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The chakras are the entry points to the body's vibrationary fields.  You have seven down the centre of the body - the crown chakra, the brow or third eye chakra, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the sacral chakra and the root chakra.
There are also other chakras situated in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
                    The Crown Chakra

Considered to be the most important chakra to Mediums.  This chakra links with the colour purple and is the colour that will connect you with your spiritual self. 
Medically it is good for mental and nervous problems, rheumatism and epilepsy. It helps with pain, is used in deep tissue work and helps heal the bones.
                  The Brow Chakra

This is the chakra of the intuition and imagination. It is the seat of psychic perception, imagining and clear seeing.
It is said to help with all spiritual healing. It is very important to spiritual development.
                  The Throat Chakra

Blue is the colour of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind.  Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and with nervous irritations.
                  The Heart Chakra

Green is the colour of healing and travelling back in time.  It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness.  Green is a particularly good general healing colour because it stimulates growth - useful for regrowth of tissues and broken bones.
              The Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is the seat of vitality and spontaneity, strength of will, purpose and of self-esteem.
Yellow is the colour of the intellect and it is used for mental stimulation. It will help you to think quicker and to clear a foggy head.

                  The Sacral Chakra

This chakra is the seat of pleasure, healthy sexuality and feeling.
The mental body is both its logical adn conceptual form. It is used to increase immunity, to increase sexual potency, to help in all digestive ailments, chest and kidney diseases.  Orange will have a gentle warming effect if used lightly.

                   The Base Chakra

This chakra is the base of stability, grounding and physical health. 
Red is the colour of energy, vitality and power.  It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc.  It will warm cold areas to reduce pain.  Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression.

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