Draft International Thermionic Society Data Base

(Conference Papers, Journal, Reports, Books, Etc.)

Edited, Gary O. Fitzpatrick



October 30, 1999

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INTHERSOC International Thermionic Society


INTHERSOC International Thermionic Society
12504 Royal Ridge Ct. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111, USA


The names of those people are not right. Please do aware of that!



1. Austria


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

2. Czechoslovakia


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases


Czech. J. Phys. B.

3. Canada


4. French

French Patent

5. Georgia


Nuclear Power Engineering in Space

6. Germany



Ind. At. and Spat.

International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, 3rd

Jülich Nuclear Research Center

German Patent


Ann. Physik

Atomkernenerg Kerntech


Beitrage aus der Plasmaphysik


Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe



Physik. Z.

Wiss. Veroff. Siemens Werken.

Z. Angew. Phys

Z. Astrophys.

Z. Instrumentk

Z. Naturforsch

Z. Phys.


Brown Boveri und Cie

Stuttgart University

West Germany



7. Italy


International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, 2nd

8. Japan

Conference or Report?


Proc. Phys. Soc.

Solar Energy

9. Mexico


Conference on Util. of Rsch Reactors

10. Netherlands


Thermionic Conversion Specialists Meeting, 1975

Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, 1989


Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam

11. Romania


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

12. Russia, Soviet Union


All-Union Conference on Thermionic Energy Conversion

Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy

Nuclear Power Engineering In Space, 1990

World Electrotechnical Conference


Acad. Sci. USSR

Appl. Solar Energy

At. Energ.

Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Phys. Ser. (USA)


Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR

Fizichni Zapiski

Fiziko Khimieheskaya Mekhanika Materialov

High Temp.

Izv. AN USSR, ser. fiz

Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR

J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys.

JETP Lett.


Prikladnaya Spektroskopiya

Radiotekhnika Elektronika

Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskaya

Sov. J. At. Energy

Sov. Phys. - Doklady

Sov. Phys. - JETP

Sov. Phys. - Solid State

Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys.

Sov. Phys. - Usp.

Splavy Dlya Atomnoy Energetiki

Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur

Tovarnyye Znak

Trudy Konferentsii po Reaktornomu Materialovedeniyu

VIzdatelstvo Nauka

Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.

Zh. Prikl. Mekh. and Tekh. Fiz.

Zh. Tekh. Fiz.



Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute






Book's References

13. Sweden


Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, 1993

14. Switzerland


Geneva Conference

15. Ukrain


Institute Physics Academy Science Ukr. SSR

Ukrains’kyi Fizichnyi Zhurnal

Ukrayin. Fiz. Zh.

16. United Kingdom



ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965



Brit. Ceramic Soc.

Brit. J. Appl. Phys.

Brit. J. Electronics and Control

Harwell Res.

J. Br. Nucl. Energy Soc.


Phil. Mag.

Proc. Roy Soc., A

British Patent


Advanced Energy Conversion



17. United States


Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Database


Aerospace Power Sys Conference

Aerospace Sciences Meeting

AIEE Pacific General Meeting

American Gas Association Research and Utilization Conference

American Nuclear Society

American Nuclear Society Conference on Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Annual Conference on Physical Electronics

Annual Power Sources Conference

Appl. Thermionic Tech.

ARS Space Power Sys Conference

Ceramics and Advance Materials


Energy Technology Conference

HPG Meeting on Computer Control and Fuel Research

IAS Nat. Summer Meeting

IEEE Conference on Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

IEEE Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference

International Astronautical Congress

International Conference on Altern. Energy Sources

International Conference on Chem. Vapor Deposition, 3rd

International Conference on Fast Breeder Reactors Fuel Perform.

International Conference on Structural Mech. in Reactor Tech.

International Field Emission Symposium

International Gas Research Conference

Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Metallurgical Society Conferences

Power Systems for Space Flight Progress in Astronautics

Research and Utilization Conference

Solar Energy

Solar Thermal Test Facilities Users Association

Space Power Systems Conference

Spec. Conference on Prime Power for High Energy Space Sys.

Symposium on Adv. Prop. Concepts

Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems

Thermophysics Conference



Acta Metallurgica

Adv. Electronics and Electron Physics

AIAA Journal

Altern. Energy Sources

Ann. Chem. Phys.

Ann. d. Phys.

Ann. Nucl. Energy

Appl. Phys. Lett.

Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys.

Astronaut. Aeronaut.

Astrophys. J.

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.

Bureau Stand. J. Res.


Electr. Eng.

IEEE Trans.

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Industr. Eng. Chem.

Int. Journal Heat and Technology

Int. Journal Heat Transfer Engineering

Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer and Journal Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

Int. Journal of Refrigeration

Journal Am. Ceramic Soc.

Journal Appl. Phys.

Journal Appl. Spectrosc.

Journal Chem. Phys.

Journal Chemical Engineering Communication

Journal Colloid and Interface Science

Journal Electron. Contr.

Journal Electronics. Control

Journal Energy Conversion

Journal Energy Conversion and Management

Journal Eng. Power

Journal IAAA

Journal Nucl. Eng. & Design

Journal Nuclear Science and Engineering

Journal Nuclear Technology

Journal Numerical Heat Transfer

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Journal of Mathematical Phys.

Journal of Metals

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Journal Progress in Nuclear Energy

Journal Propulsion and Power

Journal Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer

Journal Space Rockets

Journal Spacecraft and Rockets

Journal Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

Mat. Sci. & Engin.

Nat. Bur. Stand. Circ.

Nucl. Applications

Nucl. Applications & Tech.

Nucl. Sci. & Eng.

Nuclear Safety


Philips Techn. Rev.

Phys. Fluids

Phys. Lett.

Phys. Rev.

Phys. Rev. Lett.

Power Atomic Energy

Proceeding I.R.E. on Electron Devices

Proceeding IEEE

Proceeding IRE, IRE Trans.

Proceeding Nat. Electron. Conference

Radiation Effects

RCA Rev.

Rev. Mod. Physics

Review of Scientific Instruments

Reviews of Plasma Physics

SAE Journal


Scientific American

Surf. Sci.

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.

United States Reports


Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Energy, Energy Research and Development Administration



General Electric

Los Alamos

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

NASA, NASA Lewis Research Center, JPL

Office of Naval Research

Radio Corporation of America

University of California

University of New Mexico

Wright-Patterson AFB

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

U.S. Printing Office




Book's References

18. World


Comm. of the European Communities

OECD-CSNI Meeting on the Behavior of Water Reactor Fuel Elements






Emission Electronics




J. Opt. Soc. Am.





Opt. Spectrosc.




Postepy Techniki Jadrowei

Radio Eng. Electron. Phys.

Rev. Roum. Phys.








Vysshaya shkola



19. Yugoslavia


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

20. Keywords

21. Acknowledge

Book's References

Thermionic Energy Conversion: Processes and devices by G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Chapter 3. Vacuum Thermionic Converters

Chapter 4. Vapor Thermionic Converters

Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma by F.G. Baksht, G.A. Dyuzhev, A.M. Martsinovskiy, B.Ya. Moyzhes, G.Ye. Pikus, E.B. Sonin and V.G. Yur’yev, Russian Edition edited by B.Ya. Moyzhes and G.Ye. Pikus, English Edition edited by Lorin K. Hansen.

References of;

Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-Temperature Plasmas

Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC



7.3 Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Source Material, Review Articles

Source Material, Textbooks

Source Material, Conference Proceedings

Source Material, Solar Thermionic Systems

Source Material, Thermionic Nuclear Reactor Systems

Source Material, Radioisotope Thermionic Systems

Source Material, Fossil-Fuel Power Plants




1. Austria


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

Baksht, F.G., B.Ya. Moizhes, and V.A. Nemehinskiy, p. 284, Proc. 8th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Vienna, Austria, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

2. Czechoslovakia


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

Babanin V.I. et al, "Measurement of Cross Section for Thermal Electron Scattering on Cs and Ba Atoms," USSR, 11th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September, 1973


Czech. J. Phys. B.?

Fahnrich, J., and E. Tomkova, Czech. J. Phys. B., 15: 276, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Marr, G.V., and S.R. Wherrett, J. Phys. B. 5: 1735, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

3. Canada


Campbell, F.R., Bourque, L.R., Deshaies, R., and Notley, M.J.F., "In-Reactor Measurements of Fuel-to-Sheath Heat Transfer between UO2 and Stainless Steel," Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Report AECL-5400, 1977; Nuclear Fuels

Campbell, F.R., Deshaies, R., and Notley, M.J.F., "Transient Fission Gas Release Rates within UO2 Fuel Elements Following Power Increases," Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report - AECL-4912, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Transients, Test Results, Computer Code

Hastings, I.J., "Irradiation-Induced Volume Changes in UO2 Fuel," Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Report EACL-4942, 1974; Nuclear Fuels

Notley, M.J.F., Deshaies, R., and MacEwan, J.R., "Measurements of the Fission Product Gas Pressures Developed in UO2 Fuel Elements during Operation," AECL-2662, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Report, 1966; Nuclear Fuels

Ross, A.M. and Stoute, R. L., "Heat Transfer Coefficient between UO2 and Zircaloy-2," AECL-1522 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Report, 1962; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Heat Transfer

4. French

French Patent

Gaugry, C.P., Generator of Electricity, French Patent 989,296, September 1951; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

5. Republic of Georgia


Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters

The Second Intersociety Conference, Papers of Specialists, I.N. Vekua Institute Of Physics And Technology, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, October 28- November 02, 1991

Edited by, Salukvadze, R.G., Menabde, N.E., Kalandarishvili, A.G., Kashyia, V.G., Krivonosov, S.D., Stepennova, O.A.

General Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Ponomaryov-Stepnoy, Nikolay Nikolaevich, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, USSR

Co-Chairman Salukvadze Revaz Georgievich, I.N. Vekua SIPT, Abkhazian ASSR, Republic of Georgia

Co-Chairman Richard L. Verga, SDIO, USA

Chairman of the Programme Committee, Menabde Nikolay Evktimovich, I.N. Vekua SIPT, Abkhazian ASSR, Republic of Georgia

Co-Chairman Kaibyshev Vladimir Zefirovich, I.V. Kurchatov IKE, USSR

Co-Chairman Arnold Galaktionovich Kalandarishvlli, I.N. Vekua SIPT, Abkhazian ASSR, Republic of Georgia

Co-Chairman Elliot Kennel, Applied Sciences, Inc. USA

Chairman of the Operative Committee, Arnold Galaktionovich Kalandarishvili, I.N. Vekua SIPT, Abkhazian ASSR, Republic of Georgia

Chairman of the Exhibition Committee, Sukhomlinov Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, I.N. Vekua SIPT, Abkhazian ASSR, Republic of Georgia

Members of the Organizing Committee

Ned Britt, International Scientific Products

Mohammed EL-Genk, University of New Mexico

Lodewijk Wolff, Eindhoven University of Technology

Baranov, Nikolay Nikolaevich, Akademy of Sciences

Vasilkovsky, Vladimir Sergeevich, Atomic Energy and Industry Ministry

Zrodnikov, Anatoly Vasilyevich, Institute of Physics and Energy

Kaibyshev, Vladimir Zefirovich, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy

Kakuliya, Soso Vakhtangovich, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, Sukhumi

Kalandarishvili, Arnold Galaktionovich, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, Sukhumi

Menabde, Nikolay Evktimovich, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, Sukhumi

Nikolaev, Yuriy Vyacheslavovich, The Luch Research-and-Production Association

Sinyavsky, Victor Vasilyevich, The Energia Research-and-Production Association

TEC Physics and Energy Parameters

Kaibyshev, V.Z., Yu.N. Dzhashiashvili, V.A. Koryukin, Yu.V. Taldonov, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "The Effect of Oxygen Additives on a Voltage Drop in a Thermionic Converter Plazma," pp. 15, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Physics and Energy Parameters

Menabde, N.E., L.M. Tsakadze, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Electrical Characteristics of TIC with Various Collector Materials," pp. 46, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Physics and Energy Parameters

Sidelnikov, V.N., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Negative Ions in Near Electrode Layer of TEC," pp. 22, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Physics and Energy Parameters

Tsakadze, L.M., L.P. Chechelashvili, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Measurements of Effective Heat of Electron Condensation on Various Thermionic Converter Composition Collectors," pp. 29, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Physics and Energy Parameters

Tsakadze, L.M., L.P. Chechelashvili, V.I. Yarygin, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Investigation of Thermionic Converter with Various Composition Electrodes," pp. 36, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Physics and Energy Parameters

TEC Electrodes

Agafonov, V.R., A.V. Vizgalov, V.I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Comparative Analysis of Emission-Adsorption Characteristics TEC BH-2 and W (110) Collectors in Model Experiments with the Surface Control," pp. 179, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Bekmukhambetov, E.S., A.A. Dzhaimurzin, Z.Z. Imanbekov, S.V. Skionin, Institute of Nuclear Physics Academy of Sciences of KazSSR, "In-Pile Testing of the Bare Work function of Emitter Envelope of Thermionic Converter Cell," pp. 125, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Bekmukhambetov, E.S., A.A. Dzhaimurzin, Z.Z. Imanbekov, S.V. Sklonin, Institute of Nuclear Physics Academy of Sciences of KazSSR, "Work Function of (110)W Face in the Presence of Nb, O, C Atoms," pp. 135, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

D’Cruz, L.A., D.R. Bosch, D.L Jacobson, Department of Chemical, Bio and Materials Engineering, Arizona State University, "Effective Work Function Comparison for Arc-melted and Sintered Dilute Solution Tungsten, Iridium Alloys," pp. 85, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Davis, P.R. Linfield Research Institute, Linfield College, T.C. Tessner II, Fritz-Haber-Instituto der Max-Plank-Gesellschaft 1000 Berlin 33 (Dahlem) Faradayweg 4-6 Germany, "Characterization of Zirconium Carbide Films," pp. 106, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Diasamidze, E.M., N.E. Menabde, L.M. Tsakadze, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Structure and Desorption Characteristics Temperature Dependence of Niobium-Oxygen Implanted System," pp. 171, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Diasamidze, I.M., N.E. Menabde, L.M. Tzakadze, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Emission Current Temperature Dependence of Molybdenum Bombarded by Argon, Xenon and Silicon Ions," pp. 165, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Kobyakov, V.P., I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Emissivity, Structure and Impurities in Tungsten Single-Crystal Electrodes of Thermionic Generator," pp. 113, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Koryukin, V.A., V.P. Obresumov, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Simulation of the Mass Transfer Effect on TEC Collector Emission Properties," pp. 61, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Koryukin, V.A., V.P. Obresumov, I.V. Vybyvanets, Yu.V. Nikolaev, RI, RIC "Luch", "Processes in Interelectrode Gap, on Electrodes and Operation Life of Electrogenerating Channel," pp. 69, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Tsao, B-H, M.L. Ramalingam, UES, Inc., B.D. Donovan, T.R. Lamp, Aerospace Power Division, WL/POOC, Wright Patterson AFB, "W-Re-HFC as an Emitter Material with Long Life for Thermionic Fuel Element Application," pp. 100, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Zherebtsov, V.A., M.A. Lebedev, A.A. Lykyanov, A.A. Sobolev, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "TEC Mode Effect on the Emitter-Collector Mass-Transfer," pp. 78, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Zykov, B.M., Yu. I. Nardaya, A.M. Sabelnikov, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Chemical States of Oxygen and Cesium Double Films on (110) Face of Molybdenum-Niobium Alloy," pp. 150, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; TEC Electrodes

Nontraditional Concepts

Fitzpatrick, G.O., D.T. Allen, Advanced Energy Technology, Inc., "Cascaded Thermionic Converters," pp. 187, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Nontraditional Concepts

Kalandarishvili, A.G., V.G. Kashyia, A.B. Burkov, S.A. Avedyan, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Bariated-Graphite-Based Thermotunnel Converter," pp. 201, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Nontraditional Concepts

Ruzhnikov, V.A., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Efficiency of a TEC Heated with a Recuperative Burner," pp. 221, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Nontraditional Concepts

Schuller, M.J., V.H. Standley, D.B. Moris, USA, "Thermionic System Evaluation Test (TSET) Planning," pp. 196, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Nontraditional Concepts

Wolff, L.R., W.B. Veltkamp, Adenco B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, V.I. Yarygin, I.D. Ponimarsh, V.V. Klepicov, G.A. Kuptsov, A.N. Ryzhkov, A.V. Vizgalov, V.A. Ruzhnikov, A.I. Kirusichenko, N.I. Loginov, V.S. Mironov, S.M. Tulin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Combustion Heated Thermionic Converter," pp. 206, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Nontraditional Concepts

Direct-to-Alternating Current Conversion

Babanin, V.I., I.N. Kolyshkin, V.I. Kuznetsov, A.S. Paschina, V.I. Sitnov, A.Y. Ender, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russia Academy of Sciences, "Direct to Alternating Voltage Converter Based on Cs-Ba Diode," pp. 263, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Direct-to-Alternating Current Conversion

Babanin, V.I., I.N. Kolyshkin, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.I. Sitnov, A.Y. Ender, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russia Academy of Sciences, "Thermionic Converter at Very High Emitter Temperatures," pp. 266, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Direct-to-Alternating Current Conversion

Babanin, V.I., I.N. Kolyshkin, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.I. Sitnov, A.Y. Ender, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russia Academy of Sciences, "Knudsen TEC as a Source of Alternating Current," pp. 260, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Direct-to-Alternating Current Conversion

Kaibyshev, V.Z., A.A. Borovskikh, Yu.N. Dzhashiashvili, Yu.V. Taldonov, Kurchatov IAE, Mohamed EL-Genk, Chris Murray, Glen Mc Duff, Institute for Space Nuclear Power Studies, University of New-Mexico, "Peculiarities of the Discharge Breakdown of Cs-Ba Tacitron," pp. 234, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Direct-to-Alternating Current Conversion

Onupriev, V.V., SRI of PEI, NSTU, "The influence of Atomic Energy Balance in Cathode Layer on the Initiating of Arc Discharge in a Gasfilled Diode," pp. 270, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Direct-to-Alternating Current Conversion

Svensson, C.R.W., L. Hoimlid, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, "A Low Work Function Collector in a Thermionic Energy Converter," pp. 231, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Direct-to-Alternating Current Conversion

Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Doff-Gorsky, I.A., A.A. Elchaninov, A.N. Luppov, V.P. Nikitin, B.G. Ogloblin, Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, "Cesium Vapor Source with Capillary Self-Regulation for Nuclear Power Systems with Thermionic Energy Conversion," pp. 310, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Eryomin, S.A., Yu.D. Karpechenko, R.Ya. Kucherov, Yu.V. Nikolaev, Research Institute of SIA LUTCH, Podolsk, "Specified Calculation of a Low-Temperature Close-spaced Thermionic Converter," pp. 372, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Gunther, N.G., H.S. Rhee, Space Power Inc., S.K. Bhattacharyya, Argonne National Laboratory, "Composite Hydride/Beryllium Moderator for Fission Reactors," pp. 301, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Jalichandra, P., R.W. Hamerdinger, E.A. Anderson, LORAL Electro-Optical Systems, T.R. Lamp, B.D. Donovan, Air Force Wright Laboratory, "Thermionic Critical Technology Investigation," pp. 288, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Kucherov, R.Ya., M.F. Malkhozov, Research Institute of SIA LUTCH, Podolsk, "Possibility of Usage of the Emission Diode with a Small Interelectrode Gap for Semiconductor Laser Pumping," pp. 346, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Kucherov, R.Ya., Research Institute of LUTCH, Podolsk, "Efficient Zirconium Nitride Emitter for Thermionic Converter," pp. 329, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Kucherov, R.Ya., S.A. Eryomin, Yu. D. Karpechenico, Research Institute of SIA LUTCH, Podolsk, "Thermionic Converter-Transformer," pp. 366, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Nicole, Yu.V., A.V. Vasilehenko, S.A. Erymin, Yu.V. Nicolaev, A.N. Vasilchenko, S.A. Ervmin, Yu.D. Karpechenko, R.Ya. Kucherov, V.V. Kuznetsov, M.D. Kochetkov, N.V. Larochkin, R.N. Maraginsky, R.N. Syomin, Research Institute of SIA LUTCH, Podolsk, "Main Problems of Manufacturing a Low-Temperature Thermionic Converter with a Small Interelectrode Gap," pp. 352, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Pawlowski, R.A., A.C. Klein, Oregon State University, J.B. McVey, Rasor Associates, Inc., "Thermal and Electrical Performance Analysis of Single Cell Thermionic Fuel Elements," pp. 285, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Rhee, H.S., N.G. Gunther, Space Power Inc., "Performance Simulation of a Single Cell Thermionic Fuel Elements," pp. 293, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Sinyutin, G.V., A.L. Smohin, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, I.A. Dorf-Gorsky, A.A. Elchaninov, The Central Machine-Building Design Office, "Specific Features of Functioning of the Cesium System of the Thermionic NPF with a Fuse-Type Vapor Source," pp. 329, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Zhabotinsky, E.E., G.A. Zariysky, I.V. Sinyavsky, B.V. Slivkinh, L.M. Sheftel, SIV "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Some Problems of Experimental Elaboration of Multiple-Usage Cesium Vapor Source for Thermionic Space Nuclear Power Systems of Second Generation," pp. 320, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Units of Thermionic Power Plants

Poster Papers

Britt, E.J., A.M. Goremikin, A.S. Grigoriev, G.S. Koliadko, B.S. Strepnov. B.I. Chitikov, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy and J.V. INERTEK, "ATIS INERTEK - Automatic Telecommunication Information System," pp. 419, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Goncharov, L.A., S.G. Kondranin, SRIAME MAI, "The Ion Source with Thermionic Cathode Equipped with the Defocusing Ion Optical System," pp. 442, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Grigoriev, A.S., A.G. Olhovsky, V.V. Osmatchkin A.S. Pankov, A.M. Hudikin, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, B.S. Stepennov, G.S. Koliadko, J.V. INERTEK, "Automation System of TFE Power Testing," pp. 423, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Kobyakov, V.P., V.N. Taranovskaya, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Structures and Emission Properties of "Oxygen-Containing" Niobium Thermionic Converters," pp. 402, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Kolyadko, G.S., J.V. INERTEK, T.A. Sazikina, SSIE INFRATOM, "Stress State Analyses of the Thick Multilayer Shell," pp. 431, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Kozlov, O.F., V.I. Uvarov, D.L. Tsetskhladze, I.N., Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Aluminum Oxide in TC Interelectrode Gap," pp. 460, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Menabde, N.B., O.M. Mailov, B.N. Igumnov, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Simulations of Thermionic Converter Thermal and Power Modes, Their Continuous Sustainment and Measurements during Thermal Physics Investigations and Bench Tests," pp. 448, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Solovyeva, A.E., I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Investigation of N6-Y-O Powders," pp. 433, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

Zykov, B.M., V.P. Kobyakov, Yu.I. Nardaya, I.N. Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, "Chemical State of Cs Film System W(110) -O-Cs," pp. 385, Proceeding Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, The Second Intersociety Conference, Sukhumi, Republic of Georgia, 1991; Poster Papers

6. Germany



Pruschek, R., Gross, F., Stehle, H., Fassbender, J., and Hoecker, K.H., "Incore Thermionic Reactor ITR," AED-Conference-71-100-17, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development

Ind. At. and Spat.

Pruschek, R., "Incore Thermionic Reactor Systems for Space Applications," pp. 36-56, Ind. At. and Spat. 17,4, 1973; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Out-of-core, Fast Neutrons, Thermal, Space Reactor

International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, 3rd OK

Electric Propulsion

Mondt, J.F., Sawyer, C.D., and Schaupp, R.W., "Thermionic Reactor Electric Propulsion System Requirements," OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Electric Propulsion, Ion Propulsion, Systems

Peelgren, M., Kikin, G.M., and Sawyer, C.D., "Completely Modular Thermionic Reactor Ion Propulsion System (TRIPS)," p. 209, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Electric Propulsion, Systems

Nuclear Fuels

Francois, B., Chenebault, P., Kauffmann, Y., Stora, J.P., "In Reactor Behavior of UO2-Mo Cermets," p. 945, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Cermet, Swelling

Ponomarev-Stepnoy, N.N. and Khroulev, A.A., "Release of Fission Products from High Temperature Fuel Materials," p. 963, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Ranken, W.A. and Reichelt, W.H., "Behavior of Tungsten-Clad Mo-UO2 Fuel Under Neutron Irradiation at High Temperature," p. 927, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Cermet, Expansion, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Yang, L, Hudson, R.G., Johnson, H., Horner, H., and Allen, D.T., "Material Development for Thermionic Fuel-Cladding Systems," p. 873, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Nuclear Reactor

Bernnat, W., "Control of the Incore Thermionic Reactor (ITR) by Movable Reflector Elements," p. 277, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, Fast Neutrons, In-core

Breitwieser, R., "Out-of-Core Thermionic-Converter System for Nuclear Space Power," p. 189, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Space Reactor

Busse, C.A., "Heat Pipes for Thermionic Space Power Supplies," OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Dagbjartsson, S., Ferg, D., and Siegel, K., "Feedback Synthesis of an Incore Thermionic Reactor Control System for Space," p. 285, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Stability

Fisher, C.R. and Merrill, M.H., "A Comparison of Thermionic Reactor Designs Employing a Common Thermionic Fuel Element," p. 95, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, published by ZAED, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts, In-core, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Thermionic Nuclear Reactor Systems

Gietzen, A.J. and Homeyer, W.G., "Thermionic Reactor Power Systems," p. 55, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts, In-core, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Gregorius, K., Janner, K. and Kammerer, P., "Core Design of Incore Thermionic Reactors," p. 121, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Thermal, Fast Neutrons

Kleinkauf, W. and Rasch, W., "Voltage-Conversion for Incore-Thermionic-Reactors," p. 323, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Stability

Krings, F.J., Kirch, N., Bloser, M., and Ramakrishna, D.V.S., "Measurements with Thermionic Fuel Elements in the ITR Critical Facility," p. 223, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, In-core

McLaughlin, T.P., Schmitz, D., and Simon, D., "Significance of the Results of the ITR Critical Experiments for the Calculation of an Incore-Thermionic Reactor," p. 235, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Stability

Pruschek, R., Gross, F., and Stehle, H., "Aspects on the Modular Lay-Out of Incore Thermionic Reactors," p.107, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Concepts

Rex, D. and Weber, M., "Dynamics and Control of an Incore-Thermionic-Reactor in the Power Region," p. 295, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Stability

Sawyer, C.D. and Boudreau, J.E., "Closed Loop Dynamics of In-Core Thermionic Reactor Systems," p. 307, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Stability

Schock, A., "Electronic Temperature-Flattening of Thermionic Reactors," p.167, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Stability

Schock, A., "High-Voltage Thermionic Reactor Using Double-Sheath Fuel Elements," p.155, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Concepts

Uhing, E., "Controlled DC to DC Converter for a Space-Qualified Thermionic-Reactor," p. 349, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Stability

Refractory Materials

Batzies, P., Schroeder-Babo, P., and Wahl, G., "The 110-Oriented CVD Tungsten Layers," p. 845, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Tungsten, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Chin, J. and Messick, C.W., "Ceramic-to-Metal Seal Development for Thermionic Fuel Elements," p. 881, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June; 1972, Refractory Materials, Seals, Alumina, Brazing, Fabrication

Faron, R., Bargues, M., Gillardau, J., Hasson, R., Dejachy, G., and Durand, J.P., "Vapor Deposition of the Refractory Metals Applied to the Thermionic Conversion," p. 623, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Fabrication

Francois, B., Sainfort, G., and Delmas, R., "Radiation Effects on Thermionic Converter Materials," OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Irradiation

Gregoire, J. and Sainfort, G., "Creep at High Temperature and High Stress of Different Types of Molybdenum," p. 737, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Properties, Molybdenum

Kuznetsov, V.A., Bykov, V.N., Zakharova, M.I., Zasorin, I.P., and Kuvshinov, S.N., "Stability of Structure of Physical Mechanical Properties of Molybdenum and Tungsten after Irradiation and Thermal Influence," p. 747, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Irradiation, Properties, Molybdenum, Tungsten, USSR

Phillips, W.M., "Some Observations on Uranium Carbide Alloy/Tungsten Compatibility," p. 911, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Corrosion, Tungsten

Ranken, W.A., Frank, T.G., and Keilholtz, G.W., "Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on Alumina and Yttria," p. 819, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Alumina, Yttria, Irradiation, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Roux, F., Ablitzer, D., and Vignes, A., "Studies of the Influence of CVD Tungsten Depositing Conditions on the Formulation of Pores Resulting from Interdiffusion in the Emitters of Thermionic Converter," p. 667, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Corrosion, Properties, Tungsten, Molybdenum

Shroff, A.M., Letourneux, P., and Delval, G., "Improvement of Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tungsten and Molybdenum for Thermionic Conversion," p. 655, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Tungsten, Molybdenum

Venker, H., "Vapor Deposition of High Work Function Materials in a Gas Discharge," p. 645, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Refractory Materials, Fabrication

#Thermionic Devices

Gregorius, K. and Janner, K., "Experimental Tests on Thermionic Converters with Conical Electrodes," p. 593, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Devices, Development, Cylindrical

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Bliaux, J., Dumas, P., Durand, J.P., Clemot, M., and Marquer, R., "In-Pile Results of a Tungsten Emitter Converter 'SIRENE 325' and Synthesis of In-Pile Tests 'SIRENE' (Abstract Only)," p. 517, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests

Cheliotis, G., Gregorius, K., Peehs, M., Schoerner, H., and Paetz, P., "Experience during Manufacturing the Core for the ITR Critical Experiment," p. 861, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication

Clemot, M., Gayte, B., and Tripet, J., "Survey of Six Years Out of Pile Converter Tests Activities (In French)," p. 501, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Out-of-Pile Tests, Endurance

Eichhorn, O., Huebner, H., Neffe, G., and Wolfrum, K., "Irradiation Tests with ITR-Emitters," p. 555, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Radiation

Frank, T.G. and Backus, C.E., "Effect of Neutron Spectra on the Swelling of Ceramic Insulators and Implications for Thermionic Reactor Design," p. 831, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Gregorius, K., Janner, K., Krause, E.-D., Peehs, M., and Schoeneich, H., "Emitter Fuel System for a Thermionic Fuel Element," p. 1001, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Theory

Haar, W., Holick, H., Jester, A., and Minor, A., "State of Development of Diodes for In-Core Thermionic Fuel Elements," p. 569, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Out-of-Pile Tests, Performance, Fabrication, Endurance

Haar, W., Holick, H., Jester, A., Krapf, R., and Herion, J., "Irradiation Experiment with a Triple Thermionic Diode," p. 581, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Development, Radiation, Fabrication

Holland, J.W., "Thermionic Fuel Element Development Status Summary," p. 465, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Performance, Endurance, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Horner, M.H., Grebetz, J.C., and Kay, J., Jr., "Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element Fabrication Technology," p. 491, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Insulators, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Krings, F.J., Kirch, N., Bloser, M., and Raakrishna, D.V.S., "Measurements with Thermionic Fuel Elements in the ITR Critical Facility," OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests

Lebourg, R., Bliaux, J., Clemot, M. and Marquer, R., "Synthesis of Tests and Post-Mortem Examinations for Irradiated Converters between 200 and 5000 Hours (In French)," p. 519, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests

McLaughlin, T.P., Schmitz, D., and Simon, D., "Significance of the Results of the ITR Critical Experiments for the Calculation of an Incore-Thermionic Reactor," OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests

Peehs, M., and Schoerner, H., "Out-Pile Cycling with Emitters," p. 989, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Out-of-Pile Tests, Endurance, Startup

Shroff, A.M., Lalaurie, J., Molnar, F., Durand, J.P., and Marquer, R., "Design and Construction of 100 We and 300 We Modules and 1 kWe Thermionic Fuel Elements," OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Development

Wahl, G., Demny, J., and Batzies, P., "Out-of-Pile Investigations on Uranium Dioxide-Fueled Tungsten Coated Molybdenum Emitters," p. 895 (or 895), OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Yates, M.K., Fitzpatrick, G.O., and Schwarzer, D.E., "Thermionic Fuel Element Testing at Gulf General Atomic," p. 479, OECD 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, In-Pile Tests, Performance, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC



Babanin, V.I., et al., p. 1151, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Batzies, P., P. Schroder-Bobo, and G. Wahi, p. 845, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Busygin, E.P., p. 1675, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Chin, J., and C.W. Messick, p. 681, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Devin, B., G. Dupuy, and J.P. Schwartz, p. 133, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Ender, A.Ya., V.I. Kuznetsov, "Sinusoidal Potential Distributions and volt-ampere Characteristics of Knudsen-Mode Thermionic Emission Converters," USSR, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972

Ender, A.Ya., Yu. A. Duane, A.S. Mustafa, V.I. Sitnov, "Investigation of Physical Processes and Optimization of Thermionic Converters with Cs-Ba Filling," USSR, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972

Gorelov, I.N., et al., p. 765, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Gus’kov, Yu.K., et al., p. 1661, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Gverdtsiteli, I., et al., p. 1117, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Henne, R., "Function, Features and Limitations of Ba-Cs Diode," FRG, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972

Knub G., "Experimental Investigation of the Ignited Mode of a Ba-Cs-Converter," FRG, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972

Kuznetsov, V.A., et al., p. 365, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Kuznetsov, V.A., et al., p. 797, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Kuznetsov, V.I., and A. Ya. Ender, p. 1177, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Nevolin V.K., V.P. Tsiberov, V.K. Tskhakaya, V.I. Yarygin, "The Influence of Magnetic Pressure on the Performance of a High-Current Discharge Thermionic Converter," p. 1127? Physico-technical Institute, Committee for the Utilization of Atomic Energy, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Pruschek, R., et al., p. 399, 3rd Int. Conf, on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Rasor N.S., K.A. Gasper, J.G. DeSteese, "A Miniature Atomic Battery Based on Thermionic Conversion," USA, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972

Rasor Ned S., "Methods for Improving Thermionic Converter Performance," p. 1027,Consulting Physicist, 200 Tait Rd., Dayton, Ohio, USA, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Vol. 3, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Review Articles

Rufeh, F., Vol. 3, p. 1061, 3rd Int. Conference Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, Germany, 1972, published by ZAED Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, West Germany; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Samsonov, G.V., et al., p. 783, 3rd Int. Conf, on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Schindler, M., "Theoretical Considerations on Current Voltage Characteristics of Ba-Cs-Converter," FRG, 3rd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, West Germany, June, 1972

Shaw, D.T., p. 1547, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Shroff, A.M., D. Grauleau, and F. Molnar, p. 85, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Vedula, Yu.S., et al, p. 135, 3rd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Jülich Nuclear Research Center

Direct Energy Conversion at the Jülich Nuclear Research Center, D517, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

German Patent

Krapf, S., Method for Direct Conversion of Heat to Electrical Energy, German Patent 831,572, February 1952; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction


Ann. Physik

Schlichter, W., Die spontane Electronenemission glühender Metalle und das glühelektrische Element, Ann. Physik, 47 (4): 573-640, 1915; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Atomkernenerg Kerntech

Sahin, S., "Flight Performance of a Mars-Earth-Venus Shuttle with Energy Supply from a Solar Energy Advanced Thermionic Generator," pp. 177-180, Atomkernenerg Kerntech. 39,3, 1981; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Sahin, S., "Solar Energy Power Generators with Hybrid Thermionic Converters," p. 303-4, Atomkernernerg. Kerntech. 33,4, 1979; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Sahin, S., "Solar-Thermionic Generator for Nuclear Waste Disposal in Space," p.155-6, Atomkernenerg. Kerntech. 40,3, 1982; Thermionic Devices, Solar


Sahin, S., "A 50-kW(e) Solar Energy Thermionic Power Generator for Spacecraft," pp. 203-5, Atomkernenergie 31,3, 1978; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Wolf, E. and Speidel, V., "Dynamics of a Power Supply with a Moderated Thermionic Reactor," pp. 19-28, Atomkernenergie 16,1, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Thermal, Heat Pipe, Radiator, Stability

Beitrage aus der Plasmaphysik

Knoche, F., and K. Dietrich, Beitrage aus der Plasmaphysik, 7: 299, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas


Brown, Boveri und Cie A.G., Heidelberg, et al, "Final Report on an In-Core Thermionic Reactor (ITR), Vol. I, Development Work and Design of a Test Facility for an In-Core Thermionic Reactor," BMFT-FBK-74-01 Vol. 1, 1974; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Development

Brown, Boveri und Cie A.G., Heidelberg, et al, "Final Report on an In-Core Thermionic Reactor (ITR), Vol. II, Development Work and Design of a Test Facility for an In-Core Thermionic Reactor," BMFT-FBK-74-01 Vol. 2, 1974; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Development

Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe

Dienst, W., Ehrlich, K., Goetzmann, O., Hoffmann, H., and Kleykamp, H., "UO2 - PuO2 Fuel-Rod-Bundle Irradiation MOL-7A. Evaluation of the Investigation Results on the Irradiation Fuel Rods," Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, 1973; Nuclear Fuels

Dienst, W., Goetzmann, O., Kleykamp, H., Ondracek, G., and Schulz, R., "Evaluation of the Investigation Results on the Irradiated UO2-PuO2 Fuel Rods of the Test Series FR 2-4A," p. 125, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, 10/1973; Nuclear Fuels

Ehrlich, K., Goetzmann, Kleykamp, Schaefer, Schulz, Zimmerman, and Dienst, "UO2/PuO2 Fuel Pin Bundle Irradiation DFR-350. Evaluation of the Post-Irradiation Examination Results," p. 103, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, 1974; Nuclear Fuels

Ehrlich, K., Goetzmann, O., Hoffmann, H., Kleykamp, H., Zimmerman, H., Dienst, W., "UO2 - PuO2 Fuel Pin Trefoil Irradiation DFR-2304, Evaluation of the Post-Irradiation Examination Results," p. 95, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, January, 1974; Nuclear Fuels

Freund, I.D., Dippel, Th., and Weimar, P., "Design, Irradiation, and Post Irradiation Examination of the UO2/PuO2 Fuel Pin Irradiation Experiments of the FR 2 Capsule Group No. 4A," KFK-1523 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (NTIS), 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Geithoff, D. and Kummerer, K., "Design, Irradiation, and Nondestructive Post-Irradiation Examination of UO2 - PuO2 Fuel Pin Bundle DFR-350," KFK-1377 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, 1972; Nuclear Fuels

Haefner, H. and Philipp, K., "FR2-Bestrahlungskapsel Zur Untersuchung Des Brennstoffschwellens," KFK 1398 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Test Results, Properties

Haefner, H. and Philipp, K., "Unknown at this Time," KFK 1398 Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, 1971; Nuclear Fuels

Kummerer, K. and Geithoff, D., "Design, Irradiation, and Examination of the UO2 - PuO2 Fuel Pins in the Test DFR-304," p. 151, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, January, 1974; Nuclear Fuels

Kummerer, K., Geithoff, D., and Weimar, P., "Design, Irradiation, and Examination of the UO2/PuO2 Fuel-Pin-Bundle MOL-7A," p. 213, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, November, 1972; Nuclear Fuels

Weimar, P., Dippel, Th., and Freund, D., "Design, Irradiation, and Post Irradiation Examination of the UO2/PuO2 Fuel Pin Irradiation Experiments of the FR 2 Capsule Group No. 4B," p. 278, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, March, 1974; Nuclear Fuels

Zimmerman, H., "Investigations on Swelling and Fission Gas Behavior in Oxide Fuel under Neutron Irradiation," p. 102, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, (mf only), June, 1977; Nuclear Fuels


Blumenberg, J., "Comparison of Nuclear Space Power Systems with Turboelectric and with Thermionic Converters," pp. 29-35, Kerntechnik 18,1, 1976; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Heat Pipe, Fast Neutrons

Euler, J., and A. Scharmann, Kerntechnik 10, 599, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Sahin, S., "Spacecrafts," pp. 233-6, Kerntechnik 19,5, 1977; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Sahin, S., "Solar Energy Thermionic Electricity Generating Plants for Spacecraft," pp. 233-36, Kerntechnik 19,5, 1977; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Hubner, H., "Short-Term Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examination of Thermionic Emitters," pp. 273-80, Kerntechnik 15,6, 1973; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Endurance


Wiener, N., and E. Hopf, Berliner Ber. Math. Phys., Kiasse, 696, 1931; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Physik. Z.

Schottky, W., Über den Einfluss von Strukturwirkungen, besonders der Thomsonschen Bildkraft, auf die Elektronenemission der Metalle, Physik. Z., 15:872-878, 1914; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Wiss. Veroff. Siemens Werken

Von Engel, A., and M. Steenbeck, Wiss. Veroff. Siemens Werken, 10: 155, 1931; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Z. Angew. Phys.

Gunther, K.G., Z. Angew. Phys., 13: 501, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Z. Astrophys.

Unsold, A., Z. Astrophys, 24: 355, 1948; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Z. Instrumentk

Becker, L., and H.W. Drawin, Z. Instrumentk., 72: 251, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Z. Naturforsch

Ott, W., Z. Naturforsch, 22a: 1057, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Ott, W., Z. Naturforsh, 22a: 1057, 1067, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Z. Phys.

Freudenberg, K., Z. Phys., 67: 417, 1931; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Koch, O., Z. Phys., 126: 507, 1949; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Larenz, R.W., Z. Phys., 6: 176, 1955; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Schottky, W., Über kalte und warme Elektronenentladungen, Z. Phys., 14:63-106, 1923; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Weisskopf, V., Z. Phys., 75: 287, 1932; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma


Brown Boveri und Cie

Wirkenback, H., and U. Heidtmann, Brown Boveri und Cie Forschung uber Direktumwandlung in elektrisch Energie 10, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Stuttgart University

Klaiss, H., "Modular Program System for the Control of Multivariable Systems," p. 1-162, Dissertation Stuttgart University, 1/1978; Nuclear Reactor, Stability

West Germany

Henne, R., "Features of a Barium-Cesium Diode with Plane Polycrystalline Molybdenum Electrodes for Thermionic Energy Conversion," Report, Holland, Deutsche Forschungs-und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft-und Raumfahrt (DFVLR) E.V. Institute for Energy Conversion and Electric Drives, Stuttgart, West Germany, 1975



Finkelnburg, W., and H. Maecker, Elektrische Bogen und thermische Plasma, Handbuch der Physik, ed. by S. Flugge, Vol. 22, Springer, Berlin, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Fowler, R.C., Radiation from Low Pressure Discharges, Handbuch der Physik, ed. by S. Flugge, Vol. 22, Springer, Berlin, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

7. Italy


2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa Maybe OK

Nuclear Fuels

Huebner, H., Janner, K., Peehs, M., and Stehle, H., "Low Swelling, Oxide Fueled Thermionic Emitter," p. 711, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Venting, Cladding, Gas Release

Ranken, W.A., Chaney, M.C. and Patrick, A.J., "Retention of Fission Gases in the UO2 Phase of MoUO2 -Cermets Irradiated at High Temperatures," p. 411, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Swelling, Cermet, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Nuclear Reactor

Abbate, M.J., Eisen, C.L., Raab, B., and Schock, A, "External-Fuel Thermionic Reactors," p. 221, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-Core, Heat Pipe

Andel, E. van, "Heat Pipe Design Theory," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Andrae, H., Budnick, D., Gross, F., Jahns, W., Jannet, K., and Jester, A., "In-Core Thermionic Reactor as a Space Power Source," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Space Reactor, Fast Neutrons

Busse, C.A., Geiger, F., Strub, H., Poetzschke, M., and Kraft, G., "High Temperature Lithium Heat Pipes," p. 495, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Fiebelmann, P., Neu, H. and Rinaldini, C., "Heat Pipe Thermionic Reactor Concept," p. 243, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Space Reactor, Heat Pipe, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Gronroos, H.G. and Davis, J.P., "Stability and Control Considerations for Thermionic Reactors," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, In-core, Space Reactor

Grover, G.M., Kemme, J.E., and Keddy, E.S., "Advances in Heat Pipe Technology," p. 477, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Gutshin, G.I, Kolmakov, A.P., et al, "Thermionic Converter Electrical Characteristics with Matrix Circuit Connections," p. 833, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, USSR

Homeyer, W.G., Heath, C.A., and Gietzen, A.J., "Thermionic Reactors for Electric Propulsion-Parametric Studies," p. 201, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Loewe, W.E., "Out-of-Core Thermionic Space Power," p. 263, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Space Reactor, Concepts, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Pruschek, R., Dagbjartsson, S., et al, "Results of Studies on Various Fast and Thermal Thermionic Reactor Systems," p. 157?, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Fast Neutrons, Thermal, In-core, Out-of-core, Space Reactor, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Ranken, W.A. and Salmi, E.W., "Thermionic Electric Propulsion System Characteristics and Capabilities," p. 185, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Heat Pipe, Concepts, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Reims, F. and Schretzmann, K., "Pressure Balance and Maximum Power Density at the Evaporation Gained from Heat Pipe Experiments," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Sawyer, C.D., Hill, P.R., and Wilkins, D.R., "Multimegawatt Thermionic Reactor Systems for Space Applications," p. 171, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Stability, In-core, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Refractory Materials

Bykov, V.N., Pavlinov, L.V., Gorban, Yu.A. et al, "Investigation of Diffusion Interaction and Structural Stability of Cathode Material," p. 761, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Refractory Materials, Corrosion, USSR

Cappelletti, C.M. and Busse, C.A., "Metal-to-Ceramic Seals for Thermionic Converters," p. 613, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Refractory Materials, Seals, Niobium, Alumina

Henne, R., "On the Effect of Barium on Converter Materials," p. 671, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Refractory Materials, Corrosion

Huet, J.J. and Vangeel, J., "High Temperature Compatibility of Refractory Metals in Contact with Refractory Materials," p. 731, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Refractory Materials, Corrosion

Peehs, M. and Stehie, H., "Deposition of Tungsten-Layers on Molybdenum and Interdiffusion," p. 603, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Fabrication

Schmidt, D., "Cermets as Material for Thermionic Emitters," p. 773, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Refractory Materials, Thermionic Performance

Thermionic Converter Research

Albrecht, H., Saggau, B., and Strecker, H., "Investigations on Noble Gas Converters," p. 1105, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Baksht, F.G., Moizhes, B.Ya., and Nemchinskiy, Y.A., "Electron Energy Distribution Function and the Rate of Non-Equilibrium Ionization in the Near-Cathode Layer of the Thermionic Converter," p. 1161, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, USSR, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., Djuzev, G.A., Kaplan, V.B., et al, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Low-Voltage Arc In Thermionic Converter," p. 1147, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, USSR, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Baksht, F.G., Djuzev, G.A., Kaplan, V.B., "On the Plasma Sheath Theory," p. 1185, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, USSR

Barabash, M.B. Busigin, E.P., Grigoryjants, V.G., and Yavor, I.P., "Low-Voltage Cesium Arc in Thermionic Converter with Extended Cathode Surface," p. 1113, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Batzies, P., Demny, J., and Schmid, H.E., "Preparation and Investigation of Tungsten Surfaces with Preferred Orientations," p. 1303, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Batzies, P., "Influence of Oxygen on the Work Function of Tungsten," p. 1357, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Belomytzev, Yu.S., Babina, F.L., Dmitrieva, I.B., et al, "Cathode Materials of the Thermo-Emission Converters Research," p. 1281, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics, USSR, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Bohdansky, J., "New Interpretation of the Thermionic Emission from Bare and Covered Metal Surfaces," p.1267, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Bondarenko, V.D. and Guskov, Yu.K., "Characteristics of Thermionic Converters Filled with Vapor Mixture," p. 999, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Borzenko, V.L., Drobjazko, L.A., Drobjazko, V.N., and Knizhnikov, I.V., "Some Peculiarities of I-V Curves of the Thermionic Converters in Cesium Vapor at the Pressure .01-5 Torr," p.1019, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Bundschuh, V., "Work Function Measurements of Refractory Metals in a High Pressure Cesium Plasma for Low Probe Temperature Range," p.1295, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Burgess, E.L. and Akhurst, D.O., "Investigation of the Ionization Mechanisms in the Ignited Mode Cesium Thermionic Converter," p.1199, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Derbilov, V.I., Karetnikov, D.V., Kosyreva, N.P., et al., "On the Development of a Low-Voltage Arc in a Thermionic Diode with Extended Electrodes," p. 1055, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Djuzhev, G.A., Martisinovskiy, A.M., Moizhes, B.Ya., et al, "Probe and Spectral Investigations of Dense Plasma Thermionic Converters," p. 1173, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, USSR

Ender, A. and Yoffe, A.F., "Two Types of Potential Distribution in Collisionless Mode of Thermionic Converter Operation in the Presence of Transverse Magnetic Field," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Glas, D., "Spectrum of the Low-Voltage Discharge in a Cesium-Filled Diode," p. 1213, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Gverdtsiteli, "Low-Voltage Arc in the Cesium-Barium Mixture," p. 1091, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Gverdtsiteli, I.G., Karakhanov, V.Ya., et al, "Low-Voltage Knudsen Arc in the Cesium-Inert Gas Mixture," p. 1097, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Gverdtsiteli, I.G., Karakhanov, V.Ya., Kucherov, R.Ya. et al, "Current Oscillations and Electromagnetic Radiation in Low-Pressure Thermionic Converters," p. 1079, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Gyftopoulos, E.P., "Comments on Work Function Theories," p. 1225, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Gyftopoulos, E.P. and Hatsopoulos, G.N., "Quantum-Thermodynamic Meaning of Electronegativity and Work Function," p. 1249, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Hansen, L.K., "Spacing Effect in the Ignited Mode Diode," p. 899, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Hatsopoulos, G.N., "Comments on Plasma Theories for Cesium Diodes," p. 881, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Hudson, R.G., Tagami, T., and Yang, L., "Chemical Vapor-Deposition of Tungsten Emitters of (110) Preferred Crystal Orientation," p. 565, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Kondratiev, F.V. and Sinyutin, G.V., "Experimental Verification on the Rasor Phenomenological Theory of the Arc Mode Regime of a Cesium Thermionic Converter," p. 1031, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Kosyrev, F.K., Kosyreva, N.P. and Lunev, E.I., "Ionization State of Cesium Thermionic Converter Plasma," p. 1041, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, USSR, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Kucherov, R.Ya. and Nastojashchy, A.E. (or A.F. Nastoyashchiy), "Kinetic Theory of Knudsen Arcs in the Mixture of Inert Gases with Cesium Vapour," p. 1067, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Langpape, R. and Minor, A., "Work Functions of Polycrystalline W and Re in an Atmosphere of Cesium and Oxygen," p. 1367, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Maly, R., Rapp, H., and Kluge, W., "Evaluation of Semi-Conducting Collector Surfaces in Thermionic Converters," p. 1321, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Mosevitsky, I.S., "Methods of Calculation and Optimization Of Thermionic Electrogenerating Elements," p. 821, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Muz, E., "Critical Experiment on the Nature of Adsorbed Cesium Films," p. 1381, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Rufeh, F. and Lieb, David P., "Electron Scattering in Thermionic Converters by Xenon," p.1123, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Saggau, B. and Strecker, H., "Voltage Drop of the Ignited Mode as a Function of Current Density," p. 923, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Schock, A., "Effect of Cesium Pressure on Thermionic Stability," p. 969, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Schock, A. and Abbate, M.J., "Comparison of Methods for Calculating Radiative Heat Transfer," p. 813, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter, Research

Shimada, K., "Pre-Ignition and Ignition Characteristics of Cesium Thermionic Diodes," p. 1139, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Sonin, E.B., "Theory of the Low-Voltage Arc in the Cesium Thermionic Converter," p. 911, 912, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Stakhanov, I.P. and Kassikov, I.I., "On Low-Voltage Arc in Cesium Vapor," p. 945, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Stakhanov, I.P. and Scherbinin, P.P., "On the Theory of Electrode Layer of Plasma," p. 979, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Stojanoff, C.G., Hoffmann, W., and Sewing, K., "Spectroscopic Investigations in a Thermionic Converter Plasma," p. 1205, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Webster, H.F., "Wetting of Some Refractory Metals by Cesium," p. 1329, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Wilkins, D.R., Sawyer, C.D., and Hill, P.R., "Theory of Thermionic Converter Operation with Applications to Thermionic Reactor Analysis," p. 1031, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Wilkins, D.R., Wurm, J.P., Derby. S.L. and McCandless. R.J., "Theoretical Study of Methods for Improving Thermionic Converter," p. 198, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, p. 1031, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Wolf, E., Mayer, R., and Schindler, M., "Unignited Mode Converter Diagnostics with Regard to Emitter Work Function Patches," p. 1011, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Thermionic Devices

Bacal, M., Cristescu, M., and Voci, C., "Investigation of a Ne-A Thermionic Generator," p.125, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Research

Bohdansky, J. and van Andel, E., "Calorimetric Measurements with a Heat Pipe Thermionic Converter," p.989, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Development

Campbell, A.E. Jr. and Jensen, A.O., "Arc-Mode Thermionic Converter Performance: Measurements and Interpretations," p. 87, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Development, Integral Reservoir

De Trover, A., Neve de Mevergnies, E., Brabers, M.J., de Jonghe, P., et al, "Design and Characteristics of an Actinium Fueled Thermionic Generator," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Planar

Dunlay, J.B. and Howard, R.C., "Snap-13 Generator Development Program," p. 297, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Orlinov, V., Doncev, T, and Gorancev, B., "Pulse Investigation on Thermionic Converters," p. 1129, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Rasor, N.S., Gasper, K.A., and DeSteese, J.G., "Miniature Atomic Battery Based on Thermionic Conversion," p. 337, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear

Rouklove, P., "Thermionic Converter Technology," p. 61, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Development, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Rufeh, F., Lieb, David P., and Someren, L. van, "Summary of Applied Research Program in Thermionic Conversion During Recent Years," p. 29, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Development, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Stefanov, B. and Zarcova, L., "High Pressure Cesium Thermionic Converter with a Cold Region," p. 75, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Development, Integral Reservoir

Touryan, K.J. and Sluyter, M.M., "Thermionic Electrical Power Generation from Re-Entry Plasmas," p. 345, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Research

Williams, E.W., and R.C. Howard "Development of a 100 Watt (e) Isotope Thermionic Electrical Power Module," p. 281, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Radioisotope Thermionic Systems

Wilson, V.C., "Characteristics of a Thermionic Converter with a Chloride-Vapor-Deposited Tungsten Emitter and a Nickel Collector," p. 45, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Development, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Yates, M.K. and Fitzpatrick, G.O., "Cesium Sorption in Materials for Thermionic Converters," p. 783, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Arkin, E.S.A., Luppov, A.N., Murinson, H.A., et al, "Theoretical Study of Transient Thermal Conditions during The Start-Up of a Thermionic Converter," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Startup, USSR

Belyanina, R.G., Bondarenko, V.L., Borisova, A.A., et al, "Insulating Materials of Thermo-Emission Converters," p. 655, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators, USSR, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Brabers, M.J., Mevergnies, E.N., Troyer, A., et al, "Design and Characteristics of an Actinium Fueled Thermionic Generator," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Performance

Danilov, Yu.I., Koshkin, V.K. Mikhailova, T.V., Mikheev, Yu.S., and Orlin, S.A., "Thermal Contact Resistance in Cylindrical Elements in Thermionic Energy Converters," p. 683, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, USSR

Davis, J.P. and Gronroos, H.G., "Unisulated (Or Insulated?) In-Core Thermionic Diode Concept," p. 237, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators, Development

Diakov, B.B., "Failure Models and Reliability Analysis of Thermionic Converter Component Parts," p. 853, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Endurance, USSR

Dunlay, J.B., "Multi-Foil Thermal Insulation using Oxide Particle Layer Separation," p. 639, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators

Gross, F. and Zoeller, R., "Post-Irradiation Investigations of UO2-Fueled Thermionic Emitters," p. 451, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance

Holland, J.W., Yates, M.K., Schwarzer, D.E., and Kay, J., "Long-Term Operations of In-Pile and Out-of-Pile Thermionic Converters," p. 385, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, Endurance, In-Pile Tests, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Hoomissen, J.E. van and Hotslag, D.J., "In-Reactor Thermionic Converter Testing Experience at General Electric," p. 353, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile, Tests, Performance, Endurance, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Howard, R.C. and Dunlay, J.B., "Converter SD-4 Design and Summary of Test Results," p. 365, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, In-Pile Tests, In-Pile Tests (or Out-of-Pile Tests?)

