That's my momma!!!

This is my mom holding my nephew.  She has got to be the most wonderful mother in the world.  She has stuck by her children from the word go, through every tragedy possible, to the greatest and most memorable moments in their lives.  She has given her life for them hoping some day they would be the men and women they have always wanted to be.  Strong, courageous, loving, wise, and compassionate are only a few words that describe this marvelous women's character, and those are only the tip of the iceberg.  From the time we were children she held on to us as she is now holding her grandchild, wanting to protect us from the world which taught us hate and fear.  She gave only love knowing that this world would only give us hardship and pain, trying to show us all of the benefits of life and how to grasp on to them and cherish them so we would see what was worth living for.  Her children are what she lived for.
Personally, I remember when I was young her sitting over my bed at night putting me to sleep, rubbing her fingers through my hair singing "Sweet Baby James" or "Somewhere

over the Rainbow."  Now, I wonder what she was thinking as she watched me fall asleep in her presence so peacefully.  I wonder what her hopes for me were, and where she hoped I would be.  I wonder if she thought about what sort of woman I would marry and how she could teach me to treat that special woman with respect, care, and dignity, and to show her love with all the emotion in me.  Did she think that I would go to college?  Did she worry about me trying drugs or drinking?  I wonder if she thought of me becoming the President of the United States!  Whatever she had been thinking I know there was one underlying thought: how precious me and the rest of her children are to her.  I hope that she knows that she is just as precious to us.  I hope we haven't failed in showing her how much we really care deep down.  Even though we can't show her all of the time that she means the world to us, I hope she sees we would give and do anything for her, just as she has shown us she would give and do anything for us.  I understand we could never show her in the same way she has shown us, but I hope she sees how much love we have inside for her and that nothing in the world could ever bring the thought to our minds of giving an inch of that special place in our hearts that is held especially for her away.  Nothing in the world could seperate me from this immortal love.  We know she is proud of each one of us, we just want her to know we are more than proud to call her Ma.

We Love You Ma!
