Sunday Laws And Religious Liberty

Recently the Pope has made a call for Sunday Legislation. This is fulfillment of prophecy. The book entitled The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White (1888) predicted the "call" for sunday legislation and its subsequent implimentation into civil law. It is exciting to see prophecy fulfilling before our very eyes. Daniel 7:25 speaks of the Anti-Christ power subverting God's Ten Commandments to enforce it's own version of legislated morality; i.e. Sunday Laws...

It is important to remember that when Jesus lived here on Earth, he forced no man or woman to follow him. The only compulsion for people to serve Him was out of love. Sunday Laws are at variance with Christian Love, for they use civil force to compel mankind into false morality (see Revelation Chapter 13). Forced worship is False worship and therefore would constitute "The Mark Of The Beast" (Revelation 13:16). Instead, Jesus proclaimed Himself to be "Lord of the Sabbath" (Luke 6:5). The Sabbath is Saturday, primarily, and not Sunday.

According to the prophecy, however, Sunday Laws will be enforced- first in America and then around the world, so that a clear choice can be made. May God bless you to be among those who "Keep the commandments of God and hold fast to the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12).