But Names Will Always Hurt You
Allison Flowers Four eyes. Tinsel teeth. Flatsy Patsy. They sting, they hurt. Whoever said "sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you" had never been good and truly insulted. They get worse with age. The hurt doesn't go away. Stupid. Geek. Fat. It would be nice if we could improve other aspects of our lives as much as we improve our ability to slice open someone's feelings with our words. Nigger. Kike. Wop. No, they definitely get worse, and the hurt stays for a very long time. I've never understood the wielders of such words. It should be so much easier to use the words in a nice way, but many people seem just naturally adept and too comfortable using them to hurt. We write poetry about love, but words foster hate. They're used against you. So effectively. So effectively. |