of beliefs through sterile rituals. Mar, 2000 Faith: There are two types of faith. Observation of patterns in experiences stored in our memory allows for predicting the probability of an event occurring or phenomenon existing. If the probability is high or significant, we expect the event to occur or phenomenon to exist. This expectation can become conviction and faith. This is educated faith. When the probability is negligible or null, generally, the possibility of some event occurring or phenomenon existing is ignored but some still are convinced simply because some one else or text claims otherwise. This faith is uneducated, blind or religious faith, a faith that comes when one lets others think for oneself. Mar 9, 2000 When faced with the chasm of unfamiliarity or uncertainty, I would rather build a bridge of reason than take a leap of faith. 15th July, 2000 Religion is a remnant from the feudal era. Feudal lords sucked the people to leave them devastated. This allowed religion patronized by the feudal lords to step in with kind words of morality, divine authority and sometimes much needed charity and be readily accepted. In return religion gave validation to the feudal lords and their tyranny. This was the feudal cycle. Today religion is adapting to a capitalist world. It is not part of the cycle but is an important ally and competitor of capitalism but still feeds on the misery and hopelessness of the people. March 2001 (Profanity is the last refuge of the truly ignorant. -- Spock) Well ... Religion is the first! April 8th, 2001 Religious brainwashing of children is a form of child abuse. September 26, 2001 To convert and regiment the people and to keep them from rebelling against the church or other tyrants sponsored by the church, religion claims exclusive ownership of and authority over ethics and morality. October 14th, 2001 9:59 am Religion has adopted ethics and morality to give an image of caring and sanity. October 14th, 2001 10:10 am In a time when there was little or no idea of nationhood and of constitutional authority, politicians claimed divine authority to validate their rule, impose their laws, foster unity of the people they ruled and command their absolute unquestioning loyalty. Thus religion was born. October 14th, 2001 10:18 am Satan: The imaginary all purpose, ever ready, convenient scapegoat for the pious. March, 2002 When Christians are faced with the innumerable uncomfortable passages in the bible relating to genocide, incest, cruelty or other absurdity that their brainwashed minds are unable to deal with, they promptly burry their heads in the sand like ostriches crying, "Its out of context!" or "Its figurative!". March, 2002 Religion is a crutch for those who can't deal with reality. March 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Dry Humour At Spanish class, the teacher sneezed, "Atchoo!" NOVO immediately said,"Hey shoes! Hey socks!" March, 2002 (Florida) At Church:- Priest: Can I get an Amen? Me: Sure, you can even have two men! 2000 Priest: Excuse me? Me: Sure you are excused -- you may leave! Priest: Thank you. But I will have to be back. Me: Ok then... Mr. Bach, I will be Bethoven. Priest: Huh!? I will be right back! Priest: Alright, I will be left back. 2000 Priest: Well this IS the RIGHT thing to do... Me: Well... then I declare myself a LEFTist! 2001 Coined online with another person: Q: What does a Dick (Chenney) and a (GW) Bush do when they are together? A: They Search for Colon Pal! March, 2002 |
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