Welcome to Hin Lun Lee's homepage on ECF (moved to geocities)!

Note: This page is outdated and has been recently moved to Geocities.com. It is currently under revision. The revised version will be posted as soon as revision is completed. Thank you.


Hi, I am Hin Lun Lee and I am a third year Engineering Science student in the Electrical Engineering Option in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto.

The site is always under construction, but I have included some great links for you to surf around and some great pictures to look at.  Enjoy your stay and please visit me again!  Please sign my guestbook!  (Look at the bottom of this page.)

Do you want to create one of those banners on your right?  Go to: http://www.uoft175.utoronto.ca/banners/makebanner.asp

Banners of this design can be found in downtown Toronto.   They are used for celebrating the 175th anniversary of the University of Toronto.

This is a Non-Smoking Page.

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since September 2001 (or the start of my undergraduate studies). Please feel free to communicate with me using ICQ by using the ICQ Respond-Online Panel below.


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Weather Information

You may be interested in checking out the weather here.  I live in Scarborough, Ontario. The University of Toronto (St. George Campus) is obviously located in Toronto, Ontario!

About Me

    I was born in Hong Kong in 1982.  After spending the first 11 years of my life in Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China, my family immigrated to Canada.  I graduated from Banting and Best Public School in Scarborough, Ontario in June 1996.  I then graduated from Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute, Scarborough, Ontario in June 2001.  In Campbell, I participated in a variety of clubs.  I have been on the math team, helped out in two drama productions (not as an actor, but helped out promotion and ticket sales), served as a library assistant, and was the secretary of the Albert Campbell Debate Club.  I was happy to set up the very first intramural debate competition in the school.  In the year 2003, the Debate Club organized the third annual debate competition, in which I was invited to be an audience.

    After high school, I entered the Engineering Science program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto.   In the second year of the program, I had the pleasure to work on a full year design project with Michael Lam and Alice Wu.  You can find out more about this project below.  I am presently enrolled in the Electrical Engineering Option of this program. 

    I have done a small project for Professor Willy Wong over the past summer on speech processing.  I carry on the theoretical side of this project this year in ESC300 - Written and Oral Communication class by doing some library research on speech recognition.  I hope to post some of my final products on this page soon.

    Aside from my classes, I am an engineering science mentor.  My group consists of Heidi Au, Eric Ng, as well as our group of first year students.  You can visit the group's web page by clicking here.  In addition, I have also been elected as the Engineering Science Club representative in the third year electrical option "riding" for the 2003-2004 school year.  You can visit a web site that I maintain for my class by clicking here.

My Timetables

The timetables posted on this web site are for the purposes of letting my friends and project group members to reach me and to allow scheduling group meetings in a very easy and efficient manner.  (You probably have no idea what my timetables mean if you do not go to U of T St. George Campus anyway.)  Please note that my timetables are NOT finalized until I have removed the last revised date on the right of the link.

These timetables are outdated.  I hope to post the updated ones when I have time.

My Courses

I am currently taking the following courses:

About My Second Year Design Project

In second year, I am required to work on a design project.  The machine is required to shoot balls according to the input.  The following is my group:

(Left to Right) Me, Alice Wu, and Michael Lam


Our Group and the Machine (Picture courtesy of Vicky Wong)


Our machine

About My University/Faculty/Program/Related Clubs and Facilities

About My Brother

This is my brother, Shui Lun Lee (link to his academic page).  He is currently a first year Urban and Regional Planning student in the Faculty of Community Services at Ryerson University.  He deserves my congratulations for surviving the Double Cohort =) (The Ontario government recently removed Grade 13.  He was one of the first students to finish high school in four years instead of five.).  He is taking the following courses:

  • ECN104 - Introductory Microeconomics

  • GEO106 - Interpreting Human Environments: I

  • PLG100 - Intro. to Urban and Regional Planning

  • PLG120 - Understanding the Planning Process

  • POL122 - Local Government and Politics in Canada

Unlike me, he is a hockey fan and he loves playing NHL 2002. He is also a BUS fan. I will let you to see his obsession yourself by putting a link to his AsianAvenue page and his personal homepage.  Enjoy!

Some Interesting Quotations

My Friends' Web Pages

The following list is arranged by alphabetical order.

If you want your page to be added to this list, please e-mail me at leehi@ecf.utoronto.ca.  In many cases, the reason that I don't have the link on this page is that I don't know you have a web page!

Useful or Interesting Links


This page is maintained by Hin Lun Lee, leehi@ecf.toronto.edu
Last update: Nov 16, 2003

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