Aggro Cel


Having turned both King Crabulus and Maxted into extraordinarily lovely animation cels (available for viewing in the Fan Art section of Crazy Lizard Studios), the talented Scary Larry has now given some ink-and-paint makeovers to a couple of the First Worlde’s inhabitants; and first up is the friendly and loveable Aggro, who appears to be preparing to launch a one-orc assault on an innocent fairytale castle. He’ll probably win, too.

Another spiffing job, this. The choice of colours for the character really emphasises his piggyness, and of course the background looks terrific; given Aggro’s perpetually foul temper, it’s a pleasing contrast to see him in such cheerful surroundings. I’m also still mightily impressed at Larry’s success in making the creases in Aggro’s trousers stand out against the dark colouring.

If you so wish, you may converse with Sir Larry here. Click that funky mouse, man.

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