Bolivar Hardeman County Public Library
213 North Washington
Bolivar, TN  38008

901-658-9045 (FAX)

Mrs. Betty Taylor, Librarian

Library Infomation:

Monday 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Saturday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Service Area:  24,451
Borrowers: 23,166
Square Footage:  11,400

Materials Available for circulation:

Books-Adult, Juvenile, Large Print
Audios: Audio Books, Cassettes, Records
Cake Pans
Art Prints
and more

Computers available for the public internet access

Library News:

The library received a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation for four patron access computers and a laser
printer.  All are working and are available with many software
programs for adult and children's usage.

Library Trustees:

Mr. Steve Armstrong
Ms. Mabel Andrews
Ms. Ruth Baker
Mrs. Delores Fortune
Mr. Ricky Bishop
Ms. Rosalyn Browder
Mr. Tim Dellinger