General Bozz


Eagle-eyed viewers might recognise this chap, because he appears elsewhere within the twisted corridors of Crazy Lizard Studios. He is, in fact, a slightly-revised version of Matt McGowan's Orc Warboss character (you can see it just here if you're wondering what on earth I'm talking about), the revisions coming chiefly in the form of a new demon-skull helmet, which covers his entire head, and the fact that he now has a name.

General Bozz, like Cyber Ogrokh, doesn't actually turn up until a novel or so later in the proceedings, but Matt M's axe-wielding growly design corresponded exactly with what I had in mind for the character, and so with his permission I adopted him for use in what will eventually be (no, really) the Cyborcs story. He's a nasty sort, as is perhaps obvious, and without going into too much detail there's a whole plot involving his attempt to re-ignite nastiness between orcs and humans at a future point when they're getting on a bit better, because he's bored with there not being any decent wars any more. So not 'without going into too much detail' at all, then.

Another thing is the skulls-as-armour thing that Matt came up with; having thought it fantastically cool, I decided to make it a Predator-type hobby of his to collect one of each of the various species on the planet, as proof of his superior skills at killing stuff. Except, probably unlike the Predator, he's astoundingly finicky about it - apart from the ones he wears, all of them are stored neatly in glass display cases with little steel labels, and the biting knowledge that he still has a few mega-rare ones to get instills no small amount of annoyance in him, like some kind of psychotic Pokemon player (except it's nothing to do with an annoying yellow electric rat thing, fortunately). This is particularly bad news for one of the main characters, who turns out to be one of the few remaining skulls on his shopping list, but I shall have to refrain from revealing just who that is for the moment for it would spoil things. But soon, oh yes. Very soon.

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