Aesthetics is the philosophy that deals with the expression of beauty. It is art, literature, and music. It is the feelings or experiences you have with the fine arts. There is a perfect world in here, and a not so perfect world. There are adventures beyond what you can imagine; there are simple places where you can go to gather your thoughts. Waterfalls, parks, cities, buildings, lands with no structure, and life shaken, mixed and stirred. Whatever you want is here because it is plainly the imagination. There is no hate, but there is indifference. There is no bigotry because there are no races. It doesn't matter who you are, where your at, or what life did to you this morning because here you are simply a thought experiencing a feeling. Whatever feeling it is you receive is up to you and your perception. Aesthetics gives pleasure, pain, clarity, confusion, happiness, anger, control and chaos. You find what you are looking for! |
Aesthetics is opening yourself up to understanding something you don't like. It's opening up to seeing something from a different viewpoint. Take something you can't stand and ask why would someone like that? But this time, try to actually figure out why. Try to understand why the painting that looks like it was done by your three year old sister costs $100,000,000.00 Try to figure out why that three line poem that has nothing to do with anything is considered a classic. I assure you, when you try to look deeper into the eyes of someone else, you will fall in love with the meaning of aesthetics. |
It isn't something your born with, and not an acquired taste. It isn't bred into you and it's not something you can just take a class and figure it all out. It's something learned but you have to teach yourself. You have to dig deep, trash all of the cliches and start over new and ask "Why is it like that? Why is that important? What were they thinking? Why am I thinking the way I am? Why am I thinking at all?" |