Cyber Ogrokh


By rights this shouldn't be in this section, since this version of Ogrokh doesn't appear in the initial Orcs story at all, but in what has probably rather inadvisably become the second book in the story (I'm almost completely 80% sure it's going to be called Cyborcs now). It's just that I really like this picture and it seemed a bit silly to create an entirely separate area for it. The plot's a bit complicated, not to say unwritten, but essentially it works thus; some time into the future, cybernetic limb replacements are developed for orcs who have mislaid appendages as a result of war or carelessness or whatever. Orcs are the only creatures on the Firste Worlde who can make use of them, with both the metabolism to keep them running (they're steam powered, you see) and the strength to carry the things around without listing to one side permanently. From here things get a bit involved, but due to all sorts of troublesome goings-on both Ogrokh and Mutt get blown up, and the pieces which remain more or less intact are pieced back together by a group of Cyborc mechanics who've travelled back in time (I told you this was complicated). Some of the results of their handiwork can be seen above, as Ogrokh sports the autumn range of nicely-polished brass fittings complete with standard-issue Really Big Gun. Hurrah for HB pencils.

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