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Who are
these snoops?
Competitors, vendors, investigators, business intelligence
consultants, colleagues vying for positions, overbearing bosses, suspicious
partners, the press, labor negotiators, government agencies. The list is
Why would I be a target?
Money and Power are the top two reasons behind illegal
surveillance. If anything you say or write could increase someone else's
wealth or influence, you are a target.
Is snooping common?
Yes. The news is full of stories about stolen information.
In fact, many news stories themselves begin with leaks.
Can I protect myself?
Yes. Espionage is preventable. If you know the vulnerabilities,
you can take the proper security precautions. Some spy tricks are obvious,
if you stop to think about it. Some are clever abuses of the new technology
we live with every day. All are devastating.
Time has shown that many of the same tricks are used successfully
over and over again. We present the top ten. Prepare to fight back.
#1 - Trash Trawling
Dumpster diving, waste archeology, or trashing, all refer
to rifling garbage in an effort to cull valuable information. This is believed
to be the number one method of business and personal espionage.
Surprise. In and of itself, stealing garbage is legal.
On May 17, 1988 the U. S. Supreme Court confirmed that there is no expectation
of privacy, or ownership, once an item is left for garbage pickup. Scraps
of seemingly useless information are synergistically related. The counterespionage
process is one of reducing the availability of these puzzle parts. Shredding
all waste paper is a major step in the protection process.
Recommendations & Tips
Encourage the destruction of all waste paper.
Purchase shredders appropriate for your needs.
Use crosscut destruction for high levels of security.
Computer paperwork and large volume waste require a central
bulk shredder.
Snoops love it when you save confidential papers in a cardboard
box under the desk. Shred it now.
Do not entrust wastepaper destruction to paper recycling
vendors. Destroy it before recycling.
Don't forget: you also need shredders next to copiers and
in the executives' home offices.
The big shredder purchasing mistake... Buying just one large
shredder for everyone to use. Reason: Not everyone will use it. Why? Some
people are too busy to be bothered. The better choice is several convenient
desk-side shredders. This is one perk / status symbol which has a very
positive payback. Bonus... Some companies promote their use of shredders
for protecting their clients' privacy. A service not offered by competitors.
#2 - Bugs & Wiretaps
Although most snooping involves other methods listed in
this briefing, electronic surveillance is the most devastating spy trick
there is. Very private - and irrefutable - secrets are the target of this
Common mistake... Saying, "Oh, I'm just being paranoid,"
when you suspect electronic surveillance. Think... You wouldn't be suspicious
if everything were fine. Something is wrong.
Course of Action...
Do not discuss your suspicions with others unless they have
a real need to know.
Do not discuss suspicions in suspected areas.
Do not attempt a do-it-yourself solution.
Do not waste money buying spybuster toys.
Seek professional guidance without delay. Contrary to what
you see on television, in the movies, or in catalogs, detection of bugs
and wiretaps is equipment and knowledge intensive work. Expect a professional
sweep team to have about $100,000 dollars invested in their instrumentation.
Their personnel will have deep experience in security, investigations,
electronics and telecommunications.
Hint: Don't bother to check the yellow pages. Contact
a corporate security director or professional
security organization for a knowledgeable recommendation. It's worth
the effort. We hope you will consider Murray
Associates services too.
#3 -The Drop By Spies
Check - and photocopy - the credentials and work orders
of anyone performing technical work in or around your offices. Double check.
Verify the work was actually requested and necessary. This includes:
telecommunications technicians
computer technicians
office equipment repair persons
paper recyclers
cleaning crews
et cetera
Have someone representing your interests accompany these
visitors while on your property. If possible, have them complete their
work during normal business hours. Outside contractors and unauthorized
company employees should never be allowed to roam unescorted within areas
containing sensitive information.
One professional snoop brags openly that any building
can be entered at any time, simply by posing as the air conditioning /
heating guy. His props include a clipboard with forms and an industrial
thermometer. Optional: a 2-way radio and a hard hat. If challenged, he
threatens not to come back for three weeks. Busy schedule, you know. No
one wants responsibility for denying this guy entry.
Other tips...
Check your locks and alarm system regularly. Make sure each
component really works. It is surprising how many effective-looking broken
locks and alarm sensors are relied upon for protection.
If key control has long since gone out of control, tackle
the problem now. Change locks and set up a system which will work. Consider
card key access.
When seeking assistance with security matters, be sure to
hire consultants who don't also sell products, and who will not accept
remuneration from companies they recommend.
#4 - Hacking & Cracking
Espionage aimed specifically at personal computers, laptop
computers, networks and remote access ports is rampant. Explain to everyone
who keeps sensitive data in their computers why security precautions are
Example: The protect your laptop at all times rule. Replacement
cost is not your only loss, consider the...
valuable competitive and confidential data
time it took for someone to compile the data
time it will take to reconstruct the data
company's modem telephone numbers, and mainframe passwords
are probably stored on the drive.