Jester, A., Gross, F., Holick, H., Krapf, R. and Zoeller, R., "Laboratory Life-Test and In-Pile Irradiation Studies of Cylindrical Thermionic Converters," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Endurance, In-Pile Tests

Peehs, M., Schoerner, H., and Stehle, H., "Special Technique for Manufacturing Insulating Collector Multilayer Tubes," p. 647, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators

Schock, A., "Analysis and Optimization of 'Full-Length' Diodes," p. 865, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, Development




Barishnikov G.A., A.T. Belevtsev, V.B. Eliseyev, V.F. Lebedev, N.S. Lidorenko, A.I. Loshkarev, S.D. Medunov, B.P. Protsenko, C.V. Ryabikov, L.L. Silin, M.L. Ostapov, "Investigation on Combined Operation of Thermionic and Thermoelectric Converters," Moscow, USSR, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968

Busse, C.A., p. 461, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Danilov, Yu.L., ibid., p. 1417, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Desplat, J.L., Ph. Defranould, p. 1389, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

DeTroyer, A., et al., "Design and Characteristics of an Actinium-Fueled Thermionic Generator," p. 305, 2nd Int. Conference Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, 1968; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Radioisotope Thermionic Systems

Hatsopoulos, G.N., p. 1103, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Hatsopoulos, G.N., p. 42, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Jester, A., et al, p. 437, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Knauss G., "Experimental Investigation of the Ignited Mode of a Ba-Cs-Converter," USA, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968

Kucherov R.Ya., G.I. Tkeshelashvili, G.I. Tskhakaya, "Low-Voltage Arc in the Cesium-Barium Mixture," USSR, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968

Latouche-Halle, M., p. 81, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Rasor Ned S., "Methods for Improving Thermionic Converter Performance," Consulting Physicist, 200 Tait Rd., Dayton, Ohio, USA, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968

Schindler, M., "Theoretical Considerations on Current-Voltage Characteristics of Ba-Cs Converter," EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968

Tape, G.F., p. 1407, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Troyer, A.D., et al, p. 305, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Warner, C., p. 931, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Wilkins, D.R., C.D. Sawyer, and P.R. Hill, p. 799, 2nd Int. Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Williams E.W., R.C. Howard, "Development of a 100-We Isotope Thermionic Electrical Power Module," p. 281, USA, EAEC-OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

8. Japan

Conference or Report?


Iwano, Y., Kojima, H., and 0i. N., "Studies on Swelling of Fast Reactor Fuel due to Gaseous Fission Products Out-of-Pile Experiment on Gaseous Fission Product Precipitation," JAPFNR-23, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release


Proc. Phys. Soc.

Kaneko, B.J. Proc. Phys. Soc., Japan, 15: 1685, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Solar Energy

Naito, H. (Tohoku Univ., Aramaki (Japan)), Kohsaka, Y., Cooke, D., Arashi, H., "Development of a Solar Receiver for a High-Efficiency Thermionic/Thermoelectric Conversion System," International Solar Energy Society (ISES) solar world congress: in search of the sun, Harare (Zimbabwe), 9-16 Sep. 1995, Solar Energy, 58 (4-6): 191-195, Oct-Dec, 1996

9. Mexico


Conference on Util. of Rsch Reactors

Shanstrom, R.T., et al, "GAF and GAP, New Comp. Program for Calculation of Neutron Spectra, Treatment of Resonance Effects, and Averaging of Group Cross Sections for Fast Reactors," GA-7920, Presented at Conference on Util. of Rsch Reactors, Mexico City, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Stability

10. Netherlands


Thermionic Conversion Specialists Meeting, 1975

Nuclear Fuels

Stora, J.P. and Kaufmann, Y., "Irradiation Behaviour of UO2/Mo Porous Cermets for Thermionic Converters," IAEA TCS Meeting Eindhoven, p.133, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Cermet

Refractory Materials

Ragot, P., and Eynard-Machet, J., "Thermal Tests on Metal-Ceramic-Metal Sealings," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Refractory Materials, Seals, Alumina, Niobium

Thermionic Converter Research

Aute, A. and Denisot, J.L., "Work Function Measurement of LaB6, CeB6, PrB6 and NdB6," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven p. 55, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, ---

Babanin, V.I., Mustafa, A.S., Sitnov, V.I., and Ender, A.Ya., "Increase of Specific Power of a Thermionic Converter in the Mode with Surface Ionization Obtained using an Extended Surface Cathode," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven p. 271, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Babinin, V.I., et al, "Increase in Specific Power of TEC in Regime with Surface Ionization by use of Developed Cathode," US JPRS 66621, 1975 IAEA Eindhoven, 1976; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Bradke, M. von and Halder, I., "Work Function of Oxygen Covered Surfaces in Barium and Cesium Vapor," p. 31, IAEA Thermionic Conversion Specialists Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherlands September, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Chang, K.H. and Shimada, K., "Silicon Crystal as a Work Function Collector," p. 65, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Desplat, J.L. and Denisot, J.L., "Towards the 1 eV Range Work Functions by Cesium-Oxygen Coadsorption on Metals," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Froelich, G. and Oleka, M., "Spectroscopical Measurement of the Population Densities at the Cesium Plasma of a Thermionic Converter," p. 101, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Giuge, M. and Bohdansky, J., "Influence of the Oxygen on the Work Function of Tungsten and Its Variation with the Evaporation Rate," p. 49, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Gryaznov, G.M. et al, "New Type of Inverters for Direct Current-to-Alternating Current Conversion," p. 78, US JPRS 66621, 1975 IAEA Eindhoven, 1976; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Guillemot, M., "Problems of Compatibility in Thermionics," p. 143, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Gunther, B. and Huffman, F.N., "Equilibrium Work Functions of the W-O-Cs and Ag-O-Cs Surfaces," p. 37, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Hatsopoulos, G.N. and Gyftopoulos, E., "On the Range of Validity of Linearized Boltzmann Equations," p. 83, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Jacobson, D., Collier, K., and Backus, C., "Direct Measurement of Cesium Adsorption Isobars on Polycrystalline Tantalum," p. 77, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Korobova, I.L., "Effect of Collector Material on Characteristics of Thermoemission Converter," US JPRS 66621, 1975 IAEA Eindhoven, 1976; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Korobova, I.L., Tskhakaya, V.K., et al, "Influence of Collector Materials on the Thermionic Converter Characteristics," p. 253, IAEA TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Lieb, David P., Gunther, B., Rufeh, F., and Richmond, M.C., "Collector Studies with Oxygen Additive Converters," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Musa, G., Popescu, A., and Niculescu, N., "Low Voltage Arc in a Low Pressure Vapour Jet," p. 115, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Musa, G., Popescu, A., Niculescu, N., "Diffused Plasma Sustained Low Voltage Arc," p. 107, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Musa, G. and Popescu, A., "Effect of Cesium Molecular Ion Formation on the Cesium Thermionic Converter," p. 111, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Mustata, I., "On the Ions Distribution Functions in a Gas Filled Diode," p. 117, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Ritz, K. and Bohdansky, J., "Collector Heat Dissipation in a Variable Spacing Diode," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Shaw, D.T., "Two-Temperature Kinetic Theory for Non-LTE Plasma of the Thermionic Converter," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Sommer, A.H., Briere, T.R., and Huffman, F.N., "Work Function Measurements of Cesium and Cesium-Oxygen Activated Surfaces," p. 43, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Tschersich, K.G. and Niekisch, E.A., "Simplified Calculations of Ignited Mode Characteristics," p. 87, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research

Volkov, N.V. et al, "Structure and Electronic Properties of Chalcogen-Electropositive Metal Films on Surfaces of Refractory Metals," US JPRS 66621, 1975 IAEA Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Thermionic Devices

"USSR Thermionic Energy Converters," (paper presentation) 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Research, Development, USSR

Apatovskiy, L. Ye., et al, "Thermoemission Topping to Steam Turbine Cycle," p. 12, US JPRS 66621:1975, TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1976; Thermionic Devices, Fossil, USSR

Baranikov, A.A., et al, "Auxiliary Discharge Space Charge Neutralization Efficiency and Comparison of Two Thermionic Devices for Current Regulation," p. 23, US JPRS 66621:1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1976; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source, Planar, USSR

Bourrasse, A., Garnier, F., and Gayte, B., "Life Testing and 'Post Mortem' Examination of a 100 kWe Type Thermionic Converter (40,000 Hours)," p. 275, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical

David, J., Floret, F., Guerin, J., and Britt, E.J., "Pulsed Xenon Strontium Thermionic Diodes," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source, Research

David, J.P., Floret, F., and Guerin, J., "Investigations on Oxidized Titanium Collection Converters," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Eitel, H. and Henne, R., "Technology and Characteristics of Flame-Heat Cs-Diodes with UO2-Mo-Cermet-Emitters," p. 237, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Research

Eitel, H. and Henne, R., "Comparison of the Switch Properties of Thermionic Cs-Diodes with W- and with UO2-Mo-Cermet-Emitter," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Research

Fitzpatrick, G.O., Rasor, N.S., Britt, E.J., and Hansen, L.K., "Advanced Converter Development," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Development, Auxiliary, Ion Source

Glas, D., "Electrostatic Thermionic Triode Converter," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source, Research

Grjazkov, G.M., Kaplan, V.B., Marcikovsky, A.M., Serbyn, V.I., and Yurjev, V.G., p. 177, "Thermionic Inverter," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, USSR

Hansen, L.K. and Rasor, N.S., "Advanced Mode Thermionic Converters," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source, Research

Henne, R. and Weber, W., "Experiments with a Low-Pressure Cs-Diode with UO2-Mo-Cermet-Emitters," IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Research

Kuznetsov, V.A., Gryaznov, Dmitriev, Eltsov, Zasorin, Zhabotinsky, et al, "Power Tests of the Topaz-3 Thermionic Reactor," p. 137, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, USSR

Manikopulos, C.N., Shaw, D.T., and Chang, Too, "New Approach - Pulsed Cesium Diode with N2 Additive," p. 183, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source

Musa, G., Mustata, I., and Baltog, A., "'DOP' Thermionic Converter with Cylindrical Geometry," p. 281, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical

Shimada, K. and Swerdling, M., "Terrestrial Solar Thermionic Energy Conversion Systems Concept," p. 161, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Strobel, P., Besnier, C., and Hatterer, A., "Investigation of Cesium-Pressure Regulating Alloys for Cs-Sr Thermionic Converters," p. 250, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Zherebtsov, V.A., "On a Thermionic Converter with Pulsed Ionization," p. 48, US JPRS 66621, 1976, IAEA 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source, USSR

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Beckmuhambetov, E.E. (or E.S.), Berjaty (Berzhatyi), Jaimurzin (Dzhaimurzin), Karnouhov, Kirienko, et al, "In-Pile-Test of Experimental Thermionic Fuel Elements," p. 93, IAEA Proceeding 1975 TCS Conference Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, USSR

Brovatsky, Y.A., Melnikov, M.V., Soochov, Y.I., and Juditsky, W.D., "Theoretical Model of a Thermionic Fuel Element Emitter Swelling," p. 121, IAEA Proceeding 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Radiation, Endurance, USSR

Haar, W., Holick, H., Krapf, R., Minor, A., "Longlife In-Pile Testing of a Molybdenum Emitter Thermionic Converter," p. 127, IAEA Proceeding 1975 TCS Meeting Eindhoven, 1975; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, Fabrication




Apatovsky, L.E. et al, "On Thermionic Topping of Steamturbine Cycle," p.155, USSR, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherlands, September, 1975

Britt, E.J., G.O. Fitzpatrick, "Performance and Economics of a Modular Thermionic Topping System," p. 149, USA, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherlands, September, 1975

Newby, G.A., "The United States Energy Research and Development Administration's Thermionic Program," p.171, USA, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherlands, September, 1975

Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, 1989

L.R. Wolff, W.B. Veltkamp, J.M.W.M. Schoonen and H.A.M. Hendriksen, Edited, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Rasor, N.S., "Thermionic Energy Conversion: Reflections and Projections," pp. 11, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Chairman C.W.J. van Koppen, "Plasma phenomena," Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Co-chairman L. Lundgren, "Plasma phenomena," Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Kaibyshev, V.Z., "Maximum Parameters of Thermionic Energy Converter in Arc Mode Operation," pp. 43, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Plasma phenomena

Kucherov, R.Ya., Z.A. Oganezov, "Experimental Researches of Stationary and Oscillating Regimes of Knudsen Plasma Diode," pp. 35, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Plasma phenomena

Lundin, J., L. Holmlid, "Excited States of Cs in a Thermionic Energy Converter," pp. 67, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Plasma phenomena

McVey, J.B., "Computer Modeling and Diagnostics of Unignited and Pulsed-Ionization Thermionic Converters," pp. 71, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Plasma phenomena

Svensson, P., L. Holmlid, L. Lundgren, "Field Ionization of Rydberg Atoms in a Thermionic Converter," pp. 63, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Plasma phenomena

Chairman E.B. Kennel, "Surface physics," Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Co-chairman V.Z. Kaibyshev, "Surface physics," Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Desplat, J.-L., "Oxygen Control for Thermionic Converters," pp. 151, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Surface physics

Klinkov, A.E., R.Y Kucherov, A.A. Jastrebkov, "Thermionic Properties of Niobium-Oxygen Monocrystal used as Caesium Thermionic Converter Collector," pp. 97, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Surface physics

Tsao, B.H., B.L. Chen, A. Luo, D. Tang, D.L. Jacobson, "High Temperature Electron-Emission and Mechanical Properties," pp. 113, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Surface physics

Wall, R.N., D.L. Jacobson, "Thermionic Work Function of Polycrystalline Osmium, Single Crystal (110) Iridium, and Single Crystal (1012) Ruthenium," pp. 133, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Surface physics

Yarygin, V.I., A.V. Vizgalov, V.S. Mironov, R. V. Savvov, E.E. Sibir, V.N. Sidelnikov, "Surface Properties of Emitter Envelopes with Monocrystal Tungsten Coating and Their Impact on Thermionic Converter Performance," pp. 105, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Surface physics

Chairman N.S. Rasor, Experimental techniques, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Co-chairman G.M. Gryaznov, Experimental techniques, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Babanin, V.I., A. Ya. Ender, I.N. Kolyshkin, V.I. Kuznetzov, V.I. Sitnov, "Nonstationary Processes in the Knudsen TEC Mode," pp. 221, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Experimental techniques

Davis, P.R., W.A. Mackie, "Techniques for the Study of Diffusion in Advanced TEC Electrodes," pp. 199, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Experimental techniques

Fitzpatrick, G.O., "Transparent Thermionic Converters," pp. 189, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Experimental techniques

Gubbels, G.H.M., "Plasma Sprayed Tungsten as Emitter Material," pp. 177, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Experimental techniques

Koryukin, V.A., V.P. Obresumov, "Measurement of the Emission Characteristics of the TEC Electrodes by Means of a Thermionic Emission Microscope," 209, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Experimental techniques

Lubimov, D.Y., B.N. Bobkov, E.A. Lavrentyev, A.S. Panov, "Model of Mass Transfer between Electrodes in a Thermionic Converter," pp. 167, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Experimental techniques

Purohit, A., S.K. Bhattacharyya, J. Vandersande, C. Wood, F. Kennel, "Development of a Diamond Insulator for Thermionic Applications," pp. 237, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Experimental techniques

Chairman L.H. Caveny, "Nuclear thermionics", Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Co-chairman J. Bliaux, "Nuclear thermionics", Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Ermiov, B.I., A.G. Kalandarishvili, V.G. Kashiya, P. D. Chilingarishvili, "Cesium-Barium Sources for Thermionic Devices," pp. 393, Not orally presented papers, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989

Fitzpatrick, G.O., E.J. Britt, J.L. Lawless, J.R. Wetch, "Close-Spaced (SAVTEC) Thermionic Converters for Space Nuclear Power Systems," pp. 291, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Fukuda R., K. Morimoto, "Status Report on Thermionic Energy Conversion Research in Japan," pp. 353, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Gryaznov, G.M., E.E. Zhabotinsky, V.I. Serbin, "Thermionic Space Nuclear Power Systems with Long Life: Key Issues and Perspectives of Development," pp. 273, "Development of a diamond insulator for thermionic applications" pp. 237, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Jalichandra, P., R.W. Hamerdinger, E.A. Anderson, "Radiatively Heated Thermionic Converters for Nuclear Space Power Systems," pp. 361, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Kennel, E.B., L.H. Caveny, M.L. Ramalingam, "Prospects for Advanced Single Cell Thermionic Fuel Element for Tens of Kilowatts and Long Life," pp. 319, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Klein, A.C., "In-Core Thermionic Space Reactor Design Integration," pp. 331, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Ranken, W.A., "Thermionic Fuel Element Verification," pp. 373, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Vandersande, J.W., R. Ewell, "Lifetime Performance Projections for In-Core Thermionic Converters," pp. 311, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989; Nuclear thermionics

Zarnadze, A.G., N.E. Menabde, Z.A. Oganesov, L.S. Timoshenko, L.M. Tsakadze, "Investigations of Emissive Non-Uniformity of a Cylindrical Thermionic Converter Emitter," pp. 389, Not orally presented papers, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands October, 1989


Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam

Lorentz, H.A., Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, 8: 591, 1906; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

11. Romania


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

Baksht, F.G., p. 188, Proc. 9th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Bucharest, Romania, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Gverdtsitelli, V.Ya. Karakhanov, and R.Ya. Kucherov, p. 197, Proc. 9th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Bucharest, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Rasor, N.S., Proc. 9th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Bucharest, Romania, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

12. Russia, Soviet Union


All-Union Conference on Thermionic Energy Conversion

Ender, A.Ya., et al, "Comparison of Smooth and Multi Cavity Cathodes in TEC with Cs-Ba Filling in Conditions of the Same Experiment," All-Union Conference on Thermionic Energy Conversion, Obninsk, Russia, 1984

Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy

Nevolin, V.K., V.P. Tsiberev, V.K. Tskhakaya and V.I. Yarygin, "The Influence of Magnetic Pressure on the Performance of a High-Current Thermionic Converter," Physicotechnical Institute, Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy, USSR

Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, USSR Ministry Of Atomic Power Engineering And Industry, Obninsk, May 15-19, 1990

Organizing Committee, General Chairman, Nikolai N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, Kurchatov IAE, USSR, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Organizing Committee, General Co-Chairmen, Mikhail F. Troyanov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, USSR, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Organizing Committee, General Co-Chairmen, Georgy M. Gryaznov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda" USSR, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

General Co-Chairmen, Richard Verga, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, USA, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Technical Programme Committee, Chairman, Victor Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, USSR, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Technical Programme Committee, Co-Chairmen, Anatoly V. Zrodnikov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, USSR, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Technical Programme Committee, Co-Chairmen, Vladimir A. Pavshook, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, USSR, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Technical Programme Committee, Co-Chairmen, Mohamed S. El-Genk, Institute for Space Nuclear Power Studies, University of New Mexico, USA, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Working Committee, Chairman, Vladimir N. Silayev, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Working Committee, Deputy Chairman, Victor V. Kuzin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Exhibition On Committee, Chairman, Valery I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Exhibition On Committee, Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, Gallna F. Konovalova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Exhibition On Committee, Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, Rudolph M. Grinev, CIIC, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Trip Committee, Chairman, Venlarmin A. Usov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Trip Committee, Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, Valery Ya. Poplavko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Trip Committee, Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, Valery V. Arkhangelsky, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Participating Organizations

Advanced Energy Technology, Inc., USA

Analex Corporation, USA

Arizona State University, Department of Chemical, Pie. and Materials Engineering, USA

All-Union Research Institute of’ Technical Physics and Automation, USSR

All-Union Research Institute of Electromechanicals, USSR

All-Union Research Institute of Experimental Physics, USSR

Pochvap All-Union Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, USSR

Central Machine-Building Design Bureau, USSR

Central Research Diesel Institute, USSR

Central Specialized Design Bureau, USSR

California Institute of Technology, USA

Centre d’Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, France

CNES, France

Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique-CEN Cadarache, France

Electromechanical Equipment Works, USSR


Fairchild Space Company, USA

General Atomics Company, USA

General Electric Company, USA

IBM East Fishkill Facility, USA

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, USA

Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, USSR

Institute of Applied Mathematics, USSR

Institute of High-Energy Physics, USSR

Institute of Physics, Latvia, USSR

Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, USSR

Institute of Physics of Metals, USSR

Institute of Space Research, USSR

Institute of Atomic Power Engineering, USSR

Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, USSR

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakh, USSR

Ioffe Physics and Engineering Institute of Leningrad, USSR

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, USSR

Kiev State University, USSR

Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Lavochkin Science-Production Cooperation, USSR

Moscow Aviation Institute, USSR

Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering, USSR

Moscow Institute of Power Engineering, USSR

Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, USSR

Moscow State University, USSR

Moscow State Technical University, USSR

NASA Headquarters, USA

NASA Lewis Research Center, USA

Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, USSR

Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Moscow Aviation Institute, USSR

Research Institute of Physicochemical Problems of Byelorussian State University, USSR

Research Institute of Mechanics at Gorky State University, USSR

Riga Polytechnical Institute, USSR

Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", USSR

Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", USSR

Sandia National Laboratory, USA


S-Cubed, USA

Space Power, Inc., USA

Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", USSR

Scientific and Engineering Centre at SCUAE, USSR

Science-Production Cooperation "Kibernetika", USSR

Sukhumi Physicotechnical Institute, USSR

Special Design Bureau of Magnetic Hydrodynamics, USSR

Tomsk Polytechnical Institute, USSR

Thermoelectron Technologies Corporation, USA

The Institute for Space Nuclear Power Studies, The University of New Mexico, USA

Westinghouse Hanford Company, USA

Wright Research and Development Center, USA

Westinghouse Electric Corporation, USA

U.S. Air Force, USA

U.S. Department of Energy, USA

U.S. Department of Defense, USA

Technical Session

1. Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

2. Physics of Direct Energy Conversion

3. Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion, High-Temperature Coolant Technology

4. High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

5. Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

6. Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

7. Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

8. Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy C.H.

9. Training and Research Work of Students

Opening address of the Deputy of Atomic Power Engineering and Industry Minister, Alexander Grigoryevich Meshkov, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Welcome address of the Soviet Nuclear Society, Andrei Yurevich Gagarinsky, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Chairman Nikolai N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, USSR, Plenary Session I, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairman V.Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, USSR, Plenary Session I, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Adamov, E.O., V.P. Smetannikov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, A.S. Koroteyev, Research Institute of Thermal Processes, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, I.I. Fedik, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Status of Works on the NPP Development for Interplanetary Space Missions in the USSR," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Bogush, I.P., G.M. Gryaznov, E.E. Zhabotinsky, A.N. Makarov, V.I. Serbin, Yu.L. Trykhanov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", P.M. Bologov, A.V. Vizgalov, A.V. Zrodnikov, V.Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Main Principles of Design Ground and Light Tests of SNPS within "Topaz" Program," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Kodyukov, V.M., V.A. Chechurov, L.M. Shub, G.A. Golenkov, All-Union Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation, G.A. Galenkov, Lavochkln Science-Production Cooperation, "Radionuclide Power Units for Space Purpose," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Chairman Richard Verga, U.S. Department of Defense, Plenary Session I, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairman Mohamed El-Genk, Institute of Nuclear Power Studies, USA, Plenary Session I, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Poher, Claude, CNES, France, "Space Missions Studies with Nuclear Generators," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Turi, James A., U.S. Department of Energy, "Summary of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators Program," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Verga, Richard, U.S. Department of Defense, "Decision Criteria for Spacecraft Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Wahlquist, Earl J., U.S. Department of Energy, "Overview of U. S. National Space Reactor Program," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Chairman G.M. Cryaznov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", Plenary Session I, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairman Claude Poher, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, France, Plenary Session I, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Bell, Charles, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Neil W. Brown, General Electric Company, USA, Joan Boudreau, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Mark Temme, General Electric Company, USA, "The United States of America Safety Approach," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Carre, F., E. Proust S. Chaudourne, P. Keirle, J.L. Radler, Z. Tilliette, H. Virilon, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Centre d’ Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay France, "Current Trends in the ERATO Study Program on Space Nuclear Brayton Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Gryaznov, G.M., E.E. Zhabotinsky, V.S. Nikolaev, V.I. Serbin, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", V.M. Tyugin, Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industry, "Problem Analysis of Nuclear and Radiation Safety for SNPS," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Reck, Gregory M., NASA Headquarters, USA, "The Role of Nuclear Power in the Human Exploration of Space," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Plenary Session I

Chairman Fedor P. Raskach, Institute of Physics and Engineering, Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairman Evgeny S. Glushkov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Artyukhov, G.Ya., V.S. Bolonkin, S.N. Zelentsov, V.I. Ionkin, V.A. Lititskii, Yu.D. Makarenkov, S.H. Marin, A.G. Matkov, F.P. Raskach, Eu.P. Satina, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, N.V. Ganov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "The Problems of Nuclear Safety of the Reactor "TOPAZ"," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Artyukhov, G.Ya., V.I. Jonkin, V.P. Kudryavtsev, Yu.D. Nakarenkov, S.N. Marin, V.B. Polevoy, V.Ya. Pupko, F.P. Raskach, E.P. Satina, O.B. Tarasova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Optimization of K and Power Density Distribution in a "Topaz" Type Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Boyko, V.A., A.N. Glukhovets, V.I Ionkin, A.A. Kutusov, V.V. Levin, F.P. Raskach, I.P. Sadokhin, Ye.P. Satina, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Investigation of Fission Product and Power Density Distribution in the "TOPAZ" Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Bykov, V.P., A.S.Kamlnsky, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "The Regularities of a Nuclear Power Propulsion System Consisting of a Reactor Sheaf," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Chistozvonov, A.S., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Critical Safety Aspects of Space Nuclear Reactors in the Presence of a Weak Neutron Source," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Degtyareva, L.A., I.I. Zakharkin, A.G. Matkov, A.D. Ovechkln, V.P. Palionov, A.C. Portyaroy, F.P. Raskach, U.V. Chalka, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Calculations and Experimental Studies of NRE Reactors Neutron Characteristics at the "Vega" Model of the "STRELA" Assembly," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Eubelev, V.G., E S. Glushkov, V.E. Demln, V.O. Kosovskli, N.E. Kukharkin, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, O.N. Smlrnov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Studies W Critical Assemblies with Hydride Moderator as a Basis for the Choice of the Structure and Characteristics of Reactors for SNPS," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Fyoclorov, I.V., Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering, "An Effective Neutron-Physics Approximation Method for Small Sized Nuclear Power Sources with Heterogeneous Cores," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Ganov, N.V., I.V. Deynichenko, E.E. Zhabotinsky, V.I. Kuzneisov, A.V. Murashov, V.F. Smirnov, G.A. Shevehenko, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", V.A. Lititskii, Yu.D. Makarenkov, V.Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Criteria, Basic Principles and Engineering Measurer to Ensure SNPS Nuclear Safety," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Ganov, N.V., I.V. Deynichenko, V.I. Kuznetsov, A.V. Murashov, V.F. Srnirnov, G.A. Shevchenko, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", S.N. Zelentsov, Yu.D. Makarenkov, V.Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Probability Analysis of Space Nuclear Power Systems Safety," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Glushkov, E.S., C.V. Komponlets, V.O. Kosovskl I, N.E. Kukhark In, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.A. Usov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Choice and Study of Neutron-Physical Characteristics of Converter Reactor for SNPS with Single-Element TEC's," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Glushkov, E.S., S.P. Volkov, Yu.G. Degaltsev, A.D. Plyukhov, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.A. Usov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, E.B. Boiko, L.A. Izhvanov, V.F. Leonov, V.L. Frolov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", A.S. Ivanov, C.A. Zaritskii, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "A Concept of Ensuring the Hydride Moderator Lifetime and Hydrogen Distribution in SNPS," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Hatkov, A.G., V.P. Polionov, A.G. Portyanoy, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Poisoning Simulation of Nuclear Rocket Engine Reactor on the "STRELA" Facility Physical Model," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Ionkin, V.I., A.D. Ovetchkin, A.C. Portyanoy, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Study of the Temperature Effect of Reactivity on the "SIGMA" Assembly of the "STRELA" Facility," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Kompaniets, O.V., V.G. Kosovskli, N.E. Kukharkin, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.A. Usov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Calculation and Experimental Studies of Fast Reactor Converter "Romashka" ," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Kudryavtsev, V.P., V.B. Polevoy, F.P. Raskach, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Temperature Reactivity Effect and Its Dependence on a Number of TFE’s in "TOPAZ"-Type Reactor Lattice with Flattened Heat Release Density Distribution," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Leontyev, V.V., V.B. Polevoy, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Neutronic Modeling of Loop Rigs for TFE Tests in Am Research Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Lititskiy, V.A., R.E. Bagdasarov, V.V. Volnistov, F.B. Brindin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Reactivity Express Measurements at Some Technological Stages of Space Nuclear Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Morozov, A., S.O. Zakharov, A.Y. Uraletz, V.G. Abakurmov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Elaboration of the Device for Measuring Absolute Power of "Zero" Power Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Pavshook, V.A., V.M. Talysin, L.Ya. Tikhonov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, I.I. Zakharkin, A.D. Ovechkin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "NRE Studies at Critical Test Facilities," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Polevoy, V.B., V.V. Leontyev, A.V. Ovchinnikov, O.B. Tarasova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Features of Neutron Ic Calculations for the Past Reactor with the Reflector-Moderator," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Pupko, V.Ya., F. Thflaskach, A.G. Shesteorkin, H.K. Ovoharenko, S.N. Marin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Yu.A. Sobolev, N.W. Lipovy, Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", "Critical Assembly for Studies of Space Purpose Reactors Physical Parameters," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Tarasov, V.A., I.I. Gurev, L.D. Artamonova, V.I. Ionkin, V.V Leontyev, M.K. Oveharenko, V.B. Polevoy, F.P. Baskach, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Comparison of Two Ways of Reactivity Water Effect Compensation in Fast Reactors for Space," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Voinistov, V.V., V.V. Korobeinikov, A.S. Chistozvonov, A.G. Shestiorkin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Application of Resonance Absorber Material to Prevent Criticality during a Water Immersion Accident of Space Nuclear Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Volkov, Yu.V., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "A Stochastic Kinetics of the Reactor with a Weak Source and Nuclear Safety," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Zakharkin, I.I., A.G. Matkov, A.D. Ovechkin, A.G. Portyanoy, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Study of the Reactivity Compensation Problems for the NRE Reactors on "STRELA" Facility Physical Model," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Zakharkin, I.I., A.G. Matkov, V.P. Polionov, A.G. Portyanoy, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Investigation of Power Density in Control Drums Absorbers of Nuclear Rocket Engine Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Zhukov, A., C.V. Lebedev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Measurements of Reactor Power In Absolute Units," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Zhukov, A., G.V. Lebedev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Measurements of Reactor Subcriticality by a Correlation Analysis Method," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety

Chairman Valery I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Direct Energy Conversions Physics, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Vladimir Z. Kaybyshev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Direct Energy Conversions Physics, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Ned Rasor, Rasor Associates, Inc., Direct Energy Conversions Physics, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Agafonov, R., V.I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Electrode Characteristics of Thermionic Converter in Simulating Experiments with the Surface Control," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Babanin, V.I., I.N. Kolyshkin, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.I. Sitnov, A.Ya. Ender, Leningrad loffe Physics and Engineering Institute, "Modulation in a Cs-Ba Diode due to the Spontaneous Current Cutoff Effect," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Baksht, F.G., A.A. Kostin, Leningrad Ioffe Institute of Physics and Engineering, "A Theory of Nonstationary Processes in Plasma Key Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Belevtsev, A.V., V.V. Kumskov, I.P. Sviridenko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Heat and Electrotechnical Characteristics Investigation on Laboratory Models of Thermionic Fuel Elements for Thermionic Reactor "Topaz"," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Bolonkin, V.S., A.V. Vizgalov, V.A. Ruzhnikov, E.E. Sibir, V.N. Sidelnikov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Identification of Internal Parameters of the Experimental Thermionic Converter with Hexahedral Tungsten Electrodes," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Britt, Edward J., Norman C. Gunther, Joseph R. Wetch, Cinian M. Zheng, Space Power, Inc., USA, "Effect of Varying Cell Length on the Design of 10-30 kWe Incore Thermionic Reactor Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Bryuzgin, A.M., M.A. Lebedev, Yu.G. Cherednichenko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "AC Voltage Break-Down in a Caesium Diode," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Bryuzgin, M., Yu.C. Cherednichenko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Measuring Distribution of Space Potential in Caesium Diode with an "Insulated" Emitting Probe," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Fitzpatrick, Gary O., Daniel T. Allen, Advanced Energy Technology, Inc., USA, "Transparent Thermionic Converters and the STAR-C Nuclear Power System," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Gorodetsky, D.A., Yu.P. Melnik, V.A. Usenko, A.A. Yas’ko, Kiev State University, V.I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Adsorption of Cesium on Molybdenum (110)," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Gorodetsky, D.A., Yu.P. Melnik, V.K. Sclar, A.A. Yasko, Kiev State University, A.V. Vizgalov, V.I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics arid Power Engineering, "Structure and Work Function of the Single Crystal Tungsten Emitter with the Film of Platinum," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Grodko, V.A., B.A. Tarasov, All-Union Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation, "On Thermodynamic Multilayer Thermionic Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Gulin, M.V., K.A. Iscbakov, V.I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics arid Power Engineering, "Nuclear Microanalysis of Surface and Near-Surface Characteristics Life Change of Thermionic Converter Electrodes," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Kalandarishvili, A.C., V.G. Kashiya, B.I. Ermilov, Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, "Experimental Studies on Thermionic Devices with Cesium-Barium Fillings," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Kaplan, V.P., A.H. Martsinkovsky, Leningrad Ioffe Institute of Physics and Engineering, "Effect of Grid Emission on the Plasma Key Element Operation," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Kaplan, V.P., A.M. Martsinkovsky, Leningrad loffe Institute of Physics and Engineering, "Physical Problems of Plasma Key Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Karabut, A.B., Ya.P. Kucherov, I.B. Savvatimova, Scientific Industrial Association "Luch", "Cold Fusion Observation at Gas-Discharge Device Cathode," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Koryukin, A., V.P. Obrezumov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "The Influence of Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide Adsorption on Emission Characteristics of Thermionic Fuel Element Electrodes," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Koryukin, V.A., I.S. Mosevitskii, V.P. Obrezumov, R.S. Stepennov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Emission Properties of Electrodes of One-Cell Thermionic Fuel Element," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Kuznetsov, V.I., A.Ya. Ender, Ioffe Institute Physics and Engineering Institute, "Impedance of the Knudsen TEC with Surface Ionization," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Kvasnikov, L.A., K.G. Mlagkov, M.I. Yakushin, Moscow Aviation Institute, A.V. Vizgalov, R.V. Savvov, V.I. Yarygin, Institute Of Physics And Power Engineering, "Emission Un-Uniformity Study of Thermionic Reactor-Converter Single Crystal Emitter Envelopes using the Thermo Electronic Emissive Microscope," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Lebedev, M.A., Yu.G. Cherednichenko, A.M. Bryuzgin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Electric Strength of Caesium Gas Diode with Ceramics Inside a Discharge Gap," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Lubimov, D.Yu., B.N. Bobkov, A. Lavrentyev, A.S. Panov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Mass Transfer Simulation in the Gap of a Thermionic Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Menabde, N.E., Z.A. Oganezov, L.S. Timoshenko, L.M. Tsakadze, Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, R.Ya. Kucherov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Investigation of a Low-Pressure Plasma Thermionic Converter in a Pulsed Regime by a Plane Electron Beam Probing Technique," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Mironov, V.S., V.N. Sidelnikov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Maximum Permissible Output Characteristics of Thermionic Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Moizhes, B.Ya., L.M. Tsakadze, Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, "Collector Materials for Low-Temperatures Thermionic Converters," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Oganezov, Z.A., Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, "Thermionic Emission and Adsorption Properties of Metal Surface," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Prilezhaeva, I.N., V.I. Rubtsov, V.A. Ruzhnikov, I.A. Rezvykh, Institute of Physics And Power Engineering, "The Study of Interelectrode Gap Impact on the Efficiency and Isopower J-V-Characteristics and the Requirements for Optimum Emitter Material of Thermionic Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Savvov, R.V., Z.B. Skrebova, N.I. Khramushin, V I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Life Change of Thermionic Converter Collector Surface," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Sidelnikov, V.N., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Main Physical Effects on Uniform TEC," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Vizgalov, A.V., M.V. Gulin, V.S. Nironov, RV. Savvov, E.S. Sibir, Z.B. Skrebova, S.M. Tulin, V.I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Thermionic Converter with All Single Crystal W(110)-W(110) Electrodes," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Wall, Ralph N., IBM East Fishkill Facility, Dean L. Jacobson, David R. Bosch, Arizona State University, Department of Chemical, Blo. and Materials Engineering, USA, "The Effective Work Function of Tungsten, Iridium Alloys," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Zherebtsov, V.A., A.I. Kirjutchenko, Z.N. Kononova, M.A. Lebedev, V.S. Mironov, E.E. Sibir, A.A. Sobolev, S.M. Tulin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Influence of Hydrogen Admixture in Interelectrode Spacing on the Operation of Thermionic Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Zherebtsov, V.A., M.A. Lebedev, A.A. Sobolev. V.D. Talanova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Effects of Two-Atomic Gas Impurities on Energy Losses in Thermionic Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Direct Energy Conversions Physics

Chairman Mikhail N. Ivanoyski, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Vyacheslav D. Kolganov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Jean Delaplace, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, France, Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Ronald Sovie, NASA Lewis Research Center, Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Arakelov, A.G., Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", "Integration of Transition and Alkali Metals: Nature and Mechanism," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Arnoidov, M.N., B.V. Kebadze, V.P. Kornilov, A.A. Fraktovnikova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Experience of Thermo Hydraulic Space Nuclear Power System (NPS) Parameters Primary Transducer Design," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Artemyev, B.V., S.G. Kochetkov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Abnormal Capillary Breaking Ce? the Liquid Metal Free Jet in Oxidizing Medium," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Belevtsev, A.V., V.V. Kumskov, I.P. Sviridenko, A.A. Ulanovsky, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Incipient Boiling Problems of Liquid Metal Coolant in Cooling Channels of Thermionic Reactors," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Berensky, L.L., I.I. Zasorin, M.N. Ivanovsky, N.I. Loginov, A.V. Milovidova, V.A. Morosov, A.L. Shimkevich, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "On Solubility of Oxygen in Sodium-Potassium Coolant in Steel Loop," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Bubnov, V.P., E.N. Bunin, M.V. Kurtsman, S.N. Yatsko, Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, USSR, "Analysis of Schemes of Thermal Energy Conversion to Electric Energy Aboard a Spacecraft," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Bystrov, P.I., E.M. Kirisek, Yu.P. Ushakov, Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", G.Ja. Zvane, N.V. Pukis, Special Design Bureau of Magnetic Hydrodynamics of Institute of Physics, Latvia, USSR, E.Ya. Platacis, Institute of Physics, Latvia, USSR, "Electromagnetic Pumps for Liquid Metal Cooling Systems of Nuclear Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Dementjev, G.V., B.I. Rybkin, E.H. Khartchenko, Electromechanical Equipment Works, "Determination of Impurities in Alkali Metals," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Gonnov, I.V., N.N. Lvanovsky, N.I. Loginov, Yu.V. Loktiorov, B.A. Tchulkov, Institute of’ Physics and Power Engineering, A.V. Dobrosockiy, Central Research Diesel Institute, "Stirling Engine Heat Exchangers using Heat Pipes," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Ivanovsky, M.N., S.V. Stomakhin, A.L. Shimkevich, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "On Structural Micro-Inhomogeneity of Aluminum -Tellurium Melt," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Juhasz, Albert J., James E. Dudenhoeffen, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA, "Preliminary Consideration of Hybrid Thermionic-Stirling Nuclear Power System for Manned Lunar Bases," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Karabash, A.G., N.G. Bogdanovich, E.A. Kochetkova, N.F. Lyubchenko, V.F. Konovalova, V.A. Morosov, A.V. Milovidova. M.N. Ivanovsky, N.I. Loginov, A.L. Shimkevich, E.V Sulim, I.A. Kulikova, V.I. Zhapinov, L.L. Berensky, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Impurity Content Monitoring in Potassium-Sodium Coolant," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Kiritchenko, G.P., A.I. Paschin, B.I. Rybkin, E.N. Sidorenko, Electromechanical Equipment Works, L.E. Shuvaev, A.V. Yukhnevich, Research Institute of Physicochemical Problems of Byelorussian State University, "Detection Of The Rarefied of Na-Atoms in Vacuum," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Kolganov, V.D., S.S. Kochetov, A.K. Bubnova, A.P. Kuchin, B.I. Safonov, V.D. Sergeyev, Research and Design institute of Power Engineering, "Problems of Development of Gas-Dynamic Brayton Cycle Turbo Compressor-Generator for Power Plants," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Kolpachenkov, V.I., M.N. Ivanovsky, V.A. Morosov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Influence of Impurities on Cesium Vapour Pressure," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Krivko-Krasko, S.V., N.Ya. Parshyn, Yu.U. Podiadtchikov, E.V. Popov, E.M. Feodorov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Theoretical and Computational Methods for Evaluation of Gas-Cooled High Intensity Reactor Assemblies Workability," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Kvasnevsky, I.P., G.K. Kirshtejn, V.I. Yakushonok, Special Design Bureau of Magnetic Hydrodynamics of Institute of Physics, Latvia, USSR, N.N. Levin, V.P. Efimov, Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", "High Temperature Sensing Equipment of Nuclear Power Plant Cooling Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Kvasnikov, L.A., A.B. Mitrofanov, K.G. Myagkov, P.B. Ryaryajev, V.S. Ustinov, H.I. Yakushin, Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Moscow Aviation Institute, V.I. Vybyvanetz, A.P. Konotop, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Alkali Metals Diffusional Interaction with Structural Materials," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Lifantyev, N.A., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Time Behaviour of Niobium Total Emissivity in Oxidative Atmosphere," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Lukhanova, T.M., A.A. Shimasnky, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Porous Systems Temperature Fields Computation with a Glance to Radiative Heat Transfer," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Modin, V.A., Yu.V. Nikolaev, O.L. Ijvanov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Thermal Conductivity of Interelectrode Gap Induced by Noble Gases Existence at the Low Pressure," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Schnyer, A. Dan, NASA Headquarters, USA, "Power System Technology for Civil Space Exploration Missions," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Sidorenko, E.M., A.I. Zsharkov, G.V. Dementjev, B.I. Rybkin, Electromechanical Equipment Works, "The Technology of Manufacturing and Filling Up Procedure of High Temperature Heat Pipes," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Skomorokhova, S.N., Ye.A. Kochetkova, A.G. Karabash, T.V. Vikhrova, Ye.M. Trifanova, D.Yu. Kardash, M.N. Astakhov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Equipment Washing from Alkali Metals with Butylcellosolve-Based Compounds," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Smirnov, V.P., M.V. Papandin, G.N. Batashova, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "The Methods of the Core Thermal-Hydraulics Computation with the Fuel Particle Red and the Coolant Longitudinally-Radial Flow," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Tilliette, Zephyr P., Frank O. Carre, Eric Proust, Jean-Michel Tournier, DEMT/DFDR, CEN-Saclay, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, France, "Brayton Cycle Energy Conversion Investigation within the French Erato Space Nuclear Power Program," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Truscello, Vincent C., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA, "The SP-100 Power System," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Volodin, V.I., A.G. Lucahsevich, A.A. Mikhalevich, E.C. Zaulichnyj, T.I. Mickryukova, A.P. Yakushev, Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, USSR, "Mathematical Models and Optimization of Radiator Performance for Space Nuclear Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Vovk, S.M., V.I. Zakharov, V.L. Koshelev, G.K. Leont’ev, D.P. Nazarov, AV. Petrov, V.F. Fedorov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "Laser Spectroscopy for Developing Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactors," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Zayezzhev, M.V., M.N. Ivanovsky, S.H. Logvinovsky, V.A. Morosov, A.C. Novikov, V.V. Savostin, N.K. Fomichev, A.L. Shimkevich, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Slow-Neutron Investigation of Potassium-Oxygen Melt," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Thermophysics and Thermodynamics of NPS with Direct and Dynamic Energy Conversion High-Temperature Coolant Technology

Chairman German N. Kazantsev, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Yury V. Nikolaev, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Robert B. Matthews, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Artyukhov, G.Ya., V.S. Bolonkin, S.N. Zelentsov, V.I, Ionkin, V.A. Lititskii, Yu.D. Makarenkov, S.N. Marin, A.G. Matkov, F.P. Raskach, Eu.P. Satina, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, V. Ganov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "The Problems of Nuclear Safety Up the Reactor "Topaz"," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Bogush, V.B., S.V. Borodastov, G.S. Devyatchenok, V.V. Leontyev, Yu.I. Lickachev, V.N. Raskach, M.Ya. Khmelevsky, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Deformation Behaviour Simulation of the High Temperature Fueled Emitters," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Bogush, V.B., S.V. Borodastov, Yu.I. Likhachev, V.N. Raskach, L.A. Syshchikov, M.Ya. Khmelevski, V.F. Chkuaseli, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Deformation Analysis of the "Topaz" Reactor Multicell Thermionic Fuel Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Bogush, V.B., Yu.I. Likhachev, J.N. Scherbakova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Stressed State Analysis of the Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element Collector Packet from the "Topaz" Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Borodastov, S.V., G.A. Kuptsov, Yu.V. Milovanov, F.P. Raskach, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Heat and Mass Transfer in a Thermionic Fuel. Element," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Cheeriness, G.A., V.N. Shekhurin, I.N. Kovalev, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "Influence of Low Temperature Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum and Beryllium Alloys," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Chistozvonov, A.S., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Critical Safety Aspects of Space Nuclear Reactors in the Presence of a Weak Neutron Source," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Danilin, V.A., E.E. Konoplev, E.L. Muravin, V.S. Nikolayev, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Metal-Ceramic Units with the Minimum Technological Stress," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Degaltsev, Yu.C., V.F. Kuznetsov, N.V. Kostochka, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.D. Slabcky, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, A.S. Gontar, Yu.V. Nikolayev, L.N. Soloviev, Scientific Industrial Association "Luch", "Post-Reactor Analysis of Uranium Dioxide Fuel Processes in Single-Cell Thermionic Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Degaltsev, Yu.G., V.F. Kuztensov, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Modeling of Thermionic Fuel Elements Gas Swelling Based on Diffusion Approach for Their Lifetime Prediction," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Ganov, N.V., I.V. Deynichenko, E.E. Zhabotinsky, V.I. Kuznetsov, A.V. Murashov, V.F. Smirnov, G.A. Shevohenko, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", V.A. Lititskii, Yu.D. Makarenkov, V.Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Criteria, Basic Principles and Engineering Measures to Ensure SNPS Nuclear Safety," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Ganov, N.V., I.V. Deynichenko, V.I. Kuznetsov, A.V. Murashov, V.F. Smirnov, G.A. Shevohenko, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", S.N. Zelentsov, Yu.D. Makarenkov, V.Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Probability Analysis of Space Nuclear Power Systems Safety," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Gontar, A.S., M.V. Nelidov, Yu.V. Nikolayev, Yu.N. Podogov, L.N. Soloviev, V.N. Sotnikov, L.N. Shulepov, Scientific Industrial Association "Luch", "Problems of the Thermionic Fuel Element Development," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Gontar, A.S., V.S. Gutnik, A.M. Lebedev, D.Yu. Lubimov, V.I. Mitrofanov, Yu.V. Nikolayev, L.N. Permyakov, E.V. Fivisky, G.E. Homlin, V.V. Kromonozhkin, Scientific Industrial Association "Luch", "Perspective Fuel for Thermionic Fuel Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Gridnev, A.A., Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Calculation of Uranium Dioxide Irradiation Data," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Guerin, Yannick, Pierre Mottet, Jean Louis Ratier, Georges Robert, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, CEN Cadarache, France, "Materials Studies for the ERATO Space Reactor Project," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Horner, M. Harlan, Daniel T. Allen, Tim Heffernan, General Atomics Company, USA, Gabor Miskolczy, Thermo Electron Technologies Corporation, USA, "Design and Fabrication of Thermionic Fuel Elements for Space Application," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Iastrebrov, A., V.A. Repy, E.K. Lepeshenkov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Structural Perfection of Constructional Materials on the Basis of Monocrystalline Refractory Metals," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Iyevleva, J.I., A.A. Plokhin, I.M. Saratov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Some Properties of the Single Crystal Electric Insulation," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Kalinin, G.M., A.D. Ivanov, A.B. Korostelev, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "The Perspective Construction Materials for Nuclear Jet Propulsion Space Complexes," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Kazantsev, G.N., L.I. Moseyev, I.Ya. Ovchinnikov, V.V. Polyakin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Production of Uranium Dioxide of Prestoichiometric Composition," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Kobyakov, V.P., O.F. Koz1ov, V.I. Uvarov, D.L. Tsetskhladze, Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, G.P. Sedmale, U.Ya. Sedmalis, R.A. Tsimtinsh, Riga Polytechnical Institute, "Amorphous Coating for Niobium Alloys Shielding and Electric Insulation at Enhanced," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Lanin, A.G., V.N. Turchin, D.Yu. Kovalev, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Relaxation of Local Tensions in the Surface Layers of Zirconium Carbide," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Lanin, C., P.V. Zubarev, K.P. Vlasov, Scientific Industrial Association "Luch", "The Main Characteristics of the Materials used in Fuel Assemblies (PA) of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Lititskiy, V.A., R.E. Bagdasarov, V.V. Volnistov, F.B. Brindin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Reactivity Express Measurements at Some Technological Stages of Space Nuclear Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Matthews, Robert B., Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Dale S. Dutt, Westinghouse Hanford Company, USA, Eugene E. Hoffman, U.S. Department of Energy, USA, "Fuel Cladding and Structural Alloy Development for Space Power Reactors," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Menkin, L.I., E.V. Kim, V.A. Chebotov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, Sverdlovsk Branch, "In-Pile Tests of Gas Fission Product Release from Fuel-Elements of a Research Nuclear Plant," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Menkin, L.I., V.P. Pyshkin, R.V. Kuzmina, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "Investigation of Different Iodine Forms Deposition on Structural Materials," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Nicolayev, Yu.V., P.V. Zubarev, I.A. Karetnicov, A.A. Yastrebkov, V.P. Solovyev, V.N. Zagryzkin, V.A. Repy, S.S. Semiletov, N.S. Afanasyev, V.P. Srnirnov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Refractory Metals for Thermionic Converters of NPS," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Nikolayev, Yu.V., A.V. Vasilchenko, M.P. Golubev, A.S. Gontar, N.M. Lapochkin, R.Ya. Kucherov, Scientific Industrial Association "Luch", "Thermionic Fuel Element for High-Voltage Thermionic Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Nikolayev, Yu.V., Yu.F. Khromov, V.V. Khromonozhkin, R.A. Lyutlkov O.L. Izhyanov, E.A. Galkin, V.A. Zaitsev, A.M. Lebedev, V.I. Mitrofanov, Scientific Industrial Association "Luch", "Some Operational Characteristics of Fuel Compositions: UO2, UZr(CN), U(Zr, Nb, Ta)C, U(CS) ," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Polevoy, V.B., V.V. Leontyev, A.V. Ovchinnikov, O.B. Tarasova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Features of Neutronic Calculations for the Fast Reactor with the Reflector-Moderator," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Polosukhin, B.G., A.P. Zyryanov, E.P. Baskakov, S.A. Shestakov, A.G. Dobrynskikh, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "In-Core Irradiation Effect and Oxygen and Nitrogen Impurity Influence on Hydrogen Permeability of Austenitic Steels and High Nickel Alloys," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Sernyayev, G.A., V.N. Shekhurin, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "Main Causes, Behaviour and Level of Beryllium Radiation Damage in a Wide Range of Radiation Temperatures and Neutron Fluences," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Sintsov, A.G., N.G. Tachkova, P.V. Zubarev, A.A. Yastrebkov, N.G. Afanasyev, V.A. Repey, S.N. Dubinin, V.F. Soloviyev, V.P. Smirnov, Yu.I. Sidorov, V.K. Sokolov, V.Ya. Papugin, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Molybdenum and Tungsten Single Crystal Alloys with Abnormally High Creep Strength," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Tarasov, V.A., I.I. Gurov, L.D. Artamonova, V.I. Ionkin V.V. Leontyev, M.K. Ovcharenko V.B. Polevoy, F.P. Raskach, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Comparison of Two Ways of Reactivity Water Effect Compensation in Fast Reactors for Space," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Veca, Anthony R., M. Harlan Horner, General Atomics Company, USA, William A. Ranken, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Leo A. Lawrence, Westinghouse Hanford Company, USA, Gabor Miskolczy, Thermo Electron Technologies Corporation, USA, "Thermionic Fueled Emitter Development," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Vlasov, V.V., Yu.G. Degaltsev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Post-Reactor Studies of the Processes of Helium Migration in Beryllium," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Volkov, Yu.V., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "A Stochastic Kinetics of the Reactor with a Weak Source and Nuclear Safety," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Volnistov, V.V., V.V. Korobeinikov, A.S. Chistozvonov, A.G. Shestiorkin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Application of Resonance Absorber Material to Prevent Criticality During a Water Immersion Accident of Space Nuclear Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Zakherova, H.I., N.A. Artermov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Neutron Radiation Influence Upon Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Refractory Metals," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; High-Temperature Fuel Compositions and Structural Materials

