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Bahasa Indonesia
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Travel to Indonesia?

Borobudur, (c) Firman Pribadi.
The Republic of Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago and is the fifth most populous country, with 17,700 islands streching 5,120 kms (3,200 miles) between Australia and the Asian mainland.
Art forms in Indonesia have been influenced by several cultures. The famous Javanese and Balinese dances, for example, contain aspects of Hindu culture and mythology. Also well-known are the Javanese and Balinese wayang kulit shadow theatre shows, displaying several mythological events. Several islands are famous for their batik and ikat cloth. Silat is a unique martial art originating from the archipelago.
Indonesia's population can be roughly divided into two groups. In the west of the country, the people are mostly Malay, while the people of the east are Papuan, with roots in the islands of Melanesia. Many Indonesians identify with a more specific ethnic group that is often linked to language and regional origins; examples of these are Javanese, Sundanese, or Batak. Islam is Indonesia's main religion, with almost 82% of the people adhering to it, making Indonesia the most populous Muslim-majority nation in the world. The remainder of the population is Christian (9%), Buddhist (2%), and Hindu (7%). 10th Century Hindu Temple in Java, Indonesia Enlarge 10th Century Hindu Temple in Java, Indonesia Most Indonesians speak a local language (bahasa daerah) as their first tongue, but the official national language, Indonesian (also called bahasa Indonesia, and closely related to Malay) is almost universally taught in schools and is spoken by nearly every Indonesian.

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