When this information is lost, the company is vulnerable
wholesale theft / corruption of mainframe data
and sabotage via viruses, Trojan horses, etc.
Bottom line:
Lower profitability.
Reduced job security for everyone.
More computer security tips...
Develop a communal sense of security responsibility.
Limit physical access to computers by outsiders.
Limit software access. Use quality passwords.
Secure PC related materials; disks, backups, etc.
Never leave an active terminal. Always log-off.
Report suspected intrusions and altered data.
Remove sensitive data from the PC when not in use.
Protect memory media: floppies and optical disks.
Copy commands can move sensitive data inadvertently.
Do not rely on deletion commands. Format instead.
Erase disks before disposal, or transfer to other use.
Disconnect PCs from networks when not in use.
Computers using phone lines need access protection.
Do not use unsolicited or borrowed software.
Backup all data on a regular basis.
Reformat hard drives before retiring old computers.
Do not discuss system security with anyone you don't know
- no matter what they tell you.
Q. What is the first rule of espionage?
A. There are no rules. If you have what they want, they
will use any means to get it. - M. Russell
#5 - Mobile Phone Leeches
Cellular and cordless telephones are among the easiest
of eavesdropping targets. Contrary to common perception, reception of these
conversations is generally crystal clear, without static or interference.
Each and every word can be understood. Use them with discretion.
Cellular radio-telephone communications can be received
by the general public over hundreds of square miles. In addition to being
an espionage windfall, monitoring of these transmissions has also become
a national pastime with opportunistic hobbyists selling their "finds" as
Monitoring of cellular and cordless telephone transmissions
is illegal. Do not rely on the laws to protect your privacy, though. They
are generally considered unenforceable.
New techniques in cellular eavesdropping include computer
assisted, totally automated monitoring. This allows monitoring of specific
phones, 24-hours a day, from cell to cell, without human assistance. To
protect car telephone conversations...
Arrange to call in on a number which is not answered with
a company name or other identifying information.
Use first names and code words to identify special projects.
Speak in general and uninteresting terms.
Home cordless telephones can be received up to one mile
away. Use them only as an answering convenience. Switch to your regular
telephone for increased - not absolute - security.
If you must have a cordless phone, buy one which operates
in the 900 MHz frequency range using digital spread spectrum technology.
Other telephones which can be monitored include:
Commercial airline and rail telephones.
Ocean liner phone calls.
Long distance calls sent via satellite.
Long distance calls sent via microwave radio links.
#6 - Technology Traitors
Technological advancements give us many communications
conveniences. Portable telephones, for example. Unfortunately, they also
bring new opportunities for the snoops. Here are a few vulnerabilities
you need to know about...
Answering Machines. Messages left on many home
units can be remotely accessed using a simple two or three digit code.
Easy to hack. Most people never change the code which comes preset in new
machines. Some units also have a remote listen-in feature. Read your manual
Voice Mail. The business version of an answering
machine can also be monitored. Use the longest password possible. Change
it often.
Baby Monitors. In reality, very sensitive room
bugs which transmit 24-hours a day. Monitored by passing burglars to see
if the house is empty, and by nosy neighbors. Use monitors sparingly. Plug
the transmitter into a light timer. Keep baby's door closed.
Fax Machines I. Some fax machines use disposable
rolls of black film in their printing process. Used rolls contain an exact
copy of all faxes received.
Fax Machines II. Receiving an after hours fax
transmission is similar to receiving mail without an envelope. Sensitive
messages are routinely read by bored guards and workers roaming around
the building burning up their overtime. Use a fax vault.
Cordless Microphones. Presenters at meetings
love using them. Unfortunately, they transmit crystal clear audio about
a quarter mile. Ban them from any meeting to which the general public would
not be invited.
Dictation Machines. You may shred the rough
drafts, lock up the file copies, and send the originals in security sealed
envelopes... but the dictation tape sits on the secretary's desk waiting
to be swapped.
#7 - Meeting Chameleons
Off-site meetings, conventions, trade shows, seminars,
etc. present the snoop with excellent opportunities for infiltration and
information collection. Alert your people to the problems. A simple briefing
should include the following advisories...
Off-site meetings are prime targets for snoops.
Spy methods used may be unethical or illegal.
Security will control meeting room access (24 hours).
Electronic eavesdropping detection will be employed.
Attendees must wear ID badges at all times.
Never leave your laptop or briefcase unattended.
Leave written proprietary information with security.
Proprietary data should remain in the secured area.
Do not discuss business in public areas.
Be suspicious of strangers who befriend you.
Report suspicious activity to security immediately.
Define Proprietary Information for your employees. It is
information which is not general knowledge and is related to the company's
products, methods, customers, plans, etc. It is any information which would
cause the loss of profit, or a competitive advantage, if it fell into the
wrong hands.