Chairman Anatoly A. Dubinin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Vadim S. Nikolaev, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Neil Brown, General Electric Company, USA, Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Aftergood, S., Federation of American Scientists, "Major Policy Issues in the Future of Space Nuclear Power," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Androsenko, A.A., P.A. Androsenko, A.A Dubinin, A.P. Pyshko, L.A. Trufanova, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Technique of the Account of Remote Structure Effect on Radiation Field Characteristics Beyond Shielding," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Androsenko, A.A., P.A. Androsenko, A.A. Dubinin, V.M. Levchenko, A.P. Pyshko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Problems of Monte-Carlo Method Application for the Calculation of Space NPS Shielding," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Androsenko, A.A., P.A. Androsenko, G.V. Bolonkina, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Monte-Carlo Simulation of Neutron Transport Processes, of Neutrons, Photons and Charged Particles," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Bass, L.P., A.M. Voloschenko, A.V. Voronkov, T.A. Germogenova, V.I. Zhuravlev, Institute of Applied Mathematics, A.A. Dubinin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The System of Codes and Cross-Section Libraries for the Computer Simulation of the Radiation Fields in Spacecraft with Reactor Power Plants," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Bass, L.P., A.V. Bessonov, T.A. Germogenova, A.A. Petrulevich, Institute of Applied Mathematics, A.A. Dubinin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Experience "RADUGA" Code Application for Computations of Radiation Fields in Spacecraft with On-Board Reactor Power Plant," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Baydakov, S.G., B.L. Bakhtin, A.A. Gafarov, A.V. Kosov, Research Institute of Thermal Processes, "Complex of Experimental Facilities for Efficiency Substantiation of the Aerodynamic Breakup Systems of Space Nuclear Power Sources," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Bludov, A.H., V.Yu. Vasilyev, F.I. Grinbeng, V.S. Nikolaev, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Substantiation of Radiation Safety System Efficiency," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Boyko, V.A., A.N. Glukhovets, V.V. Levin, I.P. Sadokhin, V.B. Starovenov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Neutron Induced Gamma Activity of Structural Materials," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Daydakov, S.C., V.A. Butov, A.A. Gafarov, A.V. Kosov, Research Institute of Thermal Processes, "Aerodynamic Breakup Study of the Moderator Elements from Zirconium Hydride at the Simulation of Atmospheric Reentry for Space Nuclear Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Demin, V.E., H.E. Netecha, A.P. Fomenko, Yu.E. Khandamirov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "The Optimization Analysis of Overall Mass-Dimensions Characteristics for Shadow Shielding Block," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Demin, V.E., M.E. Netecha, Yu.V. Orlov, N.N. Sucharev, A.P. Fomenko, Yu.E. Khondaminov, B.V. Cziklaurov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "Experimental-Computational Examinations of the Protective Efficiency of the Power Circuit Equipment of the Space NPS," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Dubinin, A.A., Yu.A. Kurachenko, V.M. Levchenko, A.P. Pyshko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Main Principles of Calculation of the Space Nuclear Power System Shield," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Eremin, A.K., L.S. Korobkov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", V.M. Levchenko, A.P. Pyshko, Institute of Physics arid Power Engineering, "Basic Principles of Design and Technology for Producing Neutron Shielding from Lithium Hydride," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Karkishchenko, N.N., The USSR Ministry of Health, E.E. Kovalev, V.M. Petrov, V.A. Sakovich, Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, "National System for Radiation Safety of Space Flights," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Lange, Robert C., U.S. Department of Energy, USA, Robert Nelson, INEL, USA, Joseph Sholtis, U.S. Air Force, USA, Gary Bennett, NASA Hdqts., USA, "Safety Review Process for Space Nuclear Power Sources," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Lasutkin, I.I., V.Ya. Pupko, B.I. Sinitcin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Proton Component Measurements Earth Radiation Belt at the Altitude 800 Km," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Lazutkin, I.I., B.I. Sinitsyn, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Measurements of Neutron and Gamma Fields in Space Vehicles with NPS Units," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Lee, Jr., James, Sandia National Laboratory, USA, David Buden, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, USA, Thomas Albert, SAIC, USA, Joseph Angelo, EG&G, USA, Samantha Lapin, S-Cubed, USA, "Project Siren," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Lobkovsky, B.S., A.D. Plyukhov, E.N. Samarin, V.A. Usov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, E.E. Konovalov, A.I. Lastov, I.V. Malumyan, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, V.V. Davydov, V.I. Serbin, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Safety Endurance in Handling Radioactive Alkali Metals on Completion of the Stand Ground Facility Tests of Space Nuclear Power Unit," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Madeyev, V.G., Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, E.Ye. Petrcv, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Realization of Joint Computational-and-Experimental Research Aimed at Elaboration and Substantiation of Radiation Shielding Properties for Space Nuclear Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Morley, Nicholas J., Mohamed S. El-Genk, The Institute for Nuclear Power Studies, USA, Robert Cataldo, Harvey S. Bloomfield, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA, "Radiation Shielding Design and Mass Optimization for a Manned Mars Rover Powered with an SP-100 Type Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Shlrokov, N.V., V.A. Fedorov, I.H. Makarevich, All-Union Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation, "Problems of Ensuring Reliability and Radiation Safety of Advanced Onboard Radionuclide Power Plants (SRPP) ," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Staroverov, V.B., Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Radiation Field Behind the Shadow Shield," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Trykov, L.A., V.P. Semenov, J.I. Kolevatov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Spectrometer Methods in Physics of Space Reactor Shielding," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Trykov, L.A., V.P. Senenov, Ju.I. Kolevatov, A.A. Dubinin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Benchmark Integral Experiments in Radiation Shielding of Nuclear Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Usov, V.A., V.D. Fomenko, A.A. Khroulev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "To the Problem of Space Reactor Conservation," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Willoughby, Alan James, Analex Corporation, USA, Steven M. Stevenson, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA, "Nuclear Radiation Issues for Human Exploration Of Space," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Radiation Shielding Physics and Radiation Safety

Chairman Victor L. Semenisty, The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990,

Co-Chairmen Yuri A. Nechaev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990,

Co-Chairmen Frank Olivier Carre, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, France, Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990,

Afanasyeva, I.V., E.E. Zhabotinsky, G.A. Zaritzky, M.V. Kudryavtseva, V.L. Shvaikov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Mathematical Model of SNPS "Topaz" Type and the Optimal Control Algorithms," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Agafonov, V.R., A.V. Zrodnikov, V.I. Semenisty, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Determination of "Topaz" Reactor Emitter Parameters in the Dynamic Experiment," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Annenkov, M.E., M.Yu. Erimoshin, V.V. Skorlygin, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "The Analytical Simulator of a Nuclear Power System and Its Realization in the Form of Computational Network Parallel Code," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Arsentyev, S.V., M.A. Kalugin, S.B. Shikov, N.V. Shchukin, Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering, "3D Neutron Kinetics Code for Complex Dynamic Model of Nuclear Power System for Space Missions," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Arsentyev, S.V., S.B. Shikhov, N.V. Shchukin, Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering, N.M. Lipovy, Yu.A. Sobolev, Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", "A Creation of Adapted Complex Dynamic Models for Research of Stability and Safety Problems of Space Nuclear Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Babushcin, Yu.V., V.P. Zimin, Tomsk Cybernetics Center of the Tomsk Polytechnical Institute, V.V. Martyanov, V.V. Sinyavsky, Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", "Experiment Application for the Analysis of Thermionic Electrogenerating Assembly (EGA) Operation," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Bolonkin, V.S., A.V. Vizgalov, S.N. Zelentsov, A.V. Zrodnikov, V.Ya. Pupko, V.L. Semenisty, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Dynamic Study of Nuclear Power System "Topaz" during Its Ground Tests," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Davydov, A., V.U. Korolev, S.A. Eryomin, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Calculation of Loop-Tests Conditions and Parameters of Model Thermionic Fuel Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Garin, V.E., E.S. Glushkov, N.E. Kukharkin, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.A. Lobyntsev, V.V. Skorlygin, I.V. Yanushevich, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Development of a Mathematical Model of Neutron Physical Dynamics and Thermal Physical Processes of SNPS with Single Element TIC," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Garin, V.P., M.Yu. Ermoshin, V.V. Skorlygin, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, A.N. Luppov, A.X. Murinson, A.A. Shepelenko, Central Machine-Building Design Bureau, "A Mathematical Model and a Code for Calculation Transient Conditions of a Nuclear Thermionic Power System," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Gulevich, A.V., A.V. Zrodnikov, O.F. Kukharchuk, E.A. Pashin, V.B. Polevoy, V.Ya. Pupko, F.P Rascach, V.I. Ionkin, E.P. Satina, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Ned S. Rasor, Rasor Associates, Inc., "Mathematical Simulation and Study of Transient Neutronic Thermal Processes in the Hybrid the Space Nuclear Power System HYSPOT," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Kanunnikov, L.A., V.D. Kolganov, S.S. Kochetkov, S.A. Orlov, V.P. Smetannikov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "Transients in NPPS and Dynamic Characteristics Assessment," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Metzger, John V., Mohamed S. El-Genk, The Institute for Space Nuclear Power Studies, The University of New Mexico, USA, "A Model-Reference Adaptive Controller for an SP-l00 Type Space-Nuclear Power System," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Nechaev, Yu.A., I.M. Khasanovich, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Technical Diagnostics of Thermionic Space Nuclear Power Systems (TSNPS) using an Automated Scientific Research Complex," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Nechaev, Yu.A., Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Bench-Test Identification and Diagnostics of Thermionic Nuclear Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Segal, M.D., L.P. Smirnov, A.V. Zarudin, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "The Numerical Simulation of Thermohydraulic and Transient Processes in a Reactor of Nuclear Power Propulsion System," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Shimanskaya, T.M., A.V. Zrodnikov, The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Optimization of SNPS Reactor Physical Startup Algorithms: Transition from the Subcriticality State to the Minimum-Sensible Power Level," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Sinyavsky, V.V., Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", "Special Features of Unmeasurable Characteristics Determination during Loop Tests of Thermionic Fuel Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Skorlygin, V.V., Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "The Use of Space Vehicle Computational Means for the Control of a Nuclear Power System in Abnormal Situations," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Tournier, Jean-Michelm, Mohamed S. El-Genk, The Institute for Space Nuclear Power Studies, The University of New Mexico, USA, "Heat Pipe Transient Model for Space Applications," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Trunin, Yu.F., Research Institute of Mechanics at Gorky State University, "Dynamics and Stability Problems of Space Nuclear Power System with Gas Cooled High Temperature Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Zelentsov, S.N., A.V. Zrodnikov, A.E. Inyutin, U.D. Makarenkov, V.I. Semenisty, F.S. Feshenko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Diagnostics Study of Nuclear Power System "Topaz" during Its Ground Tests," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Znushev, V.V., M.Ya. Nikolaev, Research Institute of Mechanics at Gorky State University, V.V. Sinyavsky, Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", "Mode Parameter Control-Based Diagnostics of Space Nuclear Power Systems Problems and Principles," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Mathematical Simulation, Dynamics, Control, Identification

Chairman Anatoly V. Vizgalov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Evgeny E. Zhabotinsky, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Richard Dahlberg, General Atomics Company, USA, Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Artyukhov, G.Ya., V.Y. Astafyev, S.N. Zelentsov, A.A. Labut, Yu.D. Makarenkov, F.P. Raskach, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, N.V. Ganov, V.I. Kuznetsov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Preparations of Power Transducers for Automatic Start-Up of "Topaz" Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Avayev, V.N., E.P. Efimov, M.E. Netecha, Yu.V. Orlov, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, A.F. Borisovsky, E.E. Malyukov, Yu.P. Lavrenkin, K.G. Tkach, All-Union Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, "Investigation of Radiation Shield Materials for Space NPS," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Averkiyev, O.V., N.I. Ezhov, E.E. Zhabotinsky, A.U. Zuev, I.V. Sinyavsky, B.V. Slivkin, Yu.L. Thukhanov, L.M. Sheftel, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Cesium Vapor Supply System for SNPS "Topaz" ," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Baum, Ya.M., S.S. Yurov, G.I. Venyavkin, Yu.L. Trukhanov, G.A. Zaritsky, I.P. Bogush, V.P. Peskov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Experimental Study of Heat Pipes for SNPS," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Bogush, I.P., G.M. Gryaznov, E.E. Zhabotinsky, A.C. Knyazev, A.N. Makarov, A.B. Senyavin, V.I. Serbin, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", A.V. Vizgalov, S.N. Zelentsov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Nuclear Power Tests as the Main Stage CE Ground SNPS Units Experimental Verification," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Bohl, Richard J., Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Richard C. Dahlberg, General Atomics Company, USA, Dale S. Dutt, Westinghouse Hanford Company, USA, John T. Wood, U.S. Department of Energy, USA, "Thermionic Fuel Element Verification Program - Overview," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Dolmatov, P.S., Yu.I. Likhachev, T.A. Kalinina, E.I. Malakhova, M.Ya. Khmelevsky, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Analysis of "Topaz" Thermionic Reactor Moderator Block Strength under Unhomogeneous Deformation Conditions," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Glushkov, E.S., Yu.G. Degal’tsev, V.E. Demin, I.S. Mosevitsky, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, B.S. Stepennov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Substantiation and Representativeness of TEC Loop Tests," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Gontar, A.S., V.N. Sotnikov, L.N. Shulepov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Influence of Uranium Dioxide Mass Transfer on Operation Capacity of TEC Gas Venting System," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Gryaznov, G.M., N.I. Ezhov, E.E. Zhabotinsky, A.U. Zuev, V.I. Serbin, I.V. Sinyavsky, Y.L. Trukchanov, B.V. Slivkin, L.M. Sheftel, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Multiple-Usage Cesium Vapor Supply System for SNPS of the Second Generation," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Isayev, V.I., V.P. Kovalev, V.I. Ryabinkin, A.S. Filatov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Development of Accumulation Method in Leak Detection," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Izhvanov, L.A., F.B. Boiko, V.A. Syasin, R.K. Abdrakhmanov, C.I. Pepekin, V. P. Frolov, R.M. Altovsky, Yu.M. Ivanov, R.A. Lyutlkov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Hydride Moderator Element," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Kalandarishvili, A.G., A.A. Makasarashvili, V.K. Mikheev, P.D. Ghilingarishvili, Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, "Gas-Controlled Cesium Vapor Source with Autonomous Pumping of TEC Gas Evolution Products," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Kennel, Elliot B., Wright Research and Development Center Space Application Office, USA, "Comparison between Thermo-Electrics and Thermionics Technology Challenges," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Nickitin, V.P., B.G. Ogloblin, A.N. Luppov, E.I. Lutov, Central Design Office of Mechanical Engineering, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, N.E. Kukharkin, V.A. Usov, Yu.A. Nechaev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Yu.V. Nickolaev, V.L. Gordinsky, R.Ya. Kucherov, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Small Space NPS with Single-Cell TFE Thermionic Reactor Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Prelov, V.N., Yu.N. Pokrovsky, I.P. Sviridenko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Studies of Thermionic Cells Mutual Influence when the Elements are Consecutively Connected in a TFE of Reactor Converter "Topaz" ," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Pupko, V.Ya., P.M. Bologov, A.V. Vizgalov, G.A. Kuptsov, V.A. Linnik, V.G. Petrovsky, V.A. Ruzhnikov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Loop Tests and Verification of the "Topaz" Thermionic Fuel Elements in the First Nuclear Power Plant Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Ranken, William, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Richard Dahlberg, General Atomics Company, USA, "Thermionic Reactor Investigations in the U.S.," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Veca, Anthony R., N. Harlan Horner, Emilio M. Giraldez, General Atomics Company, USA, William Ranken, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Leo A. Lawrence, Westinghouse Hanford Company, USA, Gabor Miskolczy, Thermoelectron Technologies Corporation, USA, "Irradiation Testing of Components for Thermionic Fuel Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Vintsevich, N.A., M.I. Vorontsova, A.N. Makarov, A.V. Peshkov, A.B. Senyavin, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", A.V. Vizgalov, S.N. Zelentsov, A.E. Inyutin, V.L. Semenisty, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Choice of Telemetric Information Volume and Methods for ITS Treatment by Flight Tests of SNPS within "Topaz" Program," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Vintsevich, N.A., M.I. Vorontsova, A.N. Makarov, A.V. Peshkov, A.B. Senyavin, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", A.B. Vizgalov, A.E. Inyutin, V.L. Semenisty, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Telemetric Data by Flight Tests of SNPS on "COSMOS-1818" and "COSMOS-1867" ," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Volkov, S.P., Yu.G. Degal’tsev, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, V.A. Rudenko, A.N. Ryzhkov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, L.A. Izhvanov, V.I. Savin, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Effect of Reactor Irradiation on Zirconium Hydride Moderator," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Vyakhorev, V.G., A.E. Glagolev, N.A. Nilov, P.P. Oleynikov, V.A. Ordyntsev, H.L. Taubin, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", "Inspection of NPS Design Elements," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Vybyvanetz, V.I., A.S. Gontar, V.L. Cordinsky, L.N. Dementiyev, S.A. Eremin, O.L. Izhvanov, A.V. Korobov, R.Ya. Kucherov, V.M. Lesnikov, V.A. Modin, Yu.V. Nikolaev, R.N. Semin, L.N. Soloviyev, V.N. Frolov, V.P. Chebonenko, E.M. Chizhova, Scientific-Industrial Association "Luch", Yu.C. Degaltsev, A.A. Drozdov, I.S. Mosevitsky, B.S. Stepennov, V.D. Slabky, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, V.A. Bisko, A.B. Burkov, A.C. Kalandarishvlli, V.G. Kashiya, N.N. Menabde, Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, "Experimental Development of Single Cell Thermionic Fuel Element in Thermal and Reactor Tests," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Zelentsov, S.N., A.E. Inyutin, V.I. Ionkin, F.P. Raskach, S.S. Satin, V.L. Semenisty, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, M.I Vorontsova, A.N. Makarov, AV. Peshkov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Prediction of "Topaz" NPS Unit Lifetime on the Basis of Excess Reactivity Change," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Zhurin, S.V., L.Ya. Surkov, L.A. Syshchikov, G.A. Yudakov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Post-Reactor Examination of Ground Prototypes of "Topaz" NPS with Multicell TFE’s," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Zinakov, Yu.I., All-Union Research and Design Institute on Pipelines and Container Systems, Yu.D. Il’yukhin, G.A. Kovalev, S.V. Chernousov, Nuclear Power Institute of Academy of Sciences of USSR, "Experimental Study of Thermohydraulic Properties of Compact Heat Exchangers," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Experimental Verification and Testing of Elements, Assemblies and NPS-Units

Chairman Vury V. Milovanov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairman Vladimir A. Pavshook, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairman David Black, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, USA, Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Alekseyev, V.I., V.V. Gusev, A.I. Ephanov, V.V. Postnikov, Yu.M. Potatuev, Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering, "Control of the NPPS Neutron Power," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Alexeev, Yu.A., V I. Vasiyev, N.U. Kazeev, V.V. Kisula, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Electromagnetic Pulsed Erosive Plasma Propulsions Study at Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Andreev, P.V., A.Ya. Calkin, A.M. Nikonov, C.A. Zaritsky, E.E. Zhabotinsky, Science-Production Cooperation Krasnaya Zvezda, A.P. Pyshko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Thermionic SNPS of "Topaz" Type with Increased Power and Prolonged Lifetime," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Andreevt, P.V., A.S. Vorobyev, A.Ya. Galkin, E.E. Zhabotinsky, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Space Nuclear Power Systems: Design and Arrangement in the Structure of Space Vehicles," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Andreevt, P.V., E.E. Zhabotinsky, A.M. Nikonov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Application of Thermionic SNPS of "Topaz" Type Coupled with Electrical Propulsion for Orbital Transfer Mission," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Bakaev, V.A., A.N. Lishchuk, B.A. Tarasov, V.A. Chechurov, All-Union Research Institute of Technical Physical and Automation, "The Concept of Development of a New Type of Independently Operating Power Sources," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Barannikov, A.L., A.S. Gladnikov, Science-Production Cooperation "Energiya", V.G. Golubev, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, "Powerful Volt AGE Converter for Space Power Supply Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Black, David L., Gerald Farbman, John Wett, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, USA, " "NERVA" - Program History and Technical Summary," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Blazhenkov, V.V., A.F. Ginevsky, A.S. Dmitriev, A.V. Kilmenko, D.A. Ovechkin, Moscow Institute of Power Engineering, "Selection and Design of the Heat-Removal System for the Power Propulsion Unit for Manned Interplanetary Flights," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Bugnova, A.I., Yu.I. Yermakov, V.K. Kharchevnikov, Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, A.I. Morozov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, S.A. Yakunin, Moscow State University, "A New Stage of Stationary Plasma Engines (SPE) Development," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Caveny, Leonard H., David Buden, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, USA, Robert J. Vondra, W.J. Schafer Associates, USA, "Dual-Mode Benefits of Space Nuclear Power and Electric Propulsion," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Goldin, A.Ya., V.M. Iyevlev, A.A. Paveliyev, A.S. Prishletsuv, Research Institute of Thermal Processes, "Perspective Space Propulsion Engines and Power Systems on the Basis of High-Temperature Gas-Core Nuclear Reactors," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Konstantinov, V.S., Yu.P. Meleshko, V.I. Nalivayev, P.P. Oleinikov, V.B. Pampura, Science-Industrial Association "Luch", "Operating Conditions Monitoring during the Propulsion Power and Engine Systems Tests," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Koroteyev, A.S., V.F. Semenov, I.G. Pulkhrova, S.M. Driven, A.M. Kostylev, V.N. Akimov, Research Institute of Thermal Processes, "On Power Propulsion Supplement for Mars Manned Mission," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Kunkin, I.I., Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Moscow Aviation Institute, "Design Search for Preferable Characteristics of a Nuclear Space System on the Principle of Computer Film," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Linnik, V.A., V.Ya. Pupko, F.P. Raskach, A.G. Yuferov, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "The Method for Evaluating Technical Level of Space Nuclear Power Systems," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Morosov, A.I., A.P. Shubin, L.I. Elizanov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Status and Prospects of Electric Jet Engine Development," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Nickitin, V.P., B.G. Ogloblin, A.N. Luppov, E.I. Lutov, Central Design Office of Mechanical Engineering, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.A. Usov, E.S. Glushkov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Yu.V. Nikolayev, V.L. Cordinsky, R.Ya. Kucherov, Science-Industrial Association "Luch", "Perspective of Thermionic Space NPS Development on the Basis of Single Cell TFE," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Paveliyev, A.A., A.V. Volkov, V.M. Martishin, O.I. Navoznov, A.I. Reshmin, V.V. Kolyada, Yu.S. Meleshkov, S.I. Bekritskaya, Research Institute of Thermal Processes, "Nuclear Power Systems with Circulatory Up," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Pavshook, V.A., V.M. Talyzin, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, "Dynamic Tests of Fuel Elements and Fuel Assemblies of NRE Reactors on the Reconstructed Pulse IGR Reactor," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Polukhin, D.A., A.S. Moiseev, V.K. Karrask, G.D. Dermichev, M.A. Dyachenko, NPO of Experimental Mechanical Engineering, "Power Propulsion System for Space Vehicle," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Pupko, V.Ya., V.I. Ionkin, A.A. Kutuzov, V.I. Mazin, M.K. Ovcharenko, F.P. Raskach, S.S. Satin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "On Feasibility of Space Isolation of Particularly Hazardous Radioactive Wastes in Nuclear Power Engineering using Nuclear Electrical Jet Engines," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Pusotvalov, A.A., Yu.V. Lazarenko, V.P. Shapovalov, All-Union Research Institute of Technical Physical and Automation, G.A. Avanesov, V.I. Kostenko, V.P. Fedotov, Institute of Space Research, "The Development of Small-Size Pu-Based RTG for Electric Power Supply of Vehicle-Borne Equipment at a Small Space Laboratory to be Launched in Compliance with "REGATA" Program," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Schock, Alfred, Fairchild Space Company, USA, "Design and Spacecraft-Integration of RTGs for Solar Probe," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Semenov, V.F., M.N. Vatel, Research institute of Thermal Processes, "Evaluation of Characteristics of Medium-Traction Power Propulsion System for Mars Manned Mission," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Semenov, Yu.P., L.A. Gorshkov, P.I. Bystrov, V.P. Ageyev, V.V. Synyavskiy, Yu.A. Sobolev, Yu.I. Sukhov, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", A.V. Vizgalov, V.Ya. Pupko, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Nuclear Power Propulsion Unit Configuration on a Basis of Thermoemissive Nuclear Power Supply System for Mars Manned Mission," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Vizgalov, A.V., A.I. Kirushenko, G.A. Kuptsov, N.F. Kurochkln, V.S. Mironov, V.I. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Basic Module for Thermionic Conversion of Solar Power into Electric One," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Volnov, A.M., A.I. Konak, S.P. Melnikov, A.A. Sinyansky, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, "On the Feasibility of a Laser with Radioisotopes Pumping Source," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Wetch, Joseph R., Lester L. Begg, Space Power, Inc., USA, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, USSR, Georgy M. Gryaznov, Victor I. Serbin, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Topaz Based Nuclear Power Systems for Early Lunar Outpost," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Wetch, Joseph R., Monte V. Davis, Space Power, Inc., USA, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.A. Usov, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, USSR, Georgy M. Gryaznzov, Victor I. Serbin, Eugeny E. Jabotinsky, Science-Production Cooperation "Krasnaya Zvezda", "Commercial Potential of Thermionic Nuclear Power Systems of "Topaz" Type," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Yakunin, V.M., V.I. Mikheev, Central Specialized Design Office, "Electric Supply and Jet Propulsion Unit on the Basis of Complex Nuclear Energy Utilization," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Zhemchugov, C.A., O.M. Miroshnik, S.N. Plekhanov, N.N. Sheremetjevsky, All-Union Research Institute of Electromechanical, "Electromechanics Problems in Power Complexes for Interplanetary Manned Spacecrafts," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Problems of High-Power Nuclear Systems Designing, Use of Advanced Technologies in National Economy

Chairman Evgeny S. Matusevich, Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy, USSR, Training and Research Work of Students, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Evgeny Yu. Krasilnikov, Moscow Aviation Institute, USSR, Training and Research Work of Students, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Co-Chairmen Mohamed S. El-Genk, The University of New Mexico, USA, Training and Research Work of Students, Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990

Bednyakov, S.M., V.A. Dulin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Verification of Capture Cross Sections of Important Stare Fission Products using Fast Critical Assemblies," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Training and Research Work of Students

Corichenko, V.A., Obninsk Institute of Atomic Power Engineering, V.P. Ginkin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Calculations of Temperature Distribution, Heat Leakages and Maximal Power for the Model of Thermionic Reactor-Converter," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Training and Research Work of Students

Gushchin, E.V., V.N. Mishunin, Obninsk Institute of Atomic Power Engineering, A.A. Shimansky, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, "Algorithm for Computing Output Performances, Temperature and Potential Distributions in the Thermionic Cell with Consideration of Radiation Heat Transfer and Current Leakages," Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, May, 1990; Training and Research Work of Students

World Electrotechnical Conference

Fitzpatrick G.O., L.L. Begg, E.J. Britt and N.S. Rasor, "Development of Very Large Thermionic Converters for Central Electric Power Plant," USA, World Electrotechnical Conference, Moscow, USSR July, 1977

Fitzpatrick G.O., L.L. Begg, E.J. Britt and N.S. Rasor, "A Test Facility for High Current Thermionic Converters, Including Initial Converter Test Results," C00-2263-10, NSR 2-10, USA, World Electrotechnical Conference, Moscow, USSR, July, 1977


Acad. Sci. USSR

Ansel’m, A.I., "Thermionic Vacuum Thermal Cell, " Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, 1951; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Appl. Solar Energy

Krasina, E.A., Nevezhin, O.A., and Rubanovich, I.M., "Effect of Solar-Radiation Density and Angular Size of Radiation Source on Efficiency of Solar Power Plants," pp. 13-17, Appl. Solar Energy (USSR) 12:3, 1976; Thermionic Devices, Solar, USSR

At. Energ.

Akhachinskii, V.V. and Bashlykov, S.N., "Thermodynamics of the Uranium-Carbon Systems," pp. 439-447, At. Energ. 29:6, 1970; Uranium Oxide, Uranium Nitride, Plutonium Carbide, USSR

Balankin, S.A., Skorov, D.M. and Yartsev, V.A., "Method of Determining the Thermophysical Properties of Reactor Materials at Elevated Temperatures," pp. 271-273, At. Energ. 41:4, 1976; Nuclear Reactor, USSR

Baril'chenko, Berzhatyi, Karnaukhov, Kirienko, Maevskii, Morozov, Nikonov, et al., "Single-Loop Reactor Tests of Two Thermionic Electricity-Generating Elements," pp. 402-4, At. Energ. 53:6, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, USSR

Barsoy, P.A., Kolomenskii, A.V., Sakovich, V.A., "Method for the Determining of the Optimal Relation between Radiation Doses from Determined and Probable Sources," pp. 200-2, At. Energ. 52:3, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, USSR

Batyrbekov, G.A., Bekmukhambetov, E.S., Berzhatyi, V.I., et al, "Some Results of Postreactor Testing of Six-Element Thermionic Units Operating for 2670 H," pp. 382-384, At. Energ. 40:5, May 1976; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance

Beketov, A.R., Vlasov, V.G., Bezdenezhniykh, V.A., and Talinin, V.A., "Interaction between Uranium Monocarbide and Nitrogen," pp. 916-917, At. Energ. 33:5, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, USSR

Bekmukhambetov, E.S., Berzhatyi, V.I., Gritsaenko, V.P., et al, "Life Tests of a Thermionic Converter," pp. 387-390, At. Energ. 35:6, Dec. 1973; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance, USSR

Berzhatyi, V.I., Griboedov. N.A., Gritsaenko, V.P., et al, "Investigation of Experimental Multielement Thermionic-Emission Assemblies," pp. 585-588, At. Energ. 31:6, Dec., 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, In-Pile Tests, Performance, USSR

Berzhatyi, V.I., Karnaukhov, A.S., and Sinyavskii, V.V., "Selecting the Operating Point in Resource Tests of Thermionic Converters," pp. 429-430, At. Energ. 38:6, June 1975; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Theory, Development, In-Pile Tests, USSR

Bondarenko, I.I., Golubev, A.V., Zvonarev, M.N., et at, "Propagation of Neutrons in Uranium Carbide," pp. 113-119, At. Energ. 17:2, 1964; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, USSR

Bystrov, P.I., Kirienko, V.P., Popov, A.N., and Sinyavskii, V.V, "Cesium Vapor Source Based on a Thermal Tube for Loop Thermoemissive Installations," pp. 219-221, At. Energ. 49:4, Oct., 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir, Nuclear, USSR

Davydov, E.F., Maershin, A.A., Syuzev, V.N., et al, "Tests on Experimental Fuel Elements Containing Carbide Fuel Irradiated in the BOR-60 Reactor to Burn-Ups of 3 and 7%," pp. 33-36, At. Energ. 39:1, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, USSR

Fedorov or Fedroy, G.B., Gusev, V.N., Smirnov, E.A., Solov'ev. G.I., and Yankulev, S.S., "Component Diffusion in UC-ZrC System," pp. 584-586, At. Energ. 33:1, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, USSR

Fedorov or Fedroy, G.B., Gusev, V.N., Zagryazkin, V.N., and Smirnov, Ye.A., "Thermodynamic Properties and Interdiffusion in a UC-ZrC System," pp. 267-269, At. Energ. 35:4, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, USSR

Golivnin, I.S., Men'shikova, T.S., Reshetnikov, F.G., et al, "Investigation of Promising Uranium Carbide and Plutonium Carbide Fuel Compositions for Fast Reactors," pp. 211-216, At. Energ. 30:2, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, Plutonium Carbide, USSR

Golovnin, I.S., Bibilashvili, Yu.K., Men'shikova, T.S., et al, "Some Questions Concerning the Manufacture of Fuel Elements for Fast Reactors," pp. 216-221, At. Energ. 30:2, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide, USSR

Gomozov, L.I. and Akhmedzyanov, I.Sh., "Thermoelectric Properties of ZrC," pp. 399-400, At. Energ. 48:6, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, USSR

Gomozov, L.I., Lyutina, E.M., Makhova, V.A., and Ivanov, O.S., "Composition of the Carbide Phase in Alloys of Uranium with Zirconium and Niobium," pp. 279-281, At. Energ. 31:3, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, USSR

Kakushadze, L.E. and Kotel'nikov, R.B., "Flexural Strengths of Disperse Materials Band on Uranium and Molybdenum Dioxides between 293 and 1870 K," pp. 19-23, At. Energ. 36:1, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Properties, USSR

Karasev, V.S., Kovyrshin, V.G., and Yakovlev, V.V., "Effect of Reactor Irradiation on the Dissociation Pressure of Zirconium Hydride," pp. 65-66, At. Energ. 37:1, 1974; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Thermal, USSR

Kolyadin, V.I., Illin, E.P., Kharlamov, A.G., and Yakovlev, V.V., "Thermal Conductivity of Uranium Dioxide," pp. 59-60, At. Energ. 36:1, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Properties, USSR

Kornilov, V.A., and Yuditskiy (or y), V.D., "Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer in the Core of a Heat-Emitting Fuel Element," pp. 74-76, At. Energ. 53:2, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Computer Code, Heat Transfer

Kornilov, V.A., Sukhov, Yu. I., Yuditskiy (or y), V.D., "Method for Calculating the Temperature Fields of a Heterogeneous Fuel Core of a Thermionic Generating Element," pp. 393-394, At. Energ. 49:6, Dec., 1980; Thermionic Fuel, Elements, Theory, Development, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Venting, USSR

Kosenkov, V.M., Kaz'min, V.I., Lebedev. I.G., and Shushakov, V.D., "Modifications in the Crystal Structure of Irradiated Uranium Dioxide," pp. 139-143, At. Energ. 36:2, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Properties, Uranium Oxide, USSR

Kryukova, N.S. and Panov, A.S., "Interaction of Uranium Dioxide with Tungsten and Molybdenum," pp. 349-350, At. Energ. 50:5, 198; Nuclear Fuels, Refractory Materials, Uranium Oxide, Cladding, Stoichiometry, Molybdenum, Tungsten, USSR

Kulikov, I.S., "Dissociation of Uranium Oxides," pp. 93-98, At. Energ. 31:2, 197; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, USSR

Lebedev, I.G., Kuz'min, V.I., and Piskum, A.S., "Swelling of Hot Oxide Fuel," At. Energia 28, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Malygin, V.B., Bibilashvili, Yu.K., Golovnin, I.S., and Naboichenko, K.V., "Model of Irradiation Creep of Ceramic Fuel Materials," pp. 8-13, At. Energ. 42:1, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Properties, Uranium Oxide, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, USSR

Malygin, V.B., Miloserdin, Yu.V., Naboichevko, K.V., et al, "Theoretical-Experimental Model of the Nonsteady Radiational Creep of Ceramic Fuel," pp. 87-91, At. Energ. 46:2, 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Properties, USSR

Men'shikova, T.S., Reshetnikov, F.G., Mukhin, V.S., et al., "Properties of Carbide, Nitride, Phosphate, and Other Fuel Compositions and Their Behavior Under Irradiation," pp. 393-402, At. Energ. 31:4, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, Plutonium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, USSR

Miloserdin, Yu.V., Naboichenko, K.V., Golovnin, I.S., et al, "Creep of Uranium Dioxide," pp. 371-375, At. Energ. 35:6, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Properties, USSR

Reshetnikov, F.G., Kotel'nikov, R.B., Rogozkin, B.D., et al, "Methods of Preparing Cores from Uranium Monocarbide, Mononitride, and Carbonitride for the Fuel Elements of Fast Reactors," pp. 377-386, At. Energ. 35:6, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, USSR

Rozhkova, N.M., and Sinyavskii, V.V., "Effect of Heat-Conducting Properties of Spacing Elements on Current-Voltage Characteristics and Temperature Field of a Thermionic Emission Fuel Element," pp. 137-9, At. Energ. 49:2, Aug, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators, Fabrication, Theory, USSR

Samsonov, B.V. and Frei, A.K., "Kinetics of Fission Yield From Ceramic Fuel," pp. 358-362, At. Energ. 30:4, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Uranium Carbide, Gas Release, USSR

Samsonov, B.V. and Frei, A.K., "Mechanism Underlying Release of Gaseous Fission Fragments from Ceramic Nuclear Fuel," p.136, At. Energ. 31:2, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, USSR

Sinyavskii, V.V., "Graphoanalytical Method for Determining the Length of Elements Along the Height of a Multielement Thermoemissive Assembly," pp. 169-172, At. Energ. 47:3, 1979; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Theory, Development, USSR

Tsitsin, A.G., "Temperature Fields of Electricity Generating Thermal Emission Elements in Changes of the Width of the Gap between the Electrodes," pp. 273-274, At Energ 53:4, Oct, 1982; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Theory, Endurance

Tsykanov, V.A., Gryazev, G.M., Davydov, E.F., et al, "Results of Testing Carbide Fuel Elements in the BOR-60 Reactor," pp. 378-382, At. Energ. 42:5, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Test Results, Uranium Carbide

Ustinov, O.A., Andrianov, M.A., Chebotarev, N.T., and Novoselov, G.P., "System MoO3 - UO3," pp. 155-157, At. Energ. 34:3, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Properties

Zakharova, M.I., Artemov, N.A., Bykov, V.N., and Solov’ev, V.A., "Thermal and Radiation Effects on the Electrical Resistivity and Internal Friction Parameters of Oriented Niobium Single Crystals," pp. 253-255, At. Energ. 48:4, 1980; Refractory Materials, Niobium, USSR

Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Phys. Ser. (USA)

Bondarenko, V.D., Yu.K. Gus’kov, and V.P. Paschenko, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Phys. Ser. (USA), 28: 1441, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters


Grechikhin, L.I., Doklady AN USSR, 10: 4, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR

Kagan, T(or I)u. M., and V.I. Perel’, Dokiady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 98: 575, 1954; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Fizichni Zapiski

Gurtovoy, M.Y., and G.I. Kovalenko, "A Study of the Operation of a Diode in Cesium Vapor," Fizichni Zapiski, 9:240, 1941; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Fiziko Khimieheskaya Mekhanika Materialov

Mel’nikov, M.V., Larikov, L.N., Cherepin, V.T., et al, "Influence of Lithium Vapor on Crystal Structure of Tungsten and Molybdenum," pp. 90-93, Fiziko Khimieheskaya Mekhanika Materialov 7:3, May-June, 1971; Refractory Materials, Corrosion, Tungsten, Molybdenum, USSR

High Temp.

Abramov, V.A., and Yu.A. Tarasov, High Temp., 2: 142, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Abramov, V.A., High Temp., 3: 18, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Biberman, L.M., V.S. Vorob’ev, and I.T. Yakubov, High Temp., 5: 177, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Biberman, L.M., V.S. Vorob’ev, and I.T. Yakubov, High Temp., 6: 359, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Biberman, L.M., V.S. Vorob’ev, and I.T. Yakubov, High Temp., 7: 183, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Biberman, L.M., V.S. Vorob’ev, and I.T. Yakubov, High Temp., 7: 543, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Bondarenko, V.D., A.I. Loshkarev, and B.Sh. Ul’masbaev, High Temp., 8: 201, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Byrdin, Yu.A., T.G. Byrdina, and D.V. Karetnikov, High Temp., 8: 235, l970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Byridin, Yu.A., B.Ya. Lyubimov, and A.F. Nasroyashchii, High Temp., 5: 21, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Grechikhin, L.I., and E.S. Tyunina, High Temp., 1: 358, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Loshkarev, A.I., High Temp., 8: 409, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Lyubimov, G.A., High Temp., 4: 107, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Maev, S.A., High Temp., 3: 185, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Maksimov, F.A., and A.S. Titkov, High Temp., 10: 363, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Maksimov, V.A., and A.S. Titkov, High Temp., 9: 215, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Mayev, S.A., Avtoreferat dissertatsii, MIFI, Moskva, 1966, High Temp., 3: 185, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Nastoyashchii, A.F., High Temp., 3: 171, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Novichkov, D.N., and B.B. Glebov, High Temp., 8: 659, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Semenchenkov, A.T., A.N. Kobylkin, and O.S. Ivanov, High Temp., 7: 1125, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Ul’Yanov, K.N., High Temp., 2: 758, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Zapesochnyi, I.P., High Temp., 5: 6, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Izv. AN USSR, ser. fiz.

Fabrikant, V.A., Izv. AN USSR, ser. fiz., 3, 305, 1938; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Stakhanov, I.P., V.P. Karmazin, and I.I. Kasikov, Izv. AN USSR, ser. fiz., 28: 1541, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Tolpygo, K.B., G.E. Chayka, Izv. AN USSR, ser. fiz., 30, 850, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR

Kulvarskaya, B.S., and Dmitriyev, S.G., "Methodology of Selection of Cathode Material with Smaller Work Function," pp. 492-496, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR - Ser. Fizich 43:3, 1979; Thermionic Devices, USSR

Zotov, Yu.P., and Kotelnikov, R.B., "Evaporation of Zirconium Carbide at High Temperatures in a Vacuum," pp. 57-61, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Metally 75:2, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, USSR

J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys.

Sonin, E.B., J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 7: 39, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Stakhanov, I.P., and P.P. Shchenbinin, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 10: 374, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., and P.P. Shchenbinin, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 11: 201, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

JETP Lett.

Morgulis, N.D., and Yu. P. Korchevoi, JETP Lett., 8: 192, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma


Belyayev, S.T., G.O. Budker, fizika plazmy i problema upravlyyaemykh termoyadernykh reaktsiy, izd-vo AN USSR, vyp. 3, str. 41, 1958; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Dudko, D.Ya., Yu. P. Korchevoy, and V.I. Lukashenko, Tret’ya Vsesoyuznaya konferentisiya po fizike nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy, Moskva, str. 236, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Ender, A.Ya., i dr., Issledovaniye plazmy sintezirovannoy na poverk- hnosti v usloviyakh knudsenovskogo rezhima TEP, FTI im A.F. Ioffe, Leningrad, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kaplan, V.B., et al., Tret’ya Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po fizike nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy, Moskva, str. 294, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Konstantinova, B.P., Diagnostika plazmy, sb. pod red., Gosatomizdat, vyp. 1, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Morgulis, N.D., et al., Tret’ya Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po fizike nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy, Moskva, str. 298, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Novishkov, D.N., and V.V. Glebov, v sb. "Voprosy fiziki nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy", Minsk, str. 452, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Opticheskaya pirometriya plazmy, IL, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Pearce, W.J., Polucheniye i issledovaniye vysokotemperaturnoy plazmy, IL, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Rusanov, V.D., Sovremennyye metody issledovaniya plazmy, Gosatomizdat, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Stakhanov, I.P., and. V.A. Zherebtsov, Tret’ya Vsesoyuznaya konferen- tsiya po fizike nizkotemperaturnoy plazimy, Moskva, 1971, str. 46l; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Prikladnaya Spektroskopiya

Grechikhin, L.I., and M.A. E1’yashevich, prikladnaya spektroskopiya, 3: 215, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Radiotekhnika Elektronika

Kulvarskaya, B.S., "Thermionic Emitters on the Base of Rare Earth Elements and Their Analogs," pp. 1989-1994, Radiotekhnika Elektronika 23:9, 1978; Thermionic Devices, USSR

Morgulis, N.D., and Yu. P. Korchevoy, Radiotekh. Elektron., 6: 2073, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskaya

Sinyavskii, V.V., Karnauhov, A.S., Kuznetsov, I.M., Izves. Ak. Nauk Kazak, USSR, "Experimental Observations of a Portion of the Volt-ampere Characteristic with Negative Resistance in a Multi-Element Thermal-Emission Assembly," pp. 83-85, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskaya, Nr. 4, 1980; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, In-Pile Tests

Sov. J. At. Energy

Kondrat’ev, F.V., and G.V. Sinyutin, Sov. J. At. Energy, 24: 679, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Kuznetsov, V.A., et al., "Development and Construction of the Nuclear Power Installation TOPAZ," Sov. At. Energy (USA) 36, 578, 1974; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Thermionic Nuclear Reactor Systems

Ushakov, B.A., Sov. J. At. Energy, 10: 330, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Sov. Phys. - Doklady

Morgulis, N.D., and Yu.P. Korchevoi, Sov. Phys. - Doklady, 6: 71, 1961, RIE 12: 2073, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kagan, T(or I)u. M., and V.I. Perel’, Sov. Phys. - Doklady, 1: 289, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., and P.P. Shchenbinin, Sov. Phys. - Doklady, 14: 202, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Sov. Phys. - JETP

Aleskovskii, Yu.M., Sov. Phys. - JETP, 17: 570, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Biberman, L.M., V.S. Vorob’ev, and I.T. Yakubov, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 29: 1070, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Sonin, E.B., Sov. Phys. - JETP, 27: 832, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Gurevich, A.V., and L.P. Pitaevskii, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 19: 870, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Kagan, Ia.M., and V.I. Perel’, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 2: 761, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Konstantinov, O.V., and V.I. Perel’, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 12: 597, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Korchevoi, Yu.P., and A.M. Przhonskii, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 23: 208, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Korchevoi, Yu.P., and A.M. Przonski, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 24: 1089, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Kovrizhnykh, L.M., Sov. Phys. - JETP, 37: 347, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Perel’, V.I., Sov. Phys. - JETP, 5: 440, 1957; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Pikus, G.E., N S. Skvortsov, and V.P. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 15: 225, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Pitaevskii, L.P., Sov. Phys. - JETP, 15: 919, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Vorob’ev, V.S., Sov. Phys. - JETP, 24: 218, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Zapesochnyi, I.P., and I.S. Aleksakhin, Sov. Phys. - JETP, 28: 441, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Sov. Phys. - Solid State

Azizov, U.V., and G.N. Shuppe, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 7: 1591, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Baksht, F.G., V.G. Ivanov, and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 13: 2436, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Bondarenko, B.V., E.D. Konovalov, and E.A. Tishin, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 14: 3078, 1973; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Gribnikov, Z.S., and V.I. Mel’nikov, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 7: 1612, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Gribnikov, Z.S., and V.I. Mel’nikov, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 7: 2364, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Moizhes, B.Ya., and G.E. Pikus, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 2: 697, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Tsendin, L.D., Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 7: 864, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Yur’ev, V.G., Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 2: 2602, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Zingerman, Ya. P., V.A. Ischuk, and V.A. Morozovskii, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 2: 2030, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Zubenko, Yu.V., and T.L. Sokol’skaya, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 3: 1133, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys.

Babanin, V.I., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 434, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Baksht, F.G., B.Ya. Moizhes, and V.A. Nemchinskii, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 522, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Baksht, F.G., and V.G. Ivanov, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys.,15: 158, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., V.G. Ivanov, and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Solid State, 13: 2436, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 540, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., and Yu.L. Igitkhanov, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 943, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., B.Ya. Moyzhes and V.A. Nemchinskiy, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 1401, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Baksht, F.G., B.Ya. Moizhes, and V.A. Nemchinskii, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 522, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Baksht, F.G., B.Ya. Moizhes, and V.A. Nemchinskii, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 417, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., B.Ya. Moyzhes, and V.A. Nemchinskii, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 11: 234, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Baksht, F.G., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 893, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Baksht, F.G., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 1153, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Baksht, F.G., I.I. Korobova, and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 300, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Baksht, F.G., I.L. Korobova, and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16: 292, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Baksht, F.G., I.L. Korobova, and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 1940, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Baksht, F.G., I.L. Korobova, and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 653, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Baksht, F.G., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 18: 19 (or 139), 1973; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Baksht, F.G., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 1196, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 1205, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Baksht, F.G., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 18: 139, 1973; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Baksht, F.G., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 7: 709, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Baksht, F.G., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 9: 713, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Baksht, F.G., V.G. Ivanov, and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 17: 731, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Bekmukhambetov, E.S., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 10: 1318, 1320, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Belokon’, A.A., and E.B. Sonin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 1583, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Busygin, E.P., V.G. Grigor’yants, and I.P. Yavor, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 1593, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Byrdin, Yu.A., and A.F. Nastoyashehii, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 65, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Cherkovets, V.E., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16: 2046, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Dobretsov, L.N., "Thermoelectronic Converters of Thermal Energy into Electric Energy," Soviet Phys. - Tech. Phys., (English Transl.), 5: 343-368, 1960; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Duane, Yu.A., I.P. Yavor, and E.P. Busygin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 11: 395, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Dyuzhev, G.A., A.M. Martsinovskii, B.Ya. Moizhes, G.E. Pikus, and B.I. Tsirkel’, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 11: 503, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Dyuzhev, G.A., A.M. Martsinovskii, G.E. Pikus, B.I. Tsirkel’, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 10: 1575, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Dyuzhev, G.A., A.M. Martsinovskii, G.E. Pikus, E.B. Sonin, and V.G. Yur’ev, 12: 1336, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Dyuzhev, G.A., B.Ya. Moizhes, V.A. Nemchirskii, E.A. Startsev, S.M. Shkol’nik, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16: 1910, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Dyuzhev, G.A., E.A. Startsev, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 323, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Dyuzhev, G.A., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 11: 1254, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Dyuzhev, G.A., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 11: 512, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Dyuzhev, G.A., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 726, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Dyuzhev, G.A., R.Ya. Moizhes, E.A. Startsev, and Y.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16: 1900, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Dyuzhev, G.A., V.B. Kaplan, and E.A. Startsev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 320, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Ender, A.Ya., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 1546, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Ender, A.Ya., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 426, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Grus’kov, Yu.K., V.P. Pashchenko, I.P. Stakhanov, and E.A. Stumbar, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 9: 857, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Gryaznov, O.S., and B.Ya. Moizhes, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16: 1110, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Gus’kov, Yu.K., V.I. Zyukov, S.A. Maev, V.P. Pashchenko, and I.P. Smakhanov, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 786, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Gverdtsiteli I.G., A.G. Kalandarishvili, V.G. Kashiya, "Development of a Source of Vapors of the Working Medium for Cesium-Barium Thermoemission Instruments," Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys. 30, 166, 1985

Ionov, N.I., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 5: 1147, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kagan, Yu.M., and R.I. Lyagushchenko, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 6: 321, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Kagan, Yu.M., and V.I. Perel’, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 10: 1586, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Kaganov, M.I., R.Ya. Kucherov, and L.E. Rikenglaz, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 6: 420, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kaplan, V.B., A.M. Martsinovskii, B.I. Tsirkel’, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16: 1130, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Kaplan, V.B., B.Ya. Moizhes, G.E. Pikus, G.A. Shakhnazarova, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 11: 1417, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Karakhanov, V.Ya., E.A. Kashirskii, R.Ya. Kucherov, and Z.A. Oganezov, Sov. Phys., - Tech. Phys., 16: 109 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Karakhanov, V.Ya., E.A. Kashirskii, R.Ya. Kucherov, and Z.A. Oganezov, Sov. Phys., - Tech. Phys., 17: 78, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Karakhanov, V.Ya., R.Ya. Kucherov, and D.G. Tatishvili, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 9: 256, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Karmazin, V.P., V.P. Pashchenko, and I.P. Stakhanov, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 17: 630, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Kosyrev, F.K., and A.F. Nastoyashchii, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 706, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Kucherov, R.Ya., and L.E. Rikenglaz, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 7: 941, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kucherov, R.Ya., and Yu.A. Shuander, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 9: 50, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kucherov, R.Ya., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16: 100, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kucherov, R.Ya., G.I. Tkeshelashvili, and V.K. Tskhakaya, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 981, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kucherov, R.Ya., V.K. Nevolin, G.I. Tkeshelashvili, and V.P. Tsiberev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 1697, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Kyuzhev, G.A., A.M. Martsinovskii, B.Ya. Moizhes, G.E. Pikus, B.I. Tsirkel’, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 11: 503, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Lidorenko, N.S., Loshkarev, A.I., and Nurgaliey, R.M., "Volt-ampere Characteristics of a Plasma Diode with a Developed Cathode Surface," pp. 1251-1255, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys. 13:9, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Planar; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Maev, S.A., I.P. Stakhanov, Yu.K. Gus’kov, V.I. Zyukov, and V.P. Pashchenko, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 778, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Maksimov, V.A., and A.S. Titkov, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 115, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Martsinovskii, A.M., and E.B. Sonin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 18: 539, 1973; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Martsinovskii, A.M., et al., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 7: 562, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Mayev, S.A., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 8: 842, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Menabde, N.E., V.K. Tskhakaya, and V.I. Yarygin, Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys., 23, 454, 1978; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Mirlin, D.N., G.E. Pikus, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 7: 559, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Moizhes, B.Ya., and V.A. Nemchinskii, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 317, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Moizhes, B.Ya., "Explanation for the Anomalously Low Work Function of Ag-O-Cs Photocathodes," Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 54, 2068-2070, Oct. 1984, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys. 29(10), Oct., 1984

Moizhes, B.Ya., F.G. Baksht, and M.G. Melikiya, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 10: 1252, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Morgulis, N.D., Yu.R. Korchevoi, and D.Ya. Dudko, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 886, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Nemchinskii, V.A., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 314, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Shustov, V.A., and T.K. Zvezdkina, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14:1339, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Shustov, V.A., and T.K. Zvezdkina, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 1683, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Sonin, E.B., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 8: 654, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Sonin, E.B., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 1347, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Sonin, E.B., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 13: 319, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Sonin, E.B., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 8: 654, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., and P.I. Shcherbinin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 1205, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., and P.I. Shcherbinin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 219, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., and V.E. Cherkovets, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 215, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., and V.E. Cherkovets, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 16:1102, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 935, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 1522, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 12: 929, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 14: 1115, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Ul’yanov, K.N., Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 15: 613, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Vorob’eva, N.A., Yu.M. Kagan, and V.M. Milenin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 8: 423, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Vorob’eva, N.A., Yu.M. Kagan, R.I. Lyagushchenko, and V.M. Milenin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 9: 114, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Vorob’eva, N.A., Yu.M. Kagan, V.M. Milenin, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 9: 632, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Vorobev, M.D., et al., Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys., 20, 938, 1975; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Yuzhev, G.A., A.M. Martsinovskii, G.E. Pikus, and V.G. Yur’ev, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 10: 895, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Zaidel’, A.N., G.M. Malyshev, and E.Ya. Shreyder, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 6: 93, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Zakharova, V.M., Yu.M. Kagan, K.S. Mustafin, and V.I. Perel’, Sov. Phys. - Tech. Phys., 5: 411, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Sov. Phys. - Usp.

