Welcome to Exodus Consistory #1 in the Valley of Atlanta

Lodge of Perfection
Rose Croix

(click emblem for information)

Exodus Consistory was formed in 1997 in Atlanta, GA. The consistory consists of the The Rose Croix, Kadosh, and the Consistory which is headed by Ill. Canute Ferrin. 

Officers of Exodus Consistory #1

Commander in Chief                    Ill. Canute W. Ferrin 33rd

1st Lt.                                        Ill. Eric Bell

2nd Lt.                                       Ill. John Allen

Minister of State/Orator               Ill. Deshun Lee

Master of Ceremonies                  Ill Don Scott

Captain of the Guard Clifton        Ill Lee Graham

Secretary/Treasurer                      Ill. Van Wiley, Jr.                   

Grand Tyler                                Ill. Jerome G.Hunt

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