Mozgrog Cel


Considering it was just a quick sketch, this particular picture of Mozgrog has proved surprisingly popular. First Grall gave it a splendid sprucing-up with his big box of VirtualPaints, and now Scary Larry has transformed it into one of his famously excellent animation cels, complete with spiffy backdrop. If Mozgrog has anything to teach us, it's that being slightly dim and destroying furniture is a good way to gain some measure of celebrity. Hey, it worked for Russell Crowe.

Of the four cels created by Larry, this is my absolute favourite. The illustration is flawlessly integrated with the background, even including those little pieces of wood, and the whole image just works perfectly as a whole. I’d envisaged Mozgrog sitting at the bar of an inn, but setting the scene in a ramshackle market is actually a much better idea; it gives the impression that he’d been intending to take the weight off his feet while browsing, and sat down a bit too hard. Aceness.

In order to send an electronic letter to Mr Scary, you’ll be needing an e-mail link. And by an amazingly fortuitous coincidence, there’s one right here. Phew, that was lucky, eh?

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