Jupiter ~ "Overlord"
of the Gods
Controversies and Coverups
This section will be changing and/or growing as more interesting controversies emerge. Many of the items I've chosen to report correlate to the prophecies collected on Planet Saturn. If you have suggestions, please let me know through e-mail. I'm always on the lookout for possible REAL coverups or disinformation. Comments to the public may be made by clicking on the "Bravenet Forum" button near the bottom of this page.
The Grand Jury Testimony of William Jefferson Clinton: August 17, 1998 (Clinton/Starr Video)
The Starr Report: The Findings of Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr on President Clinton and the Lewinsky Affair
The Starr Report: The Independent Counsel's Complete Report to Congress on the Investigation of President Clinton
The "Starr" Report Online
Special note to those arriving directly from other sites or search engines: This is NOT the main page of Morgana's Observatory. There are other planets and many moons to explore in this virtual solar system -- Prophecies, Hidden History, Universal Myths, and even some Real Audio and Comic Relief and Free, Interactive Online Psychic Readings. To view the Table of Contents, click here or click on Stonehenge toward the bottom of the page.

The Moons of Jupiter
Pasiphae: The Modern Riddle of the Sphinx
Is the Sphinx much older than we've been taught? Has it been eroded by water more so than by blowing sand? According to reliable rumors, secret excavation has been occurring in the Great Pyramid
since November of 1996. 
Metis: Mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau
Was the Ark of the Covenant hidden by Knights Templar at Rennes-le-Chateau in France, where the descendents of Magdalene and Jesus reside still? Odd connections indeed; however, they are backed up by research.
Io: The Murder of John Paul I
Have you ever wondered about the untimely death of this pope, who died within a month of his coronation? Despite the fact that he appeared to be loved by many, there were more than a few powerful groups who feared that he would bring about their demise. The events following the death of JP I are certainly curious.
Europa: Roswell Testimony
Come now -- surely you cannot believe the Air Force's fourth "explanation" of the 1947 Roswell incident? First, it was a flying disc; second, a weather balloon; third, moguls; and now AF dummies that weren't in use until about 1954.
Ganymede: Gulf War Illness
The people suffering from this ailment aren't all crazy; the "syndrome" is not psychological. This presentation is by Joyce Murphy who has not only been following the story for a few years but is herself a victim of the disease.
Carme: Dead Sea Scrolls Controversy
More intrigue. More academic arrogance and possessiveness. The Dead Sea Scrolls, found in the 1940's, were kept from the rest of the world by religious "scholars" until quite recently. Once independent scholars got their hands on a few of the Scrolls, refreshingly more unbiased interpretations were published. Check out the works of Barbara Thiering and Baigent and Leigh if you have a chance. The online account that I've chosen to use is a very short, simple explanation.
Callisto: World Scientists' Warning to Humanity
Five years ago, scientists of Earth got together to tell the rest of us that our Mother was in bad shape indeed, due to our own greed and neglect.
Lysithea: Myth Versus Mathematics
Immanuel Velikovsky's intriguing theory concerning the birth of planet Venus and its effect on our ancient ancestors.
Sinope: Port Chicago Disaster
Few folks have ever heard this astounding report of what might very well have been a nuclear explosion off the coast of California. Could it be that, after over half a century, we haven't heard about it because the great majority of the casualties, all in service of the defense of their country, were black?
Adrastea: Experiments
These are reports on a government's involvement in experimentation on its own citizens -- The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is the main topic, but there are also reports and links concerning Radiation/Plutonium experiments that probably affected everyone living in the US in the 1950s and '60s.
Ananke: Emerging and Reemerging Viruses
Dengue, Ebola, Hanta, Hepatitis (A-G), Lassa, Marburg. Familiarize yourself with these exotic names. You might very well be hearing more about them in coming years.
Himalia: Pfiesteria Piscicida
This "cell from hell" discovered in North Carolina waters has recently been found in the North Sea. Read this report for a description and then travel the links for in-depth information.
Leda: TWA 800 Investigation
This page was published on this site before the now-somewhat-accepted view that shorts in electrical wires ignited fumes in an "empty fuel tank" caused an explosion became popular. Not completely convinced of that explanation, I've decided to retain this well-written report by another author.
Elara: Violence in a Civilized Society
Instances of heretofore almost nonexistent violence -- children killing children, parents killing children, children killing parents -- in the United States in modern times.
Amalthea: Flesh-Eating Bacteria
Necrotizing fasciitis remains in the news. Check this page for a list of symptoms, description of outcomes, and a link to a survivor's story.
Thebe: Mad Cow Disease
Here's a short version of the story behind Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. Links to other resources are provided. Also, news on Antibiotic-Resistant Salmonella 

The Lost Headlines
Additional Documents/Previous Articles
The Bill of Rights (US Constitution)
Declaration of Independence
Civil Disobedience
Nuremberg Code (Human Experimentation Ethics)
Should the United States Apologize to Japan?
Medical Experiments and Forced Inoculations
Corporate Welfare
The Executive Order

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Books on Controversies

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All contents ©1997-98 Morgana's Observatory. All rights reserved.
Last updated September 22, 1998.

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