Left Behind   Tribulation Force   Nicolae  

Soul Harvest   Apollyon   Assassins 

The following books form the Left Behind Series - Left Behind, Tribulation Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, and the Assassins.  

The "Left Behind" Series is a very special series.  My father received a gift from his friend.  It turned out it was Left Behind.  My father is not into fiction so when I saw it I just shrugged and passed by it!  But one day I picked it up and the rest is history.  I became one the top fans of Left Behind.  As I read it, I couldn't put it down so as a result I read the book quickly.  It is about a pilot named Rayford Steele.  He was lusting after his flight attendant He is married and his wife became a REAL Christian.  He never cared for religion and only attended church because his wife insisted.  One day the Rapture occurred and a lot of people were missing on the planes.  But Rayford knew that it was the rapture and he had been LEFT BEHIND!  

A top journalist editor named Cameron "BUCK" Williams was left behind also.  He was finding answers to the whole thing.  Somehow Buck's and Rayford's paths met and they became Christians under the Left Behind pastor of New Hope Village Church - Bruce Barnes.   They, with Chloe (Rayford's daughter), form the TRIBULATION FORCE.  It is a group aimed to preach the gospel and to try to survive the Tribulation and see Christ's Glorious Appearing!  The Antichrist is Nicolae Carpathia.  He is a young and humble guy who rose to power to become the Secretary General of the United Nations which was then relocated at Babylon.  He has unlimited Financial Security and all the media in the World under his control.  This series is very suspenseful with the two witnesses - Moishe and Eli and the Judgments of the Tribulation.  

Here are descriptions of each book in the "LEFT BEHIND" series:   

LEFT BEHIND: In one cataclysmic moment, millions around the globe disappear. Vehicles, suddenly unmanned, careen out of control. People are terror-stricken as loved ones vanish before their eyes. Some blame space aliens. Others claim a freak of nature. Still others say it was a high-tech military attack by a world conqueror. But airline captain Rayford Steele's wife had warned him of this very event. If Irene Steele was right, both she and their young son have disappeared. What about their older daughter? Like Rayford, Chloe had been skeptical. In the midst of global chaos, Rayford must search for his family, for answers, for truth. As devastating as the disappearances have been, the darkest days may lie ahead.

TRIBULATION FORCE: In one cataclysmic moment, millions around the globe disappear. Those left behind face war, famine, plagues, and natural disasters so devastating that only one in four people will survive. Odds are even worse for enemies of the Antichrist and his new world order. Rayford Steele, Buck Williams, Bruce Barnes, and Chloe Steele band together to form the Tribulation Force. Their task is clear, and their goal is nothing less than to stand and fight the enemies of God during the seven most chaotic years the planet will ever see.

NICOLAE: In Left Behind millions around the globe disappeared in one cataclysmic moment. Those remaining, terror stricken, desperately sought the truth about what happened. In Tribulation Force airline pilot Rayford Steele, his daughter, Chloe, magazine writer Buck Williams, and their pastor, Bruce Barnes, have become believers in Christ and know that the disappearances were a result of the rapture of the church. They suspect the new world leader, Nicolae Carpathia, is the Antichrist of biblical prophecy. World War III has erupted. In Nicolae the saga continues as Rayford, his new wife, Amanda, and Buck and Chloe (now married) make it their mission to win as many people to Christ as possible. The seven-year tribulation is nearing the end of its first quarter, when prophecy says "the wrath of the Lamb" will be poured out upon the earth. Rayford and Buck work directly for Carpathia, who knows of Rayford's true allegiance but not of Buck's. In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three books thus far, Rayford becomes the ears of the tribulation saints at the highest levels of the Carpathia regime. Meanwhile, Buck attempts a dramatic all-night rescue run from Israel through the Sinai that will hold you breathless to the end.

SOUL HARVEST: Soul Harvest takes you from Iraq to America, from six miles in the air to underground shelters, from desert sand to the bottom of the Tigris River, from hope to devastation and back again - all in a search for life and truth. Rayford Steele and Buck Williams fear they are alone. Each has survived the wrath of the Lamb, a global earthquake in the twenty-first month of the Tribulation. Neither knows the other is alive, and each is frantically searching for his wife. Their mentor, Tsion Ben-Judah, is trapped beneath the rubble of their church. And no one knows what has happened to their old friend Hattie Durham. As the world hurtles toward the Trumpet Judgments and the great soul harvest prophesied in Scripture, Rayford and Buck begin searching for their loved ones from different parts of the world. Can Tsion be rescued? Will Chloe be found alive? Amanda? Hattie? And what of the dark charges that rise against Amanda? Rayford is determined to clear her name whether she is dead or alive. With the fulfillment of more judgment prophecies, hardly any skeptics remain. Even the enemies of God now know whom they are fighting, and the world is forced to take sides.

APOLLYON: The world holds its breath as the Tribulation Force ventures to Jerusalem for the great Meeting of the Witnesses. Tens of thousands of the 144,000 witnesses prophesied in Scripture meet at Teddy Kollek Stadium to sit under the teaching of their pastor-teacher, Tsion Ben-Judah. Rayford Steele and Buck Williams, charter members of the Force, have gone from employees of Nicolae Carpathia to international fugitives. Rayford, finally discovering the shocking truth about Amanda, must flee before the grand conference begins. The two witnesses at the Wailing Wall proclaim warnings to the "one who sits on the throne of the earth," and Carpathia himself makes a surprise appearance at the stadium. The Tribulation calendar moves ever closer to the halfway point, which the two witnesses call "the due time." Meanwhile, the fourth Trumpet Judgment strikes the solar system, crippling life on earth. The next three judgments are to be so much worse than anything that has come before that has come before that an angel flies about heaven, warning the earth of the three woes. The fifth Trumpet Judgment - a plague of scorpion like locusts led by Apollyon, chief demon of the abyss - is so horrifying that men try to kill themselves but are not allowed to die.

ASSASSINS: The Tribulation Force hurtles toward the four murders foretold in scripture.  The head of Enigma Babylon One World Faith is in jeopardy, as are the two witnesses at the Wailing Wall as "the due time" approaches.  Antichrist himself is prophesied to suffer a lethal head wound.  As a supernatural horde of 200 million demonic horsemen slay a third of the remaining population, the Tribulation Force prepares for a future as fugitives.  Yet another Force member dies, and others join as crises draw them around the globe.  Rayford and the newest member of the Trib Force are attacked by the Global Community security guards in America....David maintains precarious surveillance at the GC palace in New Babylon....Mac and his new copilot are attacked on the Condor 216 in Africa....Hattie is imprisoned in Belgium....Rayford walks into a trap in France, narrowly escapes a shooting and GC fighter planes in Al Basrah, and  plots his own involvement in the assassination of the Antichrist.  Meanwhile, several vie for that same "privilege."  World history and prophecy collide in Jerusalem at the middle of the Tribulation for the most explosive episode yet of the continuing drama of those left behind. 

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The credit for obtaining the individual summaries of the respective "Left Behind" Series books go to Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.! Those summaries are not authored by me! The personal summary before those summaries are in fact authored by me!

Copyright © 2000 by Johnny Chavez