Sacred Places

Fusion Anomaly

Have some of those questions you've always wanted to know finally answered.
This is a must visit site.

Globe In Transit

What effect have UFOs had on Popular Music?
You'll be delightfully surprised

Realm Of The Endless Dream



The Healing Spirit




X-Project Paranormal Magazine




The Alien Abductee Support Group

As you know from my articles at this site I do not normally recommend any Abductee groups but this one I feel it the best that I have ever had the pleasure to encounter.




An excellent site about UFOs, aliens and the stars that experienced and believed in them.



The Pine Bush Vortex


Alien Ally



Moonflight's Journey

You will love this site!




Joan Carra Spiritual Counselor

The Mystery Of The Mothman Revisited

Alien Abduction Experience and Research

David Icke

Breaking The Godspell


Witch Fire




Although I have had my own bad experiences with individuals of this group, I also know that if not for this group I would have never had my transformation, and for this I am grateful.




The Web Site of Tony Topping Contact of ETI

You must see these video and read his accounts




This is one of the greatest UFO/Alien sites I have so far come across on the Internet by all means visit this power house of information!


Pieces Of An Enigma Home Page