Here is a spot to learn just a lil bit more about "Mel", or to put your ass to sleep...LOL

I was born January 28, 1979. So that makes me about 20. I live in a suburb of Minnesota. Like the homepage says, I have been a member of this fake world, for about 3 years. Have met a lot of nice people, and then have met some crazy people.

I had a cyber relationship, that turned into something really serious. And presently have a child out of the whole situation.

January of 1997, me and my family moved to St. Petersburg, Florida. We lived in a Senior Citizens, trailor park (Cos they were wasted when they purchased the place)... and to make it blunt... it sucked!!!!
Then I was on the internet every time I was home, which was a lot. It was more so for the sake of an escape from Reality. My life was tough down there, but I dont think you are interested in listening to a poor me story. Well me and the guy I was serious with "Brian", we talked every single day for 12 hours a shot. And we became really serious after a years time. We talked about moving in together, and so it happend. I moved to New York to be with him.
7 Months later, and here I was back home, pregnant. And now I have the most enjoyable, adorable son. That words just cannot express how much I love him.
People may describe me, as "Shy, Blunt, VERY distant, since I have been screwed over so many times in life, rude, and heartless."
Those aren't the greatest words to describe a person, or maybe they are.
I guess once you get to know who I am, you can put the words in the sentance for yourself.
"Once you get to know Mel, you will never forget her". (or so they say).
Okay, Well I think this is it for now, Am still trying to get piccys on here of my friends... but haven't fingered it out yet... I mean figured it out yet, hehe.

So thank you for coming an extra step farther.. and this shall kinda put my life... out there.

So there is ummm the link to go back to my homepage.. or just use ur arrow thinggy..

HUGGZZZZ from Mel!!!!!!!!! LATERZ!
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