The first and most important tool you have to aide your mediumistic development is 'meditation'.
Empty your Mind!
Now, everyone says to me that they are 'unable to clear their mind'. The human mind is constantly active and looking for things to think about! It is impossible to clear the mind. So, what do we do? We need to occupy the conscious mind, to allow the subconscious mind to receive the images, thoughts and words from our friends in the spirit world. How do we do that? Give the conscious mind something to think about!!
In the first instance, make sure you are comfortable and warm and that you will not be disturbed. You may use some soft music if you wish, but once you start receiving lots of information you may find that the music interrupts your train of thought too much.
Make an Appointment!
I always recommend that you make an appointment with the spirit world. If you are going to sit on a Tuesday evening, for example, at 8p.m. then do that, at 8p.m. not 8.05 or 8.10. Your friends from the spirit world do have work to do of their own and they will appreciate your being on time! At the beginning it is advisable to sit for about 10-15 minutes, whatever you feel comfortable with.
Commit an Act of Dedication
Ask for your guides and helpers to draw close to you and for them to provide a circle of protection around you. If you are an absolute beginner, then ask that, for the time you are sitting, you are giving yourself and your time to them, for them to develop you as they wish.
Focus your Conscious Mind
Some people like to colour their breath, maybe a nice shade of blue, and concentrate on your in breath and your out breath.
Or, light a candle, and focus on the flame.
Focus on an ornament in the room.
Anything to occupy your conscious mind!
When you are finished, I always like to say 'thank you' to my spirit friends, and say a little prayer.
Closing Down
Imagine there is a large blue velvet drawstring bag in the middle of the floor, step inside it, and draw the bag up over your head and tie the strings.
It is important to always remember to open up and then to close down. It is not good to be open to the spirit world all the time, although we are partially open most of our waking hours. |