The Sabbats
Also known as Winter Solstice, Yuletide and Alban Arthan.
This is the shortest day of the year. This is also the day the God is Reborn. Celebrated by fire and use of the Yule Log, the colors are Red and Green. Yule Trees and the exchanging of gifts are parts of the celebration too.
Burning Bayberry candles ensure wealth and happiness thru the whole year.
December 22nd, 1999 (Full Moon)![]()
Also known as Candlemas, Lupercus and Candelaria.
1st of the Spring Festivals, this is the time to banish the winter season. Lavender and white candles are good things to have and burn around the house. Time to get ready for Spring. This festival is for fertility and to celebrate things that are yet to be born, things that are just barely waking under the earth.
February 2nd, 1999 (3rd Quarter)![]()
Also known as Spring Equinox and Alban Eiler.
2nd of the Spring Festivals, this is the celebration of balance. Represents the Warrior aspect of the God.
Eggs are symbolic of fertility and are blessed and placed on altar. Colors are Light green, lemon yellow, and pale pink.
March 20th, 1999 (1st Quarter)![]()
Also known as Mayday, Bealtinne and Rudemas.
Last of the Spring Festivals, this is the celebration of the
divine union of the Lord and the Lady. Time for love, unions, and the Maypole, for joining 2 halves to make a whole.
Colors are red, white, bright blue, lavender, warm pink, and lemon yellow.
May 1st, 1999 (3rd Quarter)![]()
Summer Solstice:
Also known as Feill-Sheatnain and Alban Hefin.
Midsummer Night's Celebration and the longest day of the year. Height of the Sun King's Glory and time to commune with sprites and faeries. Colors are red and yellow.
June 21st, 1999 (2nd Quarter)![]()
Also known as Lughnassadh and Cornucopia.
First Harvest, beginning of the harvest cycle. Harvest any magickal herbs needed for the year today. Colors are yellow and red.
August 1st, 1999 (3rd Quarter)![]()
Also known as Autumn Equinox and Alban Elfed.
2nd Harvest, the taking of the corn. 1st frost is coming soon.
Last day for any magickal herbs. Colors are brown, orange, gold and red.
September 23rd, 1999 (2nd Quarter)![]()
Also known as Martinmas and Halloween.
Last of the Harvest Festivals and The New Year!!
The veil is thinnest at this time, and the dead can return to
talk with the living. Black candles are burned in each window. Colors are black and orange. The God dies this day.
October 31st, 1999 (4th Quarter)