I'd like to show you a few of my favourite links on this page and if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to let me know! I'm still learning HTML so please excuse the way some of my pages look - I'll be back every now and then to make adjustments and improvements!
Click on these pictures to find out about New Zealand (on the left) or about these cool animations (on the right!)

My favourite sites on the web are listed below but I especially like  ...
www.google.com  because I often use it to find information for the kids' homework or for finding the answers to anything at all on the web!

And I enjoy chatting to friends worldwide with
ICQ which you can download for free! (also see below!)

Thanks for viewing my page! It took me ages to work out but as I told my friends...I
will prevail!!

Oh, and while you're still here, I'm a great fan of Astrology too and another favourite site I have is
Astrodienst Online. You enter your place of birth, click the buttons, enter yr birth details, click on 'update timezone', click on show chart and voila!! you have an instant birthchart!!

Then you have to take it to an astrologist to interpret - unless you're a budding astrologist such as myself and in the process of learning what all those lines and symbols mean...it is sooooo fascinating!!!! 

Well, gotta go...Ta Ta For Now or TTFN!!!  Niri

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