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Ronald W. Petzoldt

Dec 28, 1998


Journal Articles:

Petzoldt, Ronald W, "Oscillating Liquid Flow ICF Reactor", Fusion Technology, 19, (May 1991) 758, (UCRL-JC-103818).

Moir, R W; Hammer, J H; Hartman, C W; Leber, R L; Logan, B G; Petzoldt, R W; Tabak, M; Tobin, M T; Bieri, R L; Hoffman, M A "Inertial Fusion Energy Power Plant Design Using the Compact Torus Accelerator: HYLIFE-CT, Fusion Technology, 21, 1492 (May 1992).

Moir, R W; Bieri, R L; Chen, X M; Dolan, T J; Hoffman, M A; House, P A; Leber, R L; Lee, J D; Lee, Y T; Liu, J C; Longhurst, G R; Meier, W R; Peterson, P F; Petzoldt, R W; Schrock, V E; Tobin, M T; Williams, W H "HYLIFE-II: A Molten-Salt Inertial Fusion Energy Power Plant Design - Final Report", Fusion Technology, 25, 5 (January 1994).

Petzoldt, R W; Moir, R W, Target Injection Methods for Inertial Fusion Energy, Fusion Technology, 26, (November 1994), 896, (UCRL-JC-116030).

Petzoldt, R W; Moir, R W, Membrane Support of Accelerated Fuel Capsules for Inertial Fusion Energy, Fusion Technology, 30, (Sep. 1996), 73-82, (UCRL-JC-118850 Jan. 1995).

Petzoldt, R. W.,IFE Target Injection and Tracking Experiment, LBL 41360, Fusion Technology, 34, (November 1998), 831-839.


Petzoldt, R W, Inertial Fusion Energy Target Injection, Tracking, and Beam Pointing, Ph. D. Dissertation, UC Davis, Davis, CA, UCRL-LR-120192 (Feb. 1995).

Conference Proceedings:

Petzoldt, R. W.,HYLIFE-II Target Injection Scenario, Proceedings of the NIF-IFE Workshop, UC Berkeley, February 23, 1994.

Petzoldt, R. W., NIF Target Injection, Proceedings of the NIF-IFE Workshop, UC Berkeley, February 23, 1994.

Moir, R W; House, P A; Leber, R L; Lee, J D; Logan, B G; Petzoldt, R W; Tobin, M T; Williams, W H; Bieri, R L; Meier, W R; Chen, X M; Dolan, T J; Longhurst, G R; Hoffman, M A; Lee, Y T; Liu, J C; Peterson, P F; Schrock, V E,HYLIFE-II: an approach to a long-lived, first-wall component for inertial fusion power plants, UCRL-JC-117115, (1994). For submittal to International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 15th, Seville, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1994.

Petzoldt, R. W.; Moir, R. W. Target Injection and Tracking for Inertial Fusion Energy, UCRL-JC-122017, Presented at the international symposium on heavy ion inertial fusion, September 6-9, 1995, Princeton, New Jersey.Meier, W; Moir, R; Monsler, M; Petzoldt, R Target Design, Fabrication and Injection Considerations for Inertial Fusion Energy, UCRL-JC-125120-ABS, (1996). Target Fabrication Specialist's Meeting, 11th, Orcas Island, WA, September 8-12, 1996.

Petzoldt, R. W. Target Injection, Tracking, and Beam Pointing Experiment, LBNL 39062, Presented at the Plasma Physics meeting, Denver, CO, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 41, No. 7, p. 1494 (1996). (Poster archived as HIFAN Note 837)

MacLaren, S.A.; Faltens, A.; Henestroza, E.; Hipple, R.; Petzoldt, R.; Ritchie, G.; Seidl, P.; Strelo, W.,A Scaled Final Focus Experiment for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion, LBNL-40576 ABS., Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 42, No. 10, p. 2022 (1997).

Petzoldt, R. W., Target Injection and Tracking Experiment, LBNL-40577 ABS. Presented at the APS Plasma Physics Meeting, Pittsburgh PA., Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 42, No. 10, p. 2022 (1997). (Poster archived as HIFAN Note 903)

Yu, S.; Eylon, E.; Henestroza, R.; Lafever, R.; Petzoldt, R.; Ponce, D.; Vella, M.; Moir, R.; Sharp, W.; Tauschwitz, A.; Peterson, R.; Sawan, M. Plasma-Channel-Based Reactor and Final Transport, LBNL-40669 ABS. (1997) 12th International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion, Heidelberg, Germany.


Petzoldt, Ronald W, Trajectories, Forces, and Power Requirements for an Oscillating-Flow ICF Reactor, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-ID-10528 (Jan. 1991).

Moir, R W; Adamson, M G; Bangerter, R O; Bieri, R L; Condit, R H; Hartman, C W; House, P A; Langdon, A B; Logan, B G; Orth, C D; Petzoldt, R W; Pitts, J H; Post, R F; Sacks, R A; Tobin, M T; Williams, W H; Dolan, T J; Longhurst, G R; Hoffman, M A; Schrock, V E; Peterson, P F; Bai, R Y; Chen, X M; Liu, J C; Sze, D K; Meier, W R HYLIFE-II Progress Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-ID-21816 (1991).

Petzoldt, Ronald W Membrane Support of Accelerated Fuel Capsules for Inertial Fusion Energy Reactors, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-ID-114020 (May 1993).

Petzoldt, R W; Moir, R W Target Injection, Tracking, and Beam Pointing Requirements and Feasibility Considerations for Inertial Fusion Energy UCRL-JC-120880 (1995) Submitted to Fusion Engineering and Design.

Petzoldt, R W; Perkins, L J Parametric Fits to 1-D Neutron Transport Calculations for Lithium-Vanadium Fusion Power Plant Blankets in Cylindrical and Spherical Geometries , UCRL-ID-121170, June 1995.

Petzoldt, R. W.; Gas baffle ion beam protection - Rev 2. HIFAR Note #484. (1998)

Petzoldt, R. W.; Target injection and tracking experimental equipment layout, design, and operation. , To be assigned HIFAR Note number,(1998)

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