Paganism, Witchcraft and Wicca, There are numerous sites on the Craft, some good some bad and some puffed up to sound important. I am guessing you did not come here for the basic info; you already have it or are a few clicks away from it. I speak internationally on a number of topics, Womyn’s Spirituality, Womyn in the Clergy, Magic in our daily life and Paganism to name a few. The information below is found in hand out sheets I give at the talks. It is basic and general. My audience so far has been; largely not Pagan or new to the craft. As I see this trend shift my materials shall change also. I will try to update but like most humans I find time very limited. And so, I give you {drum roll please} Basic handout information…………… The word Pagan has a literal translation of “One who dwells in the country” The currently accepted translation, is one, who is not a Christian, let me stress here I am not saying Anti Christian. This would then include the majority of religious views through out the world. For in the worldview of religion’s Christianity is in the minority. The original country dwellers, several thousand years ago, were simple folk. They were not educated, and struggled to maintain their homes and lives through, planting harvesting and gathering. Those of us, who call ourselves Wiccan or Pagan, feel the call of those people, our ancient ancestor’s. We carry on the ancient customs and traditions. We honor Our Mother, the Earth in ritual and celebration’s. Our Sabbath’s correspond with the planting and harvesting times. We believe that the earth is alive and we must nourish and protect her. We believe that the entire universe is bursting with life. We are but one of many parts in this cosmic dance. We try to hear and feel the beat of the earth, stars and each other. We believe that the Gods and Goddesses we honor are not, unobtainable. They are a part of us within and without. They represent the duality of life, the yin and yang. Feminine and masculine. You cannot have one without the other, without dark there is no light. We meditate, listening for that still small voice, the deepest part of our conscious the purest part of our soul. As we experience in Christianity. There are many and varied forms of worship. Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist and Evangelical, to name a few. There is a common thread and core set of belief and values honored by most. This is also found in Paganism, We have different names but most of us share the same basic concepts and religious views. There are other names in which we are known. The Craft, the Old religion, Witches, Wicca and Pagan are the most commonly used. What defines us? There are certain sets of beliefs and principles that define a group or organizations. This follows for a religious mindset. Some of what follows are the most widely held basic concepts. You may recognize some of them as basic beliefs in other religions and cultures. Some may recognize them as their own. Reincarnation- that we have been here before and we will be born again. We will continue to grow and learn until we become pure spirits. We grieve and are saddened at the passing of our loved ones or friends but we seldom fear death it is just a beginning to our next great adventure. Gaia-We honor the earth as a living Being. She is alive and sustains us. We must care and protect her. We love and respect nature, constantly striving to live in harmony with all the elements and planet. We develop relationships with animal plants and other life forms. Knowing that everything is embedded with a divine spirit. You will find a lot of us are the old hippie type. We honor and celebrate her as our ancestors did around seasonal changes. Mid points around our calendar called the wheel of the year. Equality -with all living thing’s. We are no less than the trees or sky’s. No more than the ant or rock. We are all equal. Karma- The law applies to our every thought and action. What ever we do will come back to us three fold. It would be wise to do well. and sometimes, Pantheistic – We feel the Divine is everywhere and in everything. We honor the elements of nature and life, Earth Air Fire and Water as well as the unifying force of spirit. Intuitive abilities – As part of our practice we develop our intuitive abilities and practice magick by directing tangible energies for healing or helping purposes. |
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