Where are all the visitors messages?

Bernie - 09/28/00 02:45:42
My URL:http://cubicle51.terrashare.com/lomax/index.htm
My Email:lomaxbernie@excite.com
Have visited Greece: no

Suzabella - 04/23/00 00:01:57
My URL:http://www.geocities/murusmunus
My Email:murusmunus@yahoo.com
How did you find this site: neighbor
Just trying to get my neighbors to visit my Easter egg hunt. This seems to be the only place to let anyone know...tell a friend.

Kathleen Dagnall - 03/28/00 19:05:06
My Email:kayakn_ca@yahoo.com
Location: CA/ USA
How did you find this site: looking at sites on Greece, will be traveling there in a few weeks
Ideas for improvement: Loved your site! Thanks
Have any special places you would like to reccomend that I see while in Greece? Let me know what can't be missed. Thanks

aimilia - 03/07/00 13:39:58
My Email:dsiatras@yahoo.com
Location: glifada
How did you find this site: I really don't know
Visited Greece/most interesting part: Islands
Have visited Greece: Sure
If so, most interesting part: DODEKANISSA

aimilia - 03/07/00 13:34:40

Mariana Miguelez - 12/03/99 19:28:02
My Email:maru_mgz@yahoo.com
Location: Buenos Aires -Argentina
How did you find this site: looking information about Athens at Geocities
I would like to have some information about buildings, temples, and any information you can give me about Athens, where my grandmother was born. I am studing for a Masterīs degrre in Tourism and Iam interested in this information. If you donīt have, could you tell me about other links? Thank you, Mariana Miguelez

Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 11/10/99 01:39:19
My URL:/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
Location: Americus, Georgia USA
How did you find this site: Geocities Ring
Have visited Greece: no
Shalom from a fellow member of the Geocities Ring.

Blueyes and JD - 06/28/99 12:35:57
My Email:svia@bellsouth.net
Location: KY, USA
How did you find this site: NATPMOTW Webring
Have visited Greece: Would love too!
We enjoyed your page very much. Thank you for sharing. You have done a fantastic job. Please visit our pages when you get the time! Thanks!
~JD & Blueyes~

Gandalf the Grey - 06/22/99 19:19:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/napavalley/5358
My Email:smoug@hotmail.com
Location: Dallas, Tx
How did you find this site: Help Forum
In the Help Forum you requested Greek recipes. I have a Greek Salad posted in the Salad Category on my page, please feel free to use it if you so desire. Dave....aka.....Gandalf the Grey

Berni Armstrong - 05/10/99 22:18:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/1985/
My Email:berniarmstrong@geocities.com
Location: Catalunya!
How did you find this site: Old Friends you and me
Ideas for improvement: Photo Page of Lesser Known Athenian sights?
Visited Greece/most interesting part: Modesty apart?
Have visited Greece: Only in my dreams
If so, most interesting part: The delphic oracle
This guestbook it was empty, A sight not to be born. Those visitors should leave a trace, If not, tis all forlorn.

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