The purpose of this page is to provide a forum for Latin American collectors to investigate various aspects of Latin American philately. I would be interested in establishing a "round-robin" e-mail study for those countries not served by a specialist society or publication.

My primary interests in Latin America are: El Salvador the 1906 Escalon Issue and the 1907 National Palace Issue + provisionals produced from these issues.
Brian Moorhouse, P.O. Box 105, Peterborough PE# 9TQ, England is offering two CDs. One contains the complete run of El Faro, the publication of the Associated Collectors of El Salvador and the other contains the first 100 issues of The Mainsheet, which is the premier journal of Latin American philately.
I have a draft of a Paraguay Handbook on this site and you can see it by clicking on the link below. If you have any comments or suggestions I would like to hear from you. You can contact me by e-mail at the link below

Click on the above to e-mail me.

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