Christmas Card
Lovingly rendered in ink and watercolors, the surprise card I got (for Christmas, natch) from TV's famous Sarah Jacotine amuses and disturbs in equal measure. The splendid funnyness of the image as a whole is accompanied by two profoundly worrying questions; first, how in the Gods' names (all 273,002 of them, no less. The inhabitants of the Firste Worlde are notoriously indecisive when it comes to religion, except, of course, for the Orcs, but that's probably best saved for another caption altogether) did Ogrokh manage to cram himself into a frilly lace corset?* And second - and more alarming - where did he get it from in the first place? Never mind trees falling over silently in deserted areas of woodland, these are the sorts of questions that truly defy explanation. Which is probably just as well, actually.
Attentive viewers should already know that Miss Jacotine is another of the sinister acolytes responsible for Crazy Lizard Studios, and that she's got her own page and everything, but just in case, you can have a look at it by clicking on this. And do try to pay more attention in future. Tch.
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