YAY!!! Finally I have figured out how to do pictures on my own... grrrrr...

K... So here are some pics of friends, and people that mean ALOT to me... ENJOY!!!!
Here is Alexander Loren' The love of my life. He is my JOY!!! He was born May, 22, 1998. And I love this child more than words can say...
Here is James, aka: Kurgan... My Fiance', and the 2nd love of my life!!!
James, you are the best thing that has happend to me... and I thank you for sticking by my side, when I have had my rough days, and just *baring* with me. I love you so much... and hope we have the future together.
Here is Brigyyyy and her family. Brig... I love yah.. U r such a sweetie, and U r Wild and CrAzY.... I think that's why WE get along soooo WELL.. hehe.. and your kids are adorable....
Here is Isaac...aka: Nimn... hmmmm Isaac... I love you!!!! You've been a great friend, and hope we can always remain as that... take care love...
Here is Janet aka: Twiceasnice... She's a SWEET, SWEET person, and also known as MY WOMAN!! I love yah hun.
Well here have been some piccys.. if you would like to see more.. click on more pictures... or if you've had enough... click on back home...
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