The budgeted money for science programs doesn't go far and some teachers have ideas that can be made to happen with a little money from our-of-system sources. Some possibilities are

Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT)

Here's an example of a grant proposal written for CBT. Most aren't this involved. If you can tie your project into the health of the Bay, funding has been nearly asssured in the past. For transportation and substitutes, funding has recently been half of the projected cost. Projects under $1000 are dealt with fairly quickly. Larger projects demand approval by the CBT board and will pend until the board meets. This source of funding is one reason all of you should have the blue heron Chesapeake Bay license plates and be encouraging everyone else to also get them.

Maryland Association of Science Teachers (MAST) Mini-Grants and Great Ideas Workshops are possible funding sources that often have more money than applicants. Information about them can be found by clicking

