Zeus: Lord of the Sky, The Rain God, The Cloud Gather as well as The King of the Gods. He has a weak spot for beautiful women, mortal and immortal. He has a number of children that were created through his extramarital affairs. His sacred bird is the eagle and his tree is the oak.
Hera: Wife and sister of Zeus. The Titans, Ocean and Tethys, raised her however. Hera is the Protector/Goddess of Marriage and is always running around behind Zeus, punishing the women unlucky enough to have affairs with him. She also never forgets a grudge. Troy fell because of a slight to her beauty a Trojan made toward her. Ilithyia, who helped women in childbirth, is said to be her daughter. The cow and the peacock is sacred to her.
Poseidon: Ruler of the Sea, Zeus's brother. 2nd in eminence and married to Amphitrite, granddaughter of Ocean. Gave the 1st horse to man and also has some connection to bulls. Often referred to as "Earth-shaker".
Hades: 3rd brother of Zeus. Ruler of the Underworld, also called Pluto, god of Wealth. Doesn't visit Olympus much, prefers to be in the Underworld. An unpitying, inexorable, but just god. Married to Persephone.
Athena: Daughter of Zeus alone. Sprand full grown and in full armour from his forehead. Goddess of the cities, protector of civilized life, of handicrafts and agricultre, inventer of the horse bridal. Also seen as a battle goddess. Zeus's favorite child. One of the 3 Virgin Goddesses, she was seen as the "chief", the one called the Maiden. She is the embodiment of wisdom, reason and purity. Her tree is the Olive tree, and the owl is her bird.
Apollo AKA Phoebus: Son of Zeus and Leto. Twin brother of Artemis. Master musician of the Lyre, Lord of the Silver bow, the Archer-God, the healer, God of Light and of Truth. For some reason, people confuse Phoebus with Helio, the sun. The Laurel is Apollo's tree and the crow and dolphin are sacred to him.
Artemis aka Phoebe and Selene: Daughter of Zeus and Leto, Twin sister of Apollo. Anouther of the Virgin Goddesses. Lady of the Wild Things, Huntsman-in-Chief to the Gods, called the "protectress of dewy youth". Selene is the Moon, and though Artemis is known as Selene, she's not actually the Moon Goddess. However, Artemis is often associated with Hectate, Goddess of the Dark of the Moon and of Crossways. She is often called "the goddess in three forms", Selene (the moon), Artemis (the huntress) and Hectate (the dark one). Cypress is sacred to Artemis and so are all wild animals, expecially deer.
Aphrodite: Goddess of Love and Beauty. Sprung from the foam of the sea. Wife of Hephaestus, the lame and ugly god of the forge. Myrtle was her tree and the dove, sparrow and swan her birds.
Hermes: Son of Zeus and Maia (daughter of Atlas). Zeus's messanger, Master Thief, inventor of the lyre, God of Commerce and of the Market, and the Divine Herald who leads souls to the underworld.
Ares: Son of Zeus and Hera (both of whom hate him). God of War, a hated god, muderous, bloodstained, yet a horrible coward that runs away when wounded. Accompanied to the battlefield by his sister Eris (Discord), and her son Strife. Enyo, the goddess of War, walks with him and behind them come Terror, Panic and Trembleing. His bird is the vulture and his animal is the dog. At one point Ares was Aphrodite's lover.
Hephaestus: Son of Zeus and Hera. God of Fire and of the Forge. An ugly, lame God. Zeus cast him out of Olympus when he defended Hera in an argument. Now, however, he is highly honored, the god's armorer and smith and is married to Aphrodite. He is also the patron of the smiths.
Hestia: Zeus's sister. The third Virgin Goddess. Goddess of the Hearth. Each city had a public hearth sacred to Hestia where the fire was never allowed to go out. At the founding of new cities, coals from that hearth would be carried to found the new hearth.