Here are some moreeeee pictures... of my friends... E N J O Y!!
Here is Steph... aka: 2Fine69.
She is one of my oldest, and closest friends online...
Steph...I love yah hon... and you have been the greatest friend anyone could ask for.
"WANKER"!!!! roflmao!
U ROCK!!!!!!!! K.I.T!!!!!
This is Andy... aka: Oor_Wullie, or Andrew_H.
You're a good friend hun... and best of luck to you and Sarah in the future. =)
This is DukeSter... aka: Duke_of_Earl.
U ROCK!!!!!!
I'm glad we have met... he has always been my sense of humour in the cafe... I love yah babe....
'Cept... "add me to you're Devil's list dammit"!!!! ROFLMAO!
Here is Dawn... aka: Gemma.
Haven't gotten' to know her *that* well yet...
But hey hon... "here's a ciggy, and a cup of coffee... ENJOY"!!! lol
Here is Laurel...
U Rock HON!!!! I am glad we have become friends... and hope to always keep in touch.... Take care!!! =)
FORREST!!!! aka: PupleDragon.

I LOVE YOU!!!!! And Spades... U rock in that game... hehe
K.I.T alwayyyyysssss.... LaterZ!! =)
This is Karen.. of course.. aka: Riz.
You are such a sweetie... and always make me laugh online.
Am happy we have met... and became friends... Love u!!
Here is Miles, and Tracy. No nicknames need to be entered... I believe we all know them WELL. hehe
Best of luck to you two in the future... You both Rock... and I have faith in you two, that you will be happily married... forever and ever!
Love you both... =)
Well this concludes my photo's for now... hope it helps put faces to the names...
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