Ginzburg, V.L., and A.V. Gurevich, Sov. Phys. - Usp., 3: 115, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Kagan, Yu.M., and V.I. Perel’, Sov. Phys. - Usp., 6: 767, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Volkov, A.F., and Sh.M. Kogan, Sov. Phys. - Usp., 11: 881, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Splavy Dlya Atomnoy Energetiki

Gomozov. L.I., Dedyurin, A.I., and Ivanov, O.S., "Effect of the High Annualizing Temperature on Structure and Properties of Carbide Materials," Splavy Dlya Atomnoy Energetiki, Nauka, Moskva, 215 PP, FSL31085, Collection, 1979; Refractory Materials, USSR

Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur

Bekmukhambetov, E.S. (or E.E.), Berzhatyi (Berjaty), V.I, Dzhaimurzin, A.A., et al, "Universal Loop Arrangement of a Boiling-Water Reactor," pp. 904-907, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur 13:4, July-Aug., 1975; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Development, USSR

Brovalski, Yu.A., Lebed(or c)eva, V.V., Raikov, I.I., et al, "Computer Study of the Energy Characteristics of Thermionic Electrical Generating Cells and Assemblies," p. 171-175, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur 13:1, Jan.-Feb., 1975; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Theory, USSR

Brovalskii, Yu.A., Lebed(or c)eva, V.V., Raikov, I.I., et al, "Design Study of the Energy Characteristics of Thermionic Electric Power Generating Components and Assemblies," p. 171-175, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur 13, 1975; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Theory, USSR

Sinyavskii, V.V., "Emitter Temperature Determination in Tests on Thermionic Converters," pp. 1267-1271, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur 12:6, Nov.-Dec., 1974; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Theory, USSR

Tovarnyye Znak

Rekov, A.I., Kulvarskaya, B.S., Spiridonov, E.G., and Gordon, V.G., Otkrytiya, Izobreteniaya Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, "Thermionic Cathode," Tovarnyye Znak i 461464, 1975; Thermionic Devices, USSR

Trudy Konferentsii po Reaktornomu Materialovedeniyu

Gomozov, L.I., Dedyurin, A.I., and Ivanov, O.S., "Precipitation Hardening Of Carbide Materials For Atomic Reactors," Proceeding Trudy Konferentsii po Reaktornomu Materialovedeniyu Vol. T, pp. 32-54, 1978 or 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Thermionic Devices, USSR

VIzdatelstvo Nauka

Gordon, V.G., Kulvarskaya, B.S., Levinov, B.M., Rekoz, A.I., and Spiridonov, E.G., "Research on Thermoelectric Emission of Several Cathode Materials for New Technology," VIzdatelstvo Nauka, 1977; Thermionic Devices, USSR

Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.

Biberman, L.M., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 17: 416, 1947; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Davydov, B.I., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 2: 1069, 1937; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Davydov, V.I., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 7: 1969, 1937; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Sobolev, I.N., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 19: 25, 1949; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Sviridov, A.G., and I.N. Sobolev, Zh. Eksp, Teor. Fiz., 24: 93, 1953; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Zh. Prikl. Mekh. and Tekh. Fiz.

Karmazin, V.P., and I.P. Stakhanov, Zh. Prikl, Mekh. and Tekh. Fiz., 5: 3, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Kucherov, R.Ya., and L.E. Rikenglaz, Zh. Prikl. Mekh. and Tekh. Fiz., 5: 23, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Nastoyashchiy, A.F., and L.D. Puzikov, Zh. Prikl. Mekh. and Tekh. Fiz., 5: 52, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Zh. Tekh. Fiz.

Babanin V.I. et al, "The Cs-Ba TEC Investigation in Overcompensated Knudsen Mode," p.1662-1668, USSR, Zh. Tekh. Fiz., v.42, 8, 1972

Babanin V.I. et al, "Potential Distribution in a Two-Gas Thermionic Converter at Current Saturation," p.2144-2152, USSR, Zh. Tekh. Fiz., v.42, 10, 1972

Babanin V.I. et al, "Measurements of Cross Sections for Thermal Electron Scattering on Cs and Ba Atoms in the TEC Conditions," p.1916-1924, USSR, Zh. Tekh. Fiz., v.43, 9, 1973

Babanin V.I., V.I. Kuznetsov, A.S. Mustafa, V.I. Sitnov, and A.Ya. Ender, "Optimization of a Knudsen Cs-Ba Thermionic Converter," p. 754-766 (or 765), A.F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, Zh. Tekh. Fiz. v.48, April, 1978

Berzhatyi, V.I., Gritsaenko, V.P., Karnaukhov, A.S., et al, "Reactor Tests of a Single Thermionic Element with Tungsten Emitter and 0.3 mm Interelectrode Gap," pp. 2439-2440, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki 42:11, November, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Performance, USSR

Berzhatyi, V.I., Maevskii, V.A., Mel'nikov, M.V., and Sinyavskii, V.V., "Electrode Configuration for a Thermionic Converter," pp. 2148-2151, Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 45, Oct., 1975; Thermionic Devices, Research, USSR

Broval'skii, Yu. A. and Sinyavskii or Siniavskii, V.V., "Multiparameter Optimization of a Thermionic Fuel Cell," pp. 1909-1914, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki 42:9, Sept., 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Theory, Insulators, USSR

Gverdtsiteli I.G. et al, "Development of Working Body Vapors Source for Cs-Ba Thermionic Devices," p. 283-286, USSR, Zh. Tekh. Fiz., v.55, 2, 1985

Kucherov, R.Ya., L.E. Ricenglaz, "Kinetic Theory of the Diode Filling by Rarefied Plasma," p. 1275-84, Zh. Tekh. Fiz., USSR


Bursian, V.R., ZhRFKhO, 51: 289, 1921; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)


Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute

Babanin V.I., Yu. A. Dunayev, A.S. Mustafayev, V.I. Sitnov and A.Ya. Ender, "The Investigation of Physical Processes and the Optimization of Thermionic Emission Converter with Cs-Ba Filling," Physicotechnical Institute, A.F. Ioffe, AN USSR

Ender A. Ya. et al, "Investigation of the Plasma Synthesized on the Cathode Surface in Ion-Pressure Thermionic Converter," Ioffe F.T.I. No. 314,42 and 315,66p., Leningrad, USSR 1971

Kyuzhev, G.A., Avtoreferat dissertatsii, IPAN USSR, Leningrad, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Yur’ev, V.G., Avtoreferat dissertatsii, LFTI im A.F. Ioffe, Leningrad, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters


Korobova, I.L., Avtoreferat dissertatsii, IPAN, Leningrad, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC


Mayev, S.A., Avtoreferat dissertatsii, MIFI, Moskva, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters


Arabei, B.G., Levinskii, Yu.V., Markov, Yu.M., and Portnoi, K.I., "Effect of Alloying of Uranium Carbide on Its Interaction with Carbon," (illegible),?; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, USSR

Gryaznov, G.M., Eltsov, A.I., Kuznetsov, V.A., and MaIykh, V.A., "Development and Power Tests of the Thermionic Reactor-Converter ' Topaz'," p. 852, A, Conference 49, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, Development, USSR

Kakushadze, L.E. and Kotel'nikove, R.B., "Investigation of Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Conductivity of Dispersed Materials Made of Uranium and Molybdenum Dioxides,"?, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Cermet

Kotel'nikov, R.B., Belevantesev, V.S., Bashlykov, S.N., et al, "Analysis of the Conditions Required for Producing Highly Purified Carbide Fuel by Reducing Oxides with Carbon and Study of the Behavior of Oxygen and (Illegible) ,"; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Oxide

Samsonov, B.V., Spiridonov, Yu.G., Fomin, N.A., and Tsykanov, V.A., "Experimental Determination of the Temperature Dependence of the Thermal Conductivity of Uranium Dioxide under Conditions of Reactor Irradiation," 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Properties, USSR



Preprint no. 383, FTI, by Yu.A. Dunayev, et al., Leningrad, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma by F.G. Baksht, G.A. Dyuzhev, A.M. Martsinovskiy, B.Ya. Moyzhes, G.Ye. Pikus, E.B. Sonin and V.G. Yur’yev, Russian Edition edited by B.Ya. Moyzhes and G.Ye. Pikus, English Edition edited by Lorin K. Hansen, Prepared for Division of Power Systems, Office of Fossil Energy Programs, U.S. Department of Energy, 1978 Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Textbooks

Working Medium Sources for Thermionic Power Converters, Kalandarishvili A.C., Energoatomizdat, Sec. 5.4 Moscow, USSR, 1986


13. Sweden


Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, 1993

Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, May 5-7, 1993

Edited by: L. Holmlid and R. Svensson


Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA

Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development (NUTEK), Stockholm, Sweden

Vattenfall, Racksta, Vallingby, Sweden

Volvo Flygmotor, Trollhattan, Sweden

Invited Lecture

Holmlid, L., Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, "Rydberg States and Rydberg Matter in Thermionic Energy Converters," pp. 47, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Invited Lecture

Lindgren, S.-A., C. Svensson and L. Wallden, Physics Department, Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden, "Alkali Metal Overlayer: Electronic and Vibrational Excitations," pp. 23, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Invited Lecture

Mahefkey, T., Wright Laboratories, Wright-Patterson AFB USA (Abstract only), "Science Initiatives to Improve Life and Performance of Thermionic Energy Converters," pp. 65, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Invited Lecture

Manykin, E.A., Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia, "Rydberg Matter: A New Semimetals Material with Low Work Function," pp. 35, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Invited Lecture

Marshall, A.C., Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM USA for F.A. Tarantino, SDIO Department of Defense (Abstract only), "US Thermionic Space Reactor Program," pp. 67, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Invited Lecture

Rasor, N., Consultant, Sunnyvale, USA, "The Collector Enigma," pp. 1, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Invited Lecture

Wolff, L.R., Energy Conversion Systems B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, "Small Scale Thermionic Cogeneration Systems: Commercialization Perspectives," pp. 57, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Invited Lecture

Chairman, E.B. Kennel, Fundamental Aspects, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Co-chairman, N. Rasor, Fundamental Aspects, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Babanin, V.I., A.Ya. Ender, I.N. Kolyshkin, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.I. Sitnov and A.V. Solov’yev, A.F. loffe Physico-Technical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia, "Time-dependent Processes in the Knudsen Diode and Their Possible Applications," pp. 79, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Fundamental Aspects

Garner, S.D., and K. Horner-Richardson, THERMACORE Inc., Lancaster, USA, "Performance of a Thermionic Converter with an Integral, Self-regulating, Cesium Sorption, Reservoir," (Abstract only) pp. 77, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Fundamental Aspects

Lundin, J., and L. Holmlid, University of Goteborg and Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden, "Excited Cesium Atoms and Clusters from an Open Thermionic Energy Converter Studied by TOF-MS," pp. 97, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Fundamental Aspects

Svensson, R., and L. Holmlid, University of Goteborg and Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden, E. Kennel, Applied Sciences, Inc., Cedarville, USA, "Experiments with Different Collector Hole Arrays in a Thermionic Energy Converter," pp. 93, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Fundamental Aspects

Young, T.J., Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB USA, M.L. Ramalingam and K.L. Thayer, UES Inc., Dayton USA, "Cylindrical Thermionic Converters with Lanthanum Hexaboride Emitters," pp. 69, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Fundamental Aspects

Chairman E. Britt, Materials and Surfaces, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Co-chairman L.R. Wolff, Materials and Surfaces, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Luo, J.J. Park and D.L. Jacobson, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA, "Creep Behavior of Molybdenum and Molybdenum-0.5%-Hafnium Carbide at Temperatures Above 0.5 TM," pp. 119, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Magera, G.G., and P.R Davis, Linfield Research Institute, McMinnville, USA, "The Interactions of Cs and Ba with Single Crystal Surfaces of Transition Metals," pp. 111, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Olsson, B.E.R., R. Svensson and J. Davidsson, University of Goteborg and Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden, "Spectroscopic Study of the Rydberg Current Mode in an Open Thermionic Energy Converter," pp. 103, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Park, J.J., and D.L Jacobson, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA, "Creep-rupture and Time-temperature Parameters of W-4Re-0.32HfC," pp. 135, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Tsao, B.H., and M.L. Ramalingam, UES Inc., Dayton, USA, B.D. Donovan, T.R. Lamp and T.J. Young, Wright Laboratory, Wright- Patterson AFB, USA, "Micro Structural Evolution of Mo-Based Alloys at Elevated Temperatures," pp. 127, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Chairman J.-L. Desplat, Materials and Surfaces, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Co-chairman A.Ya. Ender, Materials and Surfaces, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Belousenko, A.P., A.G. Lanin, Yu.V. Nikolaev and Yu.l. Shapovalov, LUTCH, Podolsk, Russia, "Metal Ceramic Units of Thermionic Converters," pp. 149, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Kennel, E.B., A.G. Kalandarishvili and R.Ya. Kucherov, Space Exploration Associates, Cedarville, USA, "Anomalous Electron Emission from Diamond and Graphite," pp. 167, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Svensson, R., L. Holmlid and Y. Olefjord, University of Goteborg and Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden, "ESCA (XPS) Analysis of TEC Emitter and Collector Surfaces used to Generate Rydberg Matter of Cs," pp. 143, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Zee, R.H., W.Y. Wu and C. Patuwathavithane, Auburn University, AL, USA, "Radiation Induced Effects in Insulators for Thermionic Systems," pp. 159, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Materials and Surfaces

Chairman M.L. Ramalingam, Applications 1: Flame Heating, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Co-chairman: C.R.W. Svensson, Applications 1: Flame Heating, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Mitrofanov, A.B., K.G. Myagkov, M.I. Yakushin and V.I. Yarygin, ECS-RUSSIA, Obninsk, Russia, L.R. Wolff, Energy Conversion Systems B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, "Investigation of the Emission Characteristics of Combustion Heated Thermionic Converter Hot Shells," pp. 183, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 1: Flame Heating

Ruzhnikov, V.A., V.I. Yarygin and A.V. Vizgalov, ECS-RUSSIA, Obninsk, Russia, L.R. Wolff, Energy Conversion Systems B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, "Performance Analysis of a Thermionic Boiler for Domestic Central Heating: the TECTEM," Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 1: Flame Heating

Chairman M.L. Ramalingam, Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Co-chairman C.R.W. Svensson, Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Morris, D.B., Phillips Laboratory, Albuquerque, USA, "The TOPAZ-II Program: Description and Flight Qualification Testing," pp. 199, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use

Nikolaev, Y.V., S.A. Eryomin, Yu.D. Karpechenko and M.D. Kochetkov, LUTCH, Podolsk, Russia, "Close-spaced Thermionic Converters for Power Systems," pp. 189, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use

Chairman D.L. Jacobson, Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Co-chairman L. Holmlid, Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993

Kennel, E.B., P.I. Bystrov, Yu.G. Degaltsev, Ye.S. Glushkov, A.S. Gontar, A.G. Kalandarishvili, V.Z. Kaibyshev, R.Ya. Kucherov, V.F. Kuznetsov. N.V. Lapochkin, Yu.V. Nikolayev, A.S. Panov, V.V. Sinyavskiy, N.N. Ponomarev Stepnoy V.D. Yuditskiy and V.A. Zaitsev, Space Exploration Associates. Cedarville, USA, "High Efficiency Uranium Carbide Fueled Thermionic Converters," pp. 221, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use

Klein, A.C., and H.H. Lee, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, "Effect of Non-uniform Power Distributions on the Performance of Single and Multi-cell Thermionic Fuel Elements," pp. 225, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use

Marshall, A.C., Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA, "Preliminary Nuclear Safety Assessment of the NEPST (Topaz-II) Space Reactor Program," pp. 233, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use

Suriano, M.A., Phillips Laboratory, Albuquerque, USA, "The TOPAZ-II Program: Initial US Demonstration Test Results on the TOPAZ-II Thermionic Space Nuclear Power System," pp. 207, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use

Taylor, Jr., J.M., Phillips Laboratory, Albuquerque, USA, "The TOPAZ-II Program: Data Acquisition System," pp. 215, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Applications 2, Nuclear and Space Use

Not orally presented papers

Grebenshehicov, S.V., R.Ya. Kucherov, D.Yu. Lubimov and Yu.V. Nikolaev, "Thermionic Converter with Reduced Radiation Loss," pp. 241, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Not orally presented papers

Zhabotinsky, E.E., P.V. Andreev, A.Ya. Galkin, G.M. Gryaznov, and V.I. Serbin, "Size Optimization for Thermionic Fuel Elements of In-core Thermionic Reactors," pp. 251, Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993; Not orally presented papers

14. Switzerland


Geneva Conference

Lewis, W.B., MacEwan, J.P., Stevens, W.H., and Hart, R.G., "Fission-Gas Behavior in UO2 Fuel," pp. 405-515, Proceeding Geneva Conference - Vol. II, Switzerland, 1965; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

15. Ukrain


Institute Physics Academy Science Ukr. SSR

Marchuk, P.M., Candidate’s Dissertation, Institute Physics Academy Science Ukr. SSR,1951, Zapiski Fizicheskovo Instituta Akademiya Nauka Ukr. S.S.R., 7:3, 1956; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Ukrains’kyi Fizichnyi Zhurnal

Morgulis, N.D., and P.M. Marchuk, Ukrains’kyi Fizichnyi Zhurnal, 2:379, 1957; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Ukrayin. fiz. Zh.

Dorchevoy, Yu.P., and V.D. Semichayevskyi, Ukrayin Fiz. Zh., 11: 179, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Morgulis, N.D., and P.M. Marchuk, Ukrayin. Fiz. Zh., 1: 59, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Morgulis, N.D., Yu.P. Korchevoy, and V.O. Lukashenko, Ukrayin Fiz. Zh., 12: 1362, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

16. United Kingdom



Findlay, J.R., "Chemical Nuclear Data," BNES Conference Canterbury, UK, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Swelling

Turnbull, J.A., "Effect of Grain Size on the Swelling and Gas Release Properties of UO2 during Irradiation," BNES Conference Nucl. Fuel Performance, London, October, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965

Nuclear Fuels

Grossman, L., Ekvall, R.A., and Hill, H.W., "Uranium Oxide Fuel for Nuclear Thermionic Converters," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Cladding

Huet, J-J., "New High Temperature Uranium Carbide Fuels for Thermionic Emitters," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Fuels, Cermet, Uranium Carbide

Nuclear Reactor

Bohdansky, J. and H.E.J. Schins, "Heat Transfer of a Heat Pipe Operating at Emitter Temperatures," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Busse, C.A., Caron, R., Geiger, F., Poetzschke, M., "Performance Studies on Heat Pipes," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Cotter, T.P., Deverall, J., Erickson, G.F., et al, "Status Report on Theory and Experiments on Heat Pipes at Los Alamos," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Holland, J.W., "Thermionic Reactor Network Reliability," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Stability

Perry, L.W. and Homeyer. W.G., "Synthesis of Thermionic Power Conversion to Nuclear Reactors for Space Power Applications," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts

Pupko, V.Ya., Malikh, V.A., Gussakov, I.M., et al, "Some Problems of Development of Nuclear Thermionic Converter," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, Fast Neutrons, Thermal

Refractory Materials

Federer, J.I., Heestand, R.L., Patterson, F.H., and Leitten, C.F. Jr., "Thermochemical Deposition of Refractory Metals," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Refractory Materials, Fabrication

Kaznoff, A.I. and Sanderson, M.J., "Diffusion and Interactions in the Urania-Tungsten and Urania-Molybdenum (Uranium?) Systems," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Refractory Materials, Corrosion

Yang, Ling, Hudson, R.G., and Carpenter, F.C., "Some High Temperature Diffusion Studies on Materials of Thermionic Interest," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Refractory Materials, Corrosion

Thermionic Converter Research

Bacal, Martha and Teodorescu, Maria, "Physical Phenomena in a Crossed-Field Thermionic Converter," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Boffie, V.C., Molinari, V.G., and Parks, D.E., "Electron Temperature Distribution in a Plasma Diode," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Bohdansky, J., Strub, H., and Andel, E. van, "Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion in a Thermionic Diode," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Goldstein, Charles M., "Computation of Electron Diode Characteristics by Monte Carlo Method Including Effect of Collisions," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Hansen, L.K. and Warner, C., "Theory of Cesium Diode Operation in the Arc Mode," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Quintella, S.G. and Soo, S.L., "Finned Electrodes in Thermionic Converters," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Wilkins, Daniel R. and Gyftopoulos, Elias P., "Transport Phenomena in Low Energy Plasmas," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converter Research

Thermionic Devices

Bacal, Martha and Grabari, Valerian, "Investigations on Noble Gas - Filled Thermionic Converters," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source

Blue, E. and Ingold, J.H., "Investigation of a Thermionic Converter Operating with a High Temperature Collector," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Ignited Mode, Development

Bullis, R.H., Wiegand, W.J., and Bell, D.W, "Relationship between the Output Characteristics of an Arc-Mode Thermionic Converter and the Properties of the Neutralization Plasma," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Ignited Mode, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Fatmi, H.A., Gabor, D., and Nilson, J.A., "Inert Gas Filled Controllable Thermionic Generators," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source

Langpape, R. and Minor, A., "Influence of a Cesium Fluoride Additive on the Emitter Work Function and Power Output of Cesium Diodes with Various Emitter Materials," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Work Function, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Mayer, R., Jungclaus, H., and Pruschek, R., "Experimental Investigations on Current Density Distribution and Frequency Characteristic of a Noble Gas Filled Thermionic Converter with Auxiliary Disc," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Auxiliary, Ion Source

Muz, E., Peter, E., and Bloss, W., "Performance Characteristics of a Ba Converter with Ta Electrodes," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Work Function

Orlinov, V., Stefanov, B., Zrkova, L., and Konstantinov, E., "High Pressure Cesium Thermionic Converter with Tungsten Cathode," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Ignited Mode, Development

Psarouthakis, John and Levedahl, W.J., "Thermionic Energy Conversion with Mixed Vapors," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Work Function, Unignited Mode; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Reichelt, Walter H., "Spectrographic Investigation of the Ignited Mode of Thermionic Converter Operation," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Ignited Mode, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Rouklove, Peter, "Thermionic Converters and Generators for Space Application," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Ruehie, R., "Calculation of Thermionic Converter I-V Characteristics with Ohmic Resistance of the Electrodes," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Development

Schrenk, George L., "Mathematical Simulation of Solar-Thermionic Energy Conversion Systems," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Wilson, V.C., Webster, H.F., and Lawrence, J., "Efforts to Increase Thermionic Converter Output and Efficiency," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Development

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Adam, J., Allinson, J.D., and Riviere, J.C., "Emitter Materials for Nuclear Thermionic Converters," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Radiation

Dunn, P.D., Myatt, J., Rice, G., Sanders, L.G., "Operation and Performance of In-Core Thermionic Converters," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Performance

Garvey, P.M., and Main, F.K., "Diode Irradiations," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, In-Pile Tests

Gross, F., Holick, H., and Jester, A., "Out-Pile Test Results of a Cylindrical Converter with a Molybdenum Emitter," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Out-of-Pile Tests, Fabrication, Performance

Grossman, Leonard N., "Insulator Materials for Nuclear Thermionic Power Conversion," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulator

McWilliams, J.H., Myatt, J., and Rice, G., "Engineering Problems with Fission-Heated Thermionic Test Rigs," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Development

Rouklove, Peter, "Thermionic Converters and Generators for Space Application," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, Development

Winkenbach, H., Heidtmann, U., and Krapf, R., "Investigation on Uranium-Dioxide Fueled Molybdenum-Emitter," Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Development



Bensimon, J., Rôle Ionizant d’un Rayonnement Photonique dans le Convertisseur Thermoionique à Gaz, in Proceedings, International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept. 20-25, 1965, European Nuclear Energy Agency; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Psarouthakis, J., Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Rasor, N.S., Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Stakhanov, I.P., et al., Proceeding ENEA-IEE International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, Sept., 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC


Perry, L.W. and Homeyer, W.G., "Synthesis of Thermionic Power Conversion to Nuclear Reactors for Space Power Applications," (GA-6478 and Conference-650908-3) Presented at ICTEPG in London, 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts


Advanced Energy Conversion

Advanced Energy Conversion, 1962

Bullis, R.H., Advanced Energy Conversion, 2: 523, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Gibbons, M.D., Advanced Energy Conversion, 2: 527, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Advanced Energy Conversion, 1963

Advanced Energy Conversion, Vol. 3, Pergamon Press, Printed in Great Britain, 1963

Bloss, W., "Investigations on Noble Gas Filled Thermionic Converters," pp. 315 - 321, Advanced Energy Conversion, Vol. 3, Pergamon Press, 1963

Flavin, R.K., and E.G. Meyerand, Advanced Energy Conversion, 3: 3, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Forman, R., and J.A. Ghormley, "Space Charge Neutralization in Thermionic Diodes Containing Fission Product Krypton," Advanced Energy Conversion, 3:385-386, 1963; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Jamerson, F.E., R.H. Abrams, Jr., C.B. Leffert, and R. Silver, "Nuclear Generated Plasmas in Noble Gas Thermionic Converters," Advanced Energy Conversion, 3:363-383, 1963; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Kitrilakis, S. and M. Meeker, "Experimental Determination of the Heat Conduction of Cesium Gas," Advanced Energy Conversion, Vol. 3, 3:59-68, Pergamon Press, Printed in Great Britain, 1963; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Kitrilakis, S., and M. Meeker, Advanced Energy Conversion, 3: 59, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Laubenstein, R.A., C. Kaplan, S. Scheider, and J. Greedon, "Sources of Positive Ions for Space Charge Neutralization at Low Temperatures," Advanced Energy Conversion, 3:351- 361, 1963; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

McKisson, R.L., Advanced Energy Conversion, 3: 137, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Ranken, W.A., et al., Advanced Energy Conversion, 3: 235, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Shock, A., et al., Advanced Energy Conversion, 3: 537, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Advanced Energy Conversion, 1969

Laubenstein, R.A., et al., Advanced Energy Conversion, 3: 351, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Brit. Ceramic Soc.

Cornell, R.M. and Bannister, G.H., "Migration of Krypton Bubbles in Uranium Dioxide," p.355, Proceeding Brit. Ceramic Soc. 7, n/g, Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Macewan, J.R. and Hayashi, J., "Grain Growth in UO2 (III.) Some Factors Influencing Equiaxed Grain Growth," p. 245, Proceeding Brit. Ceramic Soc. 7, 1967; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Properties, Test Results, Stoichiometry

Proceeding Roy. Soc.

Barnes, R.S., and Mazey, D.J., "The Migration and Coalescence of Inert Gas Bubbles in Metal, 1963," Proceeding Roy. Soc. 275A: 47, 1963; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Langmuir, I., and K.H. Kingdon, "Thermionic Effects Caused by Vapors of Alkali Metals," Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. A, 107:61-79, 1925; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Tucker. M.O., and Turnbull, J.A., "Morphology of Interlinked Porosity in Nuclear Fuels," p. 299-314, Proceeding Roy. Soc. London A.343, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Oxide

Brit. J. Appl. Phys.

Cayless, M.A., "Thermionic Generation of Electricity," Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 12:433-442, 1961; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Brit. J. Electronics and Control

Lindsay, P.A., and F.W. Parker, Brit. J. Electronics and Control, 7: 289, 1959, 9: 81, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes) , Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Harwell Res.

Matthews, J.R. and Wood, M.H., "Role of Fission Gas Swelling and Release in Fast Reactor Accidents," Harwell Res. Rep. AERE. TP. 757, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Transients

Wood, M.H., "A Comparison of Single Knock-On and Complete Bubble Destruction Models of the Fission Induced Resolution of Gas Atoms from Bubbles," Harwell Res. Rep. AERE-R.9089, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Wood, M.H., and Hayns, M.R., "Factors Influencing Fission Gas Release and Swelling in Nuclear Fuels," Harwell Res. Rep. AERE-123 February, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Computer Code, Test Results

Wood, M.H., and Hayns, M.R., "Modeling Fission Gas Release and Swelling in Fast Reactor Fuel Pins," Harwell Res. Rep. AERE, July, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Test Results

Wood, M.H., and Hayns, M.R., "Theoretical Investigation of Electron Microscope Observations of Fission Gas Bubble Distributions in Mixed Oxide Fast Reactor Fuel Pin," Harwell Res. Rep. AERE-R.8956, 1977; Nuclear Fuels Gas Release, Test Results, Uranium Oxide

Wood. M.H., and Hayns, M.R., "Theoretical Analysis of Laboratory Studies on the Gas Release Behaviour of Irradiated Fuel," Harwell Res. Rep. AERE-R.8206, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Transients

J. Br. Nucl. Energy Soc.

Hargreaves, R., and Collins, D.A., "Quantitative Model for Fission Gas Release and Swelling in Irradiated Uranium Dioxide," p. 311-318, J. Br. Nucl. Energy Soc. 15, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Cladding, Computer Code

Marlowe, M.O., and Kaznoff, A.I., "Fission Gas Re-Solution Mechanisms and Kinetics in Nuclear Fuel Performance," p. 791, Br. Nucl. Energy Soc., 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Marlowe, M.O., and Kaznoff, A.I., "Nuclear Fuel Performance Proceedings of the International Conference," Brit. Nucl. Energ. Soc. London, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results


Bates, D.R., and A.E. Kingston, Nature, 189: 652, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Phil. Mag.

Hasse, H.R., Phil. Mag., 1: 139, 1926; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Johnson, G.W. and Shuttleworth, R., "Solubility of Krypton in Liquid Lead, Tin And Silver," p. 957, Phil. Mag. 4, 1959; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Richardson, O.W., "Some Applications of the Electron Theory of Matter," Phil. Mag., 23(6): 594-627, 1912; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Thomson, J.J., Phil. Mag., 23: 449, 1912; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Turnball, J.A. and Tucker, M.O., "Swelling in UO2 under Conditions of Gas Release," p. 47, Phil. Mag. 47, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

Whapham, A.D., "Heterogeneous Nucleation of Fission Gas Bubbles and Gas Migration in Uranium Dioxide," p. 399, Phil. Mag. 26, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Whapham, A.D., "On the Formation of Gas Bubbles in Fissile Material during Reactor Irradiation," p. 987, Phil. Mag. 23, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Proc. Roy Soc., A

Bates, D.R., A.E. Kingston, and R.W.P. McWhirter, Proc. Roy Soc., A 267: 297, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Bates, D.R., A.E. Kingston, and R.W.P. McWhirter, Proc. Roy Soc., A 270: 155, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Preece, W.H., "On Peculiar Behavior of Glow-Lamps When Raised to High Incandescence," Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. A, 38: 219, 1885; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

British Patent

Ghyssaert, A.I.B., Electric Discharge Tubes, British Patent 229,019, February 1925; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction



Electrical Breakdown in Gases by J.M. Meek and J.D. Craggs, Oxford, New York- London, 1953; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Electronic and Ionic Impact Phenomena by H.S. Massey and E.H. Burhop, 2nd ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Semiconductor Thermoelements and Thermoelectric Cooling by A.F. Ioffee, p. 72, English translation by A. Gelbtuch, Infosearch Ltd., London, 1957; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

The Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases by S. Chapman and T.G. Cowling, 3rd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Theory of Atomic Collisions by N.F. Mott and H.S. Massey, 3rd ed., Oxford Univ. Press, New York, London, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

17. United States


Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Database

MHD Generators

EHD Generators

Thermoelectric Generators

Thermionic Converters


Chiu, D.M., Victoria Univ. of Technology, Melbourne Australia, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, "Thermionic Behavior of ZnSe Junction Devices," 1994, (EREN)


Arashi, H., Maybe, Tohoku Univ., Aramaki Japan, "Development of a Solar Receiver for a High-Efficiency Thermionic/Thermoelectric Conversion System," 1996, Thermionic, Thermoelectric, (EREN)

Cooke, D., Maybe, Tohoku Univ., Aramaki Japan, "Development of a Solar Receiver for a High-Efficiency Thermionic/Thermoelectric Conversion System," 1996, Thermionic, Thermoelectric, (EREN)

Furukawa, H. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu Japan. Dept. of Electrical Engineering), "Characteristics of Thermionic Energy Converter with Photoelectric Emission," 1994, "The Effect of Photoionization as an Auxiliary Discharge on Characteristics of Thermionic Energy Converter," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Hayashi, K., Electrotechnical Lab., Ibaraki Japan, "Study of Tungsten Oxide Material for Thermionic Energy Converter Collector," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Ichikawa, M. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu Japan. Dept. of Electrical Engineering), "Characteristics of Thermionic Energy Converter with Photoelectric Emission," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kando, M. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu Japan. Dept. of Electrical Engineering), "Characteristics of thermionic energy converter with photoelectric emission", 1994, "The Effect of Photoionization as an Auxiliary Discharge on Characteristics of Thermionic Energy Converter," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kasuga, Y., Electrotechnical Lab., Ibaraki Japan, "Study of Tungsten Oxide Material for Thermionic Energy Converter Collector," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Katoh, K., Electrotechnical Lab., Ibaraki Japan, "Study of Tungsten Oxide Material for Thermionic Energy Converter Collector," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kohsaka, Y., Maybe, Tohoku Univ., Aramaki Japan, "Development of a Solar Receiver for a High-Efficiency Thermionic/Thermoelectric Conversion System," 1995, Thermionic, Thermoelectric (EREN)

Naito, H., Tohoku Univ., Aramaki Japan, "Development of a Solar Receiver for a High-Efficiency Thermionic/Thermoelectric Conversion System," 1996, Thermionic, Thermoelectric, (EREN)

Shimizu, S., Electrotechnical Lab., Ibaraki Japan, "Study of Tungsten Oxide Material for Thermionic Energy Converter Collector," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Yamada, J. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu Japan. Dept. of Electrical Engineering), "The Effect of Photoionization as an Auxiliary Discharge on Characteristics of Thermionic Energy Converter," 1995, (EREN)

Yokoi, S. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu Japan. Dept. of Electrical Engineering), "Characteristics of Thermionic Energy Converter with Photoelectric Emission," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Netherlands, The

Kemenade, E. van, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology Netherlands, "Design of a Thermionic Converter for a Domestic Heating System," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Veltkamp, W.B., Eindhoven Univ. of Technology Netherlands, Before Adenco B.V., "Design of a Thermionic Converter for a Domestic Heating System," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Russian Federation

Averin, S.V., Maybe, Research Inst. of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics, Moscow Russian Federation, "TEC Electronic Power System," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Babanin, B.I., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Cs-Ba Ultrahigh-Temperature Solar TEC Commutation Element Optimization," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Bologov, P.M., State Scientific Center of Russia Federation - The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SS RF-IPPE), 1, Bondarenko sq., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russian Federation, "Conceptual Design of a Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element for a 40{Minus} kWe Space Nuclear Power System," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Drozdov, A.A., Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy (or Maybe, Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Engineering, Tbilisi 380008 Republic of Georgia), Kurchatov Square 1, Moscow, Moscow Region 123182, Russian Federation, "Peculiarities of a Method for Ex-Reactor Heating of Electrodes and Obtaining Voltage-Current Characteristics of Multi-Cell Thermionic Fuel Elements," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Eryomin, S.A., Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association ``Lutch'', 142100, Podolsk, Moscow Region Russian Federation, "High-Efficient Solar Power Systems Based on Thermionic Converter with Small Gap," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Fedik, I.I., Maybe, Scientific Production Association ``Lutch'', Podolsk, Moscow Region Russian Federation, "Solar Power-Propulsion Plant using Heat Accumulators of Solar Energy," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Gontar, A.S., State Research Inst. of Scientific Industrial Association LUTCH, Podolsk Russian Federation, "Out-of-Pile Simulation of Deformation Behavior of a Thermionic Fuel Element under Thermocycling Conditions," 1994, "Mo-6%Nb Single Crystal Alloy Creep Strength Demonstration for Long Life Thermionic Power Systems," 1995, "Merits of the Refractory Metals Single Crystals in Application to the TFE," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kalmykov, S.S., Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association ``Lutch'', 142100, Podolsk, Moscow Region Russian Federation, "High-Efficient Solar Power Systems Based on Thermionic Converter with Small Gap," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Karpechenko, Y.D., Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association ``Lutch'', 142100, Podolsk, Moscow Region Russian Federation, "High-Efficient Solar Power Systems Based on Thermionic Converter with Small Gap," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kashiya, V.G., "Efficient Binary Sources of Working-Body Vapor for Thermionic Converters," 1994, "Efficient Ternary Sources of Working-Body Vapors for Thermionic Converters," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kirillov, E.Y., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 1996, "Cs-Ba Ultrahigh-Temperature Solar TEC Commutation Element Optimization," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Klepikov, V.V., Maybe, ECS-Russia, Obninsk Russian Federation, "Test of a TEC-Module," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Klimov, A.V., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 1996, "Cs-Ba Ultrahigh-Temperature Solar TEC Commutation Element Optimization," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Korchevoi, Yu.P., High Temperature (English Translation) (United States), "Emission Properties of Cathodes and Relaxation Characteristics of Cs-N{Sub 2} Thermionic Energy Converters with Pulsed Ionization," 1993, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kouptsov, G.A., Maybe, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Kaluga Region Russian Federation, "Conceptual Design of A Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element for a 40{Minus} kWe Space Nuclear Power System," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kuznetsov, V.I., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 1996, "Cs-Ba Ultrahigh-Temperature Solar TEC Commutation Element Optimization," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Lapochkin, N.V., Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association ``Lutch'', Podolsk, Moscow region, 142100 Russian Federation, "High-Efficient Solar Power Systems Based on Thermionic Converter with Small Gap," 1996, "Investigation of TFE Collector Insulation of Thermionic NPP," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Malyshkov, G.M., Research Inst. of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics, Moscow Russian Federation, "TEC Electronic Power System," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Meleta Ye. A., Maybe, Research Inst. of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics, Moscow Russian Federation, Before, ECS, State Scientific Center of Russian Federation -the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SSC RF-IPPE), 1, Bondarenko sq., Obninsk, Kaluga Region, Russia, "TEC Electronic Power System," 1994, "Test of a TEC-Module," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Nelidov, M.V., State Research Inst. of Scientific Industrial Association LUTCH, Podolsk Russian Federation, "Out-of-Pile Simulation of Deformation Behavior of a Thermionic Fuel Element under Thermocycling Conditions," 1994, "Merits of the Refractory Metals Single Crystals in Application to the TFE," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Ogloblin, B.G., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 1996, "Cs-Ba Ultrahigh-Temperature Solar TEC Commutation Element Optimization," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Podolyukh, I.Ya., High Temperature (English Translation) (United States), "Emission Properties of Cathodes and Relaxation Characteristics of Cs-N{Sub 2} Thermionic Energy Converters with Pulsed Ionization," 1993, Thermionic, (EREN)

Popov, E.B., Scientific Production Association ``Lutch'', Podolsk, Moscow Region Russian Federation, "Solar Power-Propulsion Plant using Heat Accumulators of Solar Energy," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Ruzhnikov, V.A., State Scientific Center of Russia Federation - The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SS RF-IPPE), 1, Bondarenko sq., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russian Federation, "Test of a TEC-Module," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Ryzhkov, A.N., State Scientific Center of Russia Federation - The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SS RF-IPPE, 1, Bondarenko sq./Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russian Federation, "Conceptual Design of a Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element for a 40{Minus} kWe Space Nuclear Power System," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Salnikov, V.A., Maybe, Scientific Production Association ``Lutch'', Podolsk, Moscow Region Russian Federation, "Solar Power-Propulsion Plant using Heat Accumulators of Solar Energy," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Shalaev, A.I., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Shumov, D.P., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Sidelnikov, V.N., State Scientific Center of Russia Federation - The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SS RF-IPPE), 1, Bondarenko sq., Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russian Federation, "Universal One Dimension Model TOR of Thermionic Converter," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Sitnov, V.I., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Krasnogvardeyskaya Square 3, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 195272, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Sotnikov, V.N., Research Inst. of SIA Lutch, Podolsk Russian Federation, "Out-of-Pile Simulation of Deformation Behavior of a Thermionic Fuel Element under Thermocycling Conditions," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Tulin, S.M., State Scientific Center of Russia Federation - The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SS RF-IPPE), 1, Bondarenko sq./Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russian Federation, "Test of a TEC-Module," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Tzetzhladze, D.L., Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association ``Lutch'', Podolsk, Moscow region, 142100 Russian Federation, "Investigation of TFE Collector Insulation of Thermionic NPP," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Vasilchenko, A.V., Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association ``Lutch'', Podolsk, Moscow region, 142100 Russian Federation, INERTEK (TOPAZ-2 Project), 901 University Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106-4439 United States, "TOPAZ-2 Single-Cell TFE Electric Insulation Properties Study," 1996, "Investigation of TFE Collector Insulation of Thermionic NPP," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Vedenyapin, G.A., Research Inst. of SIA Lutch, Podolsk Russian Federation, "Out-of-Pile Simulation of Deformation Behavior of a Thermionic Fuel Element under Thermocycling Conditions," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Yastrebkov, A., State Research Inst. of Scientific Industrial Association LUTCH, Podolsk Russian Federation, "Mo-6%Nb Single Crystal Alloy Creep Strength Demonstration for Long Life Thermionic Power Systems," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Zrodnikov, A.V., State Scientific Center of Russia Federation - The Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SS RF-IPPE), 1, Bondarenko sq./Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russian Federation, "Conceptual Design of a Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element for a 40{Minus} kWe Space Nuclear Power System," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)


Davidsson, J., Univ. of Goeteborg Sweden, "Negative Resistivity Behavior in a Thermionic Energy Converter," 1994, "A Spectroscopic Study of Flashes in an Open Thermionic Cesium Diode," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Olsson, B.E.R., Univ. of Goeteborg Sweden, Dept. of Physical Chemistry, "A Spectroscopic Study of Flashes in an Open Thermionic Cesium Diode," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

United States

Agnew, P., AEA Technology, Topaz International Program, 901 University Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106-4439 United States, "Bulk Electrical Conductivity of Plasma-Sprayed Insulators Exposed to Cesium Vapor," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Anderson, W.G., Thermacore, Inc., Lancaster, PA United States, "Sonic cesium supply for bi-modal thermionic reactors", 1994, "Thermionic System Space Radiator Design," 1994, "Thermionic Converters for an Integrated Solar Upper Stage (ISUS)," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Androsov, V., Maybe, Team Specialty Services, Inc., Albuquerque, NM United States, "Output Power Characteristics and Performance of TOPAZ II Thermionic Fuel Element No. 24," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Anghaie, S., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL United States, Heat transfer -- Portland, "Thermal Performance of a High Temperature Phase Change Thermionic Fuel Cell," 1995, Maybe, Thermionic, (EREN)

Antonov, E.E., High Temperature (English Translation) (United States), "Emission Properties of Cathodes and Relaxation Characteristics of Cs-N{Sub 2} Thermionic Energy Converters with Pulsed Ionization," 1993, Thermionic, (EREN)

Bajgar, C., Maybe, ThermoTrex Corporation, 74 West Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Thermal Conductivity Reductions in SiGe using Nanophase Particles," 1995, (EREN)

Bland, J.J., Thermacore, Inc., Lancaster, PA United States, "Sonic Cesium Supply for Bi-Modal Thermionic Reactors," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Bosch, D.R., Thermacore, Inc., Lancaster, PA United States, "Evaluation of the Thermionic Work Function of the Mandrel Side of Chemically Vapor Deposited and Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Refractory Metals," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Brown, C., U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy Space Reactor Power Systems Division, 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown, Maryland 20874 United States, "S-PRIME/TI-SNPS Program Activities in FY94 Critical Components Testing," 1995, (EREN)

Bruns, D.R., Maybe, Team Specialty Services, Inc., Albuquerque, NM United States, "SPACE-R Nuclear Power System SC-320 Thermionic Fuel Element Performance Tests," 1996, "Output Power Characteristics and Performance of TOPAZ II Thermionic Fuel Element No. 24," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Choong, P.T.S., California International Power Associates, Los Altos Hills, CA United States, "An Integral Solar Power and Propulsion System Concept for Commercial Space Applications," 1995, (EREN)

Chubb, D.L., NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135 United States, "Emittance Theory for Thin Film Selective Emitter," 1994, (EREN)

CSR, Inc., Washington, DC United States, Power Information Center. "Government Research and Development Summaries: Nuclear Project Briefs. Irregular," 1994, (EREN)

Dale Rogers, R., "S-PRIME/TI-SNPS Program Activities in FY94 Critical Components Testing," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Determan, W.R., Maybe, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Kaluga Region Russian Federation, "S-PRIME/TI-SNPS Program Activities in FY94 Critical Components Testing," 1995, "Conceptual Design of a Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element for a 40{Minus} kWe Space Nuclear Power System," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Ding, Z., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL United States, Heat transfer -- Portland, "Thermal Performance of a High Temperature Phase Change Thermionic Fuel Cell," 1995, Maybe, Thermionic, (EREN)

Drees, E.A., Maybe, General Atomics P.O. Box 85608 San Diego, CA 92186-9784 United States, "Thermionic Fuel Element for the S-Prime Reactor," 1993, Thermionic, (EREN)

Evans, R.M., ORION International Technologies, Inc., Albuquerque, NM United States, "Tests of Effectiveness of Thermionic Heat Pipe Modules," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Fleurial, J., Maybe, ThermoTrex Corporation, 74 West Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Thermal Conductivity Reductions in SiGe using Nanophase Particles," 1995, (EREN)

Frye, P., Rockwell Aerospace, Canoga Park, CA United States, Rocketdyne Div., "Integrated Solar Upper Stage (ISUS) Mission Trades," 1996, (EREN)

Geller, C.B., Westinghouse Electric Corp., West Mifflin, PA United States, Bettis Atomic Power Lab. "Design and Operation of a Thermionic Converter in Air,"1995, "High Efficiency Thermionics (HET-IV) and Converter Advancement (CAP) Programs. Final Reports," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Good, B.S., Maybe, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135 United States, "Emittance Theory for Thin Film Selective Emitter," 1994, (EREN)

Hartenstine, J.R., Thermacore, Inc., Lancaster, PA United States, "Evaluation of the Thermionic Work Function of the Mandrel Side of Chemically Vapor Deposited and Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Refractory Metals," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Hausgen, P., Maybe, Department of Physics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409 United States, "Mathematical Modeling for a Thermionic-AMTEC Cascade System," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Hidinger, D., ORION International Technologies, Inc., Albuquerque, NM United States, "Tests of Effectiveness of Thermionic Heat Pipe Modules," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Hong Peter Gao, Materials Engineering, Auburn University, Alabama 36849 United States, "Modeling the High Temperature Creep Deformation in Single Crystalline Tungsten Alloys," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Horner-Richardson, Kevin D., Before, Thermacore, Inc., Lancaster, PA United States, "Sonic cesium supply for bi-modal thermionic reactors", 1994, "Evaluation of the Thermionic Work Function of the Mandrel Side of Chemically Vapor Deposited and Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Refractory Metals," 1994, "Thermionic Converters for an Integrated Solar Upper Stage (ISUS)," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Ing, J.L., Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM United States, "Surface Structural Dependence of Cesium Adsorption on the {Alpha}-Al{Sub 2}O{Sub 3}(0001) Surface," 1994, "Electron Induced Surface Chemistry at the Cs/Sapphire Interface," 1996, "Bulk Electrical Conductivity of Plasma-Sprayed Insulators Exposed to Cesium Vapor," 1996, Maybe Thermionic, (EREN)

Jacobson, Dean L., Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85284, United States, Direct Energy Conversions Physics, 1990, TEC Electrodes, 1991, Materials And Surfaces, 1993, "High Temperature Creep Strength of Second Phase Particle Strengthened Tungsten Alloy," 1994, "Evaluation of the Thermionic Work Function of the Mandrel Side of Chemically Vapor Deposited and Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Refractory Metals," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kallnowski, J.E., Westinghouse Electric Corp., West Mifflin, PA United States, Bettis Atomic Power Lab., "Design and Operation of a Thermionic Converter in Air," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kelley, A.P., AiResearch Mfg. Co., Phoenix, AZ United States, "Comparison of Long-Duration Secondary-Power Schemes for Space Vehicles," 1959, (EREN)

Kennedy, F.G., Phillips Lab., Kirtland AFB, NM United States, Maybe, UES, Inc., Dayton, OH United States, "Results of the ISUS System Definition Study," 1996, "High Temperature Energy Conversion for the Integrated Solar Upper Stage (ISUS)," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kimnach, G.L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH United States, Lewis Research Center, "Design of a Power Management and Distribution System for a Thermionic-Diode Powered Spacecraft," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Klinkov, A.E., Sandia National Laboratories P.O. Box 5800 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-0342 United States, "Thermally Induced Evolution of Morphology on Ceramic Surfaces in a Thermionic Converter," 1997, Thermionic, (EREN)

Kreh, B.B., Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH United States, School of Engineering, "Analysis Of Instability Growth and Collisionless Relaxation in Thermionic Converters using 1-D PIC Simulations, Master's Thesis," 1994, Thermionic, Energy, (EREN)

Kudija, C.T., Rockwell Aerospace, Canoga Park, CA United States, Rocketdyne Div., "Engine Ground Demonstration Test Approach," 1996, (EREN)

LeMire, R., ORION International Technologies, Inc., Albuquerque, NM United States, "Tests of Effectiveness of Thermionic Heat Pipe Modules," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Lieb, David P., ThermoTrex Corporation, 85 First Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Multi-Diode Converter Feasibility Experiments," 1994, "Modeling of a Cesium-Graphite Reservoir Critical Component Experiment for S-Prime," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Lowe, R.A., Maybe, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135 United States, "Emittance Theory for Thin Film Selective Emitter," 1994, (EREN)

McCarson, T.D. Jr., Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM United States, USAF Phillips Laboratory/VTPN, 901 University Blvd SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 United States, "A Topaz International Program Overview," 1995, "Re-START: The Second Operational Test of The String Thermionic Assembly Research Testbed," 1998, Thermionic, (EREN)

Miles, B.J., NovaTech, Lynchburg, VA United States, "Power Generation Considerations in a Solar Biomodal Receiver," 1996, (EREN)

Mulder, D., USAF Phillips Laboratory/VTPN, 901 University Blvd SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 United States), "A Topaz International Program Overview," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Murray, C.S., Rasor Associates, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA United States, "High Efficiency Thermionics (HET-IV) and Converter Advancement (CAP) Programs, Final Reports," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Newman, E., Twenty-First Century Power Co., Northridge, CA United States, "A New Cascade-Type Heat Conversion System," 1996, (EREN)

Nichols, D.F., Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH United States, "Three Region Analysis of a Bounded Plasma using Particle in Cell and Fluid Techniques," Doctoral Thesis, 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Park, J.J., Los Alamos National Lab., Before, Arizona State University, NM United States, Reactor Design and Analytic Group, Materials and Surfaces, 1993, "High Temperature Creep Strength of Second Phase Particle Strengthened Tungsten Alloy," 1994, (EREN)

Reagan, P., ThermoTrex Corp., Waltham, MA United States, "Multi-Diode Converter Feasibility Experiments," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Reason, J.P., Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA United States, "Comparative of Nuclear Technology and Direct Energy Conversion Methods for Space Power Systems," Master's Thesis, 1997, (EREN)

Reiners, E., Maybe, ThermoTrex Corp., 85 First Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Design and Preliminary Testing of a Thermionic AMTEC Cascade," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Riley, D.R., Rasor Associates, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA United States, "High Efficiency Thermionics (HET-IV) and Converter Advancement (CAP) Programs. Final Reports," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Rochow, R.F., NovaTech, Lynchburg, VA United States, "Power Generation Considerations in a Solar Biomodal Receiver," 1996, (EREN)

Rogers, R.D., Maybe, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Kaluga Region Russian Federation, "Conceptual Design of a Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element for a 40{Minus} kWe Space Nuclear Power System," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Rolfe, J., Maybe, ThermoTrex Corporation, 74 West Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Thermal Conductivity Reductions in SiGe using Nanophase Particles," 1995, (EREN)

Rose, M.F., Auburn Univ., AL United States, "High temperature materials technology research for advanced thermionic systems: Quarterly progress report, October 1, 1993-December 31, 1993", 1993, "High Temperature Materials Technology Research for Advanced Thermionic Systems. Final Report," 1998, Thermionic, (EREN)

Rosenfeld, J.H., Maybe, Thermacore, Inc., Lancaster, PA United States, "Thermionic System Space Radiator Design," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Ruffner, J.H., Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA United States, "Characterization of Sputter Deposited Thin Film Scandate Cathodes for Miniaturized Thermionic Converter Applications," 1998, Thermionic, (EREN)

Scoville, A.N., ThermoTrex Corporation, 74 West Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Thermal Conductivity Reductions in SiGe using Nanophase Particles," 1995, (EREN)

Sievers, B., Maybe, ThermoTrex Corp., 85 First Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Design and Preliminary Testing of a Thermionic AMTEC Cascade," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Smith, J.N. Jr., General Atomics, San Diego, CA United States, Maybe, ThermoTrex Corp., 85 First Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Design and Operation of a Thermionic Converter in Air," 1995, "Integral Cesium Reservoir: Design and Transient Operation," 1995, "Design and Preliminary Testing of a Thermionic AMTEC Cascade," 1996, "Thermionic/AMTEC Cascade Converter Concept for High-Efficiency Space Power," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Snyder, A.M., Lockheed Idaho Technologies Co., Idaho Falls, ID United States, Idaho National Engineering Lab.), "Quantifying the Heat Switching Capability of a Thermionic Diode," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Suriano, M., ORION International Technologies, Inc., Albuquerque, NM United States, "Tests of Effectiveness of Thermionic Heat Pipe Modules," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Svedberg, B., Maybe, ThermoTrex Corp., 85 First Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Design and Preliminary Testing of a Thermionic AMTEC Cascade," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Tsao, B.H., UES, Inc., Dayton, OH United States, "Ta-46%Ir as a Brazing Filler with Low Vapor Pressure for High Temperature Thermionic Applications," 1994, Thermionic, (EREN)

Vandersande, J., Maybe, ThermoTrex Corporation, 74 West Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Thermal Conductivity Reductions in SiGe using Nanophase Particles," 1995, (EREN)

Verrill, D.A., Maybe, Lockheed Idaho Technologies Co., Idaho Falls, ID United States, Idaho National Engineering Lab., "Quantifying the Heat Switching Capability of a Thermionic Diode," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

White, M.C., Florida Univ., Gainesville, FL United States, "An Overview of Thermionic Power Conversion Technology," 1996, Thermionic, (EREN)

Witt, T., ThermoTrex Corporation, 85 First Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 United States, "Modeling of a Cesium-Graphite Reservoir Critical Component Experiment for S-Prime," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Wrobleski, W.J. Westinghouse Electric Corp., West Mifflin, PA United States, Bettis Atomic Power Lab., "Integral Cesium Reservoir: Design and Transient Operation," 1995, Thermionic, (EREN)

Fuel Cells

Miscellaneous Converters



Aerospace Power Sys Conference

Menetrey, W.R., "Estimate of Solar-Thermionic System Performance," Proceeding 3rd Biennial Aerospace Power Sys Conference, 1964; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Shimada, K., and Ewell, R., "Radiatively Coupled Thermionic and Thermoelectric Power System Concept," Proceeding 19th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1981; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor

AIEE Pacific General Meeting

"Experimental Solar Thermionic Converter for Space Use," Proceeding AIEE Pacific General Meeting, 1960; Thermionic Devices, Solar

American Gas Association Research and Utilization Conference

Lyczko, F., "Burner Development for a Natural Gas Fired Thermionic Engine," American Gas Association Research and Utilization Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, May, 1962

American Nuclear Society

Billone, M.C., Jankus, V.Z., Kramer. J.M., and Yang, C.I., "Progress in Modeling Carbide and Nitride Fuel Performance in Advanced LMHBRs," pp. 516-536, ANS 1977 Proceeding Topical Meeting, Tucson, 1977; Nuclear Fuels

Gruber, E.E., and Deitrich, L.W., "Dispersive Potential of Irradiated Breeder Reactor Fuel during a Thermal Transient," Am. Nucl. Soc. Winter Meeting, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Transients, Gas Release

Rowland, T.C., Marlowe, M.O., and Elkins, R.B., "No Title," p. 124, Proceeding Am. Nucl. Soc., Annual Meeting, 1974; Nuclear Fuels

American Nuclear Society Conference on Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology

Duncan, R.N., Cantley, D.A., Perry, K.J., and Nelson, R.C., "Fuel Swelling-Fast Reactor Mixed Oxide Fuels," ANS Proceeding Conference on Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology, April, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide, Swelling

Grando, C., Montgomery, M., and Strasser, A., "Unrestrained Swelling and Fission Gas Release of Fast Reactor Fuels," pp. 771-784, ANS Proceeding Conference on Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology, April, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release

Poeppel, R.B., "An Advanced Gas Release and Swelling Subroutine," 311, ANS Proceeding Conference Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology, April, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Computer Code

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Brosens, P.J., "Solar Thermionic Generators for Space Power," ASME Paper 64-WA/Sol-1, 1964; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Carnasciali, G., G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt, "Performance and Cost Evaluation for a Thermionic Topping Power Plant," USA, ASME 77-WA/ENER-7 Meeting November, 1977

Lazaridis, L., P. Pantazelos and I. Shai, "Design of a Gas-Fired Thermionic Power Supply for Domestic Furnaces," Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1966

Williamson, C.R. and M.S. El-Genk, "High-Speed Photographic Analysis of Saturated Nucleate Pool Boiling at Low Heat Flux," ASME Annual Winter Meeting, Paper No. 91-WA-HT-8, Atlanta, GA, 2-5 December 1991, ASME, NY.

