<BGSOUND SRC="/cleopatra777.geo/userfiles:/user/youarenotalone.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
I was born in the County of Durham, England in 1963. I went to two local schools and then to College for 'A' levels.  I then went to the School of Podiatric Medicine just north of Edinburgh in Scotland and qualified as a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine in 1987. Qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 2007.  Unfortunately, I had to give up my Podiatry practice in 2006 due to problems with the joints in my hands.
From early childhood I discovered I could 'see' things that other people said were not there.  I could talk to relatives from the Spirit World, in particular my great Aunt Lizzie who had passed to spirit when I was about five years of age.  I thought this was normal, along with my spirit children I had as friends.  In my teens I started to visit our local Spiritualist Church with my Grandma who was an ardent Spiritualist herself.  In my twenties I decided that the time had come to do something about my gift of clairvoyancy so that I could help others in this world of ours. 
So it was off to a development circle for me to take the short step through the gateway to spiritual enlightenment and everlasting peace and joy.

I have been a Working Medium for a number of years now.  I have taken workshops and have demonstrated the gift of mediumship all over the world.  I take regular Sunday Divine services in England and undertake private one-to-one sittings whenever I am required to do so.

I am a C.S.N.U. award holder of the Spiritualists' National Union holding Certificates in Speaking, Demonstrating and Teaching.
I am a Tutor at The Arthur Findlay College

I am a registered bona fide spiritual healer with the World Federation of Healing.

I am a fully qualified Reiki Master.

I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist
A Certified Forensic Hypnotist (U.S.A.)
A Certified Forensic Hypnosis Tutor
A Certified Self-Hypnosis Tutor
A Past Life Regression Specialist

I am in touch with the Divine Source of all Being when I communicate with our friends in the spirit realms.  This world of ours is multi-faceted and multi-dimensional, if only we took off our blinkers and would allow ourselves to see. I give evidence of survival of everlasting life - the continuous existence of the human soul. Sometimes,  I am criticised and ridiculed for these things that I do, but I have a spiritual path to walk and walk it I shall.....until the day comes that I am called to go back home to be where my friends and family watch over me and wait until I return to my spiritual home, where I shall reside for eternity.
October 2008

Have been nominated for the Cambridge Slimmer of the Year

Am on the waiting list to have hand surgery in the Spring of 2009
To go back to Index
A hand from Above
Things to be thankful for
Newton Aycliffe Spiritualist Church
Love - Heart Installation!
Wise Words
"If there  be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.  If there is beauty in the character, there will be be harmony in the home.  If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.  When there is order in each nation, there will be peace in the world"
If you would like a private reading or sitting please click
My Remembrance page for members of my own family and friends who have passed to the higher side of life.
A prayer for the stressed!