Duchess Chamber

Entering the Duchess Chamber, you look into the life of the Duchess. You search around for some portraits of the revered lady, but all you find is......


Name: Teo Li Fang Florence

Nicks: Duchess, Squid, Penguin, Angel(ICQ)

Date of Birth: 19th Sept 1980

Hobbies: Reading Romance novels, listening to Class 95, playing the piano, hanging out with friends, watching movies, collecting bookmarks, reading comics, day-dreaming, hug my bear-bear and sleep...

I was from Ang Mo Kio Secondary School. I met quite a number of true friends there... people who stick by you through thick and thin. Sometimes when I look back, I realise that I can't even remember how I met them. But I guess what really matters is that I have them in my life.

I was a Staff Sergeant in the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC). The time I spent there was rather enjoyable, and as I love books, I was also a librarian in school.

I was an Accountancy student in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I was in the Accountancy Practical Training program (meaning I had a 6-mth attachment in my 3rd year and my studies was actually over in 2.5 years). I was attached to an international audit firm, KPMG , in Singapore. The experience I gained at the work place was valuable, and I wouldn't trade the joy of working there for the world... ^.^ During 2.5 years of study, life was a struggle between tutorials, projects and having a life... Eventually, tutorials and projects won out. But I soon realised that going through the "compressed" curriculum wasn't such a bad thing with good friends around. In fact, I had a great time during my last semester of studies... even doing projects was so much fun!! ^.^ It was the first time I made a presentation with my group-mates without much effort at being impromptu, and having a lot of fun. ^.^ I really miss those days...

 I was in the Environmental Rangers Society holding the post of Chief Project Coordinator. Joining this club allowed me to do something for Mother Nature. I like to see the clouds up in the clear blue sky, not one covered with haze. We were mainly involved in activities like recycling projects, fund-raisers and nature walks.

Upon graduation, I received my Diploma in Accountancy, APT certificate and an Outstanding ECA award.

Now, I am taking Bachelor of Commerce in the University of Queensland. Yup, it's in Australia... ^.^ It's a really cool place and lots of fun and friendly people too!

My lesson in life: "Life never turns out as expected".

Oh... I like to day-dream, and have a fair bit of fantasies of my own. Believe me or not, I think there are angels. Very beautiful ones...... Giving us help when we need it most. :D

"When a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.

When a whistle blows, an angel falls to the ground."

Click on the angel.... ^.^

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