Annual Conference on Physical Electronics

Engelmaier, W., and R. Stickney, "Thermionic and Adsorption Characteristics of a Single Crystal Tungsten Filament Exposed to Oxygen," pp. 260-276, 26th Annual Conference on Physical Electronics, Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 21-23, 1966; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Swanson, L.S., R.W. Strayer, and F.M. Charbonnier, "The Variations of Work Function with Cesium Coverage on Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Rhenium Substrates," pp. 120-136, 24th Annual Conference on Physical Electronics, Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 25-27, 1964; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Annual Power Sources Conference

Hatsopoulos, G.N., S. Kitrilakis, F. Lyczko, "Progress in the Cesium Thermionic Converters," 16th Annual Power Sources Conference, Red Bank, N.J., USA, May, 1962

Lazaridis L. and P. Pantazelos, "Tests on Flame-Heated Thermionic Diodes," Presented at the 20th Annual Power Sources Conference, May, 1966

Lyczko, F., "45-Watt Thermionic Generator," 17th Annual Power Sources Conference, Red Bank, N.J., USA, May, 1963

Appl. Thermionic Tech.

Weinberg, A.F., et al, "Fission-Heated Thermionic Cells of Application to Nuclear Space Power Systems," GA-6369, Presented at Conference on Appl. Thermionic Tech., Germantown, MD, USA, 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor

ARS Space Power Sys Conference

Purdy, D.L., "Solar Thermionic Electric Power Systems," Proceeding ARS Space Power Sys Conference, 1960; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Ceramics and Advance Materials

Reagan, P., Lieb, David P., G. Miskolczy and F. Huffman, "CVD Fabrication of Thermionic Converter And Heat Pipe," 7th Annual Conference on Ceramics and Advance Materials, Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, 1982


Buden, D. and Angelo, J.A., Jr., "Role of Nuclear Reactors in Future Military Satellites," 8th DARPA Strategic Space Symp., Monterey, 1982; Nuclear Fuels

Energy Technology Conference

Merrill O.S., Division of Advanced Systems and Material Production, Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., M. Gunn, Division of Power Systems, Department of Energy, Washington D.C., F.N. Huffman, Thermo Electron Corp., and G.O. Fitzpatrick, Rasor Associates, Inc., "Increasing the Efficiency of Coal-Fired Steam Electric Plants with Thermionic Topping," Fifth Energy Technology Conference, Washington, DC, Feb., 1978

HPG Meeting on Computer Control and Fuel Research

Rolstad, E., Hanevik, A. and Knudsen, K.K., "Measurements of the Length Changes of UO2 Fuel Pellets during Irradiation," Presented at Enlarged HPG Meeting on Computer Control and Fuel Research, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Test Results, Expansion

IAS Nat. Summer Meeting

McCusker, T.J., "Parametric Design Study for a 1500 Watt Solar Thermionic Orbital Power System," Proceeding IAS Nat. Summer Meeting, 1962; Thermionic Devices, Solar

IEEE Conference on Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects

Angelo, J.P., Jr., and Buden, D., "Shielding Considerations for Advanced Space Nuclear Reactor Systems," IEEE Conference on Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July, 1982; Nuclear Fuels

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1976

Estabrook, W.C., Phillips, W.M., and Teh-Ming Hsieh, "System Design for a Nuclear Electric Spacecraft Utilizing Out-of-Core Thermionic Conversion," IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1976; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Concepts, Heat Pipe, Fast Neutrons, Shielding, Radiator

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1978

Kroeger, E.W., V.L. Bair and J.F. Morris, IEEE International Conference Plasma Science, Monterey, Calif., 1978; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1980

Begg, L.L., M.S. Smith, B. Carlsmith, E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick, "Novel Converter Configurations for THX Development," USA, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May, 1980

Dick R.S., E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick, "Electric Utility and Cogeneration Systems Applications of Thermionic Energy Conversion," USA, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May, 1980

Fitzpatrick G.O. and E.J. Britt, "Terrestrial Thermionic Power Generation at Rasor Associates," USA, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May, 1980

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1981

Britt E.J., R.S. Dick, G.O. Fitzpatrick and D.C. Johnson "High Temperature Cogeneration Combustion Design," Proceeding International Conference on Plasma Science, 1981

English, R.E., "Goals of Thermionic Program for Space Power," Proceeding International Conference on Plasma Science, 1981; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor

IEEE Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference

IEEE 1963 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference

Hansen, L.K., and C. Warner, p. 44, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Gatlinburg, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Horner, M.H., Weinberg, A.F., Yang, L., "Compatibility of Uranium-Bearing Nuclear Fuels and Refractory-Metal Thermionic Emitters," IEEE 1963 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee USA, October, 1963, Thermionic Fuel Elements, Irradiation, Fabrication

Lyczko, F., H. Traiger, "Development of a Lightweight Gasoline Fueled Thermionic Engine," IEEE 1963 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee USA, October, 1963

Martini, W.R., "Internal Flame-Heated Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1963 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee USA, October, 1963

Merra, S., J. Weinstein, "Recent Progress in the Development of Solar Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1963 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee USA, October, 1963

Rouklove, P., "Results of Laboratory Tests of SET Thermionic Converters and Generators," IEEE 1963 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee USA, October, 1963

IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference Maybe OK

Surface Studies

Chairman: G.N. Hatsopoulos Co-Chairman: J.M. Prosser

Coomes, E.A., and F.E. Girouard, "The Influence of Patches on the Average Thermionic Constants of Tungsten and Molybdenum Emitters," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Kaplit, M., G.L. Schrenk and L.W. Zelby, "Electron Emission from Metals in Gaseous Environment," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Levine, J., "Electrical Conductivity Caused by Adsorbed Cesium on Insulator Surfaces," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Lieb, D., and G. Miskolczy, "Work Function Distribution of Refractory Metal Surfaces," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Shefsiek, P.K., "Variations in Vacuum Work Function between Cylindrical and Planar Surfaces," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Van Someren, L., "Preparation of Thermionic Emitters," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Webster, H.F., "Uniform Work Function Surfaces," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Weissman, I., "Grain-Oriented Thoriated Tungsten Emitters for Thermionic Energy Converters," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Wilson, R.G. (No Report), "Use of Experimental Data to Compare the Theories of Pure Physisorption and Physico-Chemisorption," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Surface Studies

Chairman: E.A. Coomes, Co-Chairman: B.B. Rosenbaum

Dresser, D.L., "Correlation of Electron and Ion Current Measurements in Evaluating the Cesiated Work Function of Tungsten And Rhenium," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Fendley, J.R., Jr., "Cesium Reference Anodes," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Hall, W.B., and R.E. Shoemaker, "Control of Gas Impurities in a Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Houston, J.M., and P.K. Dederick, "Thermionic Emission of Thermionic Converter Collector Materials in Cesium Vapor," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Jester, A.A., "The Influence of a Cesium Fluoride Additive on the Power Output of Cesium Diodes with Molybdenum and Rhenium Emitters," pp. 93-99, IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Kennedy, A.J., and D.S. Trimmer, "The Performance of Ruthenium as an Electrode in a Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Langpape, R., and A. Minor, "Influence of CsF and Cs + CsF on the Work Function of Refractory Metals," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies

Psarouthakis, J., "Thermionic Energy Converter with Barium and Cesium Vapors," pp. 100-109, IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Surface Studies; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Plasma Physics and Converter Diagnostics

Chairman: E.P. Gyftopoulos, Co-Chairman: E. Kittl

Bullis, R.H., and W.J. Wiegand, "Characteristics of the Neutralization Plasma in the Arc-Mode Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Holland, J.W., "Internal Energy Losses in a Cesium Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Lawrence, J., "Measurements of Electron Emission Cooling in a Cesium Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Leffert, C.B., D.B. Rees, and F.E. Jamerson, "Fission Fragment Ionization of Mixed Gases," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Rasor, N.S., and S.S. Kitrilakis, "Basic and Engineering Implications of Correlated Converter Phenomenology," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Reichelt, W., "Electron Temperature and Ion Density Profiles in a Cesium Plasma Diode," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Schrenk, G.L., "Emitter Sheath Polarity in Plasma Diodes," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Warner, C., "Boundary Conditions in the Ignited Mode," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Wilkins, D., "The Open Circuit Voltage and Thermionic Converter Diagnostics," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Wilson, V.C., "Evidence for a Double Sheath Adjacent to the Emitter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Invited Paper for Discussion:

Houston, J.M., "Cross Section Values to use in Analyzing the Cesium Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Plasma Physics and Converter Diagnostics

Chairman: K.G. Hernqvist, Co-Chairman: A.E. Wallis

Hansen, L.K., and C. Warner, "Unignited and Ignited Mode Characteristics of a Guard Ring Converter," p. 310, IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Hernqvist, K.G., "Reverse Currents in Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Kaplan, C., "Pulsed-Discharge Experiments in a Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Kaplan, C., and J.B. Merzenich, "Xenon Addition Experiment in a Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

Merra, S., "Test Results of Solar Thermionic Converters using Rhenium Emitters," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964

Summers, F.R., J.S. Mucha and F. Harta, "Thermal-Electron Studies of Thermionic Data," IEEE 1964 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964; Plasma Physics, Converter Diagnostics

IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference OK

Transport Theories

Co-Chairman: E. Kittl and J.M. Prosser

Bullis, R.H., L.K. Hansen, J.M. Houston, M.F. Koskinen, N.S. Rasor, and C. Warner, "The Plasma Physics of Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Burger, P., "Computer Simulation Methods for Plasma Diodes with Collisions," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Hansen, L.K., "Some Effects of Ion Generation and Transport Processes on Ignited Mode Diode Parameters," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Hatsopoulos, George N., "Transport Theories in Cesium Vapor Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Shaw, D.T., "The Diffusion Theory of a Plasma Cesium Converter," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Walsh, E.M., and A.A. Fouad, "Cost of Space-Charge Neutralization in the Gabor-Type Auxiliary Discharge Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Warner, C., "Theory of The Ignited Mode with Electron Temperature Variations T(x)," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA , 1965; Transport Theories

Wilkins, D.R., and E.P. Gyftopoulos, "Thermionic Converters Operating in the Ignited Mode, Part I: Theoretical Output Current Characteristics," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Wilkins, D.R., and E.P. Gyftopoulos, "Thermionic Converters Operating in the Ignited Mode, Part II: A Quasi-Equilibrium Model for the Interelectrode Plasma," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Theories

Transport Properties

Co-Chairman: W.F. Diehl and W. Holland

Agnew, L., "The Interpretation of Cesium Spectra," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Devin, B., "The 3 B Session of London Conference 1965 on Thermionic Power Generation," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Heil, H., and B.W. Scott, "Ionization Cross Section of Cesium at Threshold," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Kniazzeh, A.G.F. and E.N. Carabateas, "Cesium Molecular-Ion Formation by Collision of Two Excited Atoms," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Nighan, W.L., "Electron Transport in Cesium Plasmas," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Nighan, W.L., "The Determination of an Effective Electron-Cesium Heavy Particle Collision Frequency for Momentum Transfer," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Rees, D.B., C.B. Leffert, and F.E. Jamerson, "Electron Density in Mixed Gas Plasmas," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Reichelt, W.H., and W.L. Kruer, "Spacing and Cesium Pressure Dependence of Electron Temperature and Ion Densities in a Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Rufeh, F., S. Kitrilakis, and D. Lieb, "The Effect of Electron Scattering on Collector Work Function Measurement," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Rufeh, F., S.S. Kitrilakis, and D. Lieb, "The Transport Parameters of Cesium Ions in Cesium Vapor," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Transport Properties

Surface Physics

Co-Chairmen: A.H. Smith and J.D. Levine

Bloss, W., and E. Muz, "Surface Phenomena: Collector Materials," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Breitwieser, R., and W. Rush, "Saha-Langmuir Surface Ionization Relation," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Coomes, E.A., and W.L. Boeck, "The Effect of Surface Micropatches on the Average Thermionic Constants of Metallic Emitters," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Kaplit, M., and G.L. Schrenk, "Electron Emission from Metals in Vapors of Cesium and Fluorine," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Koskinen, M.F., "On the Electron Work Function of Conductors," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Pollock, D.H., "Electron Emission from Cesiated Single Crystal Tungsten," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Tower, L.K., "A Preliminary Analysis of the Process of Desorption of Multiple Additives from Metals," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Wilson, R.G., "Electron and Ion Emission from Cesiated Refractory Compound Surfaces," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Zimmerman, D.R., "Low Work Function Collector: Strontium Tungsten," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Surface Physics

Emission Measurements and Converter Performance

Co-Chairmen: B.B. Rosenbaum and L.K. Hansen

Blue, E., and J.H. Ingold, "The Effect of High Collector Temperature on the Power Output and Efficiency of a Thermionic Converter: Experimental," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Emission Measurements, Converter Performance

Buzzard, R.J., and P.K. Shefsiek, "Development of a Parametric Equation to Describe the Performance of Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Houston, J.M., and P.K. Dederick, "The Electron Emission of the Pt-Group Metals in Cs Vapor," pp. 249-257, IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Emission Measurements, Converter Performance; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Kitrilakis, S., and P. Brosens, "Experimental Correlation of Electron Emission Cooling and Optimum Collector Temperature," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Lawrence, J., and J.P. Perdew, "Effect on Thermionic Converter Performance of Emitter Material Evaporated on a Low Work Function Collector," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Emission Measurements, Converter Performance

Levine, J.D., W.E. Harbaugh, and R.E. Shoemaker, "Oxygen as a Controllable, Reversible, and Beneficial Additive in the Cesium Converter," pp. 276-280, IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Emission Measurements, Converter Performance; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Lieb, D., "Performance of Tungsten-Emitter Thermionic Converter in the Presence of Cesium Fluoride Additive," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Emission Measurements, Converter Performance

Van Someren, L., D. Lieb, and S.S. Kitrilakis, "Evaluation of Thermionic Emitter Surfaces," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Emission Measurements, Converter Performance

Wilson, V.C., "Rapporteur Paper on "Converter Performance" from the International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, London, England," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Emission Measurements, Converter Performance

Heat Pipes and Other Topics

Co-Chairman: A.E. Wallis and E.P. Gyftopoulos

Alleau, T., B. Devin, A.M. Shroff, and C. Borromée, "The Study of the Work Function Distribution on Chemical Vapour Deposited Tungsten," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Branstetter, J.R., and R.D. Schaal, "Thermal Emittance Behavior of Small Cavities Located on Refractory Metal Surface," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Davis, M.V., E.J. Britt, C.E. Backus, and J.F. Bregar, "The Electrical Isolation of Thermionic Diodes," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Hall, W.B., "Heat-Pipe Experiments," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Kaplan, C., and J. Merzenich (Paper not submitted due to illness), "Ion Lifetime Measurements in Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Koskinen, M.F., "Preliminary Results from a Converter using a (110) Tungsten Single Crystal Emitter," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Mantel, J., "The Resonance Thermionic Converter," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Ranken, W.A., and. J.E. Kemme, "Survey of Los Alamos and Euratom Heat Pipe Investigations," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Weaver, C.V., and T.F. Stratton, "Viscosity of Cesium Vapor," IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965

Post Conference Paper

Block, F.G., G.N. Hatsopoulos, and V.C. Wilson, "The Definition of Conversion Efficiency of Thermionic Energy Converters," pp. 379-386, IEEE 1965 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, 1965; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference

Nuclear Reactor

Cohen, S.C. and Shahstrom, R.T., "Neutron Kinetic and Stability Considerations in Thermionic Reactors," GA-7311, IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966; Nuclear Reactor, Stability

Homeyer, W.G., "Performance and Technology Parameters of Thermionic Reactors," GA-7302, IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Holland, J.W., "Diagnostic Procedure for Determining Emitter Temperatures, Relative Power and Relative Efficiency of Thermionic Converters," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Theory

Holland, J.W., "Long-Term Operations of Fueled In-Pile and Out-of-Pile Converters," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance

Ream, J.T., Weinberg, A.F., and Horner, M.H., "Development of a Unit Cell Thermionic Reactor Fuel Element," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development

Weinberg, A.F. and Horner, M.H., "Post-Operational Examination of Fueled Converters: Vol. II: Nuclear Heated," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance

Yates, M.K., "Influence of the Relative Probability of Converter Failure Modes on Thermionic Reactor Design," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development



Brosens, P., "The Influence of Design and Materials on the Performance of an Advanced Solar Converters," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966

Eastman, G.Y., D.M. Ernst et al, "Review of Fossil-Fuel-Fired Thermionic Energy Converters," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966

Engdahl, R.E., "Fossil Fuel Heated Thermionic Diodes," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966

Lazaridis, L., P. Pantazelos, "Design of a 5-Kilowatt Flame-Heated Thermionic Power Supply," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966

Lieb, D., and S.S. Kitrilakis, "Oxygen as a Steady-State Electronegative Additive in a Cesium Thermionic Converter," pp. 348-354, Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Tex., Nov. 3-4, 1966; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Lieb, D., and S.S. Kitrilakis, "The Influence of CsF on the Work Function of a Tungsten Surface," pp. 340-347, Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Tex., Nov. 3-4, 1966; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Rouklove, P., "Thermionic Converter and Generator Tests," IEEE 1966 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 1966

IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference

Refractory Materials

Brosens, P., "Advanced Converter Development," p. 68, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Rhenium, Thermionic Performance

Federer, J., Robinson, W., and Steele, R., "Effect of Deposition Condition on the Orientation of Chemical Vapor-Deposited Tungsten and Molybdenum," p. 287, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Fabrication

Gibson, H., "Fabrication and Evaluation of Graded Type Ceramic-to-Metal Seals," p. 260, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Seals, Fabrication

Holland, J.W., and Kay, J, "Performance of a Cylindrical Geometry Thermionic Converter with an Improved Work Function Tungsten Emitter," p. 13, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Thermionic Performance

Howard, R.C., Someren, L. van, and Yang, L., "Preliminary Results on the Thermionic Performance of a Vapor-Deposited Tungsten Emitter having (110) Preferred Orientation," p. 10, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Thermionic Performance

Kaufmann, W., Tischler, R. and Breitwieser, R., "High Temperature, Electrically Insulating, Cermet Seal having High Strength and Thermal Conductance," p. 260, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Seals, Fabrication, Alumina, Niobium

Koskinen, M., and Gammel, G., "Direct Comparison of Molybdenum and Nickel as Collector Materials," p 18, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Molybdenum, Thermionic Performance

Raiklen, H., "Metallographic Evaluation of Selected Thermionic Diode Components," p. 296, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Tantalum, Niobium, Tungsten, Welding, Corrosion, Fabrication

Wilson, V.C., and Lawrence, Jackson, "Characteristics of a Thermionic Converter with a Fluoride Vapor Deposited Tungsten Emitter Etched to Preferentially Exposed (100) Crystal Planes," p. 1, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Thermionic Performance

Thermionic Converter Research

Bednarz, R., and Davis, M., "Density of Positive Ions Trapped in the Emitter Sheath," p. 207, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, Converter Physics

Bloss, W., and Schneider, R., "Thermal Radiation of Thermionic Emitters," IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Campbell, A., Hamerdinger, R., and Worden, D., "Work Function Determination and Surface Characterization of Vapor Deposited Rhenium," p.162, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Gilkinson, J., Held, H., and Chanin, L., "Investigation of Ionic Species Present in Argon-Cesium Plasmas," p. 232, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Houston, J., "Vacuum Work Function of Osmium," p. 152, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Kaufman, A., and Schrenk, G., "Investigation on Seeded Cesium Plasma Diodes," p. 223, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Kniazzeh, A., and Baker, R., "Plasma Presheath Structure I," p. 240, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Lieb, David P., and Bornhorst, W., "Analysis of the Diffusion Dominated Thermionic Converter Plasma," p. 191, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, Converter Physics

McCandless, R., and Hill, P., "Radiation Heat Transfer Calculations," p. 370, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Muz, E., and Kluge, W., "Theoretical Calculation of Cesium Adsorption and Langmuir S-Curves," p. 175, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Nighan, W., "Charged Particle Production and Energy Loss Rates in Thermionic Converter Plasmas," p. 198, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, Converter Physics

Shefsiek, P., "New Method for Correlating Thermionic Performance Data," p. 218, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Steiner, D., and Gyftopoulos, E., "Orbital Electronegativity and Physical Properties of Metal-Gas Adsorption Systems," p. 145, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Stickney, R., Greaves, W., and Fehrs, D., "Experimental Measurements of the Work Functions and Desorption Energies of the Systems O-W, O-Mo, O-Re, O-Ta, and Cs-O-Ta," p. 138, IEEE 1967 Proceeding TCS Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Warner, C., and Hansen, L., "Computer Solution of Thermionic Converter Transport Equations II," p. 184, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, Converter Physics

Weaver, C., and Todd, J., "Viscosity of Cesium Vapors," p. 236, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Webster, H., "Wetting by Cesium and Sodium and Its Relationship to Bare Work Function of the Substrate Metal," p. 363, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Wilkins, D., and Hill, P., "Improved Analysis of Electron Cooling Phenomena in Thermionic Converters," p. 211, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Nuclear Reactor

Busse, C., "Pressure Drop in the Vapor Phase of Long Heatpipes," p. 391, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Cotter, T., "Heat Pipe Startup Dynamics," p. 344, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

DeSteese, J., and Holmgren, J., "Radiantly-Heated Radioisotope-Powered Thermionic Generator," p.120, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Space Reactor, Safety

Deverall, J., and Salmi, E., "Heat Pipe Performance in Space Environment," p. 359, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Ernst, D., "Evaluation of Theoretical Heat Pipe Performance," p. 349, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Gronroos, H., Davis, J., Weaver, L., and Guppy, J., "Control System Study for an In-Core Thermionic Reactor," p. 130, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, In-core

Kemme, J., "High Performance Heat Pipes," p. 355, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Rasor, N., Greenborg, J., and Mayer, M., "Thermionic Reactor Based on Radiant Heat Transfer and Demonstrated Components," p.110, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Space Reactor

Sessions, C., and Devan, J., "Thermal Convection Loop Tests of Refractory Alloys in Lithium," p. 326, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Nuclear Reactor, Lithium

Thermionic Devices

Bohdansky, J., Salamon, K., and Andel, E. van, "Integrate Cs-Graphite Reservoir System in a Heat-Pipe Thermionic Converter," p. 93, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Devin, B., Lesueur, R., and Setton, R., "Vapor Pressure of Cesium above Graphite Lamellar Compounds," p. 277, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Dunlay, J., and Wallis, A., "Description of a Co-60 Fueled Thermionic Generator Experiment," p. 102, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear

Hudson, R., Buzzelli, G., and Yang, L., "Post-Operational Determination of Cesium Contents in Life-Test Converter Components," p. 271, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Koskinen, M., Gammel, Gross, DeTroyer, de Mevergnies, and Dejonghe, "Actinium-227 Fueled Thermionic Generator," p. 110, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear

Lazaridis, L., Shai, I., and Shefsiek, P., "Development of a 300-Watt Flame-Heated Thermionic Power Supply," p. 86, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Fossil

Paquin, M., "Testing of a Calorimeter-Equipped Planar Thermionic Converter," p. 51, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Planar

Rouklove, P., "Thermionic Converter and Generator Tests," p. 75, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Rufeh, F., and Lieb, David P., "Volt-Ampere Characteristics in the Presence of Inert Gases," p. 33, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Research

Rufeh, F., Lieb, David P., and Fraim, F., "Recent Experimental Results on Electronegative Additives," p. 25, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Work Function

Shimada, K., "Apparent Work Function of Cavity Emitters," p. 29, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Work Function

Smith, P., Mosley, W., and Keski, J., "High Temperature Stability of 244-Cm and 170-Tm Oxide," p. 337, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear

Speidel, T., "Performance Comparison of Nine RD-502 Cylindrical Diodes with Etched Rhenium Emitters," p. 47, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Alleau, T., Clemot, M., and Hasson, R., "Post Mortem Examinations of Thermionic Emitters," p. 312, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Out-of-Pile, Tests, Endurance

Bliaux, J., and Clemot, M., "In-Pile Thermionic Life Test SIRENE 302," p. 38, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance, Performance

Forman, R., "Measurements on Xenon Filled Nuclear Irradiated Thermionic Diodes," p. 56, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Radiation

Gasper, K., "Carbon Black as a High Temperature Insulation Material," p. 391, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators

Ranken, W., and Summers, C., "Isothermal Irradiation Assembly for Study of Fast Neutron Damage to Ceramics," p. 248, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Irradiation

Scott, J., Danko, J., and Case, J., "Post Test Examination and Analysis of a Cylindrical Thermionic Converter," p. 304, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Out-of-Pile Tests, Endurance

Shroff, A., "Thermionic Converter for In-Pile Tests," p. 68, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, In-Pile Tests

Someren, L, van, "Metallurgical Observations on Thermionic Converters," p. 321, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1967; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Out-of-Pile Tests, Endurance

IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference

Refractory Materials

Albrecht, H., Kluge, W., Rapp, H., and Strecker, H., "Investigations on Semiconducting Collector Materials," p. 175, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Alumina, Thermionic Performance

Andelin, R.I., and Watrous, J.D., "High-Temperature Compatibility Testing of Isotope Fuel Container Systems," p. 69, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tantalum, Tungsten, Rhenium, Molybdenum, Alloys, Irradiation, Corrosion

Breitwieser, R., Manista, E.J., and Smith, A.L., "Computerized Performance Mapping of a Thermionic Converter with Oriented Tungsten Electrodes," p. 90, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Thermionic Performance

Chin, J., and Horsley, J., "Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tungsten," p. 51, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Fabrication

Chin, J., and Messick, C.W., "Thermal Stability Testing of an Electrically Loaded Sheath Insulator," p. 404, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Seals, Properties, Alumina

Ernst, D.M., "Performance Comparison of Four Cylindrical Diodes with Various Types of Tungsten Emitters," p. 151, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Fabrication, Thermionic Performance

Ernst, D.M., "Life Test Results from Cylindrical Diodes with Tungsten Emitters," p. 146, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Thermionic Performance

Gelhaus, F.E., Samstad, G.I., Wilkins, D.R., and Dunlay, J, "Sheath Insulator Electrical Characteristics," p. 384, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Seals, Properties, Alumina

Hudson, R.G., Horner, M.H., and Yang, L., "Some Investigations of Refractory Metal Systems of Thermionic Interest," p. 296, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Tantalum, Niobium, Molybdenum, Properties, Thermionic Performance

Inouye, H., "Effect of Low-Pressure Oxygen on the Creep Properties of Tungsten and a Tungsten-Molybdenum Alloy," p. 425, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Properties, Molybdenum, Alloys

Lawton, R.G, "Stress Analysis of Pressure Bonded Tri-Layers during Fabrication," p. 355, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Seals, Fabrication, Niobium

Rufeh, F., and David P. Lieb, "Emission Characteristics of a Duplex Vapor-Deposited Tungsten Emitter," p. 141, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Fabrication, Thermionic Performance

Stephenson, R.L., "Material Selections for Thermionic Capsules," p. 404, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Properties

Wagner, R.L., "Sublimation of Tungsten-25% Rhenium between 1550 and 1950 C in Low-Pressure Oxygen," p. 411, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Properties

Wang, Chi-Chung, and Ward, James J., "Performance of Chloride and Fluoride Vapor-Deposited Tungsten Emitters in Thermionic Converters," p. 134, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Fabrication, Thermionic Performance

Warnecke, M., Imbert, F., and Shroff, A.M., "Effect of Impurities on the Structure and Crystal Orientation of Vapor," p. 288, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Tungsten

Waver, C.W., Reichelt, W.H., Patrick, A.J., and Raken, W.A., "Effects of Irradiation of AL995, Lucalox and Y2O3 Insulator Specimens in the Omega West Reactor," p. 372, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Seals, Irradiation, Alumina, Yttria

Weaver, C.W., and Ranken, W.A., "Development of Pressure-Bonded Sheathed Insulators," p. 347, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Seals, Fabrication, Niobium

Williams, Richard M., and Kascak, Thomas J., "A Comparison of the Performance of Two Rhenium, Niobium Cylindrical," p. 118, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Rhenium, Niobium, Thermionic Performance

Wilson, V.C., "Review of Thermionic Converter Tests," p. 82, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Niobium, Rhenium, Thermionic Performance

Thermionic Converter Research

Abbate, Mario, J., and Schock, Alfred, "Thermionic Boundary Conditions for Two-Dimensional Thermal Analysis of Converters," p. 286, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Alleau, T., "Experimental Langmuir 2-Curves of Tungsten (100) - Cesium and Molybdenum (100) - Strontium," p. 9, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Andersen, R.J., "Electron Energy Exchange in Thermionic Converter Plasmas," p. 170, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Andersen, Rodney J., "Electron Density and Temperature Measurements of the Ignited Mode Plasma in a Thermionic Converter," p. 188, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Bacigalupi, R.J., "Simulation of In-Pile Effects on Thermionic Diodes," p. 188, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Breitwieser, Roland, "Electron Cooling and Plasma Heating of Thermionic Converters," p. 235, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Brosens, P., and Shai, I., "Calculation of Emitter Support Conduction Loss," p. 272, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Burgess, Edward L., "Thermionic Emission from Rhenium and Chemically Vapor-Deposited Rhenium in Cesium Vapor," p. 47, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Danko, J.C., and Titus, G.W., "Surface Characterization of CVD Tungsten Emitter," p. 59, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

DeMichele, D., and Davis, M.V., "Density of Positive Ions Trapped in the Emitter Sheath," p. 216, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Fehrs, D.L., Lee, T.J., and Stickney, R.E., "Measurements of the Work Function and Desorption Energy of Cesium and Potassium on (100) Tungsten," p.10, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Fleck, Cecilia Y., "Free Area of Translation Calculated by Monte-Carlo Simulation of Surface Migrations," p. 242, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Froehlich, G., and Hoffman, W., "Spectroscopic Measurements in Several Regions of the I-V-Characteristic," p. 265, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Guignard, Erik A., and Pigford, Thomas H., "Effect of Diode Geometry on Saturated Ion Current," p. 247, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Guppy, J.G., "Dynamic Representation of a Thermionic System for Digital Computer Analysis," p. 459, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Hansen, Lorin K., "Thermionic Research at Stresa: A Review," p. 178, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, Plasma Physics, USSR

Hansen, L.K., "Criterion for a Double Sheath Emission Barrier," p. 212, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and Rufeh, F., "Thermodynamic Correlation of Work Function," p. 1, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Held, Herman, Gilkinson, J.L., and Chanin, L.M., "Ionic Species Present in Argon-Cesium and Cesium Discharges," p. 230, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Jacobson, D.L., and Campbell, A.E., "Characterization of Bare and Cesiated CVD 75 Percent Tungsten/25 Percent Rhenium Electrodes," p. 26, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Jacobson, D.L., and Campbell, A.E., "Effective Work Function Determinations of Rhenium and Molybdenum," p. 1, IEEE 1967 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Jamerson, F.E., Gifford, F.E., Leffert, C.B., and Rees, D.B., "Fission Fragment Generated Plasmas for Thermionic Diodes: An Assessment," p. 224, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Kniazzeh, A., "Kinetics of Electron Reflection and Ion Recombination on Insulator Surfaces," p. 272, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Lee, T.J., Hopkins, B.J., "Effect of Temperature on the Work Function Minimum of Cesiated Tungsten Surfaces," p. 18, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research

Lieb, David P., and Rufeh, F., "Thermal Stability as a Function of Converter Performance," p. 318, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter, Research, Converter Physics

Lieb, David P., Donaker, A., and Rufeh, F., "Performance of a Thermionic Converter with a Nominal Single-Crystal 110 Tungsten Emitter and a Niobium Collector," p. 66, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Lloyd, W.R., Wilkins, D.R., and Hill, P.R., "Heat Transfer in Multicomponent Monatomic Gases in the Low, Intermediate and High Pressure Regime," p. 277, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Luebbers, S.S., and DeSteese, J.G., "Oxygen Effects in Tantalum Thermionic Emitters," p. 64, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

McCandless, R.J., Wilkins, D.R., and Derby, S.L., "Theory of Thermionic Converter Volume Phenomena," p. 163, IEEE 1968 (or 1969) Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Morris, James F., "Isothermal Diode '68’," p. 202, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Pigford, T.H., and Thinger, B.E., "Performance Characteristics of a (0001) Rhenium Thermionic Converter," p. 34, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Pigford, T.H., Thinger, B.E., Lieb, David P., and Rufeh, F., "Cesiated Work Functions of (0001) Rhenium," p. 39, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Press, E., "High Work Function Dispenser Cathodes," p. 76, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Rasor, N.S., "Generalized Correlation for Absorption on Metal Surfaces," p. 206, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Rufeh, F., and Lieb, David P., "Dependence of the Volt-Ampere Characteristics on Collector Temperature," p. 237, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Rush, D.J., Wilkins, D.R., Katra, J.A., and McCandless, R.J., "Improved Formalism for the Analysis of Transport Phenomena in Gaseous Mixtures and Plasmas," p. 193, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Schock, A., "Effect of Cesium Pressure on Thermionic Stability," p. 313, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Shaw, D.T., "General Theory of the Relaxation Plasma in an Ignited-Mode Thermionic Converter," p. 256, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Shimada, K., "Evaluation of a Thermionic Diode with an Integral Guard-Ring," p. 247, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Shimada, Katsunori, "Side-Wall Currents in Unignited Hardware-Type Thermionic Energy Converters," p.155, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Smith, J.R., and Smith, A.L., "Simple Empirical Formulation of Electron Emission from Cesiated Metal Surfaces," p. 53, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Sockol, Peter M., "Sheath Structure in the Unignited Mode," p. 209, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Someren, L. van, "Work Function Measurements on Macroscopic Tungsten Specimens," p. 18, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Someren, L. van, and Sprenkle, E.W., "Partial Pole Figures from Cylindrical and Planar Tungsten Specimens," p. 41, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Thompson, J.R., Danko, J.C., Gregory, T.L., and Webster, H.F., "Surface Characterization Studies on CVD Tungsten," p. 23, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Wang, C.C., Lieb, David P., David P.?, and Pigford, T.H., "Extended Space Charge Theory in the Emitter Sheath," p. 228, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter, Research

Warner, C., "Theory of the Wide-Spaced Diode," p. 220, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Warner, Charles, "Low-Voltage Arc," p. 195, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Webster, H.F., and McCoy, K.H., "Evaluation of Surface Facet Angles by a Light Reflection Technique," p. 42, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, sup

Wilkins, D.R., Wurm, J.P., Derby, S.L. and McCandless, R.J., "Theoretical Study of Methods for Improving Thermionic Converter," p. 198, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, EAEC/OECD 2nd International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Stresa, Italy, May, 1968 p. 1031, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Wilson, V.C., and Danko, J.C., "Development of a Stable Faceted Tungsten Emitter Surface," p. 46, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Yang, L., Hudson, R.G., Tagami, T., and Creagh, J.W.R., "Preferred Crystal Orientation Evaluation and Vacuum Work Function Measurements on Chemically Vapor-Deposited Tungsten Emitters," p. 31, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Zoller, R., Gross, F., and Jester, A., "Post Mortem Examinations of an Irradiated Thermionic Converter," p. 305, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Irradiation, In-Pile Tests

Nuclear Reactor

Backus, C.E., "Dynamics of the Hydride Thermionic Reactor," p. 466, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, In-core, Concepts

Brehm, R.L., "Review and Evaluation of Incore Thermionic Reactor Stability," p. 453, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Fast Neutrons, Stability

Cohen, S.C., Moore, R.A., Russell, J.L., Sargis, D.A., and Sharp, R., "Fast Critical Experiments in Support of Thermionic Reactor Physics," p. 290, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Fast Neutrons, Stability

Dagbjartsson, S., Groli, M, SchIorb, O., and Pruschek, R., "Improved Out-of-Core Thermionic Reactor for Low Power," p. 299, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Fast Neutrons, Concepts

Ernst, D.M., Levy, E.K., and Shefsiek, P.K., "Heat Pipe Studies at Thermo Electron Corporation," p. 254, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Gronroos, H.G., and Davis, J.P., "Thermionic Diode Kinetics Experiment," p. 444, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, NaK, Stability, In-core

Hackney, M.R., and Cohen, S.C., "Neutronic Comparisons of Low Power Thermionic Reactors," p. 482, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Cost, Concepts

Heath, C.A., "Possible Instabilities in a Thermionic Reactor with All Negative Reactivity Coefficients," p. 348, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, Fast Neutrons, In-core

Johnson, G.D., "Compatibility of Various High-Temperature Heat Pipe Alloys with Working Fluids," p. 258, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Kemme, Joseph E., "Ultimate Heat Pipe Performance," p. 266, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Peelgren, M.L., and Ernst, D.M., "Thermionic Diode Kinetics Experiment - Design and Startup," IEEE 1968 p. 434, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, NaK, Stability, In-core

Sawyer, C.D., "Thermionic Reactor Modeling for System Analysis," p. 492, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Cost, Concepts

Wolf, E., and Haug, W., "Optimization of Series-Connected Thermionic Converters with Different Heat Input," p. 305, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Concepts

Thermionic Devices

Defranould, P. H., "Theoretical Limits to use an Adsorption System as Cesium Reserve in Thermionic Converter," p. 323, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Kascak, Thomas J., and Williams, Richard M., "Performance of Rhenium, Niobium Cylindrical Thermionic Converter," p. 123, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Merrill, Owen S., "Correlation of Fixed-Spacing Thermionic Converter Performance with Variable-Spacing Test Vehicle Data," p. 103, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Cylindrical, Development

Peelgren, M., and Speidel, T., "Large Cylindrical Thermionic Diode with Rhenium Emitter for Diode Kinetic Experiments," p. 128, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Rouklove, Peter, "Metallography of Thermionic Converters," p. 164, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Development

Shefsiek, P., Lazaridis, L., and Shai, I., "Operation of a Three-Diode Flame-Fired Thermionic Power Supply," p. 172, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Fossil

Shefsiek, Paul K., "Reproducibility of Thermionic Performance," p. 99, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Development

Speidel, T.O., and Williams, R.M., "Fixed-Space Planar Thermionic Diode with Collector Guard Ring," p. 113, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Development

Stapfer, G. and Shimada, K., "Electrical Testing of a Six-Converter Generator," p. 159, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Solar, Development

Yates, M.K., and Fitzpatrick, G.O., "Cesium Sorption in Materials for Integral Reservoirs," p. 79, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Gasper, K.A., and Holmgren, J.S., "Evaluation of Carbon and Graphite Insulations for Thermionic Applications," p. 88, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators

Hamerdinger, R.W., and Jacobson, D.L., "Design and Performance of Low Temperature Cylindrical Thermionic Converters," p. 141, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests

Homeyer, W.G., "Performance of Thermionic Reactors for 50 to 100 kWe," p. 474, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests (or Out-of-Pile Tests?), Performance

Zoeller (or Zoller), R., Gross, F., and Jester, A., "Post Mortem Examinations of an Irradiated Thermionic Converter," p. 305, IEEE 1968 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Irradiation, In-Pile Tests

IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference

Thermionic Devices

Clemot, M., and Menneglier, P., "Cesium Consumption in Thermionic Converters," p. 321, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Clemot, M., Gayte, B., Legourg, R. and Tripet, J., "Life Testing and Performance Stability of Cylindrical Thermionic Converters," p. 100, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Gietzen, A.J., "Performance Evaluation of a Thermionic Converter using a Graphite Integral Reservoir," p. 535, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Gunther, B., "Converter Performance Comparison," p. 109, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Hamerdinger, R.W., and Jacobson, D.L., "Design and Performance of Low Temperature Cylindrical Thermionic Converters," p. 122, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Imbert, F., and Shroff, A.M., "Thermionic Integrated Cesium Reservoir Module," p. 528, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Kascak, T.J., Williams, R.M., and Kroeger, E.W., "The Performance of a Molybdenum-Molybdenum Cylindrical Thermionic Converter," p. 157, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Samstad, G.I., Case, J.M. and Danko, J.C., "Design Operation and Post-Test Analysis of a High Performance Cylindrical Converter," p. 115, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Shefsiek, P.K., and Angello, J.P., "Test Results from an Improved Flame-Fired Thermionic Diode," p. 528, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Fossil, Development,

Stapfer, G., "Thermionic Converter Life-Test Program," p. 150, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Devices, Solar, Development, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Thermionic Converter Research

Bohdansky, J., "Heat Flow Measurements in a Thermionic Converter," p. 517, IEEE 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23 1969; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Jester, A., Holick, H., Krapf, R., and Zoller, R., "Thermionic Converter Development for ITR," p. 146, IEEE Conference of 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests



Frohlich, G., and W. Hoffmann, p. 265, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Hansen, L.K., p. 212, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and F. Rufeh, p. 1, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

McCandless, R.J., D.R. Wilkins, and S.L. Derby, p. 163, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Pigford, T.H., and B.E. Thinger, "Performance Characteristics a (0001) Rhenium Thermionic Converter," pp. 34-41/IEEE Conference of 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969

Saaski, E.W., and K.A. Gasper, "Operating Experience with ISOMITE Miniature Thermionic Radioisotope-Fueled Batteries," IEEE Conference of 1969 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Carmel, California, Oct. 21-23, 1969

Shefsiek, P.K., and J.P. Angello, p. 521, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Van Someren, L., p. 18, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Wagner, R.L., p. 411, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Warner, C., p. 220, Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Carmel, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference OK

Electric Propulsion

Prickett, W.Z., "A 120 kWe Thermionic Reactor Ion Propulsion Spacecraft for the Comet Halley Rendezvous Mission," IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Electric Propulsion, Ion Propulsion

Nuclear Fuels

Hilbert, R.F., Storhok, V.W., Chubb, W., and Keller, D.L., "Fission-Gas Swelling of UC, UN, and UO2 at High Irradiation Temperatures," IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Rowley, J.C., Lawton, R.G., and Saunders, C.R., "Elastic Moduli and Thermal Expansion of High-Porosity Mo-UO2 Cermets," p.12, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Cermet, Properties

Sawyer, C.D., "Conceptual Design of a Nuclear Thermionic Power Plant for the Space Base," p. 159, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development

Nuclear Reactor

Breitwieser, Roland, "Use of Heat Pipes for Electrical Isolation," p.191, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Busse, C.A., Geiger, F., and Quataert, D., "Status of Emitter Heat Pipe Development at ISPRA," p. 550, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Lithium, Heat Pipe

Dagbjartsson, S., and Siegel, K., "Dynamic Behavior of a Driver Incore Thermionic Reactor," p. 251, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Concepts

Dagbjartsson, S., "Theoretical Study of the Network Reliability of an Incore Thermionic Reactor," p. 351, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Stability

Groll, M., Kreeb, H., and Zimmermann, P., "Ultimate Performance and Lifetests of Low Temperature Heat Pipes," p. 562, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Gronroos, H.G., and Sawyer, C.D., "Reactor Simulator Runs with Thermionic Diode Kinetics Experiment," p. 453, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, NaK, In-core

Hackney, M.R., and Sargis, D.A., "Analysis of Thermionic Reactor Experiment (Part I: Nuclear)," p. 274, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Fast Neutrons, NaK, Stability

Heath, C.A., "Analysis of the Thermionic Reactor Experiment (Part II: Safety and Dynamics)," (See M.R. Hackney for Part I) p. 280, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Safety, Stability

Homeyer, W.G., Gietzen, A.J., and Heath, C.A., "A 5 kWe Radioisotope Thermionic Power Supply for Unmanned Electric Propulsion," p. 376, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Mondt, Jack F., "Thermionic Reactor Systems for Electric Propulsion," p.164, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor

Niederauer, G., and Lantz, E., "Split-Core Heat Pipe Reactor Concept for an Out-of-Core Thermionic Power System," p. 251, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Heat Pipe, Out-of-core

Peck, C.B., and Wilkins, D.R., "Dynamics and Control of the Thermionic Reactor Experiment," p. 268, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, In-core

Prickett, W.Z., "A 120 kWe Thermionic Reactor Ion Propulsion Spacecraft for the Comet Halley Rendezvous Mission," p. 368, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts

Schock, A., Abbate, M.J., and Eisen, C.L., "Thermionic Reactor Power Plant for Space Base," p. 361, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts

Schock, A., Abbate, M.J., and Eisen, C.L., "Out-of-Core Thermionic Power Plant for Manned Space Station," p. l69, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Heat Pipe

Schwarz, Jean-Pierre, "Thermionic Reactor Neutronic Study of a Light Water Moderated Core," p. 245, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

Sockol, P.M., and Forman, R., "Re-Examination of Heat Pipe Startup," p. 571, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Ward, J.J., Breitwieser, R., and Williams, R.M., "Conceptual Design of a 250 kWe Out-of-Core Nuclear Thermionic Converter System," p.179, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Concepts

Williams, Richard M., "Design Optimization of an Out-of-Core Thermionic Converter," p. 191, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Concepts

Zimmerman, P., "Dynamic Behavior of Heat Pipes," p. 567, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Refractory Materials

Butz, R., Erley, W., and Wagner, H., "Diffusion Problems with W Coated Mo Emitters," p. 101, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Fabrication, Properties, Corrosion

Danko, J.C., and Titus, G.W., "Preparation of Electroetched Chemically Vapor Deposited Tungsten Emitters," p. 82, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Tungsten, Properties, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

DiStefano, J.R., "Compatibility of 244-Cm2O3 with Refractory Metals at Thermionic Temperatures," p. 28, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Corrosion, Irradiation, Tantalum, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Rhenium

Dunlay, J., and Meyers, R., "Emitter and Collector Sublimed Coatings," p. 86, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Niobium, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Ernst, Donald M., "Thermionic Performance of CVD Chloride Tungsten and Sublimed Coated Molybdenum Electrodes in Cylindrical Heat Pipe Diodes," p. 492, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Thermionic Performance

Federer, J.I., and Schaffhauser, A.C., "Chemical Vapor Deposition and Characterizations of Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys," p. 74, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Rhenium, Alloys

Glaski, Fred A., "Formation of (0001) Oriented Rhenium Surfaces by Chemical Vapor Deposition," p. 128, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Rhenium, Fabrication