#8 - The Silver Platter
Sometimes we just give information away. How many of the
following items apply to someone you know?
Unlocked offices, desks and file cabinets.
Confidential paperwork left out overnight.
Posted, shared or simpleton passwords.
Phone directories which list everything but salary.
Credit card, Social Security, and unlisted phone numbers
posted in Rolodex files left on desktops.
Answering probing questions over the phone from people they
don't really know.
Sensitive topics discussed with known gossips.
etc., etc., etc.
The list gets longer the more you think about it. Solution:
Think about it, the list will shorten.
#9 - Business Phone Attacks
Feature-rich business phones provide snoops with a variety
of powerful eavesdropping options. The phones themselves provide: electrical
power; built-in microphones and speakers which can serve dual purposes;
and ample hiding space for bugs and taps.
Telephone security checklist...
Provide high-level security for telephone rooms.
Restrict direct dialing into the main telephone switch. Some
dangers of unauthorized phone system access include:
Complete deprogramming of the switch.
Secret reprogramming to allow access to...
free calls,
voice mail,
executive override features (which allow forced access to
busy extensions),
bridge tap creation (allows silent monitoring from other
hands-free intercom (allows room monitoring from other phones),
and monitoring of the station message detail recording which
maintains a record of all phone calls.
Recommendation: Replace the regular dial-up modem - which
connects the switch to the outside line - with a call back type modem.
With this configuration, PBX connections are limited to authorized phone
Secure the on-site programming terminals.
Be sure the System Administrator is trustworthy.
Conduct periodic inspections for wiretaps.
Conduct surprise audits of the software settings.
Remove all unused wiring from sensitive areas.
Make sure that voice mail and switch access passwords are
high quality.
Ask phone system users to report all suspicious calls and
voice mail aberrations to the security department immediately. In addition
to snooping, these may also be indications of hackers trying to enter to
steal services.
#10 - Treason
Another type of spy - the trusted employee - is one of
the most dangerous and hardest to spot. The most likely candidates are
employees who may...
Be disgruntled, possibly related to insufficient raises,
promotions, etc.
Have incurred large debts due to gambling habits, unavoidable
personal circumstances, or drug use.
Be involved with labor / management issues.
Have entrepreneurial personalities.
Protection tips...
Inspect for eavesdropping devices. These people have the
time and opportunity to place and monitor.
Selectively drop false bits of information and watch to see
where they surface.
Conduct background checks on all new employees and periodic
checks on anyone with access to sensitive information.
Check previous employment carefully.
Uncover periods of employment not mentioned.
Verify periods of unemployment.
Living beyond their means may indicate extra income paid
by the recipient of your business secrets.
The good news...
Espionage is preventable, and knowing a snoop's tactics
is the first step toward obtaining protection. You now have enough knowledge
to begin that process confidently.
What does a spy look like?
There is no exact answer, but a composite picture was
developed by the Business Espionage Controls and Countermeasures Association...
21-35 years old. Female as often as male.
College graduate with a low-value degree.
Broad, short-term employment background.
Money problems - low pay, poor self management.
Military intelligence experience.
Acquaintances with law enforcement backgrounds.
Considered an outsider or loner.
Disability precluding a law enforcement career.
No police record prohibiting sensitive employment.
Has driver's license, possibly a poor driving record.
Romantic hobby / interest. (Writer, photographer, sky diver,
scuba, etc.)
Collects underground & paramilitary literature.
An active interest in firearms, often with training.
Recruited from a want ad for Investigative Trainee.
Often just a drone of a professional handler.
Abilities in music, chess, math, etc. - skills associated
with code breaking and espionage.
Keep this list in mind, but remember... Your snoop could
be anybody.
* * *
About the author...
Kevin D. Murray - CPP, CFE, CCO, BCFE has been solving
electronic eavesdropping, security and counterespionage matters for business
and government since 1973. His many written works include:
- Electronic Eavesdropping Detection section of The Protection
of Assets Manual.
- Security Management magazine articles.
- Electronic Eavesdropping Detection and Industrial Espionage
- The Missing Business School Courses.
His course - Electronic Eavesdropping Detection &
Industrial Espionage was especially prepared for the John Jay College of
Criminal Justice in New York.
Mr. Murray is a Board Certified Forensic Examiner; a Board
Member of the International Association
of Professional Security Consultants; on the advisory board of the
Business Espionage Controls & Countermeasures Association; and is a
member of the American Society for Industrial Security.
He may be reached via:
email -
Phone - 908-832-7900
Mail - PO Box 668, Oldwick, NJ
08858 (USA)
Murray Associates services are available to corporations
and government agencies only, throughout North America and selected foreign
This briefing may be distributed freely... provided:
- all text, formatting, and this notice, remains intact;
- it is not used for commercial purposes;
- and the author is advised of the usage.
Thank you.

©1992-98, Kevin D. Murray - CPP, CFE, CCO, BCFE