Glaski, Fred A., "Use of Oxygen Additive to Control Residual Fluorine in Chemical Vapor Deposited Tungsten," p. 72, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Fabrication

Kikin, G.M., and Danko J.C., "High Power Electrical Breakdown Tests of Cracked-Insulator Collector Sheaths with Flowing Liquid Metal Coolant," p. 49, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Alumina, Niobium, Properties

Knaub or Knauss, G., "Longlife Thermionic Diode with Barium and Cesium Vapors," p. 513, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Alumina, Seals, Corrosion

Lieb, David P., and Rufeh, F., "Thermionic Performance of CVD Tungsten Emitters with Several Collector Materials," p. 471, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Properties, Thermionic Performance, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Phillips, Wayne M., "Welding and Aging of Bimetallic Refractory Metal Joints," p. 1, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Welding, Tungsten, Niobium, Rhenium, Tantalum, Molybdenum

Raab, B., and Schock, A., "Electron Beam Welding of Tungsten to Tungsten/Rhenium and Tungsten/Rhenium to Niobium," p. 7, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Welding, Tungsten, Rhenium, Niobium

Reichelt, W.H., Ranken, Weaver, Blackstock, Patrick, and Chaney, "Radiation-Induced Damage to Ceramics in the EBR-11 Reactor," p. 39, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Irradiation, Alumina, Yttria

Roux, F., Ablitzer, D., and Vignes, A., "Diffusion Processes in Mo-W Thermionic Emitters," p. 109, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Properties, Corrosion

Rufeh, F., and Lieb, David P., "Thermionic Performance of Fluoride CVD Tungsten-Niobium Converter," p. 462, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Niobium, Properties

Salmi, E.W., Backus, C.E., Frank, T.G., and Sutherland, C.D., "Effect of Neutron Spectra on the Swelling of Alumina under Irradiation," p. 45, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Irradiation, Alumina

Shroff, A.M., and Imbert, F., "Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Preferential Orientation of CVD Tungsten," p. 68, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Properties

Shroff, A.M., Imbert, F., Roux, F.P., Clemot, M., and Durand, J.P., "Effect of the Deposition Parameters on the Crystal Structure of CVD Tungsten," p. 58, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Tungsten

Stephenson, R.L., and Federer, J.I., "Creep Rupture Properties of CVD-Tungsten," p. 90, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Properties

Wahl, C. or G., and Demny, J., "Behavior of CVD Tungsten Layers on Molybdenum," p. 95, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Fabrication, Properties, Corrosion, Tungsten, Molybdenum

Wahl, C or G., and Batzies, P., "Evaporation of Molybdenum in Vacuum, in O2 - and in H2O Atmospheres," p. 119, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Molybdenum, Properties, Corrosion

Weaver, C.V., "Developments in Pressure-Bonded Sheathed Insulators and Ceramic-to-Metal Seals," p. 34, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Refractory Materials, Alumina, Seals, Properties

Thermionic Converter Research

Alleau, T., and Bacal, M, "Influence of Oxygen Adsorption and Oxygen-Cesium Co-Adsorption on (100) Tungsten Work Function," p. 434, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Bergman, R.S., and Chanin, L.M., "Ionic Species Present in Cesium Plasmas," p. 317, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Claaben or Claassen, H.A., "Formulation of Binary Inelastic Collision Integrals," p. 343, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Clark, M., and Lieb, David P., "Treatment of Transition Regions in Thermionic Energy Converters," p. 291, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

DeSteese, J.G., Barsell, A.W., Johnston, R.P., and Mayer, M.S., "Parametric Performance Review of the Multicell Generator," p. 395, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics?, Converter Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Froehlich, G., and Sewing, K.H., "Comparison of the Plasma of a Thermionic Converter between Differently Computed Electron Densities and Measured Values," p. 285, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Hansen, Lorin K., "Non-Saturation Phenomena in Thermionic Converters," p. 305, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and Gyftopoulos, E.P., "On the Relation between Work Function and other Thermophysical Properties," p. 203, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Haufler, G., and Goretzki, H., "Investigations of the Electron Work Function in High Melting Transition Metal Systems," p. 422, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Hebner, R.H., Jr., and Nygaard, K.J., "Photo-Excitation and Ionization Rates in Cesium," p. 323, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Karetnikov, D.V., "Some Results of Investigations of the Physics of Thermo-Emission Conversion (A Survey)," p. 243, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, USSR

Keck, James, "Approximate Analytic Technique for Determining the Operating Characteristics of Thermionic Converters in the Ignited Mode," p. 217, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter, Research, Converter Physics

Mayer, M.S., DeSteese, J.G., and Saaski, E.W., "Optimization of the Quasi-Vacuum Mode Thermionic Converter," p. 388, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

McCandless, R.J., and Wilkins, D.R., "Interpretive Studies of Thermionic Converter Performance," p. 227, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

McCandless, R.J., and Wilkins, D.R., "Theory of Thermionic Converter Surface Phenomena," p. 210, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Rufeh, F., Gunther, B., and Lieb, David P., "Collector Work Function Measurements," p. 233, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics, Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Saaski, E.W., and Griffin, B.I., p. 404, "Experimental Determination of Cesium Vapor Conduction at Temperatures Less Than 1000 K," IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Schindler, M., "Average Momentum Transfer Collision Frequency of Electrons in Cesium Plasma," p. 312, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Shaw, D.T., and Wu, F.T., "Kinetic Theory of Ignited Thermionic Plasmas," p. 327, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Shaw, David T., "Validity of the Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Model Near an Emitting Electrode," p. 337, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Shimada, K., and Cassell, P.L., "Plasma-Anode Tube in Metal-Ceramic Envelope," p. 410, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Development

Smith, Tennyson, "Ellipsometry, Auger Spectroscopy and Work Function of Cs on W and Ti Single Crystals in the Submonolayer Region," p. 427, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Warner, Charles, "Condensed Phases in Cesium Adsorption Theory," p. 414, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Wilkins, D.R., and Rush, D.J., "Electrostatic Sheath Phenomena in Thermionic Converters," p. 291, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Thermionic Devices

Clemot, M., Gayte, B., and Lebourg, R., "Post Test Examinations of a Long Life Thermionic Converter," p. 556, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Ernst, Donald M., "Design Fabrication and Testing of Externally Configured Thermionic Diodes," p. 533, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Development

Kroeger, Erich W., "Fabrication and Evaluation of an Out-of-Core Thermionic Converter Module," p. 546, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Development

Lancashire, Richard B., "Computer-Acquired Performance Map of an Etched-Rhenium Niobium Planar Diode," p. 487, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Research

Samstad, G.I., Danko, J.C., and Levin, H.A., "Performance of Cylindrical Converter with Deep Etched Tungsten Emitter," p. 481, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Nuclear, Research

Schock, A., Raab, B., and Giorgio, F., "Design Fabrication and Testing of a Full-Length External-Fuel Thermionic Converter," p. 517, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Cylindrical, Development

Shimada, K., and Cassell, P.L., "Plasma-Anode Tube in Metal-Ceramic Envelope," p. 410, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Development

Shimada, K., Rouklove, P., and Cassell, P., "Characteristics of Cylindrical Converters having Non-Uniform Emitter Temperatures," p. 441, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Nuclear, Development

Shroff, A.M., and Imbert, F., "Integrated Cesium Reservoir Thermionic Converters for In-Pile Applications," p. 508, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir, Nuclear

Teagan, W. Peter, "The Development of Thermionic Diodes for Isotope-Fueled Generators," p. 539, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Planar, Development

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Fisher, C.R., Ellis, W.H., Merrill, M.H., and Heath, C.A., "Thermionic Reactor Experiment Design," p.130, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests

Gietzen, A.J., "A 100 kWe Thermionic Power System for Space Base Application," p. 151, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development

Gietzen, A.J., Fisher, C.R., and Homeyer, W.G., "A 25 kWe Thermionic Power System for Space Base Application," p. 145, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development

Gilliland, D.L., "Thermionic Reactor Experiment - A Conceptual Design," p. 140, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests

Haug, W., and Wolf, E., "Power Limitation of an Incore Thermionic Cell," p. 357, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance

Kuznetsov, V.A., "In-Pile Tests Of Multielement Thermionic Converters with Molybdenum- and Tungsten-Based Cathodes," p. 196, IEEE 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, Miami, Florida, Oct. 26-29, 1970; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests (or Out-of-Pile Tests?), USSR

IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference OK

Electric Propulsion

Fisher, C.R., et al, "Thermionic Reactor System for Auxiliary Power and Electric Propulsion," p. 24, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Electric Propulsion

Schaupp, R.W., and Sawyer, C.D., "Applications of Nuclear Reactor Power Systems to Electric Propulsion Missions," p. 1, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Electric Propulsion, Systems

Nuclear Fuels

Hilbert, R.F., Storhok, V.W., Chubb, W., and Keller, D.L., "Controlling the High-Temperature Swelling of Uranium Dioxide," p. 308, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Cladding, Cermet

Nuclear Reactor

Bacigalupi, Roberk, J., "Fabrication and Testing of Tungsten Heat Pipes for Heat Pipe Cooled Reactors," p. 166, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe, Lithium

Fisher, C.R., Gietzen, Hackney, Heath, Homeyer, Ingber, and Merrill, "Thermionic Reactor System for Auxiliary Rower and Electric Propulsion," p. 24, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

Jacobsen, A.S., and Tasca, D.M., "Thermionic Reactor Power Conditioner Design for Nuclear Electric Propulsion," p. 52, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, Concepts, Systems

Mondt, J.F., and Peelgren, M.L., "External Fuel Thermionic Reactor System," p. 34, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, NaK, Concepts

Nakashima, A.M., and Sawyer, C.D., "Sizing an External-Fueled In-Core Thermionic Reactor," p. 99, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-core, Space Reactor, Development

Rouklove, Peter, and DeSteese, John G., "Detailed Design of a 100 Watt Multicell Thermionic Power Supply," p. 59, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts, In-Pile Tests; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Radioisotope Thermionic Systems

Sawyer, C.D., "Comparison of Closed Loop Thermionic Reactor Control Schemes," p. 41, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, Concepts

Schaupp, R.W., and Sawyer, C.D., "Applications of Nuclear Reactor Power Systems to Electric Propulsion Missions," p. 1, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

Refractory Materials

Peehs, M., and Schoerner, H., "Technology and Testing of the Emitter-Fuel-System for ITR," p. 313, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Refractory Materials, Molybdenum, Fabrication, Irradiation

Phillips, W.M., "Compatibility of Buffered Uranium Carbides with Tungsten," p. 336, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Corrosion, Irradiation

Reichelt, W.H., Backus, C.E., Patrick, A.J., and Ranken, W.A., "Effect of Fast-Neutron Irradiation on Ceramics and Ceramic-Metal Seals," p. 128, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Refractory Materials, Irradiation, Yttria, Alumina

Schaffhauser, A.C., Inouye, H., and McCoy, H.E., "Materials Development at ORNL for Thermionics Applications," p. 155, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Irradiation, Fabrication

Wiffen, F.W., "Radiation Damage to Refractory Metals as Related to Thermionic Applications," p. 156, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Refractory Materials, Irradiation, Properties

Thermionic Converter Research

Claaben or Claassen, H.A., "Limitations of the Basic Assumptions in Cesium Arc Mode Theory," p. 300, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Froehlich, G. and Sewing, K.H., "Influence of the Electron Temperature and other Parameters on the Electron Density of a Cesium Plasma in a Thermionic Converter," p. 264, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Hansen, L.K., "Simplified Thermionic Converter Calculations," p. 271, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Hansen, L.K., and Guderjahn, C., "Ellipsometry for the Study of Equilibrium Cesium Adsorption," p. 187, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Haufler, G., Goretzki, H., and Jucker, J., "Measurement of the Electron Work Function in Binary and Ternary Transition Metal-Nonmetal Systems," p. 203, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research Surface Physics

Henne, R., "Thermionic Energy Conversion with a Ba-Cs Diode," FRG, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Kaare, J. Nygaard and Hebner, Robert E., Jr., "Two-Step Photo-Ionization in Cesium Vapor," p. 288, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Lehwald, S., Erley, W., and Wagner, H., "Color Etching Process for Investigating the Distribution of Crystal Orientations on Polycrystalline Tungsten Surfaces," p. 208, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Lieb, David P., Rufeh, F., Stahlkopf, K., and Pigford, T., "Formation of Metal-Oxygen Compounds for Additive Thermionic Converters," p. 194, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter, Research, Surface Physics

McCandless, R.J., Rush, D.J., Wilkins, D.R., and Katra, J.A., "Applications of an Improved Formalism for the Analysis of Transport Phenomena in Gaseous Mixtures and Plasmas," p. 292, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Plasma Physics

Rasor, Ned S. and Britt, Edward J., "Suppression of Arc Drop in Thermionic Converters," p. 272, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Converter Physics

Rasor, Ned S., "Analytical Description of Cs-W-O Adsorption Phenomenology," p. 181, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Schins, H.E.J., Ooms, M.C., and Van Wijk, R.W.M., "Work Functions of Some Emitting and Collecting Refractory Metal Single Crystals," IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Warner, C., "Oxygen and the Cesium Thermionic Converter," p. 170, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Converter Research, Surface Physics

Thermionic Devices

Dunlay, J., Matsuda, S., and Poirier, V., "Cylindrical Diode Characteristics with Sublimed Electrode Surfaces," p. 242, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Development, Cylindrical

Hart, W., and Holick, H., "Parametric Optimization of a Cylindrical Converter with a Molybdenum Emitter and Niobium Collector," p. 258, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical, Nuclear

Manista, E.J., Smith, A.L., and Lancashire, R.B., "Comparison of Computer-Acquired Performance Data from Several Fixed Spaced Planar Diodes," p. 225, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Development

McCandless, R.J., and Wilkins, D.R., "Computed Performance Data for a Thermionic Converter having a Cl-CVD-W Emitter and a Polycrystalline Nb Collector," p. 282, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Development

Rufeh, F., Gunther, B., and Lieb, David P., "Performance Comparison of Thermionic Converters with Several Collector Materials," p. 231, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Work Function, Development

Shimada, K., and Cassell, P.L., "Evaluations of Uranium-Nitride Fueled Converters," p. 253, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Planar, Work Function

Shimada, K., "Out-of-Core Evaluations of a Nonfueled and a UO2-Fueled Cylindrical Thermionic Converter," p. 248, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Cylindrical, Work Function

Wilson, V.C., "Output Performance of a Thermionic of a Thermionic Converter with an Oriented Tungsten (110) Emitter and a Polycrystalline Tungsten Collector," p. 220, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Devices, Planar, Work Function, Development

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Britt, Edward J., and Davis, Monte V., "Dielectric Breakdown in Electrical Insulators used in Thermionic Converters," p. 137, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators

Ernst, D.M., and Peelgren, M.L., "Design of an External-Fueled Thermionic Diode for In-Pile Testing," p. 78, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Bond

Kauffmann, Y., Durand, J.P., Stora, J.P., and Francois, B., "Cythere Experiment: Description of the Device and Preliminary Results," p. 330, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 197l; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Irradiation, In-Pile Tests

Mondt, J.F., and Peelgren, M.L., "External Fuel Thermionic Reactor System," p. 34, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Performance, Endurance

Peehs, M., and Schoerner, H., "Development of the Insulating Multilayer Collector System for ITR (Status Report)," p. 147, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators, Fabrication

Peelgren, M.L., and Ernst, D.M., "Design and Testing a High Fuel Volume Fraction, Externally Finned, Thermionic Emitter," IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Out-of-Pile Tests

Reichelt, W.H., Backus, C.E., Patrick, A.J., and Ranken, W.A., "Implications of Ceramic-Insulator Irradiation Results for Thermionic Reactor Design," p. 133, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators

Sawyer, C.D., "Dexter - A One-Dimensional Code for Calculating Thermionic Performance of Long Converters," p. 92, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development

Schock, A., and Raab, B., "Development of a Full-Length External-Fuel Thermionic Converter for In-Pile Testing," p. 116, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators, Out-of-Pile Tests

Shimada, K., and Rouklove, P., "Reactor Core Length, Externally Configured Thermionic Converter," p. 110, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Out-of-Pile Tests

Yates, M.K., Holland, Allen, Fitzpatrick, Grebetz, and Horner, "Thermionic Fuel Element Development Program Status," p. 68, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, Fabrication, In-Pile Tests

Zoeller (or Zoller), R., and Jester, A., "Post Irradiation Examination of an UO2 Fueled Thermionic Diode with a Revolver Type Emitter," p. 323, IEEE 1971 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference, San Diego, California, 1971; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Irradiation, In-Pile Tests (or Out-of-Pile Tests?), Fabrication

IEEE 1972 Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference

International Astronautical Congress

Blumenberg, J., "Optimization of Powerful Energy Supply Systems for Application in Space," Proceeding 30th International Astronautical Congress - FRG, 1979; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Theory

Cahen, O., and Dieulesaint, E., "Thermionic Conversion of Solar and Nuclear Energy in Space Vehicles," Proceeding 14th International Astronautical Congress, 1963; Thermionic Devices, Solar

International Conference on Altern. Energy Sources

Sahin, S., "Solar Energy Power Generators with Advanced Thermionic Converters for Space Craft Applications," Proceeding, of 2nd Miami International Conference on Altern. Energy Sources, 1979; Thermionic Devices, Solar

International Conference on Chem. Vapor Deposition, 3rd

Chin, J., "Geometric Considerations in Chemical Vapor Depositions," GA-10676, Presented at 3rd Inter. Conf, on Chem. Vapor Deposition, 1972; Refractory Materials, Fabrication

International Conference on Fast Breeder Reactors Fuel Perform.

Wood, M.H., and Hayns, M.R., "Development of Physical Models of Fission Gas Behaviour in Nuclear Fuels under Operational and Transient Conditions," p. 17, 1979 Proceeding Topical Meet. Intl. Conference on Fast Breeder Reactors Fuel Perform., 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Transients, Computer Code, Swelling

International Conference on Structural Mech. in Reactor Tech.

Ting, Y.D., Wazzan, A.R., and Okrent, D., "Prediction of Thermal Mechanical and Fission Gas Behavior of Carbide Fuel Element during Fast Thermal Transients using UNCLE-T-BUBE Code," pp. C1/10, International Conference on Structural Mech. in Reactor Tech. Vol. C, 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Carbide, Computer Code, Cladding

International Field Emission Symposium

Swanson, L.W., International Field Emission Symposium Portland, OR, USA, 1981

International Gas Research Conference

Fitzpatrick, G.O., "High Temperature Thermionic Cogeneration," International Gas Research Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, 1981

Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

1st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Thermionic Devices

Brosens, P.J., "Discussion of Solar Power Systems for Solar Probes -Thermoelectrics and Thermionics," Proceeding 1st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1966; Thermionic Devices, Solar

2nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

3rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Gasper, K.A., and J.G. DeSteese, "Miniature Isotope Thermionic Electrical Power Supply," p. 773, Proceeding 3rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boulder, Colorado, USA, published by IEEE, New York, Aug. 13-16, 1968; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Radioisotope Thermionic Systems

4th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Nuclear Reactor

Holland, J.W., and Homeyer, W.G., "Thermionic Reactor System Development," GA-9176, Proceeding 4th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 1969; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Einfeld, K., "Present Status of Development of Thermionic Diodes and Thermionic Reactors in the Federal Republic of Germany," Proceeding 4th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 1969; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development

5th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Nuclear Reactor

Gietzen, A.J., and Homeyer, W.G., "A 100 kWe Thermionic Power System Design," GA-9840, Proceeding 5th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

6th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Nuclear Reactor

Holland, J.W., et al, "Thermionic Reactor Development," GA-10643, Proceeding 6th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, USA, 1971; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Nuclear Reactor

Beard, D.S., and Lynch, J.J., "Thermionic Reactor Program - An Overview," p. 1036, Proceeding 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference published by the American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, USSR; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Thermionic Nuclear Reactor Systems

Gietzen, A.J., and Homeyer, W.G., "Thermionic Reactor Power Systems," p. 556-75, Proceeding 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Concepts, Space Reactor

Kroeger, E.W., Ward, J.J., and Breitwieser, R., "Out-of-Core Version of a Six Cell Heat-Pipe Heated Thermionic Converter Array," p. 1066, Proceeding 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Space Reactor, Heat Pipe, Fast Neutrons, Concepts

Thermionic Devices

Kroeger, E.W., Ward, J.J., and Breitwieser, R., "An Out-of-Core Version of a Six Cell Heat-Pipe Thermionic Converter Array," p. 1066, Proceeding 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1972; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Holland, J.W., "Thermionic Fuel Element Development Status Summary," p. 1060, Proceeding 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, published by the American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, In-core, Performance, In-Pile Tests, Endurance; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Thermionic Nuclear Reactor Systems

Yang, L., and Chin J., "Development Status of Thermionic Materials," p. 1041, Proceeding 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1972; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Insulators, Bond, In-Pile Tests, Out-of-Pile Tests, Performance, Endurance

8th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

9th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Britt E.J., G.O. Fitzpatrick and N.S. Rasor, "Thermionic Topping of Electric Power Plants," Proceeding 10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Newark, Delaware, USA, 1975

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and F.N. Huffman, "The Growth of Thermionic Energy Conversion," Proceeding 10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Newark, Delaware, USA, 1975

Huffman, F.N., T.O.P. Speidel, J.P. Davis, "Topping Cycle Applications of Thermionic Conversion," Proceeding 10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Newark, Delaware, USA, 1975

Newby, G.A., "The ERDA Thermionic Program," Proceeding 10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Newark, Delaware, USA, 1975

Rufeh, F., A. Sommer, and F. Huffman, p. 361, Proceeding 10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Newark, published by IEEE, New York, 1975;Thermionic Energy Converter, References

11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Electric Propulsion

Britt, E.J., Clark, K.E., and Pawlik, E.V., "Inductively Coupled TI-MPD Spacecraft," Proceeding 11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September, 1976; Electric Propulsion, Magneto Plasma

Nuclear Reactor

Phillips, W.M., Estabrook, W.C., and Hsieh, T.M., "Nuclear Thermionic Power System for Spacecraft," Proceeding 11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September, 1976; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor



Britt, E.J., and G.O. Fitzpatrick, "Thermionic Topping for Central Station Power Plants," Proceeding 11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September, 1976

Henne, R., and M. v. Bradke, "Flame-Heated Thermionic Diodes with Cermet Emitters and Low Work Function Collectors," Proceeding 11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September, 1976

Huffman, F., Lieb, David P., T. Briere, A. Sommer, F. Rufeh, "Advanced Thermionic Converter Development," Proceeding 11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September, 1976

Merrill, O.S., and J.J. Cuttica, "ERDA's Bicentennial Thermionic Research and Technology Program," Proceeding 11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September, 1976

Miskolczy, G., and T.O.P. Speidel, "Thermionic Topping of a Steam Power Plant," Proceeding 11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September, 1976

12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Fitzpatrick, G.O., E.J. Britt and G. Carnasciali, "Increased Central Station Power Plant Efficiency with a Thermionic Topping System," Proceeding 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, September, 1977

Huffman, F., D. Lieb, and F. Rufeh, p. 1548, Proceeding 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., 1977; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Lieb, D., et al., p. 1555, Proceeding 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., published by ANS, LaGrange Park, Ill, 1977; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Miskolczy, G., and F.N. Huffman, "Evaluation of MHD-Thermionic-Steam Cycles," Proceeding 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, September, 1977

Morozov, G.N., "Comparative Evaluation of Technical And Economic Indices for MHD and Thermionic Toppers for Steam Turbine Facilities," USSR, Vol. 2, p. 1733, Proceeding 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, published by ANS, LaGrange Park, Ill, September, 1977; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Fossil-Fuel Power Plants

Shimada, K., and M. Swerdling, "Solar Thermionic Power Systems for Terrestrial Applications," Proceeding 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, September, 1977

13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Fitzpatrick, G.O., and E.J. Britt, "Thermionic Power Plant Design Point Selection: The Economic Impact," Vol. 3, p. 1887, Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Fossil-Fuel Power Plants

Holcomb, Lee B., "NASA's Thermionic Technology Program," p.1909, Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts

Hsieh, T.M., and Phillips, W.M., "An Improved Thermionic Power Conversion System for Space Propulsion," p. 1917, Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978; Thermionic Devices, Nuclear

Huffman, F.N., B. Gunther and G. Miskolczy, "Characteristics of Combustion-Heated Thermionic Diodes," Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978

Merrill, O.S., "The Department of Energy's Thermionic Energy Conversion Program," Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978

Miskolczy, G., and B. Gunther, "Conceptual Design of a Thermionic Topped Steam Electric Generator Plant using an Advanced Boiler Concept," Vol. 3, p. 1893, Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Fossil-Fuel Power Plants

Rasor, Ned S., "A Summary of USSR Thermionic Energy Conversion Activity," p. 1904, Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978

Shimada, K., "Prospects of Thermionic Power Systems," Proceeding 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1978

14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Begg, L.L., G.O. Fitzpatrick, ""ZEPO" - The World's Largest Thermionic Converter," Proceeding 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August, 1979

Ernst, D.M., "NEP Heat Pipe Radiators," p. 1886, Proceeding 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August, 1979; Nuclear Reactor, Thermionic Devices, Nuclear, Radiator

Hatch, G.L., L. Nakata, E.J. Britt, G.O. Fitzpatrick, "Low Cost Cylindrical Converter for Measuring Lead Efficiencies," Proceeding 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August, 1979

Hatch, G.L., L. Nakata, and E.J. Britt, p. 1894, Proceeding 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., published by the American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1979; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Huffman, F.N., B. Gunther and G. Miskolczy, "Flame-Fired Thermionic Diode Development," Proceeding 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August, 1979

Miskolczy, G., and A.E. Margulies, "Design Study of a Coal-Fired Thermionic-Topped Power Plant using an Advanced Boiler," Proceeding 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August, 1979

Von Bradke, M., and R. Henne, "State of Cermet Electrode Development for Flame Heated Thermionic Converters," FRG, Proceeding 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August, 1979

15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Davis, P.R., S.A. Chambers, L.W. Swanson, "The Adsorption of Cesium on Lanthanum Hexaboride Surfaces," Proceeding 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 1980

Dick, R.S., McVey, J., Britt, E.J., and G.O. Fitzpatrick, "Collector Temperature Effects on the Performance of Advanced Thermionic Converters and Nuclear Electric Propulsion Systems," Proceeding 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 1980; Electric Propulsion, Systems

Miskolczy Gabor, Chi Chung Wang, Thermo Electron Corp. A.E. Margulies, L.J. Fusegni, and B.J. Lovell, Arthur E. Margulies, and Lewis J. Fusegni, Stone & Webster Eng. Corp., "Thermionic Topping of Combined Cycle Power Plants and Cogeneration Applications," Proceeding 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 1980

Smith, M.D., M.L. Maenad, E.J. Britt, "Utilization of Low Temperature Insulators and Seals in Thermionic Converter," Proceeding 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 1980

Stark, G, M. Saunders, Lieb, David P., "Thermionic Converter Output as a Function of Collector Temperature," Proceeding 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 1980

16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Fitzpatrick, G.O., E.J. Britt and R.S. Dick, "High Temperature Cogeneration with Thermionic Burners," Vol. 2, p. 1951, Proceeding 16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, published by ASME, New York, August, 1981; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Fossil-Fuel Power Plants

Fitzpatrick, G.O., E.J. Britt and R.S. Dick, "Increased Performance in Gas Turbine Power Plants," Proceeding 16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August, 1981

Fitzpatrick, G.O., E.J. Britt, R.S. Dick, R.F. Lohneiss, R.A. Sederquist and S.J. Lehman, "Thermionic Converters for Increased Performance in Gas Turbine Power Plants," Proceeding 16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August, 1981

Goodale, D.B., P. Reagan, G. Miskolczy, "Characteristics of CVD Silicon Carbide Thermionic Converters," Proceeding 16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August, 1981

Miskolczy, G., C.C. Wang, Lieb, David P., A.E. Margulies, L.J. Fusegni, and B.J. Lovell, "Thermionic Combustor Application to Combined Gas and Steam Turbine Power Plants," Vol. 2, p. 1956, Proceeding 16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, published by ASME, New York, August, 1981; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Fossil-Fuel Power Plants

17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Nuclear Reactor, Thermionic Fuel Elements

Britt, E.J., and Fitzpatrick, G.O., "Direct Conversion Nuclear Space Power Systems," p.1894, Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Out-of-core, Radiator, Space Reactor

Britt, E.J., and Fitzpatrick, G.O., "Direct Conversion Nuclear Space Power Systems," p. 1894, Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Performance

Huffman, F., Reagan, P., and Miskolczy, G., "Thermionic Technology Infrastructure for Space Power," p. 1908, Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Out-of-core, Heat Pipe, Space Reactor

Huffman, F., Reagan, P., and Miskolczy, G., "Thermionic Technology Infrastructure for Space Power," p. 1908, Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Insulators, Fabrication, Development

Morris, J.F., "Direct-Energy-Conversion Implicating of Space Nuclear Reactors," p. 1902, Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Space Reactor

Morris, J.F., "Direct-Energy-Conversion Implications of Space Nuclear Reactors," p. 1902, Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, Development



Goodale, D., D. Lieb and D. Neale, "Solar Thermionic Energy Converter Experiment," Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982

Goodale, D., P. Reagan, Lieb, David P., F. Huffman, "Thermionic Converters for Terrestrial Applications," Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982

Miskolczy, G., and Lieb, David P., "Cogeneration using a Thermionic Combustor," Proceeding 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1982

18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Dick, R.S., J.R. McVey, G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt, "High Performance, Close-Spaced Thermionic Converters," Proceeding 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, August, 1983

Goodale, D., Lieb, David P., David P., G. Miskolczy and A. Moffat, "Combustion Converter Development for Topping and Cogeneration Applications," Proceeding 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, August, 1983

Huffman, F., "Overview of Terrestrial Thermionics," Proceeding 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, August, 1983

Miskolczy, G., D. Goodale, A.L. Moffat and D.T. Morgan, "Thermionic Cogeneration Burner Design," Proceeding 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, August, 1983

19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Dick, R.S., "Thermionic Cogeneration Burner Assessment," Proceeding 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, August, 1984

Goodale, D.B., and G. Miskolczy, A. Moffat and A. Gentile, "Combustion Converter Design Evolution," Proceeding 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, August, 1984

Miskolczy, G., D. Goodale, A. Moffat and A. Gentile, "Design and Construction of Thermionic Cogeneration Burner Module," Proceeding 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, August, 1984

Nyren, T., M. Korringa, J. McVey, T. Sahines and G.O. Fitzpatrick, "Design and Testing of a Combustion-Heated Nineteen-Converters SAVTEC Array," Proceeding 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, August, 1984

20th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

21st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Gubbels, G.H.M., R. Metselaar, E. Penders, L.R. Wolff, "Combustion Heated Thermionic Energy Converter," 21st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, 1986

Morris, J.F., "Aspects of Cs, Ba Knudsen Ultrahigh - Temperature TEC," 21st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, August, USA, 1986

22nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

23rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Ender, A.Ya., V.I. Sitnov, "Collector Emission Influence on Characteristics of Knudsen Thermionic Converter," Proceeding 23rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Denver, Colo., USA, August, 1988

24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

25th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Fitzpatrick, Gary O., Daniel T. Allen, "Thermionic Converter: Normal and Transparent Collectors," Proceeding 25th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Reno, Nevada, USA, August, 1990

26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Fitzpatrick, G., D. Allen, G. L. Hatch, J. McVey, H. Bloomfield, "New Thermionic Converter for Out-of-Core Space Reactor Power Systems," Proceeding 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, August, 1991 (omitted from proceedings, available from the authors)

Nikolaev, Y.V., R.Ya. Kucherov, R.N. Maraginsky, P.P. Kuznetsov, "A Terrestrial Solar Power Plant with Direct Energy Converter," USSR, Proceeding 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, August, 1991

27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference ?

Klepikov, V.V., V.I. Yarigin, G.A. Kuptsov, W.B. Veltkamp and L.R. Wolff, "Design of a TECTEM Prototype," Russia & Holland, Proceeding 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August, 1992

Moizhes, Boris Y., "Effectiveness of Low-Temperature Thermionic Converters for Topping the Rankine Cycle," Semket Associates, Proceeding 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August, 1992

Veltkamp, W.B., H.P. van Kemenade, and W.F.J. Sampers, "Combustion Heated Thermionic Systems," Holland, Proceeding 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August, 1992

Yarygin, V.I., A.V. Vizgalov, V.V. Klepikov, S.U. Tulin, V.A. Ruzhnikov, L.R. Wolff, and W.B. Veltkamp, "Progress in the Field of Terrestrial Thermionics," Russia & Holland, Proceeding 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August, 1992

28th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Fitzpatrick, G., J. Lawless, Y. Nikolaev, S. Yeremin, A. Klinkov, J. McVey, "Demonstration of Close-Spaced Thermionic Converters," Proceeding 28th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August, 1993

29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Davidsson, Jan, and Robert Svensson, "Negative Resistivity Behavior in a Thermionic Energy Converter," pp. 1032, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Donovan, Brian D., and Thomas R. Lamp, "Thermionic Technology Programs at Wright Laboratory," pp. 1015, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Fukuda, R., Y. Kasuga, K. Hayashi, K. Katoh, S. Shimizu, "Study on Tungsten Oxide Material for Thermionic Energy Converter Collector," pp. 1041, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Kando, M., H. Furukama, M. Ichikawa and S. Yokoi, "Characteristics of Thermionic Energy Converter with Photoelectric Emission," pp. 1067, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Malyshkov, G.M., P.L. Ossokin, V.P. Smirnov, S.V. Averin and Ye.A. Meleta, "TEC Electronic Power System," pp. 1073, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Miskolczy, Gabor, Peter Reagan, David P. Lieb, David P., "Multi-Diode Converter Feasibility Experiments," pp. 1049, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Nikolaev, Yu.V., A.S. Gonter, G.A. Vedenyapin, M.V. Nelidov, V.N. Sotnikov, "Out-of-Pile Simulation of Deformation Behaviour of a Thermionic Fuel Element under Thermocycling Conditions," pp. 1027, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Tsao Bang-Hung & M.L. Ramalingam, UES, Inc., and Brian D. Donovan & Tom R. Lamp, "Ta-46%Ir as a Brazing Filler with Low Vapor Pressure for High Temperature Thermionic Applications," pp. 1021, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Van Kemenade, Erik, and W. Bart Veltkamp, "Design of a Thermionic Converter for a Domestic Heating System," pp. 1055, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

Yarygin, V.I., Ye.A. Meleta, S.M. Tulin, V.V. Klepikov, V.A. Ruzhnikov and L.R. Wolff, "Test of a TEC-Module," pp. 1061, Proceeding 29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Monterey, CA, August 7-11, 1994

30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Horner, M.H., L.L. Begg, J.N. Smith, General Atomics, "Design and Operation of a Thermionic Converter in Air," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Kalandarishvili, A., INERTEK, G. Mailov, B. Igumnov, I.N. Vekua Sukhumi Institute, "Development of a Technique for Ex-Reactor Heating of Electrodes and for Obtaining Voltage-Current Characteristics of Multi-Cell Thermionic Fuel Elements," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Kucherov, R.Y., V.A. Modin, Y.V. Nikolaev, Scientific Industrial Association "Lutch", Podolsk, Russia, "Effects on Injection of Inert Gases in the Interelectrode Gap of a Single-Cell TFE on Its Performance," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Kucherov, R.Y., Y.V. Nikolaev, "Close-Spaced Knudsen's Mode Thermionic Converter," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Miskolczy, G., ThermoTrex Corp., R. Svedberg, AMPS, T. Van Hagan, General Atomics, "Design of a Thermionic AMTEC Cascade Experiment," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Nikolaev, Y., A.S. Gontar, V.N. Sotnikov, State Research Institute, Russia, "Complex Computational Investigation of Single-Element TFE Time-Dependent Behavior with Consideration for Mutual Influence of Lifetime Limiting Processes," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Olsson, B., University of Goteborg, R. Svensson, Chalmers University, J. Davidson, University of Goteborg, "A Spectroscopic Study of Flashes in an Open Cesium Diode," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Richardson, K.H., Thermacore, Inc., K. Hernqvist, Consultant, Princeton, NJ, USA, "Hybrid-Mode Thermionic Energy Converters," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Smith, J.N., M.H. Horner, L.L. Begg, General Atomics, "Integral Cesium Reservoir: Design and Operation," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Tsakadze, L., I.N. Vekua Sukhumi Institute, "Investigation of (110) Mo, (110) W Monocrystals and Nb Polycrystal, Implanted with Oxygen Ions and used as TIC Electrodes," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

Van Hagan, T., General Atomics, M. Schuller, Phillips Laboratory, "Cascaded Thermionic/AMTEC Space Power Systems," Proceeding 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 6/30-7/4/95, 1995

31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

El-Genk, M.S., D.V. Paramonov, "Effect of Oxygen on Performance and Mass Transport in a Single-Cell Thermionic Fuel Element," pp. 945, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Fitzpatrick, G., J. Koester, J. Change, and E. Britt, Space Power, Inc., J. McVey, Consultant, "Close-Spaced Thermionic Converters with Active Spacing Control and Heat-Pipe Isothermal Emitters," pp. 920, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Gontar, A.S., R.Ya. Kucherov, Yu.V. Nikolaev, M.V. Nelidov, State Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association LUTCH, Podolsk, Russia, "Merits of the Refractory Metals Single Crystals in Application to the TFE," pp. 951, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Kalandarishvili, A.G., "The Method of Creating a Small Interelectrode Spacing Thermionic Energy Converters," pp. 928, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Koester, Ken, etc., "Space-R Nuclear Power System SC-320 Thermionic Fuel Element Performance Tests," pp. 962, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Lamp, T.R, "Advanced Conversion Technologies for Small-Scale Remote Power Systems," Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Moyzhes, B., "Minimum Collector Work Function and the Possibility the Existence of Cs the Collector Surface," pp. 933, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Moyzhes, B., Consultant G.O. Fitzpatrick, Space Power, Inc., "Maximum Thermionic Energy Conversion Efficiency Based on the Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes," pp. 957, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Newman, Edwin, "A New Cascade Process Heat Conversion System," pp. 936, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

Svensson, R., "TEC as Electric Generator in an Automobile Catalytic Converter," pp. 941, Proceeding 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, USA August 11-16, 1996

32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference

Terrestrial Thermionics, Chaired By: P. Jarvinen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA, USA, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Bhattacharyya, S., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, "Thermodynamic Design of a Power Optimized Irreversible Thermionic Generator," pp. 1057, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Fitzpatrick, Gary O., and Edward J. Britt, Boris Moyzhes, Consultant, "Updated Perspective on the Potential for Thermionic Conversion to Meet 21st Century Energy Needs," pp. 1045, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Kalandarishvili, A.G., B.S. Stepennov, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia, "Alkali Metal Detectors for Coolant Leakage Monitoring the Thermionic Nuclear Power Systems," pp. 1066, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Kalandarishvili, A.G., Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia, "The Basics of the Technology of Creating a Small Interelectrode Spacing in Thermionic Energy Converters with the Use of Two-Phase Systems," pp. 1052, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Svensson, R., Sweden Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden, L. Holmlid, University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden, "Fast Pulsing of an Open Research Thermionic Converter," pp. 1071, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Yarygin, V.I., V.V. Klepikov, Ye.A. Meleta, A. S. Mikheyev, D.V. Yarygin, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia, L.R. Wolff, Energy Conversion Systems B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, "Combustion Heated Cold Seal TEC," pp. 2264, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Terrestrial Thermoelectrics Chaired By: T. Caillat, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Meleta, Ye.A., V.I. Yarygin, V.V. Klepikov, State Scientific Center of Russian Federation Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia L.R. Wolff, Energy Conversion Systems B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, "Truck Co-Generation System Based on Combustion Heated Thermoelectric Conversion," pp. 1092, Proceeding 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 27 - August 1, 1997

Metallurgical Society Conferences

Barnes, R.S., and Nelson, R.S., "Theories of Swelling and Gas Retention in Reactor Materials," Metallurgical Society Conferences, Vol. 37, 1967; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Skaudahl, R.E., Spalaris, G.N., and Zebroski, E.L., Am. Inst. of Mining - Inst. of Metals Div., "US Experience on Irradiation Performance of UO2 - PuO2 Fast Reactor Fuel," Nucl. Metallurgy Symp., U.13, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide

Power Systems for Space Flight Progress in Astronautics

Brosens, P.J., Kitrilakis, S.S., Zipkin, M., and Edwards, R.N., "Cesium Thermionic Converters and Generators for Solar Space Power Systems," Power Systems for Space Flight Progress in Astronautics Vol. 11, 1963; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Purdy, D.L., Zipkin, M., and Edwards, R.N., "Thermionic Cavity Generator Development," Power Systems For Space Flight. Progress in Astronautics, 1963; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Research and Utilization Conference

Pantazelos, P., "Latest Research Advances in Gas Thermionic Generator Design," Presented at the Research and Utilization Conference, USA, June, 1963 or 1964

Solar Thermal Test Facilities Users Association

Britt, E.J., G.O. Fitzpatrick and D. Jacobson, "Thermionic Energy Conversion for Solar Applications," Annual Meeting of Solar Thermal Test Facilities Users Association, Golden, Colorado, USA, April, 1978, available from NTIS, Springfield, VA; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Solar Thermionic Systems

Space Power Systems Conference

Yang, L., et al, "Experimental Results on Selection of Thermionic Cathodes for Reactor Application," Presented at Space Power Systems Conference, Santa Monica, CA, USA, Sept., 1962; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance

Spec. Conference on Prime Power for High Energy Space Sys.

Huffman, F., David P. Lieb, David P., Reagan, P., and Miskolczy, G., TECO, "Thermionic Technology for Spacecraft Power: Progress And Problems," Spec. Conference on Prime Power for High Energy Space Sys. Norfolk, Feb., 1982; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts

Symposium on Adv. Prop. Concepts

Pidd, R.W., "Thermionic Reactor Power for Electric Propulsion Systems," GA-6263, Presented at 4th Symp. on Adv. Prop. Concepts, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor

Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems

One Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

2nd Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

Barattino, W., M.S. El-Genk, and P. McDaniel, "Thermal Analysis of a W-LiH Radiation Shield for an SP-100 Type Reactor," Space Nuclear Power Systems 1985, CONF-850103 (Eds. M. S. El-Genk and M. D. Hoover), Orbit Book Company, Inc., Malabar, FL, 4, 36, 1986, 287-302.

3rd Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

El-Genk, M.S., and J. Tae Seo, "SNPSAM-Space Nuclear Power System Analysis Model," Space Nuclear Power Systems 1986, CONF-860102 (Eds. M. S. El-Genk and M. D. Hoover), Orbit Book Company, Inc., Malabar, FL, 5, 1987, 111-123.

4th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

El-Genk, M.S., J. J. Buksa, and J.T. Seo, "Decay Heat Thermal Management of an SP-100 System," Space Nuclear Power Systems 1987, CONF-87000, (Eds. M. S. El-Genk and M. D. Hoover), Orbit Book Company, Inc., Malabar, FL, 6, 1988, 99-110.

5th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

6th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems

Fitzpatrick, G.O., R.C. Dahlberg, "SAVTEC Thermionic Converter with an SP-100 Heat Source," 6th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January, 1989

McGhee, J.M., M.S. El-Genk, and R.B. Rothrock, "Coolant Radiologic Gas Production in the SP-100 Class Reactors," Space Nuclear Power Systems 1989, CONF-89000, Orbit Book Co. Inc. Malabar, FL, 32, 1992, 325 -334.

7th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems, Albuquerque

Nikolaev, Yu.V., R.Ya. Kucherov, et al, "Close-Spaced Thermionic Energy Converter," 7th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January, 1990

8th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

9th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

10th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

Ender, A.Ya, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.I. Sitnov, and A.V. Solovyov, Ioffe Physico-technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, B.G. Ogloblin, A.N. Luppov, and A.V. Klimov, Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, St. Petersburg, Russia, "Ultra-High Temperature Thermionic System for Space Solar Power Applications," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Fitzpatrick, Gary O., and Daniel T. Allen, Space Power, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA, "Cascaded Thermionic Converters Applied to Space Nuclear Power Systems," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Gontar, Alexander S., Rafhael Ya. Kucherov, Nikolai V. Lapochkin, and Yuri V. Nikolaev, Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association "LUTCH", Podolsk, Russia, "Thermionic Fuel Element with Carbide Fuel," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Houts, M.G., Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA, L.L. Begg, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA, W.R. Wharton, USDOE, Germantown, MD, USA, L.A. Lawrence, Westinghouse Hanford Com., Richland, WA, USA, "Technical Accomplishments of the Thermionic Fuel Element Verification Program," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Lamp, T.R., and B.D. Donovan, "Energy Conversion Programs at Wright Laboratory," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Luchau, D.W., H.D. Follis and C.A. Schreiber, Team Specialty Products Corp., O.L. Izhavanov, V.I. Vibivanets, V.N. Androsov, and E.O. Shadrin, J.V. INERTEK, Moscow, Russia, "Thermionic Fuel Element Test Rig: Testing of Single Cell Thermionic Fuel Element Technology," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Magera, G.G., and P.R. Davis, Linfield College, McMinnville, OR, USA, "The Coadsorption of Cs and Ba onto the (110) Surface of Mo," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Miskolczy, G., T. Witt and Lieb, David P., David P., J. McVey and Laurie Hatch, "Design of Cesium Reservoir Critical Component Experiment for S-PRIME," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Nikolaev, Yu.V., A.V. Vasilchenko, S.A. Eryomin, N.V. Lapochkin, Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association "LUTCH", Podolsk, Russia, "Thermionic Fuel Element for High-Voltage Thermionic Nuclear Power Plant," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Paramonov, Dmitry V., and Mohamed S. El-Genk, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA, "Comparison of a TOPAZ-II Model with Experimental Data from the V-71 Unit Tests," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Scheglov, Alexander S., Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia, Victor V. Sinyavskiy, "Energia" Kaliningrar, Russia, Daniel T. Allen, Space Power, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA, "Influence of Emitter-Collector Axial Asymmetry on the Temperature Distribution in a Thermionic Converter," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Thayer, K.L., and M.L. Ramalingam, Timothy J. Young and T.R. Lamp, "Life Testing and Diagnosties of a Planar Out-of-Core Thermionic Converter," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Wold, Scott, Sandia National Lab., O.L. Izvanov and V.I. Vibivanets, Research Institute of Scientific Industrial Association "LUTCH", Podolsk, Russia, Glen I. Schmidt, New Mexico Engineering Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM, USA, "Topaz-II Thermionic Fuel Element Testing," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Wu Wei Y., C. Patuwathavithane, and Ralph H. Zee, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA, "Radiation Induced Conductivity in Ceramics Insulators for Thermionic Systems," Eleventh Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 9 -13, 1994

Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

Fitzpatrick, G., N. Britt, Space Power, Inc., Not presented here, "Magnetic Field Reduction on High-Current Unignited Mode Thermionic Converter," Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

Lamp, Thomas R., Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA, "Small-Scale Electric Generators for Arctic Applications," pp. 77, Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

Liu, Jun, and Ralph H. Zee, Auburn University, AL, USA, "Preparation of Molybdenum-Base Alloy Single Crystals," pp. 383, Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

Miskolczy, Gabor, and Peter Reagan, ThermoTrex Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA, "Application of Chemical Vapor Composites (CVC) to Terrestrial Thermionics," pp. 83, Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

Nikolaev, Yuri V., Alexander S. Gontar, Stanislav A. Eryomin, and Nikolai V. Lapochkin, Scientific Industrial Association "Lutch", Podolsk, Russia, Thomas H. Van Hagan, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA, Dale Rogers, Rockwell International Corporation, Canoga Park, CA, USA, "Multi-Cell TFE's of Thermionic NPP's," pp. 699, Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

Rhee, Hyop S., Cinian Zheng, and Kent Koester, San Jose, CA, USA and Anatoly Yastrebkov, Yuri Nikolaev, and A. Gontar, Scientific Industrial Association "Lutch", Podolsk, Russia, "Mo-6%Nb Single Crystal Alloy Creep Strength Demonstration for Long Life Thermionic Power System," pp. 389, Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

Thayer, Kevin L., and Mysore L. Ramalingam, UES, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA and Thomas R. Lamp, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA, "Characterization of Advanced Thermionic Energy Converters for Modular Power Units," pp. 675, Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

Agnew, Paul, and Judith L. Ing, AEA Technology, David Olson, Team Specialty Services Corporation, NM, USA, "Bulk Electrical Conductivity of Plasma-Sprayed Insulators Exposed to Cesium Vapor," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Ender, A.Ya., etc., Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russia, B.G. Ogloblin, etc., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Russia, "Cs-Ba Ultrahigh-Temperature Solar Commutation Element Optimization," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Lodhi, M.A.K., Department of Physics, Texas Tech University, Texas, USA, Michael Schuller and Paul Hausgen, Phillips Laboratory, NM, USA, "Mathematical Modeling for a Thermionic-AMTEC Cascade System," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Miskolczy, Gabor, ThermoTrex, Michael Schuller, Phillips Labs., Bob Sievers and Bob Svedberg, Advanced Modular Power System, Inc., Tom Van Hagen and Joe Smith, General Atomics, Elinor Reiners and Rob LeMire, ORION International Technologies, Inc., "Design and Preliminary Testing of a Thermionic AMTEC Cascade," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Nikolaev, Yuri V., Stanislav A. Eryomin, Sergei S. Kalmykov, Yuri D. Karpechenko, Rafail Ya. Kucherov, Nikolai V. Lapochkin, "High-Efficient Solar Power Systems Based on Thermionic Converter with Small Gap," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Ogloblin, B.G., etc., Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, Russia, and A.Ya. Ender, etc., Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russia, "Bimodal Solar System Based on a Ultra-High-Temperature TEC," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Olejniczak, K.J., etc., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA, "On the Role of Diamond, HTS, and a Novel MCM Topology in the Development of Multichip Power Modules (MCPMS) for Space Applications," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Paramonov, Dmitry V., and Mohamed S. El-Genk, "A Review of Cesium Thermionic Converters with Developed Emitter Surfaces," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

Vasilchenko, Alexander V., and Oleg L. Izhvanov, INERTEK, Podolsk, Russia, "Surface Conductivity of the Single Crystal Aluminum Oxide in Vacuum and Caesium Vapours," 13th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 7-11, 1996

14th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

15th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

16th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion

"A Thermionic Converter with a Macro-Grooved Emitter and 0.5 mm Gap," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Characterization of Sputter Deposited Thin Film Scandate Cathodes Utilizing Thermionic Converter Applications," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Design of Conductively Coupled Multi-Cell Thermionic Fuel Element," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Development of the Oxygenated Thermionic Energy Converters Utilizing Sputtered Metal Oxides as a Collector," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Emitter Tri-Layer Technology," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Evaluation of Oxygen-Dispensing Collectors for Thermionics," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Grid Design and Placement in a Cs-Ba Tacitron," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Multi-Cell Thermionic Fuel Element for Nuclear Electric Power and Propulsion System," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Plasma Switch with Developed Emitter," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Potential Distributions into Grid Mesh of Plasma Switches," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Results from the Microminiature Thermionic Converter Demonstration Testing Program," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"TEC Rectifier-A New Possible Terrestrial Application of the Thermionic Converters," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Terrestrial Solar Power System Based on Cs-Ba Thermionic Converter," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

"Thermionic Converters with Planar Electrodes for Solar Power and Propulsion Systems," 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 31- February 4, 1999

Thermophysics Conference

Reagan P., G. Miskolczy and F. Huffman, "Development of a CVD Silicon Carbide-Graphite-Tungsten Heat Pipe Structure," AIAA 16th Thermophysics Conference


Gasper K.A., "Miniature Isotope Electric Power Sources and Their Application to Nuclear Reactor Instrumentation," WESCON, Los Angeles, California, USA, Aug. 22, 1968


Acta Metallurgica

Beere, W., "Second Stage Sintering Kinetics of Powder Compacts," p. 139, Acta Metallurgica, Vol. 23, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release,?

Nichols, F.A., "On The Diffusional Mobilizes of Particles, Pores and Loops," p. 207, Acta Metallurgica, Vol. 20, Feb., 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Adv. Electronics and Electron Physics

Houston, J.M., and H.F. Webster, Adv. Electronics and Electron Physics, 17: 125, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes), Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Review Articles

AIAA Journal

Psarouthakis, J., "Thermionic Energy Conversion using Barium Plus Cesium Vapors," p. 1201-1208, AIAA Journal, 4(7), 1966

Altern. Energy Sources

Sahin, S., "Solar Energy Power Generators with Advanced Thermionic Converters for Spacecraft Applications," pp. 1253-66, Altern. Energy Sources 3, 1981; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Ann. Chem. Phys.

Langevin, P., Ann. Chem. Phys., 28: 289, 1903; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Ann. d. Phys.

Friedrich, J., Ann. d. Phys., 3: 327, 1959; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Holtsmark, J., Ann. d. Phys., 58: 577, 1919; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Ann. Nucl. Energy

Sahin, S., "Neutron Physics Analysis of Thermionic Reactors with U-233 as Fuel and Beryllium as Moderator (For Spacecraft)," pp. 447-50, Ann. Nucl. Energy 3:9-10, 1976; Nuclear Reactor, Stability

Sahin, S., Erisen, A., Selvi, S., and Yalcin, S., "Reflector Drums as Control Mechanism for Compact Thermionic Spacecraft Reactors with /SUP 233/U as Fuel," pp. 401-8, Nucl. Energy 18:6, 1979; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, Shielding, Fast Neutrons

Appl. Phys. Lett.

Bergman, R.S., and L.M. Chanin, Appl. Phys. Lett., 16: 426, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys.

Lindholm, E., Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys., 28B, no. 3, 1942; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Astronaut. Aeronaut.

Wilson, V.C., "Cesium Converter Studies," pp. 137-154, Prog. Astronaut. Aeronaut. 3, 1960; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Astrophys. J.

Inglis, D.R., and E. Teller, Astrophys. J, 90: 439, 1939; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.

Houston, J.M., "Electron Physics II," Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., 2(6): 358-360, 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Nolan, J.F., and A.V. Phelps, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 8: 445, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Webster, H.F., and J.E. Beggs, "High-Vacuum Thermionic Energy Converter," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 3: 266, 1958; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Wilson, V.C., "Conversion of Heat to Electricity by Thermionic Emission," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 3: 266, 1958; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Bureau Stand. J. Res.

Mohler, F.L., Bureau Stand. J. Res., 21: 873, 1938; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma


Engdahl, R.E., A.J. Cassano, and R.B. Dowdell, Combustion, 41: 24, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Electr. Eng.

Mueller, M.W., "Design of Solar-Powered Thermionic Diode," pp. 979-86, Electr. Eng. 79:12, 1960; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Oman, H. and Street, G., Jr., "Experimental Solar Thermionic Converter for Space Use," pp. 967-72, Electr. Eng. 79:12, 1960; Thermionic Devices, Solar

IEEE Trans.

Merrill, O.S., IEEE Trans. ED-16, 679, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Rouklove, P., IEEE Trans. ED-16, 672, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Schock, A., IEEE Trans., ED-16, 723, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Wernsman, B., and M.S. El-Genk, "Experimental Investigation of Current Modulation in a Planar Cs-Ba Tacitron," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 23 (2), 1995, 196 - 203.

Industr. Eng. Chem.

Langmuir, I., Industr. Eng. Chem., 22: 390, 1930; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Int. Journal Heat and Technology

El-Genk, M.S., and C. Gao, "An Experimental Investigation of Pool Boiling from a Downward-Facing Hemi-Spherical Stainless-Steel Surface," J. Heat and Technology, 16 (1), 65 - 75, 1999.

El-Genk, M.S., "A Review of Pool Boiling from Inclined and Downward-Facing Flat Surfaces," Int. J. Heat and Technology, 14(2), 1996, 95 - 104.

Int. Journal Heat Transfer Engineering

El-Genk, M.S., and D. V. Rao, "On the Prediction of the Critical Heat Flux at Low Flow and Low Pressure Conditions," Int. J. Heat Transfer Engineering, 12 (4), 1991, 48-57.

El-Genk, M.S., S. D. Bedrose, and D. V. Rao, "Forced and Combined Convection of Water in Rod Bundles," Int. J. Heat Transfer Engineering, 11 (4), 1990, 32-43.

Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer and Journal Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

El-Genk, M.S., and A.G. Glebov, "Film Boiling from a Downward-Facing Curved Surface in Saturated and Subcooled Water," Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(2), 1995, 275 - 288.

El-Genk, M.S., and A.W. Cronenberg, "On the Thermal Stability of a Frozen Crust in Forced Flow on an Insulated Finite Wall," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 22, 1979, 1719.

El-Genk, M.S., and D.V. Rao, "Heat Transfer Experiments and Correlations for Low Reynolds Number Flows of Water in a Vertical Annulus," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 10 (2), 1989, 44-57.

El-Genk, M.S., and D.V. Rao, "Unstable Buoyancy Assisted and Opposed Flows in a Vertical Annulus: I. Experiments and Flow Visualization," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 33, 1990, 2145-2158.

El-Genk, M.S., and H.H. Saber, "Determination of Operation Envelopes for Closed, Two-Phase Thermosyphons," Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, 889 - 903, 1999.

El-Genk, M.S., and H.H. Saber, "Heat Transfer Correlations for Small, Uniformly-Heated Liquid Pools," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 41(2), 1998, 261 - 274.

El-Genk, M.S., and H. Saber, "Flooding Limit for Closed, Gravity Assisted Two-Phase Flow Thermosyphons," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40(9), 1997, 2147 - 2164.

El-Genk, M.S., and L. Huang, "An Experimental Investigation of the Transient Response of a Water Heat Pipe," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36 (15), 1993, 3823-3830.

El-Genk, M.S., B. Su, and Z. Guo, "Forced, Combined, and Natural Convection of Water in Vertical Nine-Rod Bundles with a Square Lattice," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36(9), 1993.

El-Genk, M.S., S.J. Haynes, and Sung-Ho Kim, "Experimental Studies of Critical Heat Flux for Low Flow of Water in Vertical Annuli at Near Atmospheric Pressure," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 3(11), 1989, 2291.

El-Genk, M.S., G.M. Zaki, T.E. Williams, and J.S. Philbin, "Experimental Heat Transfer Studies of Laminar and Transition Flows of Water in a Vertical Annulus," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 13, No. 1, 1986, 67-75.

Guo, Z., and M.S. El-Genk, "An Experimental Study of Saturation Pool Boiling from Downward-Facing and Inclined Surfaces," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 35(9), 1992, 2109 - 2117.

Guo, Z., and M.S. El-Genk, "Liquid Microlayer Evaporation during Nucleate Boiling on the Surface of a Flat Composite Wall," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(11), 1994, 1641-1655.

Huang, L., and M.S. El-Genk, "Heat Transfer and Flow Visualization Experiments of Swirling, Multi-Channel, and Conventional Impinging," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 41(3), 1998, 583 - 600.

Huang, L., and M.S. El-Genk, "Heat Transfer of an Impinging Air Jet on a Flat Surface," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(13), 1994, 1915 - 1923.

Kim, Sung Ho, and M.S. El-Genk, "Heat Transfer Experiments for Low Flow of Water in Rod Bundles," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 32 (7), 1989, 1321-1336.

Rao, D.V., and M.S. El-Genk, "Unstable Buoyancy Assisted and Opposed Flows in a Vertical Annulus: II. Model Development and Analysis," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 33, 1990, 2161-2172.

Su, B., and M.S. El-Genk, "Forced Convection of Water in Rod-Bundles," J. Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 20 (2), 1993, 295 - 300.

Tournier, J.-M., and M.S. El-Genk, "A Vapor Flow Model for Analysis of Liquid-Metal Heat Pipes Startup from a Frozen State," Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(18), 1996, 3767 - 3780.

Int. Journal of Refrigeration

El-Genk, M.S., and Z. Guo, "Transient Boiling from Inclined and Downward Facing Surfaces in a Saturated Pool," Int. J. of Refrigeration, 16, No. (3), August 1993, 414-422.

Journal Amer. Chem. Soc.

Frost, B.R.T., "Studies of Irradiation Effects in Ceramic Fuel at Harwell," J. Am. Ceramic Soc., 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Test Results, Cermet

Hastings, I.J., and Rose, D.H., "Irradiation-Induced Volume Changes in Pickering Fuel," Annual Meeting: Am. Ceram. Soc., Cincinnati, USA, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Test Results

Hastings, I.J., and Scoberg, J.A., "Grain Growth in UO2," Annual Meeting: Am. Ceram. Soc., Chicago, USA, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Properties, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Langmuir, I., and D.S. Villars, "Oxygen Films on Tungsten I, A Study of Stability by Means of Electron Emission in Presence of Cesium Vapor," J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 53:486-497, 1931; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Journal Appl. Phys.

Aamodt, R.L., I.J. Brown, and V.D. Nichols, "Thermionic Emission from Molybdenum in Vapors of Cesium and Cesium Fluoride," J. Appl. Phys., 33: 2080-2085, 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Agnew, L., and W. Reichelt, J. Appl. Phys., 39: 3149, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Andersen, R.J., and. W.L. Nighan, J. Appl. Phys., 41: 3750, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Auer, P.L., and H. Hurwitz, Jr., "Positive Column Formation in Ion Sources Employing Surface Ionization," J. Appl. Phys., 31(6): 1007-1009, 1960; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Auer, P.L., and H. Hurwitz, Jr., "Space Charge Neutralization by Positive Ions in Diodes," J. Appl. Phys., 30(2): 161-165, 1959, 31: 2096, 1960; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Bullis, R H., et al., J. Appl. Phys., 38: 3425, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Chen, J.M., J. Appl. Phys., 41: 5008, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Donohue, R.J., and R.F. Majkowski, J. Appl. Phys., 33: 3, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

El-Genk, M.S., J.T. Seo, and J.J. Buksa, "Load Following Characteristics of SiGe/Gap Thermoelectric Generators and Their Response to External Heating," J. Applied Physics, 61 (5), 1 March 1987, 2059-2064

Gaines, G.B., and C.T. Sims, "Total Emittance of Rhenium," J. Appl. Phys., 34:2922, 1963; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Grover, G.M., D.J. Roehling, D.J. Salmi, and R.N. Pidd, "Properties of a Thermoelectric Cell," J. Appl. Phys., 29(11): 1611-1612, 1958; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Gruber, E.E., "Calculated Size Distributions for Gas Bubble Migration and Coalescence in Solids," p. 243, J. of Appl. Phys., 38:1, January, 1967; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Computer Code

Hansen, L.K., J. Appl. Phys., 35: 254, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Hansen, L.K., J. Appl. Phys., 38: 4345, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Harris, L.P., J. Appl. Phys., 34: 2958, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Harris, L.P., J. Appl. Phys., 36: 1543, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and J. Kaye, "Measured Thermal Efficiencies of a Diode Configuration of a Thermo Electron Engine," J. Appl. Phys., 29(7): 1124-1125, 1958; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Houston, J.M., "Theoretical Efficiency of the Thermionic Energy Converter," J. Appl. Phys., 30:481-487, 1959; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Ingold, J.H., "Calculation of Maximum Efficiency of the Thermionic Converter," J. Appl. Phys., 32:769-772, 1961; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Jacobson, D.L., and L.B. Robinson, J. Appl. Phys., 42: 984, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Lafferty, J.M., J. Appl. Phys., 32, 424, 1961

Luke J., and M.S. El-Genk, "Low Pressure Cs-Ba Discharge: I. Model Development," J. Applied Physics, 78 (6), 1995, 3643 - 3649

Luke J., and M.S. El-Genk, "Low Pressure Cs-Ba Discharge: II. Probe Measurements," J. Applied Physics, 78 (6), 1995, 3650 - 3658

Luke, J. and M.S. El-Genk, "Langmuir Probe Measurements of Discharge Parameters in a Cs-Ba Tacitron," J. Applied Physics, 81 (1), 1997

McIntye, G., "Extended Space Charge Theory in Low-Pressure Thermionic Converters," p. 2485-89, J. Appl. Phys., 1962, 33, 1962

Medicus, G., and G.J. Wehner, "Noble Gas Hot Cathode Diodes with Negative Arc Drop," J. Appl. Phys., 22:1389, 1951; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Michels, L.C. and Poeppel, R.B., "In-Pile Migration of Fission Product Inclusions in Mixed-Oxide Fuels," p.1003, J. of Appl. Phys., 44, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Solid Fission Products, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Murray, C., M.S. El-Genk, B. Wernsman, and V. Kaibyshev, "A Steady-State Model for a Low Pressure Cs-Ba Diode," J. Applied Physics, 74 (1), 68-76, 1993

Nichols, F.A., "Coalescence of Two Spheres by Surface Diffusion," p. 2805, J. of Appl. Phys., 37, 1966; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Properties

Norris, W.T., J. Appl. Phys., 36: 3260, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Rasor, N.S., "Figure of Merit for Thermionic Energy Conversion," J. Appl. Phys., 31: 163-167, 1960; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Rasor, N.S., and C. Warner, J. Appl. Phys., 35: 2589, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes); Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Schock, A., "Optimization of Emission-limited Thermionic Generators," J. Appl. Phys., 32(8): 1564-1570, 1961; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Schock, A., J. Appl. Phys., 31: 1978, 1960; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Shaw, D.T., and F.T. Wu, J. Appl. Phys., 42: 2294, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Shaw, D.T., and S.G. Margolis, J. Appl. Phys., 40: 4377, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Shaw, D.T., J. Appl. Phys., 40: 2412, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Shaw, D.T., J. Appl. Phys., 42: 3006, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Sheldon, J.W., J. Appl. Phys., 34: 444, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Warner, C., and L.K. Hansen, J. Appl. Phys., 38: 491, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Waszink, J.H., and J. Polman, J. Appl. Phys., 40: 2403, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Weber, R.E., and A.L. Johnson, J. Appl. Phys., 40: 314, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Webster, H.F., J. Appl. Phys., 30: 488, 1959; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Wernsman, B. and M.S. El-Genk, "Extinguishing by "Slow Quenching" in a Thick Grid Cs - Ba Tacitron," J. Applied Physics, 81 (1), 1997, 50 - 57

Wilkins, D.R., and E.P. Gyftopoulos, J. Appl. Phys., 37: 2888, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Wilkins, D.R., and E.P. Gyftopoulos, J. Appl. Phys., 37: 2892, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Wilkins, D.R., and E.P. Gyftopoulos, J. Appl. Phys., 37: 3533, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Wilkins, D.R., and E.P. Gyftopoulos, J. Appl. Phys., 38: 12, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters

Wilkins, D.R., J. Appl. Phys., 39: 2452, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Wilson, V.C., "Conversion of Heat to Electricity by Thermionic Emission," J. Appl. Phys., 30(4): 475-481, 1959; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Witting, H.L., and E.P. Gyftopoulos, J. Appl. Phys., 36: 1328, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Witting, H.L., J. Appl. Phys., 40: 236, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Journal Appl. Spectrosc.

Klyucharev, A.N., J. Appl. Spectrosc., 20: 269, 1974; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Journal Chem. Phys.

Lester, J.E., and G.A. Somorjai, J. Chem. Phys., 49: 2940, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

McCarroll, B., J. Chem. Phys., 46: 863, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Moor, G.E., and H.W. Allison, J. Chem. Phys., 23: 1609, 1955; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Nygaard, K.J., J. Chem. Phys., 49: 1955, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Rosenblatt, G.M., and Pang-Kai Lee, J. Chem. Phys., 49: 2995, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Swanson, L.W., and R.W. Strayer, J. Chem. Phys., 48: 2421, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Utsugi, H., and R. Gomer, J. Chem. Phys., 37: 1706, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Winterbottom, W., J. Chem. Phys., 51: 5610, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Journal Chemical Engineering Communication

El-Genk, M.S., Sung-Ho Kim, and D. Erickson, "Sedimentation of Binary Mixtures of Particles of Unequal Densities and of Different Sizes," J. Chemical Engineering Communication, 36, 1985, 99-119.

El-Genk, M.S., Sung-Ho Kim, G.M. Zaki, M. Aker, and F. Foushee, "Experimental Heat Transfer Study of Free Convection of Atmospheric Air in Vertical Open Annuli at High Surface Temperatures," J. Chem. Eng. Comm., 63, 1988, 225-243.

Journal Colloid and Interface Science

Abdel-Fattah, A. and M.S. El-Genk, "On Colloidal Particle Sorption onto a Stagnant Air/Water Interface," J. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 78, 1998, 237 - 266.

Abdel-Fattah, A. I. and M.S. El-Genk, "Sorption of Hydrophobic, Negatively Charged Microspheres onto a Stagnant Air/Water Interface," J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 202, 417 - 27, June 1998.

Journal Electron Contr.

Bacal, M., J. Electron Contr.,

Journal Electronics. Control

Feaster, G.R., "Thermionic Diodes as Energy Converters: An Addendum," J. Electron. Control, 5:142-145, 1958; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Moss, H., "Thermionic Diodes as Energy Converters," J. Electronics. Control, 2:305-322, 1957; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Journal Energy Conversion

Shaw, D.T., and F.T. Wu, J. Energy Conversion, 11: 113, 127, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Shaw, D.T., J. Energy Conversion, 11: 119, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Journal Energy Conversion and Management

Paramonov, D.V. and M.S. El-Genk, "A Review of Cesium Thermionic Converters with Developed Emitter Surfaces," J. Energy Conversion and Management, 38, 1996.

Tournier, J.-M., and M.S. El-Genk, "Performance Analyses of Pluto/Express, Multitube AMTEC Cells," J. Energy Conversion and Management, 40, 139 - 173, 1999.

Journal Eng. Power

Brosens, P.J., "Solar Thermionic Generators for Space Power," pp. 281-9, J. Eng. Power 87, 1965; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Journal IAAA

Thornton, J.A., J. IAAA, 9: 342, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Journal Nucl. Eng. & Design

El-Genk, M.S. and A.W. Cronenberg, "An Assessment of Fuel Freezing and Drainage Phenomena in a Reactor Shield Plug Following a Core Disruption Accident," J. Nucl. Engr. & Design, 47, 1978, 195

El-Genk, M.S., "Molten Fuel Radial Motion and Cladding Melting during a PCM Event in LWRs," J. Nucl. Engr. Design, 54, 1979, 349.

El-Genk, M.S., R.R. Hobbins, and P.E. MacDonald, "Molten Fuel-Coolant Interaction during a Reactivity Initiated Accident Experiment," J. Nucl. Engr. and Design, 66, 1981, 247.

El-Genk, M.S., R.R. Hobbins, and P.E. MacDonald, "Molten Fuel-Coolant Interaction during a Reactivity Initiated Accident Experiment," J. Nucl. Engr. and Design, 66, 1981, 247.

El-Genk, M.S., R.R. Hobbins, and P.E. MacDonald, "Molten Fuel-Coolant Interaction during a Reactivity Initiated Accident Experiment," J. Nucl. Engr. and Design, 66, 1981, 247

Esteves, R.G., Wazzan, A.R., and Okrent, D., "Simulation of Non-Equilibrium Fission Gas Behavior during Fast Thermal Transients," pp. 343-382, Nucl. Eng. & Design 45, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Transients, Computer Code, Uranium Oxide

Jankus, V.Z. and Weeks, R.W., "LIFE-II - A Computer Analysis of Fast-Reactor Fuel-Element Behavior as a Function of Reactor Operating History," pp. 83-96, Nucl. Eng. & Design 18, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Computer Code, Swelling, Solid Fission Products, Gas Release, Expansion

Lyons, M.F., Boyle, R.F., Davies, J.H. Hazel, V.E., and Rowland, T.C., "UO2 Properties Affecting Performance," pp. 167-199, Nucl. Engin. & Design 21, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Stehle, H., Assmann, H., and Wunderlich, F., "Uranium Dioxide Properties for LWR Fuel Rods," pp. 230-260, Nucl. Engin. & Design 33, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Journal Nuclear Science and Engineering

Metzger, J.D., M.S. El-Genk, and A.G. Parlos, "Model-Reference Adaptive Control with Selective State-Variable Weighting Applied to a Space Nuclear Power System," J. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 109, 1991, 171-187

Journal Nuclear Technology

Bauer, A.A., "Model for the High Temperature Swelling of Clad Oxide Fuel," pp. 65-70, Nucl. Technology 13, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Bogensberger, H.G., and Ronchi, C., "Effects due to Fission Gas during Unprotected Overpower Transients in a Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor," p. 73, Nuc. Technology 29, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Transients, Computer Code

Chubb, W., Hott, A.C., Argall, B.M., and Kiop, G.R., "Influence of Fuel Micro-Structure on In-Pile Densification," pp. 486-495, Nuc. Technology 26, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Properties

Chubb, W., Storhok, V.W., and Keller, D.L., "Factors Affecting the Swelling of Nuclear Fuels at High Temperatures," Nuc. Technology, Vol. 18, June, 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, Cermet, Properties

Dias, J.W., Okrent, D., and Erdmann, R.C., "Fission Gas Behavior in Fast Reactor Fuel under Transient Power Conditions," p. 20, Nuc. Technology 24, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Transients, Swelling, Computer Code

Dobranich, D., and M.S. El-Genk, "Thermal Stress Analysis of the Multilayered Fuel Particles of a Particle-Bed Reactor," J. Nuclear Technology, 94, 1991, 372-382.

El-Genk, M.S., and C. Gao, "Experiments of Pool Boiling of Water from Downward-Facing Hemispheres," J. Nuclear Technology, 125, 52 - 69, 1999.

El-Genk, M.S., and H. Xue, "Two-Dimensional Steady-State and Transient Analysis of Single Cell Thermionic Fuel Elements," J. Nuclear Technology, 108, No. 1, 1994, 112 - 125.

El-Genk, M.S., and R.L. Moore, "Transient Debris Freezing and Potential Wall Melting during a Severe RIA Experiment," J. Nucl. Technology, 53, 1981, 354.

El-Genk, M.S., and R.L. Moore, "Transient Debris Freezing and Potential Wall Melting during a Severe RIA Experiment," J. Nucl. Technology, 53, 1981, 354.

El-Genk, M.S., H. Xue, and C. Murray, "Transient and Load-Following Characteristics of a Fully Integrated Single-Cell Thermionic Fuel Element," J. Nuclear Technology, 102(2), 1993, 145-166.

El-Genk, M.S., H. Xue, and D. Paramonov, "Transient Analysis and Start-Up Simulation of a Thermionic Space Nuclear Reactor System," J. Nuclear Technology, 105 (1), 1993, 70 - 86.

El-Genk, M.S., R.M. Kumar, and D.W. Croucher, "An Analysis of Prompt Fission Gas Release from a Cladding Breach," J. Nucl. Technology, 60, 1983, 291.

El-Genk, M.S., R.M. Kumar, and D.W. Croucher, "An Analysis of Prompt Fission Gas Release from a Cladding Breach," J. Nucl. Technology, 60, 1983, 291.

El-Genk, M.S., Sung-Ho Kim, G.M. Zaki, F. Foushee, J.S. Philbin, and J. Schulze, "Experimental Studies of the Air Coolability of TRIGA Reactors Following a Loss-Of-Coolant Accident," J. Nuclear Technology, 76, No. 3, 1987, 360-369.

Gruber, E.E., "Generalized Parametric Model for Transient Gas Release and Swelling in Oxide Fuels," p. 617, Nuc. Technology 35, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Transients, Uranium Oxide, Computer Code

Morley, N.J. and M.S. El-Genk, "Manned Mars Rover Powered by a Nuclear Reactor: Radiation Shield Analysis," J. Nuclear Technology, 99, 1992, 188 - 202.

Morley, N.J. and M.S. El-Genk, "Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis of the Pellet Bed Reactor for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion," J. Nuclear Technology, 109(1), 1995, 87 -107.

Paramonov, D.V. and M.S. El-Genk, "Development and Comparison of a TOPAZ-II System Model with Experimental Data," J. Nuclear Technology, 108, No. 2, 1994, 157 - 170.

Paramonov, D.V. and M.S. El-Genk, "Test Results of Ya-21u Thermionic Space Power System," J. Nuclear Technology, 117(1), 1997, 1 - 14.

Rest, J., "Prediction of Transient Fission-Gas Release and Fuel Microcracking under Severe Core-Accident Conditions," pp. 553-564, Nucl. Technology 56, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, Transients, Gas Release, Computer Code, Uranium Oxide

Rest. J., "Evaluation of Volatile & Gaseous Fission Product Behavior in Water Reactor Fuel under Normal and Severe Core Accident Conditions," Nucl. Technology 61, 1983; Nuclear Fuels, Transients, Gas Release, Computer Code, Uranium Oxide

Zimmerman, H., "Fission Gas Behavior in Oxide Fuel Elements of Fast Breeder Reactors," p. 127, Nuc. Technology 28, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Cladding, Expansion, Swelling, Test Results

Zimmerman, H., "Swelling in Mixed-Oxide Fuel Pins," Nuc. Technology 41, December, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Journal Numerical Heat Transfer

El-Genk, M.S. and A.G. Glebov, "Numerical Solution of Transient Heat Conduction in a Cylindrical Section during Quenching," J. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 28, 1995, 547 - 574.

El-Genk, M.S. and C. Gao, "Transient Heat Conduction during Quenching of Downward-Facing Copper and Stainless-Steel Convex Surfaces," J. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 29, 1996, 543 - 573.

Tournier J.- M., and M.S. El-Genk, "A Segregated Solution Technique for Simulating the Transient Operation of Heat Pipes," J. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 25, 1994, 331-355.

Tournier, J.- M. and M.S. El-Genk, "A Transient Analysis of the Startup of a Water Heat Pipe from a Frozen State," J. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part-B: Applications, 28, 1995, 461 - 486.

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

D’Cruz, L.A., D.R. Bosch, and D.L. Jacobson, "The High-Temperature Work Function of Sintered Dilute Solution Tungsten-Iridium Alloys -- 81," Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1993

Journal of Mathematical Phys.

Vineyard, G.H., "Unknown At This Time," p. 1191, J. of Mathematical Phys. 47, 1973; Nuclear Fuels

Journal of Metals

Nichols, F.A., "Movement of Pores in Solids," p. 19, J. of Metals, January, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Journal of Nuclear Materials


Cronenberg, A. W. and M. S. El-Genk, "An Assessment of Oxygen Diffusion during UO2-Zircaloy Interaction," J. Nucl. Materials, 78, 1978, 390.

Ainscough, J.B., Oldfield, B.W., and Ware, J.O., "Isothermal Grain Growth Kinetics in Sintered UO2 Pellets," pp. 117-128, J. of Nuc. Mat. 49, 1973; Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Properties, Test Results

Baker, C., "Migration of Intragranular Fission Gas Bubbles in Irradiated Uranium Dioxide," pp. 117-123, J. of Nuc. Mat. 71, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Test Results

Banks, D.A., "Some Observations of Density and Porosity Changes in UO2 Fuel Irradiated in Water-Cooled Reactors," pp. 97-107, J. of Nuc. Mat. 54, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Test Results, Gas Release

Barnes, R.S., "Theory of Swelling and Gas Release for Reactor Materials," pp. 135-148, J. of Nuc. Mat. 11:2, 1964; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Test Results

Bates, J.F., Cummings, W.V., and Gilbert, E.R., "Anisotropic Growth of Reactor Fuel Pin Cladding," pp. 75-84, J. Nucl. Mat. 99, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Bates, J.F., and Gilbert, E.R., "Experiment Evidence for Stress Enhanced Swelling," pp. 95-102, J. Nucl. Mat. 59, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Beere, W., and Reynolds, G.L., "Morphology and Growth Rate of Interlinked Porosity in Irradiated UO2," pp. 51-57, J. of Nuc. Mat. 47, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Swelling

Bellamy, R.G., and Rich, J.B., "Grain-Boundary Gas Release and Snelling in High Burn-Up Uranium Dioxide," pp. 64-67, J. of Nuc. Mat. 33, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Swelling, Test Results

Blank, H., "On the Driving Forces for Bubble Growth and Swelling in MX-Type Fast Breeder Fuels," pp. 123-139, J. Nucl. Mat. 58, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Bradbury, B.T., Demant, J.T., Martin, P.M., and Poole, D.M., "Electron Probe Microanalysis of Irradiated Uranium Oxide," pp. 227-236, J. of Nuc. Mat. 17, 1965; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Test Results, Solid Fission Products

Brucklacher, D., and Dienst, W., "Continuous Measurement of UO2 Creep Under Irradiation," p. 244, J. of Nuc. Mat. 36, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, in German

Buescher, B.J., and Meyer, R.O., "Thermal-Gradient Migration of Helium Bubbles in Uranium Dioxide," pp. 143-156, J. of Nuc. Mat. 48, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Test Results

Chubb, W., "Mobility of Gas Bubbles in Uranium Dioxide," (Letter to the Editors), p. 240, J. Nucl. Mat. 91, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

Chubb, W., Storhok, V.W., and Keller, D.L., "Observations Relating to the Mechanisms of Swelling and Gas Release in Uranium Dioxide at High Temperatures," pp. 136-152, J. of Nuc. Mat. 44, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Cornell, R.M., and Williamson, G.K., "Behavior of Fission Product Gases in Uranium Dioxide," (Letter to the Editor), p. 200, J. of Nuc. Mat. 17, 1965; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Stoichiometry

Cornell, R.M., "Electron Microscope Examination of Matrix Fission-Gas Bubbles in Irradiated Uranium Dioxide," pp. 319-328, J. of Nuc. Mat. 38, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Cornell, R.M., Speight, M.V., and Masters, B.C., "Role of Bubbles in Fission Gas Release from Uranium Dioxide," pp. 170-178, J. of Nuc. Mat. 30, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Cronenberg, A.W., and M.S. El-Genk, "An Assessment of Oxygen Diffusion during UO2-Zircaloy Interaction," J. Nucl. Materials, 78, 1978, 390.

Das, D., Dharwadkar, S.R., and Chandrasekharaiah, M.S., "Containment of Molten Uranium Alloys in Powder Metallurgical Tungsten Containers," pp. 88-92, J. Nucl. Mat. 97, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Dienst, W., "Irradiation Induced Creep of Ceramic Nuclear Fuels," J. of Nucl. Mat. 65:1, March, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Test Results, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide

Dienst, W., Guerin, Y., Gatesoupe, J.P., and Mueller-Lyda, I., "Fuel-Cladding Mechanical Interaction in Fast Breeder Fuel Pins, Observations and Analysis," J. Nucl. Mat. 91:1, June, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Dollins, C.C., and Jursich, M., "Fission Gas Release from Oxide Fuels at High Burn-Ups," pp. 269-275, J. Nuc. Mat. 105, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Dollins, C.C., and Jursich, M., "Swelling and Gas Release in Oxide Fuels during Fast Temperature Transients," pp. 46-54, J. Nucl. Mat. 107, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Transients

Dollins, C.C., and Ocken, H., "Re-Solution Effects and Fission Gas Swelling in UO2," pp. 150-162, J. Nucl. Mat. 45, 1972-73; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide

Dollins, C.C., "Fission Gas Swelling and Long-Range Migration at Low Temperatures," pp. 10-20, J. of Nuc. Mat. 49, 1973-74; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Test Results, Uranium Oxide

Dollins, C.C., "On Fission Gas Swelling Below c.1200 C," pp. 107-110, J. Nucl. Mat. 60, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Dollins, C.C., and Nichols, F.A., "Swelling and Gas Release in UO2 at Low and Intermediate Temperatures," pp. 143-157, J. of Nuc. Mat. 66, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Gas Release

El-Genk, M.S., R.R. Hobbins, and P.E. MacDonald, "Fragmentation of Molten Debris during a Molten Fuel-Coolant Interaction," J. Nucl. Materials, 113, 1983, 101.

Eyre, B.L., and Bullough, R., "Formation and Behavior of Gas Bubbles in a Non-Uniform Temperature Environment," pp. 249-266, J. of Nuc. Mat. 26, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Cermet, Swelling, Test Results

Fee, D.C., and Johnson, C.E., "Cesium-Uranium-Oxygen Chemistry in Uranium-Plutonium Oxide Fast Reactor Fuel Pins," pp. 107-116, J. Nucl. Mat. 99, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide

Fee, D.C., and Johnson, C.E., "Fuel-Cladding Chemical Interaction in Uranium-Plutonium Oxide Fast Reactor Fuel Pins," pp. 80-104, J. Nucl. Mat. 96, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Foster, J.P., and Nayak, U.P., "Direct Observation of Fuel-Cladding Mechanical Interaction (FCMI) in Mixed-Oxide Fast Reactor Fuel Pins," pp. 295-313, J. Nucl. Mat. 101, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Greenwood, G.W., and Speight, M.V., "Analysis of the Diffusion of Fission Gas Bubbles and Its Effect on the Behaviour of Reactor Fuels," pp. 140-144, J. of Nuc. Mat. 10:2, 1963; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Cermet

Greenwood, G.W., Foreman, A.J.E., and Rimmer, D.E., "Role of Vacancies and Dislocations in the Nucleation and Growth of Gas Bubbles in Irradiated Fissile Material," pp. 305-324, J. of Nuc. Mat. 4, 1959; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Test Results

Griesmeyer, J.M., and Ghoniem, N.M., "Response of Fission Gas Bubbles to the Dynamic Behavior of Point Defects," pp. 88-101, J. of Nuc. Mat. 80, 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Stoichiometry, Transients, Uranium Oxide

Gruber, E.E., "Diffusional Growth of Overpressured Fission-Gas Bubbles on Grain Boundaries," pp. 223-229, J. Nucl. Mat. 110, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Gulden, Mary Ellen, "Migration of Gas Bubbles in Irradiated Uranium Dioxide," pp. 30-36, J. of Nuc. Mat. 23, 1967; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Harrison, J.W., and Davies, L.M., "Variation of Solid Fission Product and Gas Swelling in Uranium Compounds with Thermal Neutron Dose Rate," J. Nucl. Mat. 27, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Solid Fission Products

Hastings, I.J., Rose, D.H., and Baird, J., "Identification of Precipitates Associated with Intergranular Fission Gas Bubbles in Irradiated UO2 Fuels," pp. 229-231, J. of Nuc. Mat. 61, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Solid Fission Products, Test Results, Uranium Oxide

Haynes, M.R., and Wood, M.H., "On the Rate Theory Model for Fission-Gas Behaviour in Nuclear Fuels," pp. 293-302, J. of Nuc. Mat. 59, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Test Results

Hayns, M.R., and Wood, M.H., "Models of Fission Gas Behaviour in Fast Reactor Fuels under Steady State and Transient Conditions," pp. 155-170, J. of Nuc. Mat. 67, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Hayns, M.R., Wood, M.H., and Bulloush, R., "Theoretical Evaluation of Dual-Beam Irradiation Experiments," pp. 241-50, J. of Nuc. Mat. 75:2, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Hering, W., "KWU Fission Gas Release Model for LWR Fuel Rods," pp. 41-49, J. Nucl. Mat. 114, 1983; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Hilbert, R.F., Storhok, V.W., Chubb, W., and Keller, D.L., "Mechanisms of Swelling and Gas Release in Uranium Dioxide," pp. 26-34, J. of Nuc. Mat. 38, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Howe, John P., "Beginning of Nuclear Materials: Studies of Corrosion and Cladding," pp. 36-48, J. Nuc. Mat. 100, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Jeffery, B.M., "Microanalysis of Inclusions in Irradiated UO2," pp. 33-40, J. of Nuc. Mat. 22, 1967; Nuclear Fuels, Solid Fission Products, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Test Results

Katz, O.M., "Fission Gas Bubbles in Fractured UO2 Chips," pp. 323-326, J. of Nuc. Mat. 31, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Kohn, E., and Wright, M.G., "Axial Strains in Fuel Cladding Associated with Creep and Fast Neutron Irradiation," pp. 247-258, J. Nuc. Mat. 98, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Kornelsen, E.V., and Goskum, A.A. van, "Study of Bubble Nucleation in Tungsten using Thermal Desorption Spectrometry: Clusters of 2 to 100 Helium Atoms," pp. 79-88, J. Nucl. Mat. 92, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Cladding

Kulcinski, G.L., and Leggett, R.D., "Reversibility of Fission Gas Swelling Uranium," pp. 279-287, J. Nucl. Mat. 31, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Swelling

Lawrence, G.T., "Review of the Diffusion Coefficient of Fission-Product Rare Gases in Uranium Dioxide," pp. 195-218, J. of Nuc. Mat. 71, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Test Results, Stoichiometry, Properties

MacEwan, J.R., and Stevens, W.H., "Xenon Diffusion in UO2," pp. 77-93, J. of Nuc. Mat. 11:1, 1964; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Maiya, P.S., "Surface Diffusion, Surface Free Energy, and Grain-Boundary Free Energy of Uranium Dioxide," pp. 57-65, J. of Nuc. Mat. 40, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Properties, Gas Release, Test Results

Manley, A.J., "Transmission Electron Microscopy of Irradiated UO2 Fuel Pellets," p. 216, J. Nuc. Mat. 27, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Swelling

Mason, R.E., and M.S. El-Genk, "Experimental Investigation of the Uranium-Ruthenium and Uranium - Rhenium Binary Systems," J. Nuclear Materials, 217, 1994, 304 - 321.

Matthews, J.R., and Wood, M.H., "Simple Operational Gas Release and Swelling Model, II. Grain Boundary Gas," pp. 241-256, J. Nucl. Mat. 91, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Computer Code

Mertins, H., and Pfuff, M., "Time Dependent Diffusion Model for the Fission Gas Release in Fuel Rods," pp. 217-220, J. Nucl. Mat. 92, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Mikhlin, E.Ya., and Chkuaseli, V.F., "Gas Release and Swelling in Oxide Fuel, Modeling of the Kinetics of Gas Porosity Development," pp. 223-230, J. Nucl. Mat. 105, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release

Nelson, R.S., "Stability of Gas Bubbles in an Irradiation Environment," pp. 153-161, J. of Nuc. Mat. 31, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

Nichols, F.A., "Kinetics of Diffusional Motion of Pores in Solids," pp. 143-165, J. of Nuc. Mat. 30, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Nichols, F.A., "Pore Migration in Ceramic Fuel Elements," pp. 137-146, J. of Nuc. Mat. 27, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Cermet, Gas Release

Nixon, W., and Macinnes, D.A., "Model for Bubble Diffusion in Uranium Dioxide," pp. 192-199, J. Nuc. Mat. 101, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

O'Boyle, D.R., Brown, F.L., and Sanecki, J.E., "Solid Fission Product Behavior in Uranium - Plutonium Oxide Fuel Irradiated in a Fast Neutron Flux," p. 27-42, J. Nuc. Mat. 29, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide

Paramonov, D.V., and M.S. El-Genk, "Operation of a Single-Cell Thermionic Fuel Element in Presence of Oxygen," J. Nuclear Materials, 256, 218 - 228, 1998.

Pari, S.R., Dapht, N.J., and O'Boyle, D.R., "Re-Solution Controlled Fission-Gas Behavior in UO2 Irradiated in a Fast Flux," pp. 227-246, J. of Nuc. Mat. 50, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Ronchi, C., and Matzke, H.J., "Calculations on the In-Pile Behavior of Fission Gas in Oxide Nuclear Fuels," pp. 15-28, J. Nucl. Mat. 45, 72-73; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Ronchi, C., and Sari, C., "Swelling Analysis of Highly Rated MX-Type LMBR Fuels. I. Restructuring and Porosity Behavior," pp. 140-152, J. Nucl. Mat. 58, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Ross, A.M., "Irradiation Behaviour of Fission-Gas Bubbles and Sintering Pores in UO2," pp. 134-142, J. of Nuc. Mat. 30, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Ross, S.B., M.S. El-Genk, and R.B. Matthews, "Uranium Nitride Fuel Swelling Correlation," J. Nuclear Materials, 170, 1990, 169-177.

Ross, S.B., M.S. El-Genk, and R.B. Matthews, "Thermal Conductivity Correlation for Uranium Nitride Fuel between 10 K and 1923 K," pp. 313-317, J. Nucl. Materials, 151, 1988

Sawbridge, P.T., Reynolds, G.L., and Burton, B., "Creep of UO2 Fuel Doped with Nb-20-5," pp. 300-308, J. Nucl. Mat. 97, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Solomon, A.A., "Fission-Induced Densification of Uranium Oxide," pp. 346-352, J. Nucl. Mat. 102, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Speight, M.V., and Turnbull, J.A., "Enhanced Fission Product Release by Grain Boundary Diffusion," pp. 244-249, J. Nucl. Mat. 68, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Speight, M.V., "Calculation on the Size Distribution of Intragranular Bubbles in Irradiated UO2," pp. 236-238, J. of Nuc. Mat. 38, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide

Speight, M.V., "Migration of Gas Bubbles in Material Subject to a Temperature Gradient," pp. 207-209, J. of Nuc. Mat. 13:2, 1964; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Stehle, H., and Assmann, H., "Dependence of In-Reactor UO2 Densification on Temperature and Microstructure," pp. 303-308, J. of Nuc. Mat. 52, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide

Szuta, Marcin, "Analysis of Dynamic Release of Fission Gases from Single Crystal UO2 during Low Temperature Irradiation," pp. 149-156, J. Nucl. Mat. 97, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

Turnball, J.A., and Cornell, R.M., "Re-Solution of Fission-Gas Atoms from Bubbles during the Irradiation of UO2 at an Elevated Temperature," pp. 156-160, J. of Nuc. Mat. 41, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Test Results

Turnball, J.A., "Distribution of Intragranular Fission Gas Bubbles in UO2 during Irradiation," pp. 203-212, J. of Nuc. Mat. 38, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Turnbull, J.A., "Mobility of Intragranular Bubbles in Uranium Dioxide during Irradiation," pp. 325-328, J. Nucl. Mat. 62, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

Ullman, A., Acharya, R., and Olander, D.R., "Thermal Accommodation Coefficients of Inert Gases on Stainless Steel and UO2," pp. 277-279, J. of Nuc. Mat. 51, 1974; Nuclear Fuels, Heat Transfer, Cladding, Properties

Weinger, R.A., and Boltax, A., "Microstructural Modeling of Irradiation Creep and Swelling," pp. 1-16, J. Nucl. Mat. 66, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling

Wood, M.H., and Matthews, J.R., "Model of Fission Gas Release at High Temperatures," (Letter to the Editors), pp. 223-225, J. Nucl. Mat. 102, 1981; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Wood, M.H., and Matthews, J.R., "Simple Operational Gas Release and Swelling Model," pp. 35-40, J. of Nucl. Mat. 91, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Computer Code

Wood, M.H., "Model to Describe the Role of Non-Equilibrium Intragranular Fission Gas Bubbles during Transient Heating," pp. 58-63, J. of Nuc. Mat. 78:1, 1978; Nuclear Fuels

Wood, M.H., Matthew, J.R., Johnson, F.A., and Walter, A.J., "Some Predictions from the Ogres Gas Release Code and Comparison with Experiment," pp. 354-356, J. Nucl. Mat. 92, 1980; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Computer Code

Wood, M.H., Matthews, J.R., and Jones, A.M., "Effect of Bubble-Bubble Forces on Coalescence," (Letter to the Editors), pp. 327-330, J. Nucl. Mat. 107, 1982; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Wood, M.H., Matthews, J.R., and Matthews, H.R., "Comparison of Experiment and NEFIG Model Calculations of Transient Fission Gas Behaviour," pp. 167-174, J. Nucl. Mat. 87, 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Computer Code, Transients

Williamson, G.K., and Cornell, R.M., "Behaviour of Fission Product Gases in Uranium Dioxide," J. of Nuc. Mat. 13:2 pp. 278-280, 1964; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Zimmerman, H., "Investigations on Swelling and Fission Gas Behavior in Uranium Dioxide," pp. 154-161, J. of Nuc. Mat. 75, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Journal Progress in Nuclear Energy

El-Genk, M.S., R.B. Matthews, and G. Bankoff, "Molten Fuel/Coolant Interaction Phenomena with Application to Carbide Fuel Safety," J. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 20(3), 1988, 151-198.

Journal Propulsion and Power

El-Genk, M.S. and J.T. Seo, "A Study of the SP-100 Radiator Heat Pipes Response to External Thermal Exposure," J. of Propulsion and Power, 6 (1), 1990, 69-77.

El-Genk, M.S., A.G. Parlos, J.M. McGhee, S. Lapin, D. Buden, and J. Mims, "Integrated System Design Optimization for Multimegawatt Space Nuclear Power Applications," J. of Propulsion and Power, 6 (2), 1990, 194-202.

El-Genk, M.S., and W.J. Rider, "Reliability and Vulnerability Studies of the SP-100 Dual-Loop Thermoelectric-Electromagnetic Pumps," J. Propulsion and Power, 6 (3), 1990, 305-314.

El-Genk, M.S., J.T. Seo, and J.J. Buksa, "Load Following and Reliability Studies of an Integrated SP-100 System," J. Propulsion and Power, 4 (2), 1988, 152-156.

El-Genk, M.S., N.J. Morley, D.G. Pelaccio and A.M. Juhasz, "Pellet Bed Reactor Concept for Nuclear Propulsion Applications," J. Propulsion and Power, 10 (6), 1994, 817 - 827.

Metzger, J.D., and M.S. El-Genk, "Application of a Model-Reference Adaptive Controller with Selective State-Variable Weighting to an SP-100 Space Nuclear Power System," J. Propulsion and Power, 8(5), 1992, 1093 - 1102.

Pelaccio, D.G., M.S. El-Genk and D.P. Butt, "Hydrogen Corrosion Considerations of Carbide Fuels for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Applications," J. Propulsion and Power, 11(6), 1995, 1338 - 1348.

Journal Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer

Norcross, D.W., and P.M. Stone, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 8: 655, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Journal Space Rockets

Henetrey, W.R., and Smith, A., "Solar Energy Thermionic Electrical Power Supplies," pp. 659-65, J. Space Rockets 1, 6, 1964; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Journal Spacecraft and Rockets

Becker, R.A., J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 4: 847, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Journal Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

El-Genk, M.S., L. Huang, and J.-M. Tournier, "Transient Experiments of an Inclined Copper-Water Heat Pipe," J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 9(1), 1995, 109 - 116

Tournier, J.- M. and M. S. El-Genk, "Sodium Vapor Flow Regimes and Pressure Losses Calculations on the Cathode Side of a Multitube AMTEC Cell," J. Thermphy. and Heat Transfer, 13(1), 1999, 117 - 125.

Mat. Sci. & Engin.

Markworth, A.J., "On the Binding between Gas Bubbles and Grain Boundaries," (Short Communication), pp. 391-392, Mater. Sci. Eng. 6, June, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Properties, Gas Release

Oldfield, W. and Brown, J.B., Jr., "Bubble Migration in UO2 - A Study using a Laser Image Furnace," pp. 361-370, Mat. Sci. & Engin. 6, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Oldfield, W. and Markworth, A.J., "Theory of Bubble Migration Applied to Irradiated Materials," pp. 353-366, Mat. Sci. & Engin. 4, 1969; Nuclear Fuels

Nat. Bur. Stand. Circ.

Boeckner, C., and F.L. Mohler, Nat. Bur. Stand. Circ., 10: 357, 1933; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Nucl. Applications

Carroll, R.M. and Sisman, O., "Fission-Gas Release during Fissioning in UO2," Nucl. Applications, Vol. 2, April, 1966; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Whapham, A.D., "Electron Microscope Observation of the Fission-Gas Bubble Distribution in UO2," Nucl. Applications, Vol. 2, April, 1966; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Nucl. Applications & Tech.

"Statistical Fuel Swelling and Fission Gas Release Model," p. 148, Nucl. Applications & Tech. 9, August, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Computer Code, Test Results

Dollins, C.C. and Ocken, H., "Fission Gas Swelling Model Incorporating Re-Solution Effects," p. 141, Nucl. Applications & Tech. 9, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Frost, B.R.T., "Theories of Swelling and Gas Release in Ceramic Fuels," Nucl. Appl. & Tech. 9, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release

Lewis, W. Bennett, "Engineering for the Fission Gas in UO2 Fuel," p. 171, Nucl. Applications & Tech. 2, April, 1966; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Venting, Gas Release, Cladding, Stoichiometry

Nucl. Sci. & Eng.

Jacobs, G. and Todreas, N., "Thermal Contact Conductance in Reactor Fuel Elements," p. 283, Nucl. Sci. & Eng. 50, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Heat Transfer, Cladding, Properties

Speight, M.V., "Calculation on Migration of Fission Gas in Material Exhibiting Precipitation and Re-Solution of Gas Atoms under Irradiation," pp. 180-185, Nucl. Sci. & Eng. 37, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Nuclear Safety

Anderson, T.D., "Effects of High Burnup on Bulk UO2 Fuel Elements," pp. 164-182, Nuclear Safety 6:2, 1964-65; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Carroll, R.M., "Fission-Gas Behavior in Fuels," Nucl. Safety 10:3, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Cox, C.M., "Irradiation Performance of Uranium-Plutonium Oxide Fuel Pins," pp. 380-391, Nucl. Safety 105, Sept.-Oct., 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide, Swelling, Gas Release


Grover, G.M., "Los Alamos Plasma Thermocouple," Nucleonics, 17(7): 54-55, July 1959; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Philips Techn. Rev.

van Laar, J., and J.J. Scheer, Philips Techn. Rev., 29: 54, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Phys. Fluids

Bernstein, I.B., and I. Rabinowitz, Phys. Fluids, 2: 112, 1959; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Cool, A., and E. Zukoski, Phys. Fluids, 9: 780, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Nighan, W.L., Phys. Fluids, 10: 1085, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Phys. Lett.

Yavor, I.P., Phys. Lett., 16: 127, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Phys. Rev.

Baranger, M., Phys. Rev., 111: 494, 1958; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Brode, H.R., Phys. Rev., 34: 673, 1927; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Brode, R.B., Phys. Rev., 34: 673, 1929; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Chanin, L., and R. Steen, Phys. Rev., 132: 2554, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Chanin, L.M., and R.D. Steen, Phys. Rev., 132, 2554, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Chen, C.L., and M. Raether, Phys. Rev., 128: 2679, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Cohen, R.S., L. Spitzer, and P. Routly, Phys. Rev., 80: 230, 1950; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Dandurand, P., and R.B. Holt, Phys. Rev., 82: 278, 1951; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Foley, S.M., Phys. Rev., 69: 616, 1946; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Golden, D.R., Phys. Rev., 151: 48, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Griem, H., Phys. Rev., 128: 515, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Griem, H.R., A.C. Kolb, and K.Y. Shen, Phys. Rev., 116: 4, 1959; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Griem, H.R., et al., Phys. Rev., 125: 177, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Griem, H.R., Phys. Rev., 128: 515, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Griem, H.R., A.C. Kolb, and K.Y. Shen, Phys. Rev., 116: 4, 1959; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Gryzinski, M., Phys. Rev., 115: 374, 1959, 138A [or 4] : 322, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Hinnov, E., and J. Hirschberg, Phys. Rev., 125: 795, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Holstein, T., Phys. Rev., 72: 1212, 1947; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Kenty, C., Phys. Rev., 60: 66, 1941; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Kolb, A.C., and H.R. Griem, Phys. Rev., 111: 514, 1958; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Landshoff, B., Phys. Rev., 82: 1442, 1951; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Langmuir, I., "The Effect of Space Charge and Initial Velocities on the Potential Distribution and Thermionic Current between Parallel Plane Electrodes," Phys. Rev., 21:419-435, 1923; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 3 Vacuum Thermionic Converters

Langmuir, I., "The Effect of Space Charge and Residual Gases on Thermionic Currents and in High Vacuum," Phys. Rev., 2(6): 450-486, 1913; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 3 Vacuum Thermionic Converters

Langmuir, I., and K.H. Kingdon, "Electron Emission from Caesium-covered Filaments," Phys. Rev., 23:112-113, 1924; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Langmuir, I., Phys. Rev., 33: 954, 1929; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Mark, C., Phys. Rev., 72: 558, 1947; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Nolan, J.F., and A.V. Phelps, Phys. Rev., 140: A792, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Placzek, G., and W. Seidel, Phys. Rev., 72: 550, 1947; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Placzek, G., Phys. Rev., 72: 556, 1947; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Shelton, H., Phys. Rev., 107: 1553, 1957; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Spitzer, L., and R. Harm, Phys. Rev., 89: 977, 1953; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Stone, P., and L. Agnew, Phys. Rev., 127: 1157, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Stone, P., Phys. Rev., 127: 1151, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Stone, P., Phys. Rev., 127: 1151, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Stone, P.M., and L. Agnew, Phys. Rev., 127: 1157, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Taylor, J.B., and I. Langmuir, "The Evaporation of Atoms, Ions and Electrons from Cesium Films on Tungsten," Phys. Rev., 44:423-458, 1933; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Phys. Rev. Lett.

Byron, S., R.C. Stabler, and P.I. Bortz, Phys. Rev. Lett., 8: 376, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Fischer, T.E., Phys. Rev. Lett., 21: 31, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Wada, J.Y., and B.C. Knechtli, Phys. Rev. Lett., 10: 513, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Power Atomic Energy

Kuz'min, V.I. and Lebedev, I.G., "Effect of Temperature Distribution on the Swelling of UO2 and UO2-PuO2 Cores," Power Atomic Energy 28, Jan., 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Plutonium Oxide, Swelling

Proceeding I.R.E. on Electron Devices

Hatsopoulos, G.N., J. Kaye, and E. Langberg, "Prediction of Optimum Performance of Vacuum-Diode Configuration of Thermionic Engines," Proc. I.R.E. on Electron Devices, ED-7, 3:117-122, 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 3 Vacuum Thermionic Converters

Proceeding IEEE

Biberman, L.M., I.T. Yakubov, and V.S. Vorob’ev, Proceeding IEEE, 59: 555, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Kruger, C.B., J.R.M. Mitchner and U. Daybeige, Proceeding IEEE, 56: 1458, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

McIntyre, R.G., Proceeding IEEE, 51: 760, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Shavit, A., and G.N. Hatsopoulos, "Work Function of Polycrystalline Rhenium," Proc. IEEE (Inst. Elec. Electron. Eng.), 54(5): 777-781, 1966; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Proceeding IRE, IRE Trans.

Block, F.G., F.H. Corregan, G.Y. Eastman, J.R. Fendley, K.G. Hernqvist, and E.J. Hills, "Construction of Thermionic Energy Converter," Proc. I.R.E., 48: 1846-1852, 1960; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and J. Kaye, "Analysis and Experimental Results of a Diode Configuration of a Novel Thermionic Engines," Proceeding IRE, 46(9): 1574-1579, 1958; Terrestrial Thermionics, Nuclear Thermionics; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 3 Vacuum Thermionic Converters

Midford, T.A., G.S. Kino, IRE Trans. ED-8, 324, 1961

Strutt, M.J.O., "Efficiency of Thermal Electron Emission," Proc. I.R.E., 40:601-603, May 1952; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Proceeding Nat. Electron. Conference

Schuder, J.C., "The Transient Conduction of Current in a Hot Cathode Gas Diode," Proc. Nat. Electron. Conference, 9:626-634, 1953; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Radiation Effects

Blank, H. and Matzke, H.J., "Effect of Fission Spikes on Fission Gas Re-Solution," pp. 57-64, Radiation Effects 17, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

RCA Rev.

Hernqvist, K.G., M. Kanefsky, and F.H. Norman, "Thermionic Energy Converter," RCA Rev., 19(2): 244-258, 1958 (1959?); Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Honig, R.E., and D.A. Kramer, RCA Rev., 30: 285, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Rev. Mod. Physics

Brode, R.B., Rev. Mod. Phys., 45: 257, 1933; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Chadrasekhar, T.S., "Stochastic Problems in Physics and Astronomy," pp. 1-89, Rev. Mod. Physics, Vol. 15:1, 1953; Nuclear Fuels

Chandrasekar, S., Rev. Mod. Phys., 15: 1, 1943; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Chen, S., and M. Takeo, Rev. Mod. Phys., 29: 20, 1957; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Compton, K.T., and I. Langmuir, "Electric Discharges in Gases, Part I," Rev. Mod. Phys., 2:123-242, 1930; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Cowan, R.D., and G.H. Dieke, Rev. Mod. Phys., 20: 418, 1948; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Herring, K., and M. Nichols, Rev. Mod. Phys., 21: 185, 1949; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Review of Scientific Instruments

Wernsman, B., M.S. El-Genk and V.Z. Kaibyshev, "Experimental Investigation and Analysis of the Operation Characteristics of a Planar Cs-Bs Tacitron," Review of Scientific Instruments, 65 (11), 1994, 3449 - 3454.

Reviews of Plasma Physics

Braginskii, S.I., Reviews of Plasma Physics, 1: 205, Consultants Bureau, New York, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Shafranov, V.D., Reviews of Plasma Physics, 3: 1, Consultants Bureau, New York, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Trubnikov, B.A., Reviews of Plasma Physics, 1: 105, Consultants Bureau, New York, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

SAE Journal

Dresser, D.L., "Potential of Solar Thermionics for Space Vehicle Power," p. 12, SAE J., 741B, 1963; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Henderson, R.E., and Dresser, D.L., "Solar Thermionic Space Power Systems," pp. 72-7, SAE PAPER 350C, SAE J. 69:8, 1961; Thermionic Devices, Solar


Langmuir, I., and K.H. Kingdon, "Thermionic Effects Caused by Alkali Vapors in Vacuum Tubes," Science, 57:58-60, 1923; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Scientific American

Eastman, G.V., Scientific American, 218: 38, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Surf. Sci.

Bell, A.E., L.W. Swanson, and L.C. Crouser, Surf. Sci., 10: 254, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Fedorus, A.G., and A.G. Naumovets, Surf. Sci., 21: 426, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Fehrs, O.L., and R.E. Stickney, Surf. Sci., 8: 267, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Hopkins, B.J., C.B. Williams, and P.C. Wilmer, Surf. Sci., 25: 633, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Jowett, C.W., and B.J. Hopkins, Surf. Sci., 22: 392, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Logatchov, Yu.A., and B.Ya. Moyzhes, Surf. Sci., 17: 504, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

May, J.W., and L.H. Germer, Surf. Sci., 11: 443, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Tracy, J.C., and J.M. Blakey, Surf. Sci., 13: 313, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Wilson, R.G., Surf. Sci., 7: 157, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.

Anselin, F., and Baily, W.E., "Role of Fission Products in the Swelling of Irradiated UO2 and (U Pu)O2," p. 103, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 10, 1967; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Solid Fission Products

Chien, S.H., Wazzan, A.R., and Okrent, D., "Effect of Solid Fission Products and Dislocations on Swelling and Fission Gas Release in Oxides During a Fast Overpower Transient," p.169, Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 25, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Solid Fission Products, Swelling, Gas Release, Transients

Davies, J.H., Boyle, R.F., Weidenbaum, D., and Handson, J., "On the Composition of Metallic Ingots Formed in High Performance Ceramic Fuel Elements," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 9:63, 1966; Nuclear Fuels, Cermet

Esteves, R.G., Wazzan, A.R., and Okrent, D., "Elementary Model for Nonequilibrium Fission Gas Behavior in Fast Transient," p.180, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 21, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Griesmeyer, J.M., and Okrent, D., "A New Model for Non-Equilibrium Fission Gas Behavior," p. 322, Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 27, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Computer Code

Griesmeyer, J.M., Steele, W.G., Okrent, D., Chien, S.H., and Wazzan, A.R., "Nonequilibrium Analysis of Fission Gas Release and Bubble Freezing during Fast Transients," p.174, Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 23, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Transients, Gas Release

Homeyer, W.G., Allen, D.T., Gietzen, A.J., Ingber, J.F., and Owen, M.B., "Thermionic Reactor Power Systems," pp. 610-11, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 15:2, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Concepts, Space Reactor

Merrill, M.H., Hackney, M.R., and Marshall, A.C., "Neutronic Characteristics of Thermionic Reactors," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 15:2, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, Space Reactor

Michels, L.C., Poeppel, R.B., and Neimark, L.A., "Movement of Fission Gas Bubbles and Inclusions in Mixed-Oxide Fuel," p. 601, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 13, 1970; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Test Results

Nelson, R.C., and Zebroski, E.L., "Irradiation-Induced Swelling Rates of PuO2 with Strong Radial Restraint," pp. 412-413, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 9, 1966; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Plutonium Oxide, Uranium Oxide, Swelling, Test Results

Nichols, F.A., and Warner, H.R., "Interaction of Fission-Gas Bubbles with Structural Defects and Release from Nuclear Fuels," pp. 489, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 11, 1968; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Nichols, F.A., and Warner, H.R., "Swelling and Gas-Release Models for Oxide Fuel Rods (LWBR Development Program)," p. 267, Trans. Am. Nucl., 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Computer Code, Uranium Oxide

Rest, J., "Behavior of Fission Gas in LWR Fuel during Steady-State Operating Conditions," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 23, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release

Sahin, S., "Advanced Thermionic Generators with Solar Energy for Spatial Applications," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 33:7-9, 1979; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Sahin, S., "Interplanetary Shuttle Driven by a 10-MW(e) Solar-Energy Hybrid Thermionic Generator," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 35, 1980; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Steele, W.G., and Okerent, D., "Equation-of-State and Nonequilibrium Bubble Behavior during Fast Transients," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 26, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Transients

Storhok, V.W., and Chubb, W., "Swelling of UO2 and 1700 C," p. 76, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 12, 1969; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Test Results

Wang, W.L., "Relaxation Times for Nonequilibrium Fission-Gas Bubbles," p. 280, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 24, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Transients, Swelling

Warner, H.R., and Daniel, R.C., "Improved Equation-of-State for Fission Gas Swelling Calculations," p. 148, Trans. Am. Nucl. 14, 1971; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling

United States Reports

Nuclear Reactor

Anderson, J.L., and Lantz, E., "Nuclear Thermionic Space Power Concept using Rod Control and Heat Pipes," NASA-TM-X-52446, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts, Fast Neutrons, Heat Pipe, Stability

Breitwieser, R., and Lantz, E., "Design Study of a 350 kWe Out-of-Core Nuclear Thermionic Converter System," N70-31761, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Shielding, Space Reactor, Heat Pipe, Out-of-core

Breitwieser, R., Ward, J.J., and Williams, R.M., "Conceptual Design of a 150 kWe Out-of-Core Nuclear Thermionic Converter System," N71-12895, 1970; Nuclear Reactor, Out-of-core, Cost

Heath, C.A., and DeMichele, D.W., "LISA: A Computer Program for The Analysis of Heat Rejection in Thermionic Reactors," GA-8505, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Heath, C.A., and Lantz, E., "Nuclear Thermionic Space Power System Concept Employing Heat Pipes," NASA- TN-D-4299, 1968; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Heat Pipe

Hill, P.R., Becker, R.A., Gietzen, A.J., Hobson, R.R., and Jaech, J.L., "Thermionic Reactor Design Report. Vol. 1. Design Analysis and Summary," GESR-2078 (Vol. 1), 1966; Nuclear Reactor, Stability, In-core

Miskolczy, G., Kroeger, E., "Lithium and Potassium Heat Pipes for Thermionic Converters," 7p., NASA-TM-78946, E-9695, 1978; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Morris, J.F., "High-Temperature, High-Power-Density Thermionic Energy Conversion for Space," NASA-TM-73844, 1977; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts

Phillips, W.M., and Mondt, J.F., "Nuclear Thermionic Converter," N73-12702, 1972; Nuclear Reactor, Concepts

Tower, L.K., and Kaufmann W.B., "High Temperature Heat Pipe Research at NASA Lewis Research Center," 15p., NASA-TM-78832, E-9537, 1978; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe

Refractory Materials

General Dynamics, General Atomic Division, "Vapor-Deposited Tungsten," NASA Report GA-5640, 1964; Refractory Materials, Tungsten, Fabrication

Thermionic Converter Research

Banks, Bruce A., "Ion Beam Applications Research - A 1981 Summary of Lewis Research Center Programs," NASA Tech. Memorandum 81721, 1981; Thermionic Converter Research, Ion Beams

Billman, Kenneth W., ed., Laser-Energy Conversion Symposium, NASA TM X - 62, 1973; Thermionic Converter Research, Thermionic Devices, Converter Physics, Ignited Mode, Research

Thermionic Devices

Britt, E.J., Fitzpatrick, G.O., Hansen, L.K., and Rasor, N.S., "Advanced Thermionic Energy Conversion Progress Report," C00-2263-2, 1974; Thermionic Devices, Research, Development

Fitzpatrick, G.O., and Yates, M.K., "Test of a Thermionic Converter with a Graphite Sorption Cesium Reservoir," USAEC Report GA-9526, Gulf General Atomic; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Gunther, B., Lieb, David P., David P., Pigford, T., and Rufeh, F., "Performance Tests of a Thermionic Converter with an Oxygenated Cesium Reservoir, Final Report," N-73-17717, 1972; Thermionic Devices, Work Function

Huffman, F.N., Sommer, A.H., Balestra, C.L., Briere, T.R., and Lieb, David P., David P., "High Efficiency Thermionic Converter Studies, Technical Report," NASA-CR-135263, TE 4233-152-77, 1977; Thermionic Devices, Development, Ignited Mode

Kitrilakis, S.S., and J.H. Weinstein, Second Annual Technical Summary Report, Contract No. Nonr. -3563(00), Report TE 27-64, Thermo Electron Engineering Corp., 1963; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Menetrey, W.R., "Solar Energy Thermionic Conversion System. Vol. I: Converter and Generator Laboratory Test," JPL-950109 (Vol. 1), 1962; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Nottingham, W.B., "Sheath and Plasma Theory of an Isothermal Diode," Report 4-62, Thermo Electron Engineering Corp., October 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Paquin, M., Thermo Electron Engineering Corp., personal communication, 1967; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Rasor Associates, "Advanced Thermionic Energy Conversion Joint Highlights and Status Report," DOE/ET/11293-T3, 1979; Thermionic Devices, Fossil, Nuclear

Rasor Associates, "Advanced Thermionic Energy Conversion. Progress Report," C00-2263-4, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Research, Development, Fossil, Auxiliary, Ion Source

Rasor Associates, "Advanced Thermionic Energy Conversion: Joint Highlights and Status Report," TID-27397, 1976; Thermionic Devices, Research, Development

Rasor Associates, "Advanced Thermionic Energy Conversion: Joint Highlights and Status Report," TID-27200, 1976; Thermionic Devices, Research, Development

Rufeh, F., and D. Lieb, The Output Characteristics of a Vapor-Deposited Tungsten Emitter and a Molybdenum Collector, Topical Report, Thermo Electron Corp., Waltham, Mass., June 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Smith, A.H., "Thermionics: Auxiliary Power Application for Space (SET System)," JPL 63-MD-54, 1963; Thermionic Devices, Solar

Thermo Electron Co., "Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 44," ERA-06: 015762, EDB-81: 046153, 1980; Thermionic Devices, Development

Thermo Electron Co., "Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 43," ERA-06: 002484, EDB-80: 128357, 1980; Thermionic Devices, Development

Thermo Electron Corp, "DOE/JPL Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 34," C00-3065-34, 1978; Thermionic Devices, Research

Thermo Electron Corp., "Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 47," DE82002116, 1981; Thermionic Devices, Fossil

Thermo Electron Corp., "Advanced Thermionic Technology, FY 1975 Progress Report No. 7," TE-4190-80-75, 1975; Thermionic Devices, Development

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE Advanced Thermionic Technology Program. Progress Report No. 46," DE81027953, 1981; Thermionic Devices, Fossil

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 48," DE8201482, 1981; Thermionic Devices, Fossil

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE/JPL Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 44," TE-4258/4247-72-81, 1980; Thermionic Devices, Fossil, Nuclear

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE/JPL Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 45," TE-4258/4247-149-81, 1980; Thermionic Devices, Fossil

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE/JPL Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 37," C00-3056-37, 1979; Thermionic Devices, Research, Development

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE/JPL Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 40," C00-3056-42, 1979; Thermionic Devices, Fossil, Research, Development, Nuclear

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE/JPL Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 38," C00-3056-40, 1979; Thermionic Devices, Research, Development

Thermo Electron Corp., "DOE/JPL Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 32," TE-4233/4237-120-78, 1978; Thermionic Devices, Research

Thermo Electron Corp., "ERDA/NASA Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No 23," C00-3056-25, 1977; Thermionic Devices, Research

Thermo Electron Corp., "ERDA/NASA Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 20," C00-3065-20, 1977; Thermionic Devices, Research

Thermo Electron Corp., "NASA/DOE Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 31," C00-3056-33, 1978; Thermionic Devices, Research, Fossil

Thermo Electron Corp., "NASA/DOE Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Progress Report No. 30," C00-3056-32, 1977; Thermionic Devices, Research

Thermo Electron, "Advanced Thermionic Technology Program Progress Report No. 22," C00-3056-23, 1977; Thermionic Devices, Research

TRW Systems, "Development and Evaluation of Alloys for Advanced Energy Systems, Summary Report," C00-3056-21, 1976; Thermionic Devices, Fossil

Yates, M.K., and Fitzpatrick G.O., "Cesium Sorption in Materials for Thermionic Converters, Vol. II.," USAEC Report GA-8574, Gulf General Atomic, 1970; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Yates, M.K., and Fitzpatrick, G.O., "Cesium Sorption in Materials for Thermionic Converters, Vol. I.," USAEC Report GA-8574, Gulf General Atomic, 1968; Thermionic Devices, Integral Reservoir

Thermionic Fuel Elements

Brown, R.L., Kaszubinski, L.J., and Migra, R.P., "Thermionic Fuel Irradiation Experiment Description," N69-33273, 1969; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Radiation, Endurance

Howard, R.C., Dunlay, J.B., Speidel, T.O.P., Speidel, E.O., and Saling, J.H., "Summary of Design," NYO-3434-7, 1968; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, In-Pile Tests, Performance

International Liaison Group on TEC, "Results of Work on Thermoemission Conversion in the USSR in 1973," AEC-tr-7583, 1974; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Development, USSR

Saunders, M., Danielson, L., and Huffman, F., "Preliminary Investigations of Thermionic Converters Utilizing HOTEMA and DFVLR Electrodes," DE83004107, 1982; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Performance, Fabrication

USAEC Technical Information Center, "Report on Thermionic Activities in France," AEC-tr-7565, 1974; Thermionic Fuel Elements, Fabrication, Development

Yang, L., "Fabrication and Life Testing of (U-1 Zr)C Thermionic Converters," CNT#: NAS3-12980, 1969; Thermionic Fuel Elements, In-Pile Tests, Endurance


Air Force Office of Scientific Research

McVey, John, "Close-Spaced High Temperature Knudsen Flow," Final Report, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Contract No. F49620-83-C-0068, by Rasor Associates, June, 1986

Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Energy, Energy Research and Development Administration

Balestra C.L., F.N. Huffman, and C.C. Wang, "Topical Report Electron Reflection from One-Dimensional Potential Barriers," Thermo Electron Corp. 85 First Ave. Waltham, MA 02154, Report No. TE4237-38-79, AEC No. COO-3056-45, USDOE Contract # EY-76-C-02-3056, Sep., 1978

Britt E.J., J.P. David, and J. Guerin, "Formation and Decay of Plasma by Pulse Discharges in a Xenon-Strontium Thermionic Diode," Topical Report, Rasor Associates, Inc., USA, Energy Research and Development Administration, Contract No. AT(11-1)2263

Fitzpatrick G.O. & E.J. Britt, "Thermionic Central Station Power - The THX Approach," Topical Report, DOE, C00-2263-6, NSR 2-6, February, 1977

Merrill O.S., Division of Advanced Systems and Material Production, Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., M. Gunn, Division of Power Systems, Department of Energy, Washington D.C., F.N. Huffman, Thermo Electron Corp., and G.O. Fitzpatrick, Rasor Associates, Inc., "Increasing the Efficiency of Coal-Fired Steam Electric Plants with Thermionic Topping,"

Miskolczy G., and G. Fitzpatrick, "Summary Report Advanced Thermionic Technology Program, Vol. 2," Report No. 4258-5-84, Thermo Electron and Rasor Associates, USA, 1984

Miskolczy G., Roger A. Turner, Robert DeLuca, Dean T. Morgan, and Reay Dick, "Thermionic Energy Conversion Design for Chlorine-Caustic Soda Application," Final Report, TE-4333-234-84, DOE-CE-40635-2, U.S. Department of Energy, Contract No. DE-AC02-83CE40635, 1984

Thermo Electron Corp., Waltham, Mass. and Rasor Ass., Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA, "Annual Report: Advanced Thermionic Technology Program," Report, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Contract No. DE-AC02-76ET11292, March, 1983


Lazaridis L.J., P.G. Pantazelos and P.K. Shefsiek, "Development of a Gasoline-Fired Thermionic Power Supply," Final Report, USA, Thermo Electron ECOM-87341-2, Contract No. DA36-039-SC-87341 (E), 1975


Brite, D.W., Daniel, J.L., Davis, N.C., Freshley, M.D., Hart, P.E. and Marshall, R.K., "EEI/EPRI Fuel Densification Project - Research Project 131 Final Report," p. 76, EPRI, June, 1975; Nuclear Fuels, Test Results

General Electric

Eastman, Y., Radio Corporation of America, personal communication, reported by J.M. Houston, "State of the Art Survey of Thermionic Conversion for Electrical Space Power," Report 65-RL (4024E), General Electric Company, 1965; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

General Electric Scientific Report No. 10- Contract No. AF 19-(604)-5472, 1961

Z-5386, PTI-41A, 3-15-61, GE, Thermionic Converter, Ceramic, Vacuum Type, Emitter temperature of 1100-1150 C, collector temperatures up to 700 C and inter-electric spacing of about 8 micron. One watt of power at an efficiency of 2.5 percent. The emitter consisted of a thin coating of strontium-calcium oxide on tungsten, and the collector of a thin coating of strontium-barium oxide on tungsten. 1961

Los Alamos

Buden, D., et al., "Selection of Power Plant Elements for Future Reactor Space Electric Power System," Report LA-7858, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, Sept. 1979; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Thermionic Nuclear Reactor Systems

Wilkins, D., Report LA-3143-MS, Los Alamos Scientific Lab., Los Alamos, New Mexico, p. 39, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Hatsopoulos, G.N., "The Thermo Electron Engine," Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1956; Terrestrial Thermionics, Nuclear Thermionics; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 3 Vacuum Thermionic Converters

Nottingham, W.B., MIT, personal communication, 1958; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

NASA, NASA Lewis Research Center, JPL

Campbell, A.E., "Study and Development Report on High-Performance Thermionic Converters," Report, Electro-Optical Systems, Inc., JPL, USA, September, 1966

Fitzpatrick, G.O., and D.T. Allen, "New Thermionic Converter for Out-of-Core Space Power System," Report, NASA Lewis Research Center, Contract NAS3-25875, AET-90/002, August, 1990

Phillips, W.M., "UO2 Venting and Redistribution," NAS7-100 (JPL-NASA),?; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Venting, Swelling, Test Results

Smith, J.R., "Uranium Dioxide Fuel Cladding Strain Investigation with the Use of CYGRO-2 Computer Program," p. 1-16, NASA-TM-X-68281 E-7447, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Cladding, Expansion

Office of Naval Research

Britt E.J., N.S. Rasor, "Practical Aspects of Fundamental Research in Thermionic Conversion," Final Technical Report, Office of Naval Research, Contract N00014-70-C-0252, USA, Oct. to June, 1972

Radio Corporation of America

Block, F.G., and J.J. O’Grady, "The Development of a Low Temperature Vapor Filled Thermionic Converter for Nuclear Applications, Summary Technical Report," Contract NObs 84823, Radio Corporation of America, August 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

University of California

Griesmeyer, J.M., "Dynamic Non-Equilibrium Intragranular Fission Gas Behavior," Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Los Angeles, 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Transients, Computer Code

Ting, Y.D., "Prediction of Thermal, Mechanical and Fission Gas Behavior of Carbide Fuel Element during Fast Thermal Transients using UNCLE-T-BUBE Code," M.S. Thesis UCLA, USA, 1978; Nuclear Fuels, Computer Code, Gas Release, Swelling, Expansion, Cladding, Uranium Carbide

University of New Mexico

El-Genk, Mohamed S. and Woodall, David M., "Areas for Research Emphasis in Design of the Space Power Advanced Reactor," University of New Mexico, Dept. of Chem. & Nucl. Eng.; Nuclear Reactor, Space Reactor, Concepts, Heat Pipe, Radiator

Wright-Patterson AFB

Advanced Energy Technology, Inc, "Efficient Two-Stage Thermionic Converter," Report, Innovative Science and Technology (SDIO/T/IS) and Managed by Aerospace Power Div. Wright Lab. WPAFB, USA, January 27, 1993

Holland, J.W., Technical Contributors: D. Allen, General Atomics, G. Fitzpatrick, AET, H. Horner, General Atomics, J. Kaare, General Atomics, B. McQuillen, General Atomics, J. Norman, Independent, M. Simnad, AET/UCSD, E. Storms, LANL, Advanced Energy Technology, Inc., "Star-C Mass Transport Assessment," AET-90/001, United States Air Force, Aero Propulsion and Power Laboratory, Wright Research and Development Center, Aeronautical Systems Division (AFSC), Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Under Contract F3361 5-89-C-2943 February, 1990

Lamp, Tom, "Power System Assessment for the Burnt Mountain Seismic Observatory," WL-TR-94-2026, March, 1994

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Patent Bibliographic Database

Like, "thermionic"


Caldwell, W., Electron Tube Thermoelectric Generator, U.S. Patent 2,759,112, August 1956; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Feaster, G.R., Thermal Energy Converter, U.S. Patent 2,980, 819, April 1961; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Fisher, Colin R., Perry, Jr. Louis W., Thermionic Nuclear Reactor with Internal Heat Distribution and Multiple Duct Cooling, ERDA Patent-3 917 509, Pat-Appl-461 473 3p., 1975

Garbuny, M., M. Gottlieb, and R.J. Zoliweg, Thermionic Power Conversion Devices, U.S. Patent-3 194 989, July 13, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Garbuny, M., M. Gottlieb, and R.J. Zoliweg, Thermionic Power Conversion Devices, U.S. Patent No. 3,194,989, July 13, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Grossman, L.N. and Kaznoff, A.I., Vented Nuclear Fuel Element, DOE Pat-Appl-512 823 4p., 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Venting

Hansell, C.W., Heat-to-Electrical Energy Converter, U.S. Patent 2,510,397, June 1950; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and J. Kaye, Conversion of Thermal Energy into Electrical Energy, U.S. Patent 2,915,652, December 1959; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Hatsopoulos, G.N., and J. Kaye, Process and Apparatus for Converting Thermal Energy into Electrical Energy, U.S. Patent 3,054,914, September 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Hernqvist, K.G., Low Temperature Thermionic Energy Converter, U.S. Patent 3,021,472, February 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Hobson, Robert R. and Dunlay, John B., All Bonded Thermionic Energy Converter, Patent-3 727 083, 1973

Sawyer, C.D., Control for Nuclear Thermionic Power Source Patent-4 085 004, Pat-Appl-634 214 9p., 1978

Wick, Q.J., Flame Heated Cathode Tube, U.S. Patent 2,437,576, March 1948; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

U.S. Printing Office

Lustman, B., "Irradiation Effects in Uranium Dioxide," J. Belle (ed): Uranium Dioxide: Prop. & Nucl. Applic. - U.S. Printing Office, 1961; Nuclear Fuels, Solid Fission Products, Stoichiometry, Uranium Oxide


Baroch, C.J. and Rigdon, M.A., "Irradiation Behavior Of UO2 Burn-Ups from 10 to 80, GWd/tonne," U, Conference-731004, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Chenebault, P. and Delmas, R., "Fission Gas Emission by Uranium Oxide in Fuel Elements," - Paper No. 19C, Panel on the Behavior & Chemical State of Fission Products in Irradiated Fuel, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

Collins, D.A. and Hargreaves, R., "Performance-Limiting Phenomena in Irradiated UO2," - Paper No. 5, Conference-731004, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Collins, D.A., Hargreaves, R., "A Model for Fission Gas Behavior in UO2 Fuel for the Advanced Gas Reactor and Steam-Generating Heavy Water Reactor," unknown,?; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Computer Code

Collins, D.A., Hargreaves, R., and Hughes, H., "UO2 Fuel Performance Modeling and Predictive Methods," - Paper No. 49 Conference-721004, 1973; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide

Davies, L.M., "Variation of Solid Fission Product and Gas Swelling in Uranium Compounds with Thermal Neutron Dose Rate," 1968

Dharwadkar, S.R., "Containment of Molten Uranium Alloys in Powder Metallurgical Tungsten Containers," 1981, Maybe J. Nucl. Mat, 1981

Ehrlich, K., "UO2 - PuO2 Fuel-Rod-Bundle Irradiation MOL-7A. Evaluation of the Investigation Results on the Irradiation Fuel Rods," 1973, Maybe Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (German), 1973

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and Britt, E.J., Rasor Associates, "Effects of Reactor Design, Component Characteristics and Operating Temperatures on Direct Conversion Power Systems," 1982; Nuclear Reactor, In-core, Out-of-core, Heat Pipe, Shielding, Radiator, Concepts, Space Reactor

Haefner, H.E., "Unknown At This Time," p. 65, J. of Nuc, Jat. 65, 1977; Nuclear Fuels

Hilbert, R.F., Storhok, V.W., and Chubb, W., "High Temperature Irradiation Behavior of UO2, UC, and UN," unknown; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Uranium Carbide, Uranium Nitride, Cermet, Cladding

Holland, J.W., "Energy-Transfer Correlation's on a Cylindrical Cesium Thermionic Converter," GA-5552, and CONFERENCE-564-3, 1964; Thermionic Devices, Cylindrical

Lyons, M.F., Rowland, T.C., and Weiss, D.T., BWR "Fuel Testing at General Electric - An Overview," Paper No. 68, Conference-731004, 1973; Nuclear Fuels

Notley, M.J.F., Campbell, F.R., Hastings, I.J., and Sills, H.E., "Fuel Modeling: Gap Conductivity, Gas Bubble Swelling and Fission Gas Release," unknown; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Gas Release, Uranium Oxide, Heat Transfer, Properties, Cladding

Walton, G.N., "Fission Recoil and Its Effects," unknown,?; Nuclear Fuels, Solid Fission Products, Stoichiometry



A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions by G.N. Watson, 2nd ed., The Macmillan Co., New York, 1944; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics in "Thermionic Energy Conversion," J.M. Houston and H.F. Webster, L. Martin, ed. vol. 17, Academic Press, New York, p. 125-206, 1962; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes); Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Review Articles

Applied Atomic Collision Physics "Thermionic Energy Conversion," by N.S. Rasor, edited by H.S.W. Massey, E.W. McDaniel, B. Bederson, New York: Academic Press, 1982-1984. 5 v.: ill. , 24 cm. Includes bibliographies and indexes. v.1. Atmospheric physics and chemistry -- v. 2. Plasmas -- v. 3. Gas lasers -- v. 4. Condensed matter - v. 5. Special topics, Series: Pure and applied physics, v. 43; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Collision Phenomena in Ionized Gases by E.W. McDaniel, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Conduction Of Heat In Solids by Carstaw, H.S. and Jaeger, J.C., Oxford University Press, London, (1959), 2nd ed. p. 426, Nuclear Fuels

Direct Conversion of Heat to Electricity, "The Thermionic Diode as a Heat-to-Electrical-Power Transducer," by W.B. Nottingham, pp. 2-1 to 2-16, "Theoretical Analysis of the Magnetic Triode as a Thermionic Engine," J.A. Welsh, G.N. Hatsopoulos, and J. Kaye, pp. 5-1 to 5-18, R.W. Pidd, G.M. Grover, E.W. Salmi, D.J. Roehling, and G.F. Erickson, "Characteristics of a Plasma Thermocouple," p. 10-4, edited by Kaye, Joseph and John A. Welsh. Contributors - E.W. Bolimeier [and others], John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1960; Terrestrial Thermionics, Nuclear Thermionics; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 3 Vacuum Thermionic Converters, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Electromagnetism by J.C. Slater and N.H. Frank, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1947; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters, Chapter 3 Vacuum Thermionic Converters

Electronics, by J. Millman and S. Seely, McGraw-Hill. New York, 1951, Sec. 2; Thermionic Energy Converter, References

Fundamentals Handbook of Electrical and Computer Engineering edited by Sheldon S. L. Chang. New York: Wiley, c1982- v.: ill., 24 cm. "A Wiley Interscience publication." Includes bibliographical references and indexes. v.1. Circuits, fields, and electronics - v. 3. Computer hardware, software, and applications

Fundamentals Of Fission Damage by Brinkman, J.A., in ‘Nuclear Metallurgy, A Symposium on Effects of...’ Vol. VI, pp. 7-8 AIME, NY, 1959; Nuclear Fuels, Swelling, Solid Fission Products, Uranium Oxide

Fundamentals of Nuclear Flight by R.W. Bussard and R.D. DeLauer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Introduction to Electrical Discharges in Gases by S.C. Brown, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1966; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 4 Vapor Thermionic Converters

Methods Based on the Wiener - Hopf Technique for the Solution of Partial Differential Equations by B. Noble, Pergamon Press, New York, 1958; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Microstructural Investigating of Mixed-Oxide Fuels Subjected to Simulated Thermal-Transient Conditions by Bandyopadhyay, G. and Buzzell, J.A., in Fulrath & Pask (eds.) CERAMIC MICROSTRUCTURES '76, Westview Press 835, 1977; Nuclear Fuels, Transients, Test Results, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release

Model for the Dynamic Intragranular Fission Gas Swelling And Release, Struc. Mech. in Reactor Tech. Vol. C. by Griesmeyer, J.M., Ghoniem, N.M., and Okrent, D., p. C1-2, 1979; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Computer Code, Stoichiometry

Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids by J.O. Hirschfelder, C.F. Curtiss, and R.B. Bird, Wiley, New York, l954; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Optical Physics by M. Garbuny, Academic Press, New York-London, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Physics of Fully Ionized Cases by L. Spitzer, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Plasma Diagnostic Techniques, Electric Probes by F.F. Chen, p. 113, ed. by R.H. Huddlestone and S.L. Leonard, Academic Press, New York, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Plasma Diagnostics with Microwaves by M.A. Heald and C.B. Wharton, John Wiley, New York, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Plasma Spectroscopy by H.R Griem, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Principles of General Thermodynamics by G.N. Hatsopoulos and J.H. Keenan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1965; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics in Space Power Systems Engineering, "Status Report on Solar Thermionic Power Systems," P. Rouklove, G. Szego (ed.), Vol. 16, in, Academic Press, New York, 1966; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Solar Thermionic Systems

Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique by S. Dushman and J.M. Lafferty, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Solid State Physics by A.J. Dekker, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1957; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Statistical Mechanics by R.H. Fowler, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, New York, 1955; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Chapter 2 The Ideal Performance of Diode Thermionic Converters

Statistical Physics, Theoretical Physics by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, vol. 5, Pergamon Press, Addision-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1958; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Studies In Radiation Effects On Solids by Bradbury, B.T. and Frost, B.R.T., in G.J. Dienes (ed.), Gordon and Breach, New York, 1967; Nuclear Fuels, Gas Release, Swelling, Uranium Oxide, Solid Fission Products, Plutonium Oxide

Tables of Values of the Function w(z)=exp(-z2) (1+2ip-12Ç0zozexp(t2)dt) for Complex Argument by V.N. Faddeeva and N.M. Terent’ev, Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

The Characteristics of Electrical Discharges in Magnetic Fields by D. Bohm, ed. by A. Guthrie and R.K. Wakenling, McGraw Hill, New York, 1949; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

The Collected Works of Irving Langmuir by Irving Langmuir, ed. by C. Guy Suits, Plasmas and Oscillations, Vol. 3 and 5, Pergamon Press, New York, 1961; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

The Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases by S. Chapman and T.G. Cowling, 3rd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

The Particle Kinetics of Plasmas by I.P. Shkarofskiy, T.W. Johnston and M.P. Bachynski, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Theory of Cylindrical and Spherical Langmuir Probes in a Collisionless Plasma at Rest, Rarefied Gas Dynamics by J. Laframboise, ed. by J.H. Leeuw, Suppl. 3, Vol. 2, Academic Press, New York-London, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Thermionic Conversion by M.S. El-Genk and D. Paramonov in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ed. John G. Webster, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 22, 49-67, 1999.

Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma by Baksht F. G...[et a/.] - Russian ed. edited by B. Ya. Moyzhes and G. Ye. Pikus- English ed. edited by Lorin K. Hansen prepared for Division of' Power Systems, Office of Fossil Energy Programs, 6.S. Dept. of Energy. [Oak Ridge, TN] : Technical Information Center, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Springfield, Va. : available from National Technical Information Service, 1978. "DOE-tr-l." Translation of Termoemissionnye preobrazovateli i nizkotemperaturnaia plazma. Includes bibliographical references and index. Academy of Sciences of The USSR A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, 1978; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Textbooks

Thermionic Energy Conversion by G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos. (Ford Professor of Nuclear and Mechanical Engineering at MIT) Prepared under the auspices of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Space Nuclear Systems Cambridge, MIT Press [1973-79] 2 v. illus. 24 cm. Vol. 2 prepared under the auspices of the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Division of Power Systems. Includes bibliographical references. v.1. Processes and Devices. --v. 2. Theory, Technology, and Application; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Textbooks

Thermionic Energy Converter by N.S. Rasor in Fundamentals Handbook Of Electrical And Computer Engineering, Volume II, Communication, Control, Devices, and Systems, Edited by Sheldon S. L. Chang, Fellow, IEEE, Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons

Thermodynamic Properties of the Elements by O.R. Stull and G. Sinke, American Chemical Society, Washington, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Book's References

FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, VOLUME II, Communication, Control, Devices, and Systems, Edited by SHELDON S. L. CHANG, Fellow, I.E.E.E., Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, JOHN WILEY & SONS


Conference Proceedings; Thermionic Energy Converter, Source Material, Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of nine Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conferences, 1963-1971. Available in part from Order Dept., IEEE, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY. 10017.

Proceedings of five International Conferences on Thermionic Electric Power Generation: London, 1965, Stresa, Italy, 1968, Jülich, West Germany, 3 vol., 1972, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 1975.

Available in part though the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.

Proceedings of Symposium on Thermionic Power Conversion, Colorado Springs, 1962, published in

Advanced Energy Conversion: Vol. 2,1962, Vol. 3,1963.

18. World


Comm. of the European Communities

Busse, C.A., "Optimization of Heat Pipe Thermionic Converters for Space Power Supplies," Comm. of the European Communities, 1965; Nuclear Reactor, Heat Pipe, Space Reactor

OECD-CSNI Meeting on the Behavior of Water Reactor Fuel Elements

Rest, J., Seitz, M.G., Gehl, S.M., and Kelman, L.R., "Development and Experimental Verification of SST-GRASS: A Steady-State and Transient Fuel Response and Fission-Product Release Code," Proceeding OECD-CSNI Meeting on the Behavior of Water Reactor Fuel Elements, 1976; Nuclear Fuels, Computer Code



Tarasov, K.I., Spektral’nyye pribory, "Mashinostroeniye", 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas


Kaplan, V.B., et al., v sb. "Voprosy fiziki nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy", Minsk, str. 537, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Shustov, V.A., V Sb. "Voprosy fiziki nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy", Minsk, str. 449, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma

Ul’yanov, K.N., v sb. "Voprosy fiziki nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy", Minsk, str. 3, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Volkov, N.V., Yu.K. Gus’kov, and V.P. Pashchenko, v sb. "Voprosy fiziki nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy" Minsk, str. 532.1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC


Atomnyye i molekulyarnyye protsessy, pod red. Beytsa, "Mir", 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Korlis, U., D. Kharvi, Istochniki energii na radioaktivnykh izotopakh, "Mir", 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Reter, G., Elektronnyye laviny i proboy v gazakh, "Mir", 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Siton, M., V Sb. "Atomnyye i molekulyarnyye protsessy", pod red. D. Beytsa, "Mir", 1964; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 5. Ionization and Recombination in a Low-Temperature Plasma


Tsytovich, V.N., Nelineynyye effekty v plazme, "Nauka", 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Zandberg, E.Yu., N.I. Ionov, Poverkhnostnaya ionizatsiya, "Nauka", 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Opt. Spectrosc.

Grechikhin, L.I., Opt. Spectrosc., 22: 301, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Morgulis, N.D., I.L. Babich, Yu. A. Ayadyun, and V.P. Kovalenko, Opt. Spectrosc., 18: 527, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC


Druyvesteyn, M.J., Physica, 10: 69, 1930; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Postma, A.J., Physica, 43: 229, 465, 1969, 44: 38, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma


Rayt, D., Poluprovodniki, IL, 1957; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Postepy Techniki Jadrowei

Urfaniec, K., Postepy Techniki Jadrowei, 10: 651, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Radio Eng. Electron. Phys.

Krachino, T.V., and T.L. Matskevich, Radio Eng. Electron. Phys., 14: 1660, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Morgulis, N.D., C.M. Levitskii, and I.N. Groshev, Radio Eng. Electron. Phys., 17: 330, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Morgulis, N.D., and A.G. Naumovets, "On the Question of Transforming Thermal into Electrical Energy by Utilization of Thermionic Emission," Radio Eng. Electron. (USSR) (English Transl.), 4(6): 225-227, 1959; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction

Rev. Roum. Phys.

Bacal, M., M. Bornaz, Rev. Roum. Phys.


Alekseev, V.A., and A.A. Vaynshteyn, v sp. "Rasseyaniye elektronov na atomakh", Riga, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Atomnyye stolknoveniya Trudy instituta fiziki AN Latv. SSR, XIII, Riga, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Effektivnyye secheniya stolknoveniy elektronov s atomami, Riga, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Elektron-atomnyye stolknoveniya, Riga, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Rasseyaniye elektronov na atomakh Riga, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma


Frenkel’, Ya.I., Statisticheskaya fizika, izd-vo AN USSR, 1948; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)


Loshkarev, A.I., tam zhe, str. 466; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC


Glushko, V.P., Termodinamicheskiye svoystva individual’nykh veshchestv. Spravochnik pod red., izd-vo AN USSR, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)


Ansel’m, A.I., Termoelektronnyy termoelement, izd-vo AN USSR, 1951; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)

Ansel’m, A.I., Termoelektronnyy vakuumnyy termoelement, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1951; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Morgulis, N.D., Termoelektronnyy (plazmennyy preobrazovatel’ energii), Gosatomizdat, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation


Champeix, M.R., "Considerations of the Transformation of Heat into Electrical Energy in Thermionic Phenomena," Vide, 6:936-940, 1951; Thermionic Energy Conversion, Processes and Devices, Chapter 1 Introduction


Baryshnikov, G.A., i dr., v sb. Termoemissionnoye preobrazovaniye energii, Moskva, VNIIT, str. 313, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Gverdtsiteli, I.G., idr., Sb. dokladov sovetskikh uchenykh na II Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii po TEP, izd-vo VNIIT, str. 189, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

Varaksin, B.P., i dr., v sb. "Termoemissionnoye preobrazovaniye energii, Moskva, VNIIT, str. 231, 1969; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Vysshaya shkola

Blokhintsev, D.I., Osnovy kvantovoy mekhaniki, "Vysshaya shkola", 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Favorskiy, O.N., V.V. Fishgoyt, and E.I. Yantovskiy, Osnovy teorii kosmicheskikh elektroreaktivnykh dvigatel’nykh ustanovok, "Vysshaya shkola", 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC


Eliseyev, V.B., A.P. Pyatnitskiy, D.I. Sergeyev, Termoemissionyye preobrazovateli energii, Atomizdat, 1970; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Pyatintskiy, A.P., D.I. Sergeyev, and O.A. Nevezhin, Vol’tampernyye kharakteristiki termoemissionnykh preobrazovateley, Atomizdat, 1967; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Smirnov, B.M., Atomnyye stolknoveniya i elementarnyye protsessy v plazme, Atomizdat, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Stakhanov, I.P., et al., Plazmennoye Termoymissionnoye Preobrazovaniye Energii, Atomizdat, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma, Chapter 8. The Diffusion Mode of Thermionic Converters, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Toloka, V.T., Diagnostika plazmy, sb. pod red., i dr., Atomizdat, vyp. 2, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas


Nesmeyanov, A.N., Davleniye para khimicheskikh elementov, izd-vo AN USSR, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)


Bondarenko, I.I., i dr., 3-ya Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya OOW po mirnomu ispol’zovaniyu atomnoy energii, Zheneva, 1954, Doklad No.317; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

Gryaznov, G.M., i dr., Doklad na Zhenevskoy konferentsii po mirnomu ispol’zovaniyu atomnoy energii, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC


Gil’bert, L.A., Elektricheskiye raketnyye dvigateli, Voyenizdat, 1968; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature, Plasma Chapter 1. Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Granovskiy, V.L., Elektricheskiy tok v gaze, Gostekhizdat, 1952; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Grinberg, G.A., Matematicheskaya teoriya elektrichestva, izd-vo AN USSR, 1948; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Kasabov, A.G., S.M. Gridneva, Doklad na mezhdunarodnom sinpoziume po preobrazovaniyu teplovoy energii v elektricheskuyu, Zal’burg, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Kasabov, G.A., and S.M. Gridneva, Doklad na mezhdunarodnom simpoziume po preobrazovaniyu teplovoy energii v elektricheskuyu, Zal’tsburg, 1966; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Emission Electronics

Dobretsov, L.N., and M.V. Gomoyunova, Emission Electronics, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1971; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 2. Emission and Adsorption Processes (TIC Electrodes)


Ansel’m, A.N.(or I.), Vvedeniye v teoriyu poluprovodnikov, Fizmatgiz, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma

Berezin, I.S., N.P. Zhidkov, Metody vychisleniy, t.2, Fizmatgiz, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

El’yashevich, M.A., Atomnaya i molekulyarnaya spektroskopiya, Fizmatgiz, 1962; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Frish, S.E., Opticheskiye spektry atomov, Fizmatgiz, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Sobel’man, I.I., Vvedeniye v teoriyu atomnykh spektrov, Fizmatgiz, 1963; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas


Granovskiy, V.L., Elektricheskiy tok v gaze, Gostekhizdat, 1952; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma

Gryu, K.E., and T.L. Ibbs, Termicheskaya diffuziya v gazakh, Gostekhizdat, 1956; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 9. The Low-Voltage Arc in a TIC

Mandel’shtam, S.L., Vvedeniye v spektral’nyy analiz, Gostekhizdat, 1946; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas


ITR-Adv. Energy Source for Large Communication Satellites, 1972; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 11. Some Engineering Problems of TIC

J. Opt. Soc. Am

Bockasten, K., J. Opt. Soc. Am., 51: 943, 1961; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas



Ronchi, C., and Matzke, H.J., "Calculations on the In-Pile Behaviour of Fission Gas in Oxide Fuels: An Extended Parametric Study," Euratom Res. Report, EUR-4877c, 1972; Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Oxide, Gas Release, Swelling

19. Yugoslavia


Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

Ender A.Ya., V.I. Sitnov, "Collector Emission Influence on the Potential Distribution near Electrodes and other Characteristics of the Knudsen Diode with Surface Ionization," Report on XIX Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989



Agnew, L., and C. Summers, Proc. 7th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Ecker, G., et al., p. 557, Proc. 7th Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 4. Kinetic Phenomena in the Plasma, Chapter 6. Pre-Electrode Phenomena in a TIC Plasma

Ingrahm, J.C., Proc. 6th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma

Kasabov, G.A., and S.M. Gridneva, Proc. 7th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 3. Elementary Processes in Plasma, Chapter 7. Experimental Methods for Investigating Low-TemperaturePlasmas

Ott, W. Proc. 7th Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965; Thermionic Converters and Low-Temperature Plasma, Chapter 10. The Direct-Flight (Knudsen) Mode of TIC Operation

20. Keywords

Alloys - Indicates mention of combinations or alloys of refractory metals, e.g., chemical vapor deposition of W-Re alloys.

Alumina - Indicates mention of Al2O3.

Auxiliary Ion Source - Indicates invention of a converter which creates ions other than the ions normally created in ignited mode operation, e.g., pulsed diodes.

Bond - Indicates mention of methods of joining (dissimilar) materials, e.g., vacuum-tight tungsten to niobium bonds.

Brazing - Indicates mention of joining metal with brazes, e.g., low vapor pressure brazes alloys.

Cermet - Indicates mention of ceramic metal fuels, e.g., fuels where the fissionable materials is suspended by a porous metal matrix, e.g., UO2 in porous tungsten.

Cladding - Indicates mention of (metal) envelope which surrounds the fuel, e.g., effect of irradiation or swelling on cladding, effect of cladding on fuel element expansion, cladding properties or materials.

Computer Code - Indicates description of/or explicit reference to a computer program designed to analyze fuel-related processes.

Concepts - Indicates discussion of possible design alternatives for reactor systems, e.g., minipipe or in-core, indicates overview of reactor technology and discussion of major goals and constraints.

Converter Physics - Indicates discussion of phenomena or modeling related to the operation of thermionic converters. Although these articles contain material related to surface or plasma physics, their intent is to describe overall converter performance.

Corrosion - Indicates discussion of deterioration of refractory material, e.g., corrosion of tungsten emitters by uranium carbide diffusion or by evaporation.

Cost - Indicates discussion of difficulty of building a thermionic reactor. This difficulty may be measured in dollars or in number of technical handles to be overcome.

Cylindrical - Indicates report on a converter with coaxial, cylindrical electrodes.

Development - Indicates a report on an effort to build and implement based on extent research and design concepts. Indicates mentions of the design or further improvement of TFE's, e.g., conceptualization of TFE systems or programs to build and test TFE's.

Dynamic Thruster

Electric Propulsion - which primarily deals with orbital

Endurance - Indicates discussion of system lifetime or reliability.

Expansion - Indicates mention of dimensional increase in fuel element cladding, e.g., cladding expansion due to fuel swelling.

Fabrication - Indicates an explanation of techniques and materials used in assembly and manufacture of TFE's. Indicates an explanation of techniques used in the manufacture of refractory materials, e.g., power metallurgy production of W 2% ThO2 emitters.

Fast Neutrons - Indicates description of a reactor that is designed for moderated or slow neutrons.

Fossil - Indicates mention of fossil fuels, e.g., flame-fired thermionic diode.

Gas Release - Indicates mention of the transport or production of gaseous fission products, e.g., models for gas transport, swelling due to gas release.

Heat Pipe - Indicates mention of a device that transports heat, e.g., in out-of-core reactor designs, heat pipes may be used to move heat from the reactor core to the thermionics.

Heat Transfer - Indicates discussion of heat transfer within a fuel element, e.g., a model of heat transfer to cladding due to fuel sublimation.

Ignited Mode - Indicates mention of a vapor converter which has pd > 1 mil-torr and which creates space charge neutralizing ions via ionizing collisions.

In-core - Indicates a reactor designed with the thermionics placed inside the reactor core.

In-Pile Tests - Indicates mention of the results of running a TFE inside a reactor core.

Insulators - Indicates mention of electrical insulators, e.g., alumina, yttria, or magnesia insulation between the collector and emitter.

Integral Reservoir - Indicates invention of a cesium reservoir which is placed within the diode, e.g., converter optimization with integral cesium, graphite reservoir.

Ion Propulsion - Indicates mention of ion propulsion systems.

Irradiation - Indicates discussion of refractory materials subjected to radiation, e.g., creep properties of tungsten alloys under fast neutron irradiation.

Lithium - Indicates mention of lithium, e.g., lithium-cooled reactor.

Magneto Plasma - Indicates mention of a space electric propulsion system based on magnetic acceleration, e.g., mercury bombardment ion engines.

Molybdenum - Indicates mention of molybdenum, e.g., deposition of tungsten or molybdenum surfaces.

NaK - Indicates mention of sodium-potassium liquid metal heat transfer system.

Niobium - Indicates mention of the refractory metal niobium.

Nuclear - Indicates a report on a converter that is powered by nuclear fission.

Nuclear Fuels - which deals with both experimental studies and theoretical modeling of nuclear fuels.

Nuclear Reactors - which deals primarily with the testing of incore thermionic reactors.

Out-of-core - Indicates a reactor designed with the thermionic place outside the reactor core.

Out-of-Pile Tests - Indicates report of performance tests on TFE operating in the laboratory, not in a reactor come.

Performance - Indicates discussion of measure of actual operation, e.g., efficiency, output, etc.

Planar - Indicates report on a converter with flat, parallel electrodes.

Planar Physics - Indicates mention of physics which describe converters with flat, parallel electrodes, e.g., calculation of radiation heat transfer between electrodes.

Plasma Physics - Indicates discussion of physical phenomena related to the behavior of thermionic plasmas.

Plutonium Carbide- carbide.

Plutonium Oxide- oxide.

Properties - Indicates mention of physical properties of fuels, e.g., thermal conductivity, grain size, tensile strength, Young's modules, coefficient of expansion. Indicates mention of physical properties of refractory materials, e.g., electrical resistivity of irradiated tungsten.

Radiation effects - Indicates mention of the results of exposing TFE's to fission products, e.g., emitter swelling due to irradiation.

Radiator - Indicates mention of means for rejecting heat from power systems to the surrounding environment.

Refractory Metals - which deals with the properties of refractory materials, primarily refractory metals.

Research - Indicates a report on a device designed to gain new information about physical phenomenon, e.g., a device to study the performance of etched rhenium emitters.

Rhenium - Indicates mention of the refractory metal rhenium.

Safety- Indicates discussion of reactor safety and related issues, e.g., control of reactor reactivity in order to prevent excursions.

Seals - Indicates mention of refractory materials used as seals or insulators, e.g., alumina used in the fabrication of a ceramic to metal seal.

Shielding - Indicates discussions of radiation shielding required containing reactor emissions.

Sodium - Indicates mention of liquid sodium cooling for the reactor.

Solar - Indicates mention of converters which are powered by sunlight.

Solid Fission Products - Indicates mention of the creation or effects of solid fission products in the fuel, e.g., fuel swelling due to solid fission products.

Space Reactor - Indicates a review or general treatment of a reactor designed for space power applications.

Stability - Indicates mention of the reactor system's ability to provide constant output for extended periods, also reactor control, neutronics, and power conditioning.

Startup - Indicates mention of the transient performance of a TFE during the period from shutdown to full operation.

Stoichiometry - Indicates mention of the chemical proportion of elements in the fuel, e.g., effect of fuel stoichiometry on swelling.

Surface Physics - Indicates discussion of the physical phenomena which affect the behavior of thermionic surfaces, e.g., effect of oxygen on the tungsten work function.

Swelling - Indicates mention of dimensional increases in fuel, expansion of the fuel element cladding may not be mentioned, e.g., fuel swelling due to gas release.

Systems - Indicates general system studies, e.g., power supply and thruster integration or characterization of the general problem of electric propulsion.

Tantalum - Indicates mention of the refractory metal tantalum.

Test Results - Indicates the inclusion of experimental data, e.g., the results of irradiation tests which shows the effect of temperature on fuel swelling.

Theory - Indicates mention of analysis (as opposed to experiment) of TFE's, e.g., optimization algorithm for TFE design.

Thermal - Indicates description of a reactor that is designed for moderated or slow neutrons.

Thermionic Converter Research - which deals with basic research on the physics of thermionic devices.

Thermionic Devices - which deals primarily with the testing of thermionic devices.

Thermionic Fuel Elements - which deals with the fabrication and testing of thermionic fuel elements in nuclear reactors.

Thermionic Performance - Indicates mention of properties of refractory metals as they effect the output of a thermionic device, e.g., study of the work function of CVD tungsten.

Transients - Indicates discussion of phenomena related to the transient behavior of the fuel, e.g., fuel dispersal during thermal transients.

Tungsten - Indicates mention of tungsten or its alloy, e.g., arc casting techniques of W-25% Re emitters.

Unignited Mode - Indicates mention of a vapor converter which has pd < 1 mil-torr and then avoids electron atom collisions.

Uranium Carbide - Indicates mention of uranium carbide as a fuel, e.g., gas release in UC or structural properties of UC.

Uranium Nitride - Indicates mention of uranium nitride as a fuel, e.g., gas release in UN or structural properties of UN.

Uranium Oxide - Indicates mention of uranium oxide or plutonium oxide, PuO, as a fuel, e.g., gas release in UO2, structural properties of PuO2.

USSR - Indicates mention of Soviet work.

Venting - Indicates mention of the venting of fuel elements, e.g., hollow core construction to vent fission gases and prevent swelling.

Welding - Indicates mention of joining by welding of refractory materials, e.g., electron beam welding of tungsten-niobium joints.

Work Function - Indicates report on work functions achieved in a thermionic device, e.g., introduction of oxides to improve converter performance.

Yttria Oxide- Indicates mention of Y2O3.

21. Acknowledge

Artemiy Martsinovski

Ned Rasor

Space Power Inc.